Old Games you remember playing but can't remember the name of.


New member
Sep 2, 2012
Anyone remember a game that came out in the 90's, it was a kid's game similar to Pajama Sam but not from H.E. It was about two aliens, one boy and one girl, and you were on another planet. Please respond back if you do, it's killing me and I wanna play it again!
Feb 18, 2009
Thomas Kildaman said:
For the life of me i can't remember the name of the game.

Once i was playing a demo of a game on the PS2. It was like a Mech shooter from the 3rd perspective. I remember there was one green robot that had like 4 legs splayed out like a spider. I remember it was decently fast too. I remember the demo took place on an arena that looked like a dock because i recall the container ship. After you have defeated all the robots you had to face a boss bot and after that the demo ended. I think it was like a japanese game but im not entirely sure but i somewhat remember the dialogue in the little box at the bottom being cryptic. The title of the game as far as i remember was like a shortcut like S.T.A.R.S for example.
S.L.A.I: Steel Lancer Arena International, maybe?


New member
Aug 17, 2012
Posting this again, although I'm now seriously starting to think it's not even real... I've even tried locating the soundtrack that I remember so well, but with no luck.

Ok, here's one I've been trying to track down for years, but had no luck whatsoever. Even my brother whose machine I would play it on has no idea what I'm talking about when I ask him.. But I can even remember the soundtrack, loud and clear.

The game's a 2d arcade-y game in which you're a robot at the bottom of the screen, catching gems (and avoiding the grey ones) that start raining down. The longer you last, the more gems start raining down, until it's a constant flow. The game ends if you catch too many grey gems.

It was sometime in mid-90s that I played it on my brother's PC.


New member
Sep 2, 2012
i need help with a pc game,i now its old. its a top down side to side split screen maze game,each player have their own base and they must make way to the othe players base to find him,u pick up speed,invisibility,and shields along the way and encounter tanks,pick up guns and i can remember one player was red and other one blue,i found it on a pc format but cant remeber when


lol 0_0

New member
Aug 15, 2012
lol 0_0 said:
hey, im trying to find an oldish ps2 game. it ISNT draken, i know that much. the whole game was you riding dragons, and other animals. i know there was a bat. you fight other people riding these animals. you COULD NOT get off the dragon or animal or anything, you just fought other people riing these animals
someone PLEASE can you tell me what game this is? i really want to play is again :'(


New member
Aug 23, 2012
I forgot the name of the game for the pc.
game included a small vehicle such as a remote control
I remember that it was a car that was black and white and had the panda head. else I can not remember.
thanks for the answers :)


New member
Aug 23, 2012
I forgot the name of the game for the pc.
game included a small vehicle such as a remote control
I remember that it was a car that was black and white and had the panda head. else I can not remember.
thanks for the answers :)


New member
Jan 16, 2010
VERY vague memory of a game I saw my friend playing, I think it was an rts or at least involved strategy but you could also drive the vehicles, there were tanks and helicopters and others. I think the story involved an alien invasion but what I remember most is that the other vehicles were piloted by the brain implants of dead soldiers which held their personalities I remember one guy who was a pilot and said something about not regretting being killed in some war.

One mission may have involved defending your big carrier ship while it refueled or repaired.


Elite Member
Mar 27, 2012
lol 0_0 said:
lol 0_0 said:
hey, im trying to find an oldish ps2 game. it ISNT draken, i know that much. the whole game was you riding dragons, and other animals. i know there was a bat. you fight other people riding these animals. you COULD NOT get off the dragon or animal or anything, you just fought other people riing these animals
someone PLEASE can you tell me what game this is? i really want to play is again :'(
It's a long shot as I'm sure you only fly dragons but could it possibly have been the PS2 Panzer Dragoon port?

Lewis Savage

New member
Sep 2, 2012
Ok so i have a game that i used to play back in about 2005 not sure about the actual date it was released but anyway. Basic aim of this game was
-Break all of the blocks on the screen but they werent always blocks, they could be circles that require more than one hit.
-Your guy was a little ship that you bounced the ball off of to hit said blocks and things.
-There were various power ups like smart mines dumb mines and bigger paddle i think it was called and smaller paddle.
-The name of this game was something like Pixel Breaker but I could be extremely wrong with that it's just what I kinda remember it being called
-All of the levels were different to one another.
-I think it was made by popcap the reason I think this is because we used to play games like Big Money and stuff like that on the same computer all in the same folder.
Thats all the info I have on this game its actually killing me to find out what it was called.


New member
Aug 2, 2012
This is a repost.

Back Again!
I'm looking for another game that I played on a Demo Disc as a kid.

-It was an arena like game where you picked a character and fought against another character in an over head view, in some form of landscape.
-Very similar play style to The Unholy War, for those of you who have played it.
-I remember just one character, who sort of threw what looked like green blades of magic or air at his opponents.

Any suggestions would be great :


New member
Mar 16, 2009
I'm trying to find/remember an old site with games. It was called Z-Games or Zed-Games. I tried everything I could think of on Google. I also remember that there was a pretty good eat-or-be-eaten game with chickens (you start out as a chick eating worms). I think there was another eat-or-be-eaten game only with germs. Also, it was kind of a platform, because I remember you could download a software that stored their games (sorta like Steam). All games were free. There were also card games and a lot more than just these I mentioned, but I don't remember as much. Anyone know what I'm talking about? Links?


New member
Mar 16, 2010
Lewis Savage said:
Ok so i have a game that i used to play back in about 2005 not sure about the actual date it was released but anyway. Basic aim of this game was
-Break all of the blocks on the screen but they werent always blocks, they could be circles that require more than one hit.
-Your guy was a little ship that you bounced the ball off of to hit said blocks and things.
-There were various power ups like smart mines dumb mines and bigger paddle i think it was called and smaller paddle.
-The name of this game was something like Pixel Breaker but I could be extremely wrong with that it's just what I kinda remember it being called
-All of the levels were different to one another.
-I think it was made by popcap the reason I think this is because we used to play games like Big Money and stuff like that on the same computer all in the same folder.
Thats all the info I have on this game its actually killing me to find out what it was called.
That sounds a lot like one of the Ricochet games by Reflexive. Erm try Ricochet Infinity.

Reflexive closed down their game site to concentrate on just making and distributing their own titles.


New member
Mar 28, 2008
Dennis Davis said:
ok, help me find the name of this game!

when i was younger i use to go to the arcade at the mall, the game was a fight game, it was four players on the arcade game, u can roll a ball to turn or look left to right nd you have a stick to walk, you can be different types of ppl but i remember one was a ninja, and it was like a on a tv show nd the host guy wore a green suit or maybe some type of money suit... whats the name???
Sounds like Smash TV but it didn't have different characters

Scott Lykins

New member
Sep 3, 2012
hey guys, this is a hard one. im looking for a game, guy is in his mid 30s i believe and is trying to escape or something. the walls were blue with a square pattern. i know that at one point the robot that follows him dies. i dont think its a dog and when i type up the info, MDK comes up. i know thats incorrect. its for playstaion 1 and was a fantastic game. if anyone has any hints let me know i will keep helping others in the meantime. thanks. :D


New member
May 22, 2010
Incredible Bullshitting Man said:
S.L.A.I: Steel Lancer Arena International, maybe?
Thomas Kildaman said:
For the life of me i can't remember the name of the game.

Once i was playing a demo of a game on the PS2. It was like a Mech shooter from the 3rd perspective. I remember there was one green robot that had like 4 legs splayed out like a spider. I remember it was decently fast too. I remember the demo took place on an arena that looked like a dock because i recall the container ship. After you have defeated all the robots you had to face a boss bot and after that the demo ended. I think it was like a japanese game but im not entirely sure but i somewhat remember the dialogue in the little box at the bottom being cryptic. The title of the game as far as i remember was like a shortcut like S.T.A.R.S for example.
Another option that keeps the acronym thing is R.A.D.: Robot Alchemic Drive. And one that isn't based on the initialism but sounds a lot like the description, Armored Core. 2, 3, and a few spinoffs were on the PS2. If you've played Armored Core 4 and it's sounding like the wrong series because of it, don't completely discount it. The handling of the mechs was /really/ different in that game.


New member
Sep 3, 2012
hey guys, i'm also trying to find an old game but i don't know the name. i just saw it a few years ago. it was a 90's pc game where you control the person. then your job is something like about being sneaky and you must not get caught or else you'll return to your last point. you can make the person crawl also. hope you can help me. thanks :D


New member
Dec 31, 2009
Okay so. If this has been mentioned somewhere in the thread already my apologies in advance.

Ive had 1 particular game on the mind for quite some time. Heres what I have:

I'm thinking it was very early 90s.
You played a guy who could take on various forms to overcome obstacles/puzzles. You unlocked these as you progressed through the game
It was played in the first person.
Towards the end you could take on the form of this massive rock giant so that you could walk through lava. I think there was a flying form, an ice form and perhaps a big red floating eye form?
The box art had the guy you played as standing with a sword with all the different forms standing behind him.
It had a really generic name.

Help me Escapist. You're my only hope.

**Shadow Caster**


New member
Jul 31, 2012
Batou667 said:
U284N_H34D5H07 said:
I'm only looking for one game. Here are the characteristics of the game:

Old game that came out around late 1990s early 2000s.
In the first mission you had to rescue your commander.
You could make vehicles, mechs, and turrets.
You could collect energy from trees and bushes and stuff.
When you collected energy your commander sucked it up with his arm.
Your base was in color but everything else was in black an whit except for the HUD.
RTS with a view like WOW.
Red vs. Blue game.
You could make factories that produced vehicles and mechs.
Your commander made the factories.
When you won it showed a large VICTORY bar across your screen along with background art.
When you lost, large DEFEAT bar along your screen with background art of burning mechs.
Maps included outdoors kind of maps along with metal and cement indoors.
You had to defeat the red commander.
You controlled your mechs and vehicles.
When you were making your base, every thing was grid lock (I think).

Please help me define this game. I would love to play a classic again. I think I gave enough information for you guys to define it. Thank you guys so much.

That's got to be Total Annihilation.
Indeed, also for any Total Annihilation fans who might've missed it: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/659943965/planetary-annihilation-a-next-generation-rts

Zorg5000 said:
VERY vague memory of a game I saw my friend playing, I think it was an rts or at least involved strategy but you could also drive the vehicles, there were tanks and helicopters and others. I think the story involved an alien invasion but what I remember most is that the other vehicles were piloted by the brain implants of dead soldiers which held their personalities I remember one guy who was a pilot and said something about not regretting being killed in some war.

One mission may have involved defending your big carrier ship while it refueled or repaired.
Could it be Urban Assault? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Urban_Assault


New member
Jan 16, 2010
Could it be Urban Assault? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Urban_Assault[/quote]

Certainly sounds like it. Thanks I'll have to try it out.