Old Games you remember playing but can't remember the name of.


New member
Mar 16, 2010
Zorg5000 said:
VERY vague memory of a game I saw my friend playing, I think it was an rts or at least involved strategy but you could also drive the vehicles, there were tanks and helicopters and others. I think the story involved an alien invasion but what I remember most is that the other vehicles were piloted by the brain implants of dead soldiers which held their personalities I remember one guy who was a pilot and said something about not regretting being killed in some war.

One mission may have involved defending your big carrier ship while it refueled or repaired.
I know someone gave an answer but this sounds more like Hostile Waters than Urban Assault.



New member
Aug 23, 2012
I forgot the name of the game for the pc.
game included a small vehicle such as a remote control
I remember that it was a car that was black and white and had the panda head. else I can not remember.
thanks for the answers :)


New member
Aug 23, 2012
I forgot the name of the game for the pc.
game included a small vehicle such as a remote control
I remember that it was a car that was black and white and had the panda head. else I can not remember.
thanks for the answers :)


New member
Aug 23, 2012
I forgot the name of the game for the pc.
game included a small vehicle such as a remote control
I remember that it was a car that was black and white and had the panda head. else I can not remember.
thanks for the answers :)


New member
Aug 23, 2012
I forgot the name of the game for the pc.
game included a small vehicle such as a remote control
I remember that it was a car that was black and white and had the panda head. else I can not remember.
thanks for the answers :)


New member
Sep 3, 2012
Hello, dear escapist members :)

Okay, so. I remember there was a game I played about 5-8 years ago on PC. It was basicly a third person racing\shooter, where you played as two guys, that are (if i'm right) mercenaries of some sort, riding a jeep with guns installed on them. I believe you could also choose cars and weapons, though I might be wrong.
I remember that the first mission of that game was a race and those two guys (riders) have joked about alcohol of some sort (it had some mature jokes).
Most of the game was played in this desert location.
Also, one thing that could get you on track, is that there was a slowly spinning gear near the name in the main menu, which, if pressed, could be turned around and it was making those "DJ sounds", like wub-wub-wub
It was in a fantasy world, and it was kinda futuristic. So it's not historic, that's for certain.

I hope you can help me Thanks in advance!


New member
Jul 24, 2012
Treykwondo said:
I literally just joined this site as no where else on the internet has a 83 page long Game memory subject thats still active.. LOL

I have searched for about 16 years or more for a certain game that was on an old floppy.. Story is as follows..

Forgive me if my memory of it is abit vague , but what i remember is that you drove a RV/Camper to some vacation site or rv site , you would get pulled over if you did anything wrong or anything like a wreck.. I look for this game so hard , because i was denied of my right to beat it. When i was about 5 , give or take a few years , i angered my father while wanting to play it badly , so he took and snapped the game in half.. Even with time and car , couldnt fix it.. So for at least 15 years minimum , Ive been heart broken and felt deprived of the ending of which i never saw...

But like i said , my memory is vague.. No name.. No sound memory... Nothing... If you guys know of anything like this , please lemme know..

Oh and thank you very much for having an active thread lol.

To be honest, I actually don't know the game you're talking about, but since your story was so dramatic (heh), I tried searching for it. So... could it be some of the Test Drive series ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M9Bp3N9TdLc / http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2gEqCgdtFG0&feature=related )?

Well, I really hope you find it, so you can finally be at ease and truly forgive your daddy! :)

Best of luck!


New member
Sep 4, 2012
Im looking for an old (probably 12+ years) computer game that was online i can't remember the name of the website or game but you can log in to your character with a name and password, and its a dungeons and dragons/rpg/knights quest type of game. it was very simple with no animation how you play is you are given a couple options in the form of little pictures with captions underneath like "to the fields" or "go to town" the setup looks very much like a power point presentation, and gameplay is similar to a slide show. so you click on "go to fields" for example and next it goes to a blackscreen with text describing what happened, like you didnt find anything at all, or you killed a wild boar, or you almost died and ran away. in this way you gain money items and maybe xp not sure how that worked. i remember the fields was the first place to go then it gives u more options like a forest next i think
at some point you are allowed an option while in town to enter the castle and i remember there being options of doing things like boasting a wild tale that leaves everyone in the room deeply impressed, thus earning you a promotion, or failing at impressing them and nothing happens.

anyway ive been looking for this game for a looong time and i even found this website while i was at it, so literally about 2 hours later i figured id post this. any help at all would be greatly appreciated, thanks


New member
Sep 4, 2012
Alright I've been trying to remember this game for a long time but haven't been able to, and I think it is on the ps2 but it could be on the gamecube or something else, and in the game you play as a knight and I remember being in a graveyard or something and fighting skeletons and if you got hit your armor would fall off and then if you kept getting hit you'd end up in your boxers before dying but that's basically all I remember. Anyone know what game I'm talking about?
Feb 18, 2009
Estone11 said:
Alright I've been trying to remember this game for a long time but haven't been able to, and I think it is on the ps2 but it could be on the gamecube or something else, and in the game you play as a knight and I remember being in a graveyard or something and fighting skeletons and if you got hit your armor would fall off and then if you kept getting hit you'd end up in your boxers before dying but that's basically all I remember. Anyone know what game I'm talking about?
Sounds very much like Ghosts'n Goblins. Not sure it was ever released on PS2 (or the like), though. Maybe as a part of a compilation, or something.


New member
Mar 16, 2010
Incredible Bullshitting Man said:
Sounds very much like Ghosts'n Goblins. Not sure it was ever released on PS2 (or the like), though. Maybe as a part of a compilation, or something.
Close! It will be Maximo which was a spiritual sequel to those games..

Estone11 said:


New member
Sep 4, 2012
I've been thinking about this game recently, but I can not remember the name of it. Its definitely an Xbox game. I think there are two in the series or whatever. It has an alien as the main character and some sort of swimming thing as a secondary character. And you drink soda or something. Sorry, its been awhile and I can't really remember much. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Marco Cozza

New member
Sep 1, 2012
Marco Cozza said:
Hi everyone!

I remember a game where there was tanks with a insect-like shape, each one with different weapons.

The goal was to destroy every other tank and of course to survive in the meantime. I remember some bushes and little lakes on the several maps you could choose from.

I once played this game about 10 years ago with my Windows 98 pc. Does anyone recall a game like this? I really don't know the name and I'm driving me crazy!!

Thanks in advance.
Anyone?? I know I've wrote only a few details but they're all I got! If this description remind you of a game please tell me its name!!

Thank you.


New member
Sep 4, 2012
ruissu said:
Hello everyone.

I got a tricky question for you, and it would help me SO much if i could actually get this game right.

I remember having this 2CD case named "windows" something... no, it was not an operative system ... One of those cd's had this full case of small demos of games of all kinds... and i remember playing everyone of them till exhaustion(being the case that i remember of Disciples Sacred Lands Demo).

SO there was this cd with demos, like ive told, and i had it around the end of the 90s beginning of 00s, and there was this space game in it.

the game was an old type like game, with black background representing space and some spheres representing planets with various sizes and colors. it was a old space strategic/rpg game where you would colonize a number of planets that would evolve and protect themselves while a number of other players (pc) would do the same over global dominion.

I remember it being very very simple. but i just cant make out the name of the game... the only thing i know is that those 2cd's had Windows "something something" written... and were some sort of compilation of programs, games, images N stuff...and if only i could remember the game name or find the CD's names...
Thanks in advance!!!
I'm looking for this game too, I think, or at least one very similar to it. Also played it on a demo from 1996 or 1997, the demo had Platinum in its name.
The game was about capturing planets, you could have like 10 people playing (Human or CPU.), the planets names were something like Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta, Epsilon, New Earth, don't remember the rest.
You could produce several kinds of spaceships, troops, defence stuff and transportation.
There were also random events, like morale boosts and stuff like that, there was also a group called The Empire.

Also, on the demo, once you had reach turn 50, or something, it'd ask you a question about something in the game's booklet and you could only play further if you got the question correct.

I've been looking for this game for years now, but to no avail, any help would be greatly appreciated.

Inger Bratlie

New member
Sep 4, 2012
I'm looking for a game, quite old. It's a Kollegg's Demo I believe. Around 1990-2005? I don't remember. I was 12. The game is about you building a base/town-ish within a big gray metal room. Aliens lives there, eats there, showers and so on. You had to build stuff to them. In the demo the first or second task was taking care of one special alien who had crashed or got sick, and visited your space station. There is another task where you have to fight some hostile aliens (I think) It was really fun to play, and I can't find any hints of it anywhere. Please help!


New member
Jan 16, 2010
Tallim said:
Zorg5000 said:
VERY vague memory of a game I saw my friend playing, I think it was an rts or at least involved strategy but you could also drive the vehicles, there were tanks and helicopters and others. I think the story involved an alien invasion but what I remember most is that the other vehicles were piloted by the brain implants of dead soldiers which held their personalities I remember one guy who was a pilot and said something about not regretting being killed in some war.

One mission may have involved defending your big carrier ship while it refueled or repaired.
I know someone gave an answer but this sounds more like Hostile Waters than Urban Assault.

Yeah that soulchip stuff sounds right and the gameplay videos definately look familiar I'll try and find a download.


New member
May 22, 2010
Skatanic said:
ruissu said:
Hello everyone.

I got a tricky question for you, and it would help me SO much if i could actually get this game right.

I remember having this 2CD case named "windows" something... no, it was not an operative system ... One of those cd's had this full case of small demos of games of all kinds... and i remember playing everyone of them till exhaustion(being the case that i remember of Disciples Sacred Lands Demo).

SO there was this cd with demos, like ive told, and i had it around the end of the 90s beginning of 00s, and there was this space game in it.

the game was an old type like game, with black background representing space and some spheres representing planets with various sizes and colors. it was a old space strategic/rpg game where you would colonize a number of planets that would evolve and protect themselves while a number of other players (pc) would do the same over global dominion.

I remember it being very very simple. but i just cant make out the name of the game... the only thing i know is that those 2cd's had Windows "something something" written... and were some sort of compilation of programs, games, images N stuff...and if only i could remember the game name or find the CD's names...
Thanks in advance!!!
I'm looking for this game too, I think, or at least one very similar to it. Also played it on a demo from 1996 or 1997, the demo had Platinum in its name.
The game was about capturing planets, you could have like 10 people playing (Human or CPU.), the planets names were something like Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta, Epsilon, New Earth, don't remember the rest.
You could produce several kinds of spaceships, troops, defence stuff and transportation.
There were also random events, like morale boosts and stuff like that, there was also a group called The Empire.

Also, on the demo, once you had reach turn 50, or something, it'd ask you a question about something in the game's booklet and you could only play further if you got the question correct.

I've been looking for this game for years now, but to no avail, any help would be greatly appreciated.
The problem here is that you guys are both giving a description that applies to an entire subgenre of strategy games (4X games, specifically.) Wikipedia has a <link=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chronology_of_4X_video_games>list of games in the genre, maybe one of the names will jog your memory.


New member
Sep 5, 2012
I used to play a game on pc around 2000. It was a top down view and the map had hundreds of octagons or hexagons. You controlled a team of customizable robots of varying size and speed and level of guns, and you fight another team of the same. It was turn-based I dont know exactly how old it was but Its seems it had the word "war" in the title, but it may not I just cant remember.


New member
Aug 23, 2012
I forgot the name of the game for the pc.
game included a small vehicle such as a remote control
I remember that it was a car that was black and white and had the panda head. else I can not remember.
thanks for the answers :)