Old Games you remember playing but can't remember the name of.


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Aug 30, 2009
kreepypasta said:
I have three games that I'm trying to remember the names of and I think they were all for PS1:

1. There was a game where you play as a green bug and at one point you have to dodge dung from dung beetles. I guess it was a platform game.
2. There's this game that takes place in the snow and it is very cartoony. I remember this one level where your character is throwing something at penguins who are tied to balloons and floating. In this level you are able to turn the character 360 degrees to throw.
3. This one was a game where you play as a wind up english soldier toy. You play inside a toy world where you encounter other toys.

These are all very vague descriptions, but I'll take any guesses!
#1 is either "Bug!" or "Gex"
#3 sounds like Clockwork Knight

Incidentally, those games are all on Sega Saturn


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Sep 6, 2012
indianajones29 said:
Ok so there was this pc game on a cd it was turn based stratagy game and there were 3 groups humans vs mutants vs cyborgs i think it was for windows 98 but i always played it on an xp i think it started with a t..
Star Craft? shot in the dark


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Aug 30, 2009
Prabhat Adivarekar said:
Hi, I am looking for a game which was based on magic. i think i played it back in 2001-2003. the story was somewhat like a boy who is just learning magic and gets to use different spells where he can summon animals, demons, orcs, skeletons and dragon also. He first meets an old man who tells him about his magic and how to use it. There is also something about him having a sister who is also a magician and he is searching for her. there is a map like age of empires and we have to explore the map to find the spells. there is a villain who keeps roaming and when we encounter him we have to use the spells to kill him.
This is a wild guess, but the only games i can think of from the early 2000's that involved summoning monsters was "Summoner" and "Lost Kingdoms"


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Sep 6, 2012
ravenshrike said:
Sidescrolling game for either snes, genesis, or nes, in which the protagonist was a kid who was always dreaming. I remember there being lots of plant life and mushrooms. And he was in pajamas.
sounds like, nemo dream master or something like that for nes

Rateb Mahfouz

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Sep 5, 2012
Hey, I played this game in 2000's on pc.
It is a fighting game,the arena is a huge box, you can move freely in that box
One of the characters uses fire and another uses ice. And other throws cards
Help me find it please

Aubrey Kelleher

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Sep 7, 2012
scorptatious said:
I just remembered a game I played on a demo disc a long time ago.

All I remember is that the character you play as liked to talk a lot.

For example, in one level you were running away from something, when you were approaching an obstacle, he would say:

"Uh oh! Jump!"

I also remembered when he ran out of health he would say something along the lines of

"I'm sorry Princess"
I think I am looking for this game...I must've been like four. I thought I was thinking of hearts of darkness, but I remember the graphics being a little bit worse off. It was like a kind of pixelly game, and you started off in a white place and you went on a platform that lifted you up to the surface of mars or something...you had crazy red hair and a purple shirt on I think...he talked a lot, it sounded like high pitch nonsense. i don't really remember what you were working towards, but it was a side scrolling game. The kids name may have started with an r? roger? or something IDUNNO. ANYWHO. if someone could tell me what it is, that would be awesome. It's driving me nuts!!

Diogo Poupado

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Sep 7, 2012
Ok. So this might be a bit silly, but I really wanna find this game.
You control a penis, in a pac-man like kind of game. you have a maze, and in the middle there's a girl ain a bed. you have to get there. the problem is that there's virus and other stuff you have to run from and shoot sperm, i think, to kill them. i played this in the 90s as a kid, and my mum caught me playing it, and tought me all about sex. that's why it means so much to me.
can someone remember the name of the damn game? thanks.


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Sep 6, 2012
Ok... I'm going for another game I REALLY can't remember.

It involves you playing as a maid, or something, and you either babysit, make the bed, or clean. I think it was an old computer game (windows 95 or 98?), if it was it was probably on a floppy, but maybe on a CD. It could've been a SNES game, but idk. Maybe it was NES.

The walls were solid colors: pink/green/blue, something like that. I think maybe purple. The furniture was drawn as crudely. Everything in the game looked like shapes drawn in MSPaint and filled with a color, like red. I could be wrong about this. The game had some semi-3D appearance to it.

I would really like to find this game. If it wasn't a maid, maybe it was a visitor. Maybe it was a game that either had to take care of a hotel or someone's house. Maybe it was a searching game where you looked through rooms in a house.

I remember that you can go into bedrooms and check drawers and stuff. It was mostly a first-person type of view.


New member
Sep 6, 2012
Diogo Poupado said:
Ok. So this might be a bit silly, but I really wanna find this game.
You control a penis, in a pac-man like kind of game. you have a maze, and in the middle there's a girl ain a bed. you have to get there. the problem is that there's virus and other stuff you have to run from and shoot sperm, i think, to kill them. i played this in the 90s as a kid, and my mum caught me playing it, and tought me all about sex. that's why it means so much to me.
can someone remember the name of the damn game? thanks.
I think it's called "x-man" (not x-men!), it shows a nude man in 8-bit, a maze, and a pink "square" in the middle that looks like a bed. Ring a bell?

It's hard to find, but it was for the Atari.



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Mar 28, 2008
Lafz said:
Hi guys.
I'm looking for a game, but i can't remenber the name..

The basis of the game is a dog that starts in a particular box and jump from platform to platform until you reach the end. It is a game made by levels, where there are 100 levels.

I remember the story of the game began with a dog sitting in front of a computer eating chips and suddenly was "swallowed" by the computer.

This is One Step Beyond


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Sep 6, 2012
Ashley Wolfe said:
Ok, this has been driving me crazy.
The game was an old computer game VERY similar to paint. I remember at the beginning, you ride a roller coaster to a art museum(?)and there you can pick what kind of painting/drawing you want to do. There was also a character who had purple hair(?). I played this game on Windows 98 so it had to be pre-2000.

It was 100% 2D, and an online game. And no, it's not any of those games..


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Sep 6, 2012
squeakbox said:
Kokomeeps said:
All right, I have a real challenge for you guys. I'm 21 years old and I can remember playing this eight to ten years ago. It was an online multiplayer game that is very similar to Arcanists, but less cartoony and way older. You would make your avatar, and then join a group that was getting ready to play. Then you would pick your bot, whether it be a red dragon or a robot, or many other varieties but I can't remember. After that you'd be dropped on a terrain, and then play team vs. team to try and beat the other. You would fire off a unique blast to your bot by choosing the angle of fire, and then how strong it would fire. You could beat an opponent by bringing his hp to 0 or blasting the land underneath him and getting him to fall. I remember that my avatar had 'arch angel' armour with wings and it was the best in that time. You'd earn money by beating opponents which you would then use to buy avatar attire. PLEASE HELP!
Is it in 2D or 3D? Maybe it's City of Heroes? Or Diciples III?
OOPS Quoted wrong one :p. Once again, no it's not those games, and it was in 2D. The screen would move side to side as the energy things flew, and if they missed the person you were trying to hit, it'd hit the land and blow that up.

Diogo Poupado

New member
Sep 7, 2012
squeakbox said:
Diogo Poupado said:
Ok. So this might be a bit silly, but I really wanna find this game.
You control a penis, in a pac-man like kind of game. you have a maze, and in the middle there's a girl ain a bed. you have to get there. the problem is that there's virus and other stuff you have to run from and shoot sperm, i think, to kill them. i played this in the 90s as a kid, and my mum caught me playing it, and tought me all about sex. that's why it means so much to me.
can someone remember the name of the damn game? thanks.
I think it's called "x-man" (not x-men!), it shows a nude man in 8-bit, a maze, and a pink "square" in the middle that looks like a bed. Ring a bell?

It's hard to find, but it was for the Atari.

Thanks for the reply. Unfortunately, that's not the game. You control a penis, not a man. And I remember the graphics were better, so maybe not 8-bit? I don't know. But it was maze-like and there was a blonde girl (i think) in a bed in the middle. That's not the game, though. The game was probably a ripoff of x-man though.
Anyone else?


New member
Sep 8, 2012
Hey guys,

I'm desperate to find out what a old game I played back in the 90's with a good friend of mine. You see, he's getting married in two months, and I really want to sum up some of the fun times we had, to make his day memorable.

SEGA had this action-arcade game which you could play either 1 or 2 player at the same time. The game itself was some small airplanes viewed from the side, which you could manouvre around on the screen. When you were playing you could constantly get upgrades for your weapons, which would start a petty level and one of the best weapons (if not the best) was this red laser beam, which would fire itself at the surroundings, meaning that if you were in the back of the screen it would instant fire on a target at a time nomatter where it was on the screen. I really don't remember much else, since it's been a good 20 years.

Anyone have an idea? I've been looking countless hours for this game, as it was pretty much the "beginning of our friendship".



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Sep 7, 2012
thanks biomechanical923 and cloroxbb for the help, those are the games! I totally forgot I had a sega saturn.
I have two other games that I played when I was really little for the macintosh.
1. This computer game was an ocean game where you look at fish underwater in a submarine I think. You were also able to have an aquarium where you can decorate the tank with statues and decorations you won. The front of the game disc had this diver with a scuba mask and flippers but it didn't look human.
2. The second computer game was similar to a sticker book where you choose a scene and place characters on it. There was a beach and pirate scene where you can place Hook and Peter on it. It wasn't a disney game though. I think in this game you can also paint backgrounds and characters and make a scene also. There was a particular character that had elf ears, long brown hair, a hat, and a sort of magicians cloak.

Thanks again!


New member
Sep 8, 2012
Hey everyone. I found this place trying to Google search for the game with what fragments of memories I have of it. This may be a tricky one.

I'm not sure anyone remembers the TV show called Portal that used to be on G4 (no relation to the Portal games from Steam). I saw the review for the game there. It's a PC rpg game where you could play as a dragon. You started off as a hatchling and had to learn skills like flight and magic. When you could fly there were special flying cities only dragons could access.

Can anyone help me out on this one? I've been looking for a while and I just can't find it.


New member
Sep 8, 2012
Hi everyone! Really having trouble Remembering some old games I used to play on my Tiny computer (that was the make of the PC if that helps) and this is probably from around 1998-2004 at the max...

1. I remember the background being a light blue, maybe clouds? And there was a pyramid of 3D cubes that you had to jump on and "turn on" every cube (it would turn a darker colour) but I'm sure there were maybe snakes or gaps in the pyramid so you had to figure out how to land on every cube... That's all I remember..

2. I remember playing this on my aunts old computer maybe in 1999? And it was this very 2D pixilated game where a young boy had to investigate an old house but to control what to do you had to type messages like "pick up the key" or "open the door" but they were very specific and the only room I remember is a big hallway with stairs to the right of the screen, and I'm pretty sure you had an inventory with items you had collected...

3. Also another game I had I think had some sort of giant frog in it and it was all educational. There were 3 areas at the start i think, and they all had different aspects. For instance, in one you could colour in images and some of them were nursery rhyme or play-on-word related ( I DEFINITELY remember an image I printed out -that you could colour in game- where it was either an orange running down a hill or a "sick" clock in bed?) I'm sure it was a language game because I'm positive it helped you to learn French in one area. This was definately between 200-2004...

If anybody could help me I would be grateful because I'm racking my brain (and everybody else's I know!) to figure these out!


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Sep 8, 2012
Shenan93 said:
Hi everyone! Really having trouble Remembering some old games I used to play on my Tiny computer (that was the make of the PC if that helps) and this is probably from around 1998-2004 at the max...

1. I remember the background being a light blue, maybe clouds? And there was a pyramid of 3D cubes that you had to jump on and "turn on" every cube (it would turn a darker colour) but I'm sure there were maybe snakes or gaps in the pyramid so you had to figure out how to land on every cube... That's all I remember..
I think this one is Q*Bert? It sounds like it.