Old Games you remember playing but can't remember the name of.


New member
Jun 30, 2017
Hey everyone!
The game that I'm looking for is a diablo-style hack n slash rpg, presumably from around 2000.
I can only recollect the first few minutes: the whole thing was dark-themed, I think I could choose between different characters, the only one I remember was a knight, or meele-type warrior, wearing an armor (maybe chainmail) and a red-yellow checked tabard. You started in a town at night and encountered enemies right away.
I hope this is enough, i played this game like 13 years ago, and it has always bugged me that I don't remember the title.


New member
Jun 30, 2017
Hi everyone!

I know this will be a long shot, but I hope someone can help me find this!

Probably Amstrad game (? DOS) in early 80's
Adventure Fantasy game (located in castle? wizards and potions)
8 bit style of graphics

It involved a sort of maze style game situated in an old dungeon-like environment with torches (? old castle) and involved exploring different rooms in order to find magic potions and maybe keys (not sure about this).
In the rooms sometimes there were blockades and platforms which the character had to move or jump across.
The end goal was to defeat an old magic wizard which involved throwing magic potions into a fire.
The graphics were 8 bit style and were preferentielly in red.

This is unfortunately the only thing I can remember...

Hope someone had an idea...


New member
Jun 30, 2017
Hello Guys!

Searched over the internet trying to get a clue about this game without lucky. So let's try...

As far as i remember it's an FPS game with more than one character with a some kind of horror story.
Those characters has unique powers. i remember that one them is a sniper and other use an Uzi, during the story you change characters like an RPG game. i Think that there was a book that this game was based.
I played on PC i think that around 2005

This is the only thing that i can remember.
Hope someone remember the name.


New member
Feb 28, 2016
kayj905 said:
I've been thinking of a game I watched my uncle play frequently, but I never learned the name; and if I did, I forgot it. I remember it had an eagle-eye-view map that you progress through (kind of like new super mario bros, but I remember there being forests and just the fantasy-game kind of feel). Note: the map MIGHT not have had specific levels, but just a forest where you run into packs of monsters or enemies and stuff; I specifically remember there being skeletons involved at some point).
The combat was turn-based on a checkerboard type battlefield where the units need to be within a range to be able to attack. Your units are on the left, and the attacker(')s are on the right. I think the width [from the player's perspective it would be up and down] of the battlefield was anywhere between 4 and 6 tiles. (no idea about length)
I distinctly remember some kind of knight on a horse. The knight had a lance. His armor was either blue or white, but it matched the color of the horse's cover/armor. The horse had a full cover that went down to the ground. I also remember a distinct neigh, but I don't remember what event caused it to neigh.
The last thing I remember is being able to have a griffin as a unit.

My uncle played this game some time around 2005-2008. It was single player.
This sounds like it could be a Fire Emblem game.


New member
Jun 30, 2017
Felstaff said:
YDH said:

Soooo, it drives me crazy not to find that game and maybe someone could help me around here. I don't know if it has been said already since I haven't read the 700+ pages, so forgive me if it's a well known one. Also forgive me if my memories are a bit too blurry, I was young at the timee ^^".

It was kind of my "first" game. I think it was on PC, maybe on DOS but not sure it wasn't "later" on some windows 3.5 (early 90's definitely). You were playing a side view 2d pixelated character, a bit like Prince of Persia but in a futuristic context. You have a gun and navigate at first in a "green" environment, maybe a jungle-ish thing. There, as well as during most of the game, you've "laser gates" to disable with ennemies walking around the platforms/areas and sorts of machines you've to access to. I remember that, through the game, you evolve toward more "building like" environment till you blow up a giant computer at some point (the end? not sure). It's a bit puzzly to open gates or avoid defense systems and/or guards with only a small laser gun or something alike. As I said, side view, platforms, going up, down and usually from left to right. Changing screen when you reach the edge (I think). Kind of if Another World fused with Pitfall and Prince of Persia? I think the main character (male) had a sort of jacket? You hade some sort of cameras/ land/wall/celingmines lying around too? at first "trapped" in vegetation and then inside a futuristic city? Not sure =/. The game was pretty at the time, if I remember well.

Errrr I think that's all I have... so frustrating I've been looking for years and this night for 3 hours ^^". Help please? ^^"
MANY thanks in advance if you can find it!
I'd say it's very Flashback-y, but seeing as you mentioned Another World, I'm surprised this wouldn't be the first result you came across, being its sequel and all, but it just sounds exactly like Flashback.
Freaking yeah that's it! I mean... I've looked online for quite some time and didn't find what is almost the sequel/twin brother of that game I do know the name of?! I've been kind of bad at it X), but it's such a reliiiiieeeef, thank youuuuuuu so much, I can't stress enough how glad I am =). It was a great frustration and I knew it was a famous game and was surprised not to find it. At least I now know and can live a better life (yeah, that dramatic ^^) reunited with one of my very firsts games =D.

Have a nice day/week/year/life and thanks again =D!


New member
Dec 30, 2016
Okay so I've searched everywhere to try and figure out the name of this game I played on PC as a kid. You're this weird furry, fuzzy ball creature and you're in a pacman like setting for most of the gameplay, but it plays out like snake. You "rescue" these other fuzzy creatures and they follow you but if an enemy hits you, the fuzzy creatures scatter and you have to re-rescue them. There were multiple stages like some were on an airship, some were in a snowy setting, and some were in a forest-y setting. Does anyone know what game this could be? I've been trying to figure it out for months.


New member
Jun 28, 2017
LaikaM7 said:

I think I may be at the point where I would be willing to reward someone if they can help me track down this game. I've spent hours scouring the internet, using all the search terms I can think of. I have LOTS of details, so I am hoping someone can help me out with this, and if you need more, I can give you more. I NEED THE NAME OF THIS GAME!

PLEASE help me look for this game!

I've had trouble finding this one even after searching through lists of "all" games from the 90's.

This is a mac/pc game(not sure if it was available for both, but I played on mac between 1997-2003) that was an educational dinosaur/paleontology game. It started with getting inside this raptor robot that allowed you to travel around and collect bones and talk with scientists. The scientists were real people so the clips were actual video mixed in with the graphics. You spent the whole time I think with a control panel to travel to different locations.

It was all a bunch of puzzles. You would travel to the desert and have to use dynamite, shovels and then trowels and smaller instruments in the right order with certain sediments and rock layers to get to the fossils.There was a geologist who would help you with this and teach you about different types of rocks he was an older man. Then you would take the fossil to the lab and another scientist would give you tools to clean up the fossils. Then you would have to put together the skeleton like one of those sliding block puzzles.

Please help me find this game! I never got to finish it, and I can't find it anywhere. All the dinosaur games I've seen, or had suggested to me are missing that the game I used to play had video clips of real people/scientists who would help you solve the puzzle. And I can't remember the name of the raptor/robot you were inside of.

EDIT: It is not 3-D Dinosaur Adventure.

This is an old post I know, but I'm curious in what this game is called as I played it a few times years ago. Any ideas?


New member
Jun 29, 2017
Ogoid said:
FlRugbyChick said:
Ok, my game was on the sega genesis. It was a first person shooter. I think you were in a space station. You went floor to floor. You had to kill all the aliens on the floor before you could get on the elevator to go to the next floor.
Pretty sure that's Zero Tolerance [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nlxvLmsMhXo].
YES! Thats it!

Mubarak Abdullah

New member
Jun 30, 2017
Hi guys, I've been trying to remember 2 ps1 games but still couldn't figure out their names:
1- A game that looks like diablo, I remember playing as someone with black clothes and white hair or something with a sword, fighting ghouls and skeletons in a graveyard.
2- A game where you play as a knight, it has fixed camera "just like Resident evil or parasite eve", white castle, you run around the town, I remember there was a river and a bridge at the castle.


New member
Jun 30, 2017
Hi ! I've looked for this game everywhere and I can't find it and stumbled on this forum. I used to played it as a kid, around 2005.
I remember it's a point a click game with puzzles for PC. Your goal is to ruin a man's vacation (some fat man with some fat wife) and make him angry in many creative ways. I think the 1rst game takes place on a boat and the 2nd one in many different places. I remember some map with a beach at one point.

It was a pretty funny game that I would like to play again, I just can't remember the name or find it anywhere.


New member
Jun 30, 2017
StolenMadWolf said:
LaikaM7 said:

I think I may be at the point where I would be willing to reward someone if they can help me track down this game. I've spent hours scouring the internet, using all the search terms I can think of. I have LOTS of details, so I am hoping someone can help me out with this, and if you need more, I can give you more. I NEED THE NAME OF THIS GAME!

PLEASE help me look for this game!

I've had trouble finding this one even after searching through lists of "all" games from the 90's.

This is a mac/pc game(not sure if it was available for both, but I played on mac between 1997-2003) that was an educational dinosaur/paleontology game. It started with getting inside this raptor robot that allowed you to travel around and collect bones and talk with scientists. The scientists were real people so the clips were actual video mixed in with the graphics. You spent the whole time I think with a control panel to travel to different locations.

It was all a bunch of puzzles. You would travel to the desert and have to use dynamite, shovels and then trowels and smaller instruments in the right order with certain sediments and rock layers to get to the fossils.There was a geologist who would help you with this and teach you about different types of rocks he was an older man. Then you would take the fossil to the lab and another scientist would give you tools to clean up the fossils. Then you would have to put together the skeleton like one of those sliding block puzzles.

Please help me find this game! I never got to finish it, and I can't find it anywhere. All the dinosaur games I've seen, or had suggested to me are missing that the game I used to play had video clips of real people/scientists who would help you solve the puzzle. And I can't remember the name of the raptor/robot you were inside of.

EDIT: It is not 3-D Dinosaur Adventure.

This is an old post I know, but I'm curious in what this game is called as I played it a few times years ago. Any ideas?

I Can Be A Dinosaur Finder?

Fantastic Fossils?


New member
Jun 30, 2017
Fabius said:
Hi ! I've looked for this game everywhere and I can't find it and stumbled on this forum. I used to played it as a kid, around 2005.
I remember it's a point a click game with puzzles for PC. Your goal is to ruin a man's vacation (some fat man with some fat wife) and make him angry in many creative ways. I think the 1rst game takes place on a boat and the 2nd one in many different places. I remember some map with a beach at one point.

It was a pretty funny game that I would like to play again, I just can't remember the name or find it anywhere.
Its gotta be neighbours from hell


New member
May 12, 2017
killerdecko said:
Hello Guys!

Searched over the internet trying to get a clue about this game without lucky. So let's try...

As far as i remember it's an FPS game with more than one character with a some kind of horror story.
Those characters has unique powers. i remember that one them is a sniper and other use an Uzi, during the story you change characters like an RPG game. i Think that there was a book that this game was based.
I played on PC i think that around 2005

This is the only thing that i can remember.
Hope someone remember the name.
Probably Clive Barker's Jericho.


New member
Jul 1, 2017
hello everyone,

im a former gamer, i might had stopped gaming for 12 years not sure. Last summer in 2016 apprx a year ago i started again.
since then i have been looking for this game that i will try my best to explain so u can help me to find its name.

I played it on PC but this doesnt mean it wasnt on other platforms, i just dont know.
i remember a scene that the game was mostly outdoors like chinese/japanese villages,
the character was a woman,
she had sword and ninja stars and also other guns,
sometimes i had to sneak in slience and kill some bad ninjas,
houses were ancient chinese/japanese style wooden,
it was a 3D game,
i am not sure if it was 3rd person or fps maybe both depending on the action around the character,
closest and most similar game i can think of is splinter cell but imagine it was a woman and samurai/ninja with alot of sword play and action...

i have been always bad at remembering anyone or anythings name, this never bothered me until this game lol.

thanks alot already x


New member
Jul 1, 2017
Plz help
2-win 95 or win 98
3- ice terrain with buildings like igloos
4- main building with rooms that you can transfer units to focus on sciense, breeding, soldiers and construction
5- units look all alike only changing equipments or color
6- many explosions


New member
Jul 1, 2017
Mookap said:
Please, i need help
i'm looking for a pc game (old), that you started in something like a farm, and you have characters which can changed into animals, eagle, something like a wolf or a tiger, the beginning you changed in that wolf/tiger/panther and run in some woods, i know my english sucks but if someone help i will be really grateful!!!
Probaly Animorphs. It was a TV series and book


Senior Member
Dec 21, 2014
hbplus said:
hello everyone,

im a former gamer, i might had stopped gaming for 12 years not sure. Last summer in 2016 apprx a year ago i started again.
since then i have been looking for this game that i will try my best to explain so u can help me to find its name.

I played it on PC but this doesnt mean it wasnt on other platforms, i just dont know.
i remember a scene that the game was mostly outdoors like chinese/japanese villages,
the character was a woman,
she had sword and ninja stars and also other guns,
sometimes i had to sneak in slience and kill some bad ninjas,
houses were ancient chinese/japanese style wooden,
it was a 3D game,
i am not sure if it was 3rd person or fps maybe both depending on the action around the character,
closest and most similar game i can think of is splinter cell but imagine it was a woman and samurai/ninja with alot of sword play and action...

i have been always bad at remembering anyone or anythings name, this never bothered me until this game lol.

thanks alot already x
I'd say you're remembering the first level of "No One Lives Forever 2: A Spy in H.A.R.M.'s Way" (2002). Love it.


Jul 1, 2017
United States
Alright, so this is an old one. It's a Mario style platformer from way back when, around windows 98 or so. It has an overworld system to select levels, and also has power ups. I believe the character's name is bill, whom is an average looking individual with short black hair and a yellow shirt (I think). If this can be found, I'd be super grateful.


New member
Jun 28, 2017
DaddyLongLegs said:
StolenMadWolf said:
LaikaM7 said:

I think I may be at the point where I would be willing to reward someone if they can help me track down this game. I've spent hours scouring the internet, using all the search terms I can think of. I have LOTS of details, so I am hoping someone can help me out with this, and if you need more, I can give you more. I NEED THE NAME OF THIS GAME!

PLEASE help me look for this game!

I've had trouble finding this one even after searching through lists of "all" games from the 90's.

This is a mac/pc game(not sure if it was available for both, but I played on mac between 1997-2003) that was an educational dinosaur/paleontology game. It started with getting inside this raptor robot that allowed you to travel around and collect bones and talk with scientists. The scientists were real people so the clips were actual video mixed in with the graphics. You spent the whole time I think with a control panel to travel to different locations.

It was all a bunch of puzzles. You would travel to the desert and have to use dynamite, shovels and then trowels and smaller instruments in the right order with certain sediments and rock layers to get to the fossils.There was a geologist who would help you with this and teach you about different types of rocks he was an older man. Then you would take the fossil to the lab and another scientist would give you tools to clean up the fossils. Then you would have to put together the skeleton like one of those sliding block puzzles.

Please help me find this game! I never got to finish it, and I can't find it anywhere. All the dinosaur games I've seen, or had suggested to me are missing that the game I used to play had video clips of real people/scientists who would help you solve the puzzle. And I can't remember the name of the raptor/robot you were inside of.

EDIT: It is not 3-D Dinosaur Adventure.

This is an old post I know, but I'm curious in what this game is called as I played it a few times years ago. Any ideas?

I Can Be A Dinosaur Finder?

Fantastic Fossils?
Thanks but those weren't it.


New member
Jul 1, 2017
this is driving me crazy.

it was 2d / platformer. all i remember is that i was in an underground and it seemed like a metal silver level. i had to shoot a sentinel robot looking thing. the music was industrial feeling. it was around dos win 95/98 era.

it had a gritty feeling to it. you were a person. was he wearing sunglasses? you could walk into door in the wall to go higher or lower in the platforms? i also think it was a demo...

its not the game abuse, its very similar. more cramped and less action packed. very close to the game "eat this"!