Old Games you remember playing but can't remember the name of.


New member
Sep 14, 2012
This is a long shot but I need some help 'remembering' and old classic.

It was released early to mid-90s - a quest-type game (similar to Monkey Island and Indy 4 - but NOT done by Lucas Arts) - the story line is focused around a character who starts off in France (around 1950-60s) and eventually ends up somewhere in South America on a quest for Mayan/Incan artwork. There is a female character/companion along the way as well.

Played it years ago and for the life of me - can't remember the name

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


New member
Sep 14, 2012
I've been trying to remember an old game for a long time now, thought it couldn't hurt to ask for help here.

Anyway, the game im fairly certain is for the N64 and was rated M for mature or atleast T for Teen. I think it was the late 1990s when i played it, my oldest sister had rented it i think. it was a first person shooter, but None of the games on wikipedia or gamespot that list "all" the FPS's for the n64 are the one I remember as far as i can tell. A little bit into the game i remember it being very dark and having to hold C-Down to crouch, and much later in the game I was stuck running in corridors trying to find my way, the only thing i ever found was a Gigantic room with a giant dark pit for the majority of the room, but far above me was a platform with something blue up there. Never found my way up there and i believe it was supposed to be a Time Blade? I know where was a lot of Monster/Alien/Demons that i shot to death. Setting may be in a city or maybe a space ship for that giant room. Hopefully this is enough info for some1 to recognize the game, i really want to play this game again.

Tschimmi Cash

New member
Sep 14, 2012
Hello! I am looking for a game my brothers and me played 20 years ago at Penny Arcades.
The game could be played up to 3 (or 4) players at the same time.
Isometric / top view.
Soldiers shooting.
Of course you could pick up power ups.
you could even drive cars, jeeps, etc. - if 2 or more players boarded a jeep one could drive it and the other one use the board machine gun.
I remember the main walking direktion was always(?) directed to the top of the screen.
the players all looked the same I think, but all had different main-colours (like one soldier was bright green, one yellow, one red, one bright blue).

I think the first level began on a beach. On the bottom of the screen the sea. palm trees everywhere. the first power up boxes laying around.

.. I just can remember, that it was an awesome game. Sadly not at all the name of it!! maybe something with "soldiers" or "jungle"?
please help!

Edit 28th Sept 2012): OMG!! I FOUND IT!!! It is http://www.retrocpu.com/mame/images/roms/m/mercs_us_900302.png MERCs / Sega Genesis

Tschimmi Cash

New member
Sep 14, 2012
ArcspacE said:
This is a long shot but I need some help 'remembering' and old classic.

It was released early to mid-90s - a quest-type game (similar to Monkey Island and Indy 4 - but NOT done by Lucas Arts) - the story line is focused around a character who starts off in France (around 1950-60s) and eventually ends up somewhere in South America on a quest for Mayan/Incan artwork. There is a female character/companion along the way as well.

Played it years ago and for the life of me - can't remember the name

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Maybe you mean "Broken Sword" (or German: Baphomets Fluch)?


New member
Sep 13, 2012
I think it's an action game. Pray all the time you continue on and on. How old is that I do not know but something around 2000. 3D Graphics. perspective of the first person is a woman carrying a sword and not too dressed with different combinations prove that top-down rosekne in half. There should be such a zombie and I do not know what else to add I remember how it goes but I can not describe it more.


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Sep 13, 2012
SweetShark said:
cipisek said:
Hey I need help find a ps1 game. I can not remember how jse name but in the main menu you can choose between a woman and a man with a sword and halberd. Then there are various weapons and monsters revolver, trying to catch a guy like that who run away all the time and gives nake trap ... Do not remember much but he lives recharge takovyma kulickama and there are those special things you can use as frozen with that gun, etc. .. Please help me find really cool game thanks
First of, I need to answer me some things before I do my research:
-What kind of game is? Action? Platform? Adventure?.
-How old it is this game?
-It have 3d or 2D graphics?
-What kind of perspective it have? First Person? Top-Down?

I am waiting for your answer.

O guy i find it Nightmare Creatures Thank you for help :)))


New member
Sep 14, 2012
OK guys here is another i think more difficult one

There was this game a third person rpg.
The game consisted of floating islands and you play a little blond boy dressed in blue, you have a mana and health bar. When you jump of one of the islands you land on a giant eagle which you can use to fly to other islands.I think the objective of the game was to go to specific islands with gates on them and these gates were portals to other levels. In this levels you run around collecting orbs and fighting of monsters. When you are running through a level there is only one way to follow and that was fairly simple, just running and shooting. The games was inspired by the asian culture because the houses, plants, orbs and people were very china/japan looking like. I also think your weapon was shooting energy balls of some kind, hence the manabar...

Can anyone help me i have absolutely no clue left of what it was called but i like to finish it once and for all!


New member
Sep 10, 2012
Theron Hollenbeck said:
Nowascki said:
In this game I'm looking for you controlled a spaceship and you have to land in certain places to get packages (??) and be able to pass the level. I remember there was three levels (I don't know if my version was the complete or demo). The first level was pretty simple but the other two had fairly complicated designs. I think you had to look out for your fuel too, I don't remember right. And you had to land and fly really carefully for not to hit in the walls and die. It's pretty vague, but I hope someone can remember.
Lunar Lander? There were alot of different Lander type games back in the day, but LL was one of the first i think
No, but because of your answer I found the genre of the game and from it after some research I found it!

The name was Crazy Gravity, originally from Commodore 64.


Thanks very much man!


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Oct 5, 2011
donotread said:
I'm 95% sure the game I can't remember is from the Sega Genesis (the other possibility being SNES), and I doubt the game is newer than 1994.

I remember a 2D first-person view and/or RPG, where you travel through an underground, maze-like tunnel at some point, maybe a sewer. I think the walls were green or brown, maybe brick or stone, but some kind of pattern at least. The main visual I have is a set of monsters that appear, perhaps when you reach an intersection and turn one way or another. Their appearance is shocking. I think there were three of them that normally popped out together and I seem to remember curly hair.

I played it with my cousin when I was 10 or so, and when the monsters came out he would say, "Wicked!" I'd love to rehash that memory.

Thanks in advance!
Yikes, that could be one of many dungeon-crawler games, but a Genesis game that fits the description is Shining In The Darkness.


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Oct 5, 2011
T-Mac1119 said:
What's up Guys made an account just for this.
Alright so I believe it was for the original Xbox. It was a 3rd person rpg game centering around 4 characters.
2 male and 2 female. One male was a swordsman the other had I think long black hair with glasses and used a very fantasy looking pistol. They each had a female love interest (the two females)one of which I'm pretty sure was a spell caster. If you have any idea please let me know it would be much appreciated this has been bugging me for a while now. Thank you.


New member
Sep 14, 2012
Ok,i remember a game...An RTS game,and the only thing i know that it had Pixeleted Graphics,A some sort of wizards that has the ability to summon a bat swarm,A unit class that had an Afro i think that those were the workers or something,There were Races,Chinese,Barbarian...It was in the medieval age(I think).It had Cool effects,and thats about it.But i cannot remember a single letter in the Name.

PLEASE,If you have an idea what that game could be,contact me at youtube or facebook or ANYWHERE.My Email is

[email protected]



New member
Sep 14, 2012
Hi trying to remember a game I had when I was a kid.

PS one game

had 4 disks (the disks had people on a woman, a man, a girl and a fat/big, possibly bald man)

the game play was you, walking around an old house (sort of resident evil ish) there's weird stuff going on, you (possibly turn based) battle ghost/poltergeist with floating chairs candle sticks knives and other stuff in the hall way(I cant remember playing for more than 15 mins because it scared me, I was a kid)

there was a conservatory which had a giant plant monster thing

the start/intro to the disk (before start screen) was a woman riding a horse to the house/mansion to eery music

the battle screen was black with a sort of checkerboard floor which the enemy stood/floated on

thats all I can remember

any help would be appreciated

i've googled it for hours to no avail



New member
Jul 28, 2009
Coldie said:
Sounds like Entomorph: Plague of the Darkfall.
Thanks so much, that is indeed the game I've been looking for. I can finally use Google without compulsively searching for old games.

Rateb Mahfouz

New member
Sep 5, 2012
Hey, I played this game in 2000's on pc.
It is a fighting game,the arena is a huge box, you can move freely in that box
One of the characters uses fire and another uses ice. And other throws cards


Akos Gyorgy

New member
Sep 15, 2012
Okay, I've been searching for the name of this game for ages now.

It is a game from one of those "Yellow Cassettes", possibly Sega Megadrive, but I am not sure about that.
It featured a kid as the playable character, who wears an american football outfit with a helmet. His original color was blue, and he shot 1 soccerball, but when he was hit by an enemy, he turned green, and then shot 2 soccerballs at the same time. Then after another hit, he turned yellow and shot 3 balls, then red and shot 4 balls, and then you died.
His attack was shooting a football at the enemies - it had a "scratchy" sound when he fired, like lighting a match. (here I have to add that it is NOT Marko's Magic Football or Soccer Kid).
It was a 2D platformer game, similar to Sonic or Superfrog on Amiga, involved a lot of jumping and if I recall correctly, it had boss-fights after each level.
It consisted of several levels, the only one I can remember is a jungle level with water below you, and waterfalls and greenery in the background.
I can only remember the story roughly: your girlfriend was abducted by a demon (it looked like the Grim Reaper), whom you had to fight at the very end of the game.

I think that is all I could recollect, any tips would be greatly apprechiated.

Diogo Poupado

New member
Sep 7, 2012
brandysnapfoxylady said:
Hi trying to remember a game I had when I was a kid.

PS one game

had 4 disks (the disks had people on a woman, a man, a girl and a fat/big, possibly bald man)

the game play was you, walking around an old house (sort of resident evil ish) there's weird stuff going on, you (possibly turn based) battle ghost/poltergeist with floating chairs candle sticks knives and other stuff in the hall way(I cant remember playing for more than 15 mins because it scared me, I was a kid)

there was a conservatory which had a giant plant monster thing

the start/intro to the disk (before start screen) was a woman riding a horse to the house/mansion to eery music

the battle screen was black with a sort of checkerboard floor which the enemy stood/floated on

thats all I can remember

any help would be appreciated

i've googled it for hours to no avail

Hello. This game is definitely Koudelka =)


New member
Sep 15, 2012
Can someone please help me im trying to look for an old rpg game for the PC (about 10 years ago i last played it roughly)in it you had powers i believe in which you could summon monsters to fight for you, like bears, scorpions etc. There were also many monsters to fight, like bears, scorpions undead etc. You also had to do quest and i think it may of been freeroam. If it helps your mana and health bar were on the right hand side of the screen next to each other. Please help me if you can, i really wanna play it again lol. Thanks

Bishnu Sai Karthik

New member
Sep 15, 2012
Hai Guys , I really want to know the name of this game !! I was around 12 when i played this , now am 19 !!

The main person was a girl !! She wanders around helping animals , and gains their powers , like a deer ( She gets the ability to run fast), a bear ( she can scare people ) and so on . And she is from a tribe i think. She falls in Love with a man , but he leaves her at the end !! I dont remember anything else !!

P.S. I think the game's name starts in " P " ( Not sure )

Thanks in advance !!


New member
Sep 14, 2012
Diogo Poupado said:
brandysnapfoxylady said:
Hi trying to remember a game I had when I was a kid.

PS one game

had 4 disks (the disks had people on a woman, a man, a girl and a fat/big, possibly bald man)

the game play was you, walking around an old house (sort of resident evil ish) there's weird stuff going on, you (possibly turn based) battle ghost/poltergeist with floating chairs candle sticks knives and other stuff in the hall way(I cant remember playing for more than 15 mins because it scared me, I was a kid)

there was a conservatory which had a giant plant monster thing

the start/intro to the disk (before start screen) was a woman riding a horse to the house/mansion to eery music

the battle screen was black with a sort of checkerboard floor which the enemy stood/floated on

thats all I can remember

any help would be appreciated

i've googled it for hours to no avail

Hello. This game is definitely Koudelka =)
That Is Brilliant thanks!!!!!!! my boyfriend thought I was making it up! now I have proof!! YAY!!


New member
Sep 14, 2012
Rateb Mahfouz said:
Hey, I played this game in 2000's on pc.
It is a fighting game,the arena is a huge box, you can move freely in that box
One of the characters uses fire and another uses ice. And other throws cards

Reminds me of Ragdoll Masters but they didnt use powers, the game just revolved around smacking the other players head with your limbs as you fly around in a box environment. Pretty sure its not it but you can download it at www.ragdollsoft.com