Old Games you remember playing but can't remember the name of.


New member
Jul 18, 2011
I remember playing an old PS2 game where you're basically a giant blue mecha. Your team is blue and your enemy is red. You could get various prototypes and each prototype had a different weapon set. One cool feature of it was that you could walk around on land or use energy to enter flight mode. Each mission had various objectives ranging from destroying dropships to eradicating every enemy. You also had an army to back you up ranging from tanks to tiny little infantry that you could barely see.

Does anybody know of it?

EDIT: Never mind, I found it! It was Battle Engine Aquila


New member
Sep 10, 2012
Can anyone help me out? Have no clue what the name of the game is.

I believe it is a PS1 game. All I really remember is you could walk through the city and people would attack and you could pick up nearby things like boxes and whatever is around and throw them at other people. It kind of reminded me of river city ransom on the NES. Kind of a walk around and beat people up game. I know it's not much to go off of, but anyone have any ideas?

Diogo Poupado

New member
Sep 7, 2012
Still need help, guys. I really wanna find this game.
You control a penis, in a pac-man kind of game. You have a maze, and in the middle there's a girl in a bed. You have to get there. The problem is that there's virus and other stuff you have to run from and shoot sperm, I think, to kill them. I played this in the 90s as a kid, on the computer. Not sure if it was a ROM or if it was like an MS-DOS game.
Someone here already suggested X-MAN for the Atari 2600. The idea is exactly the same, except you control a penis, not a man. And the graphics were much better than that 8-bit game. Also you could select from 3 or 4 different penis at the start to play with.
Definitely a X-MAN ripoff. Any ideas?

Marco Cozza

New member
Sep 1, 2012
dracina said:
Marco Cozza said:
Hi everyone!

I remember a game where there was tanks with a insect-like shape, each one with different weapons.

The goal was to destroy every other tank and of course to survive in the meantime. I remember some bushes and little lakes on the several maps you could choose from.

I once played this game about 10 years ago with my Windows 98 pc. Does anyone recall a game like this? I really don't know the name and I'm driving me crazy!!

Thanks in advance.

I'm not sure about them looking insect-like, but was it perhaps Battle Man?
Thank you but this name doesn't really ring a bell to me... I tried to google it but I din't find anything. Do you have a screenshot maybe?


New member
Sep 8, 2012
Marco Cozza said:
dracina said:
Marco Cozza said:
Hi everyone!

I remember a game where there was tanks with a insect-like shape, each one with different weapons.

The goal was to destroy every other tank and of course to survive in the meantime. I remember some bushes and little lakes on the several maps you could choose from.

I once played this game about 10 years ago with my Windows 98 pc. Does anyone recall a game like this? I really don't know the name and I'm driving me crazy!!

Thanks in advance.

I'm not sure about them looking insect-like, but was it perhaps Battle Man?
Thank you but this name doesn't really ring a bell to me... I tried to google it but I din't find anything. Do you have a screenshot maybe?
http://actualdownload.com/pictures/screenshot/battleman-2938.jpg <--- This is a decent pic of it.


New member
Jul 8, 2012
XtremeFuffy said:
I'm reposting this for the third time! Maybe this time someone is able to help me :(

I am searching for a really old action RPG, similar to Diablo. I can only remember a few things. In the opening sequence somebody puts a big egg infront of somebody's door, during the night. I think in the end of the sequence the house got burned down, but I'm not entirely sure. The one thing I can perfectly remember, is the world map. You were able to travel from one place to another by clicking on it. After that, footprints appeared on the map, to show where your character is going. Sometimes your character got attacked during travel and the game switched to the normal gamemode again. You were then able to fight the attackers by using a fighting system, similar to Diablo. You were also able to get followers who helped you fighting. There was also a mission where you had to place soldiers in a village to protect it from an enemy attack. You had to do this on a seperate minimap which appeared when you started the mission. The last thing I remember is that you started the game in a tower or a castle.

I hope you can help me, finding this game.
Thank you in advance,

Please! Please help me to find this game! I've been searching for it for so many years now! I searched every forum I could find, I even searched through a list of all RPG's released between 1990 and 2000. I haven't received an answer on any of my posts in this forum yet. It's like this game doesn't even exist! If someone is able to help me, or is at least searching for the same game, please answer me!


New member
Mar 7, 2012
Hello everyone, I'm here just for this question >w<"

There was this game I played once back in 1995 or '96. It was on PC, it was in isometric view, with pretty smooth graphics, imitating 3D models pretty well. You were playing as this guy with funny hair, who gets asked by his wife to go down to the nearby town to pick something up from the store. There's a storm outside, with rain and all, the town looks a bit creepy, there are humanoid animals... there was this ant like guy who was standing next to a motorbike, asking who'd be crazy enough to go out into such storm; actually a lot of characters in the town talk about the weather, with most of them actually having a full voiceover of their dialogue. I also remember a later level, that kind of looked like a dungeon with rats and stuff... oh and there was this option that'd let change the mood of your character, there were four of them to choose, the agressive one would let him fight off enemies...

That's all I remember about it, sorry. Does anyone recognise this game?

Theron Hollenbeck

New member
Sep 10, 2012
I need help finding the name of a 1990s computer, possible early 2000s game, you control a fat guy (not mario) with a big beer gut, you could attack by double tapping left or right and you could go up and down ladders, it was a side-scrolling platformer that had animations going on in the background. The first lever was in a sewer, and i remember part of the background (or foreground) had a blacked out cage with an arm holding a cup banging it across the cage bars (something like that). Any help would be great.


New member
Sep 10, 2012
In this game I'm looking for you controlled a spaceship and you have to land in certain places to get packages (??) and be able to pass the level. I remember there was three levels (I don't know if my version was the complete or demo). The first level was pretty simple but the other two had fairly complicated designs. I think you had to look out for your fuel too, I don't remember right. And you had to land and fly really carefully for not to hit in the walls and die. It's pretty vague, but I hope someone can remember.

Theron Hollenbeck

New member
Sep 10, 2012
Nowascki said:
In this game I'm looking for you controlled a spaceship and you have to land in certain places to get packages (??) and be able to pass the level. I remember there was three levels (I don't know if my version was the complete or demo). The first level was pretty simple but the other two had fairly complicated designs. I think you had to look out for your fuel too, I don't remember right. And you had to land and fly really carefully for not to hit in the walls and die. It's pretty vague, but I hope someone can remember.
Lunar Lander? There were alot of different Lander type games back in the day, but LL was one of the first i think


New member
Sep 11, 2012
I'm thinking of a game from a few years ago. please help me figure it out if u can. thanks... its a game with swords and guns, a lot of jumping and swords where u can climb walls while jumping and scaling the wall. assasins was a charachter. any ideas?

Theron Hollenbeck

New member
Sep 10, 2012
ausnak said:
I'm thinking of a game from a few years ago. please help me figure it out if u can. thanks... its a game with swords and guns, a lot of jumping and swords where u can climb walls while jumping and scaling the wall. assasins was a charachter. any ideas?
Ninja Gaiden (original) ?

Good Time Larry

New member
Sep 11, 2012
I'm looking for the name of an old pc game. It was 2d and 2 player. You shared the keyboard with a friend. One person was on top of the screen, the other on bottom and you got a certain amount of time to build a wall. When the time was up you threw rocks or snowballs I think at your opponent. You tried to break their wall down and hit them. Each player was a little kid I think? You could play on a couple of different themes like snow, grass and maybe something else. Very hazy and any help would be awesome!!


New member
Mar 28, 2008
MeggieG said:
Hello everyone, I'm here just for this question >w<"

There was this game I played once back in 1995 or '96. It was on PC, it was in isometric view, with pretty smooth graphics, imitating 3D models pretty well. You were playing as this guy with funny hair, who gets asked by his wife to go down to the nearby town to pick something up from the store. There's a storm outside, with rain and all, the town looks a bit creepy, there are humanoid animals... there was this ant like guy who was standing next to a motorbike, asking who'd be crazy enough to go out into such storm; actually a lot of characters in the town talk about the weather, with most of them actually having a full voiceover of their dialogue. I also remember a later level, that kind of looked like a dungeon with rats and stuff... oh and there was this option that'd let change the mood of your character, there were four of them to choose, the agressive one would let him fight off enemies...

That's all I remember about it, sorry. Does anyone recognise this game?
Sounds very like Little Big Adventure 2


New member
Jul 28, 2009
Could somebody please give me the name of the following game? It's been bothering me for weeks:

I remember at one point getting a CD from my friend that included a whole bunch of classic games, but the only games I really remember were Ascendancy, Heroes of Might and Magic and this third game I can't name. I do remember something about the word "morph" in the title or somewhere else, and there was a definite "insect" vibe to the menu; when you started you could choose your difficulty as being "larvae" or something like that all the way up to some or other creature.

One started the game as a human in an empty village. There were signs that the village had been attacked, but nobody was around. You could go into the huts and there'd often be these stone pots you could break, but I don't remember much more about it. I do remember that a little while after exploring the village your questions as to who attacked it would be answered, since your player would be attacked by a swarm of these big insects. I never really played much more than that before I lost the CD, but if anybody can name the game it'd be much appreciated.

PS: The game, as I remember it, was from an isometric viewpoint, not birds-eye.

Marco Cozza

New member
Sep 1, 2012
dracina said:
Marco Cozza said:
dracina said:
Marco Cozza said:
Hi everyone!

I remember a game where there was tanks with a insect-like shape, each one with different weapons.

The goal was to destroy every other tank and of course to survive in the meantime. I remember some bushes and little lakes on the several maps you could choose from.

I once played this game about 10 years ago with my Windows 98 pc. Does anyone recall a game like this? I really don't know the name and I'm driving me crazy!!

Thanks in advance.

I'm not sure about them looking insect-like, but was it perhaps Battle Man?
Thank you but this name doesn't really ring a bell to me... I tried to google it but I din't find anything. Do you have a screenshot maybe?
http://actualdownload.com/pictures/screenshot/battleman-2938.jpg <--- This is a decent pic of it.
No, this is not the game I remember! In fact, those tanks don't have an insect-like shape!! I think I will never find it again... but thanks anyway!!!!


New member
Mar 16, 2010
Marco Cozza said:
Marco Cozza said:
Hi everyone!

I remember a game where there was tanks with a insect-like shape, each one with different weapons.

The goal was to destroy every other tank and of course to survive in the meantime. I remember some bushes and little lakes on the several maps you could choose from.

I once played this game about 10 years ago with my Windows 98 pc. Does anyone recall a game like this? I really don't know the name and I'm driving me crazy!!

Thanks in advance.

Nothing? Really?! Please!!!!
Longish shot but it wasn't Krush, Kill N Destroy was it?



New member
May 22, 2010
Good Time Larry said:
I'm looking for the name of an old pc game. It was 2d and 2 player. You shared the keyboard with a friend. One person was on top of the screen, the other on bottom and you got a certain amount of time to build a wall. When the time was up you threw rocks or snowballs I think at your opponent. You tried to break their wall down and hit them. Each player was a little kid I think? You could play on a couple of different themes like snow, grass and maybe something else. Very hazy and any help would be awesome!!
It wasn't a flash game, was it? It sounds like one of the promotional games from the website for the movie Snow Day. And man has /that/ brought me back.


New member
Sep 6, 2012
I remember this game, it was either for windows 95/98... it involved a futuristic setting in a desolate place. You wake up in a room that's completely white/silver (probably metal) with a door that's either an odd shape of a rectangle or a trapezoid. You enter "pods" to travel in time, and there's a voice that kind of sounds like something from portal when you travel in time.

I remember a symbol on the CD case, but not completely, and I forget the title!

You need to get a special suit before you can go certain places, and you can pick up a circular black/yellow disc from a prehistoric level. I think there were dinosaurs if you weren't careful where you stepped.


New member
Sep 12, 2012
What's up Guys made an account just for this.
Alright so I believe it was for the original Xbox. It was a 3rd person rpg game centering around 4 characters.
2 male and 2 female. One male was a swordsman the other had I think long black hair with glasses and used a very fantasy looking pistol. They each had a female love interest (the two females)one of which I'm pretty sure was a spell caster. If you have any idea please let me know it would be much appreciated this has been bugging me for a while now. Thank you.