Old Games you remember playing but can't remember the name of.


Aug 22, 2012
Fir3 said:
I believe i played this Pc game Rts around 2004-2006,it is similar to starcraft.
It had 2 or 3 races if i'm right,one was some humanoid-aliens,other was some robots.
I remember that the robots had a special ability of their resource colectors that they wouldn't have to go back to town center to return the resources,they were using their hands as pipes to go underground and come to surface near town center to transfer the resources.
I think minerals was the main resources.
I even have a pic i took with my cellphone at that time - the main menu of the game,similar to starcraft main menu.
I remember it was the demo version that i played.


New member
Sep 12, 2012
There is this one game that I specifically remember playing when I was younger (i'm 20 now) and for the life of me, I don't know the name of!
Ok, so it's a console game not too old like N64 or Atari or anything.
The graphics were ok for the time.

You can switch between playing as a male dog or a female cat and you have guns, they walk like people and they're in like the woods but I guess it's their village because they run through houses collecting items and the most I remember is the cat was orange and she wore a black bodysuit like Black Widow in Avengers and when I played her I ran through her huge closet looking for items.

I know it's not the best description and it's probably a cheesy game now that I'm older, but I can't get this game out of my head!


New member
Sep 12, 2012
1998-2006 I think

Help i have been trying to find a game on the (GameCube or ps2) where you are a girl and use cards to bring the monsters to life to kill other mosters and it was 2 player.

1998-2004 I think

There's a game on pc where u have 2 friend help you on your quest to kill someone and its pixelated and you get different weapons HELP been trying to find these games for years!!!!
it looks like this http://www.racketboy.com/images/secret-of-mana.jpg

Marco Cozza

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Sep 1, 2012
Tallim said:
Marco Cozza said:
Marco Cozza said:
Hi everyone!

I remember a game where there was tanks with a insect-like shape, each one with different weapons.

The goal was to destroy every other tank and of course to survive in the meantime. I remember some bushes and little lakes on the several maps you could choose from.

I once played this game about 10 years ago with my Windows 98 pc. Does anyone recall a game like this? I really don't know the name and I'm driving me crazy!!

Thanks in advance.

Nothing? Really?! Please!!!!
Longish shot but it wasn't Krush, Kill N Destroy was it?

No, it isn't... but you've tried at least, thank you very much!
This game is very similar but the one I remember has a more simple graphic, brighter colours and the camera view was from above!! Thanks anyway...!


New member
May 22, 2010
Kmrgn1208 said:
There is this one game that I specifically remember playing when I was younger (i'm 20 now) and for the life of me, I don't know the name of!
Ok, so it's a console game not too old like N64 or Atari or anything.
The graphics were ok for the time.

You can switch between playing as a male dog or a female cat and you have guns, they walk like people and they're in like the woods but I guess it's their village because they run through houses collecting items and the most I remember is the cat was orange and she wore a black bodysuit like Black Widow in Avengers and when I played her I ran through her huge closet looking for items.

I know it's not the best description and it's probably a cheesy game now that I'm older, but I can't get this game out of my head!
Starfox Adventures, maybe? The species are wrong, but otherwise it sounds about right.

Side note, hearing a 20 year old lump the N64 in with the Atari as systems that are really old makes me feel old, and I'm only 22. You're two years younger than me, the 32/64 bit generation should have still been a pretty big chunk of your childhood XD


New member
Sep 13, 2012
Old PC game. First person point-and-click adventure. Zero to no plot. Exploration game.
I remember starting off in a spaceship outside what I remember to be a giant fish nebula. The game involved pointing on locations and aliens and had some fairly crazy art. For example, you might click on a sink's drain and end up upside down in a room with a grandfather clock. It had a bunch of little minigames (like a canvas you could paint on, music-maker, etc.)

Been racking my brain and searching all over google, when a friend told me you guys might help.


New member
Sep 13, 2012
I believe the game you are looking for is...The Secret Island of Doctor Quandary. I was searching for it for years.


New member
Sep 13, 2012
beckyp85 said:
I believe the game you are looking for is...The Secret Island of Doctor Quandary. I was searching for it for years.
I'm afraid not. It had no color aside from the canvas painting subgame, and it took place in a space/Wonderland-esque area.
Thanks for the response, though.


New member
Sep 13, 2012
samanthafav said:
I've been looking for this game for like 4 years obsessively. I came across this post, so I figured, it's worth a shot.

It was on Floppy Disk, probably around the Windows 95-98 time. I believe it was a 3-4 disk set. Very pixilated and like 2-3D action. Low quality. Creepy narration.
There are multiple sections I have memory of:

1. You were a boy who woke up on the beach with almost no memory with subtitle type narrations on the bottom on the screen.
2. The boy had to pick from a selection of like 6 weird dolls from a shelf in (what I remember to be) a carnival.
3. Then I remember something involving potions.
4. And wizards shooting lasers in some form of black & white grid. (like a chess grid where the lasers are coming out of the walls and you have to dodge the lasers to do something involving a wizard.)
5. I also remember him having to drink something.
6. And in the beginning of the game he finds a bottle with a letter in it. (Or maybe a map or something)

I can't think of anything else right now. But seriously, anyone who thinks of the answer to this is going to make my life complete.
I also remember that I played it when I played where in the world is Carmen Sandeago.
is it The Secret Island of Doctor Quandary?
Sep 13, 2012

I remember a game I used to play when I was a kid, bur I don´t manage to remember the game. It was a racing game, but the cars looked like alien cars. You could buy weapons such as missils and mines. There were 2 kinds of missils, the normals ones that would go straight forward and the red ones, that may follow the track until exploding upon impact.

The first track was like a factory or perhaps in the sew, don't remember, the second track was a mountain, something like the tibet, and the third one was an alien planet.

Another detail, if you finished first in the track you could choose one of three doors, where you could win weapons and, if you were lucky, ypu could even get a new car.

Hope anyone remembers the name, thanks!


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Oct 13, 2009
JohnAracle said:
I remember at one point getting a CD from my friend that included a whole bunch of classic games, but the only games I really remember were Ascendancy, Heroes of Might and Magic and this third game I can't name. I do remember something about the word "morph" in the title or somewhere else, and there was a definite "insect" vibe to the menu; when you started you could choose your difficulty as being "larvae" or something like that all the way up to some or other creature.
Sounds like Entomorph: Plague of the Darkfall.


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Jul 31, 2012
squeakbox said:
I remember this game, it was either for windows 95/98... it involved a futuristic setting in a desolate place. You wake up in a room that's completely white/silver (probably metal) with a door that's either an odd shape of a rectangle or a trapezoid. You enter "pods" to travel in time, and there's a voice that kind of sounds like something from portal when you travel in time.

I remember a symbol on the CD case, but not completely, and I forget the title!

You need to get a special suit before you can go certain places, and you can pick up a circular black/yellow disc from a prehistoric level. I think there were dinosaurs if you weren't careful where you stepped.
It wasn't Time Commando was it? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Time_Commando


New member
Sep 13, 2012
Thank goodness this thread is still active. I specifically made an account to see if anyone can help me out. It is honestly driving me nuts and any help is appreciated.

I'm looking for an old PC game. How old I'm unsure, but I remember it being on a pc power/world magazine disc as a free game. If anyone has the names of all the games ever put onto these, I would love a list of it. Honestly just a name would spark my memory of it.
I think it was around the time the point-and-click 'Out of Order' was out and also featured on the cds.

My memory is a bit foggy but what I remember it was side-scroller with possibly rpg elements in a pixel art style.
At the start you picked maybe one or two characters and it would play out their story. Almost all characters were in life or death situations beforehand. One I remember clearly is a man helping two older folk on a wagon from being robbed while going over a bridge through a snowy mountain area and an another character starting as priest and trying to sort out a problem with zombies or the like in the church graveyard.
The characters would then magically be whisked away during their scene and appear in a bush land/rocky area not knowing what happened. In the end they had to get back to where ever them came from but find out they have to defeat a greater evil first.
The rest is a bit foggy but I remember a heavy use of guns (or I only picked characters that used guns...) and the first level having a split road that lead to a house. Most of the starting area was brown/yellow with a rocky area where the first boss was that I could never defeat.

Anyway, that's all I remember. Any help is welcomed, even just suggestions on where to look. I've gotten to the point where I'm considering buying someone's collection of old pc magazines to shift through for hints.

I found it!!! Thank you wikipedia and your wonderful list of freeware games.
It was the original 'The Spirit Engine' and its a 2-D side-scrolling RPG/adventure game made in 2003 by Mark Pay (Natomic Studios).


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Jan 17, 2011
A jrpg where you played alongside a girl who was posessed by the..(wings?) of a demon/god thing and who sort of tricks you into letting her consume the other parts of this god to save the typical jrpg shy girl she's posessing. In the end things go bad and you have to stop this giant thing from happening.

Been bugging me because I tried explaining it to somebody the other day.

Might have had 'dragon' in the name.


New member
Sep 13, 2012
Hey I need help find a ps1 game. I can not remember how jse name but in the main menu you can choose between a woman and a man with a sword and halberd. Then there are various weapons and monsters revolver, trying to catch a guy like that who run away all the time and gives nake trap ... Do not remember much but he lives recharge takovyma kulickama and there are those special things you can use as frozen with that gun, etc. .. Please help me find really cool game thanks


Shark Girls are my Waifus
Jan 9, 2012
Zergneedsfood said:
Signed up for this because I have absolutely no idea what this game is.

So I could play this game on an old PC, maybe Windows 2000 or something like that, so it's a relatively old game. I know it came in some weird chinese-esque CD, so maybe that's why it's so hard to find. It's a third person shooter, and you're in control of this robot. I think his armor is grey. He's kind of humanoid in the sense that he runs around like a human does. He kind of reminds me of the Iron Giant but his face a bit more threatening. In the first level you start out in the middle of this futuristic looking city with random rectangular cars that you can crush and people you can blow up if you feel like it with a random laser gun you have.

The beginning of this first level is basically some woman saying something to you as you run into the night city landscape with tall skyscrapers and even pedestrians (like I said....really unhelpful since I forgot a lot of what was going on), and you end up running around, destroying random tanks that try to stop your supposed rampage across the city. There are certain weapons that are lying around that you can pick up and use....most of them are just laser guns. I don't really remember what kind of objective I have, but all I know is there were weapons and I used them to destroy things.

The only thing I remember rather clearly is this boss fight (I presume this was a boss fight because I NEVER got passed this part in the game....which is why I gave up in the first place) on the first level. I'm inside this tall tower that has this staircase that spirals upwards, and all of a sudden this yellow fluid (maybe it's acid...water...piss?) starts building up around me, and of course I have to climb up, but at the same time there's this other robot dude who's flying around and occasionally trying to fight with me. There's always this maniacal hiss during this part, which I assume is the robot's voice. So not only do I have to destroy this guy, I also have to keep running up from the rising water because if I don't, I drown (how does a robot drown???).

Any ideas?
I think I have an idea which game is my friend!