Old Games you remember playing but can't remember the name of.

Bishnu Sai Karthik

New member
Sep 15, 2012
menandes said:
Bishnu Sai Karthik said:
Hai Guys , I really want to know the name of this game !! I was around 12 when i played this , now am 19 !!

The main person was a girl !! She wanders around helping animals , and gains their powers , like a deer ( She gets the ability to run fast), a bear ( she can scare people ) and so on . And she is from a tribe i think. She falls in Love with a man , but he leaves her at the end !! I dont remember anything else !!

P.S. I think the game's name starts in " P " ( Not sure )

Thanks in advance !!

That sounds an awful lot like Pocahontas -> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FL9HnjqnkwM& / http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3YecxSRP1rAfeature=related

A great game, indeed!

I hope it helps! :)
Thankx a lot !!! Its the right game !!! Thankx again !!

Bishnu Sai Karthik

New member
Sep 15, 2012
Batou667 said:
Bishnu Sai Karthik said:
Hai Guys , I really want to know the name of this game !! I was around 12 when i played this , now am 19 !!

The main person was a girl !! She wanders around helping animals , and gains their powers , like a deer ( She gets the ability to run fast), a bear ( she can scare people ) and so on . And she is from a tribe i think. She falls in Love with a man , but he leaves her at the end !! I dont remember anything else !!

P.S. I think the game's name starts in " P " ( Not sure )

Thanks in advance !!
Sounds like Pocahontas on the Sega Genesis.
Thankx a lot !!! Its the right game !!! Thankx again !!


New member
Oct 30, 2009
dracina said:
dracina said:
Hey everyone. I found this place trying to Google search for the game with what fragments of memories I have of it. This may be a tricky one.

I'm not sure anyone remembers the TV show called Portal that used to be on G4 (no relation to the Portal games from Steam). I saw the review for the game there. It's a PC rpg game where you could play as a dragon. You started off as a hatchling and had to learn skills like flight and magic. When you could fly there were special flying cities only dragons could access.

Can anyone help me out on this one? I've been looking for a while and I just can't find it.
just quoting my post. it's been a few days.
"Istaria" seems to fit that description.


New member
Oct 30, 2009
There's a PC game I vaguely remember playing in the early 90's (I must have been around 4 years old, so you'll have to excuse me if the details are a bit hazy), a side-scrolling puzzle-platformer where you played this guy who wakes up in a castle (I think?), still in his pajamas, and you have to advance by using all sorts of items. For instance, I seem to recall having some kind of drill which would allow you to break through blocks, though it wouldn't work on steel. And I definitely recall a level where you had to align lots of fans, and then you'd fall (I think with an umbrella, maybe?) and they'd move you where you needed to go.
Sadly, I don't have many details regarding the plot, as I didn't speak English at the time, but I'm pretty sure about the waking-up-in-a-castle part, not knowing how the protagonist got there.
It was a pretty old game, probably obscure too, and I know it's not much to go on, but if someone has any recollection about such a game, that would be awesome.


New member
Sep 9, 2012
Diogo Poupado said:
Still need help, guys. I really wanna find this game. I've been looking for it for YEARS!!!

1. Played it at around 1998-2002 on the PC (CD with LOTS and LOTS of games in it).
2. You control a penis (there are several different ones to select), in a pac-man kind of game.
3. You have a maze, and in the middle there's a girl in a bed. You have to get there to win.
4. There's virus and other stuff you have to run from and shoot sperm, I think, to kill them.
5. Not sure if a PC game or if I played some kind of emulated version.

Someone here already suggested X-MAN for the Atari 2600. The idea is exactly the same, except you control a penis, not a man.
And the graphics were much better than that 8-bit game (X-Man).

Definitely a X-MAN ripoff. Any ideas? Please, I'm getting crazy here :p
I was looking around and saw something about a game called Pac-Man Ate My Penis, although I never actually found the game.


New member
Sep 17, 2012
There was a game I played on the Super Nintendo in the 90's. Been searching for years!!

Not sure of the character but I do remember you are in the dark cave or a mine searching for jewels or different colored gems. You can push around carts and dig (I think).

If you walk outside there is an edge with water and different monsters attack you.

Any ideas? Help much appreciated. Thanks!


New member
Sep 17, 2012
I'm looking for this old pc game we used to play in elementary school. As far as I can remember it was a puzzle/adventure type of game which took place on Sumatra. You played as a young adventurer searching the island for a lost treasure.
It was a point and click style game filled with puzzles. Much like the Myst series, but for kids.

Thanks in advance :)

Diogo Poupado

New member
Sep 7, 2012
donotread said:
Diogo Poupado said:
Still need help, guys. I really wanna find this game. I've been looking for it for YEARS!!!

1. Played it at around 1998-2002 on the PC (CD with LOTS and LOTS of games in it).
2. You control a penis (there are several different ones to select), in a pac-man kind of game.
3. You have a maze, and in the middle there's a girl in a bed. You have to get there to win.
4. There's virus and other stuff you have to run from and shoot sperm, I think, to kill them.
5. Not sure if a PC game or if I played some kind of emulated version.

Someone here already suggested X-MAN for the Atari 2600. The idea is exactly the same, except you control a penis, not a man.
And the graphics were much better than that 8-bit game (X-Man).

Definitely a X-MAN ripoff. Any ideas? Please, I'm getting crazy here :p
I was looking around and saw something about a game called Pac-Man Ate My Penis, although I never actually found the game.
thanks for the answer. the game i'm looking for has nothing to do with pac-man though, except for its maze-style gameplay. anyone got any clues?


New member
Sep 17, 2012
I remember a game that was like first-person RPG. You begin the game in a dungeon, and as time passed, you became a monster big and slow, then a reptile small and fast, then back to being a human. I could not control these transformations. Sounds like you had to escape from this dungeon, but reached a part that had a lake inside a cave that while I threw a door and climbed on top of her, I could not pass drowned and died.
I think this game was before 2000, but not sure. A long time ago I'm looking for it, does anyone know?


New member
Sep 9, 2012
Diogo Poupado said:
donotread said:
Diogo Poupado said:
Still need help, guys. I really wanna find this game. I've been looking for it for YEARS!!!

1. Played it at around 1998-2002 on the PC (CD with LOTS and LOTS of games in it).
2. You control a penis (there are several different ones to select), in a pac-man kind of game.
3. You have a maze, and in the middle there's a girl in a bed. You have to get there to win.
4. There's virus and other stuff you have to run from and shoot sperm, I think, to kill them.
5. Not sure if a PC game or if I played some kind of emulated version.

Someone here already suggested X-MAN for the Atari 2600. The idea is exactly the same, except you control a penis, not a man.
And the graphics were much better than that 8-bit game (X-Man).

Definitely a X-MAN ripoff. Any ideas? Please, I'm getting crazy here :p
I was looking around and saw something about a game called Pac-Man Ate My Penis, although I never actually found the game.
thanks for the answer. the game i'm looking for has nothing to do with pac-man though, except for its maze-style gameplay. anyone got any clues?
My thought was that your Penis character was a replacement for pac-man in the game I mentioned.


New member
Sep 9, 2012
cloroxbb said:
donotread said:
I'm 95% sure the game I can't remember is from the Sega Genesis (the other possibility being SNES), and I doubt the game is newer than 1994.

I remember a 2D first-person view and/or RPG, where you travel through an underground, maze-like tunnel at some point, maybe a sewer. I think the walls were green or brown, maybe brick or stone, but some kind of pattern at least. The main visual I have is a set of monsters that appear, perhaps when you reach an intersection and turn one way or another. Their appearance is shocking. I think there were three of them that normally popped out together and I seem to remember curly hair.

I played it with my cousin when I was 10 or so, and when the monsters came out he would say, "Wicked!" I'd love to rehash that memory.

Thanks in advance!
Shining in the Darkness?
Yes, that's the one! Another user got it as well. Thanks for answering.

Wahid Khan

New member
Sep 17, 2012
I'm hoping you guys can tell me the name of this game I played on the PS1.
It was a third person action-adventure game with 2dish graphics. You start off in this village where you kill rats in the beginning. You find various new weapons as you progress, Like swords etc. The weapons also included a bomb which I remember you had to use to get a jewel attached to a statue. I can't remember much apart from this, also I think the game came out for the pc as well.
So guys please help me out here it'd be nice to play it again!


New member
Sep 8, 2012
T_SURFER said:
dracina said:
dracina said:
Hey everyone. I found this place trying to Google search for the game with what fragments of memories I have of it. This may be a tricky one.

I'm not sure anyone remembers the TV show called Portal that used to be on G4 (no relation to the Portal games from Steam). I saw the review for the game there. It's a PC rpg game where you could play as a dragon. You started off as a hatchling and had to learn skills like flight and magic. When you could fly there were special flying cities only dragons could access.

Can anyone help me out on this one? I've been looking for a while and I just can't find it.
just quoting my post. it's been a few days.
"Istaria" seems to fit that description.
Ah! I think that's it, it seems to be released in the right time period, you can't fly right off the bat... I think this is it! Thank you! =D


New member
Sep 8, 2012
Mirror_Gamer said:
There was a game I played on the Super Nintendo in the 90's. Been searching for years!!

Not sure of the character but I do remember you are in the dark cave or a mine searching for jewels or different colored gems. You can push around carts and dig (I think).

If you walk outside there is an edge with water and different monsters attack you.

Any ideas? Help much appreciated. Thanks!
Would it be Spelunker?


New member
Sep 17, 2012
I played this game long ago, i can't remember what console it was on or the name, but i think it may have been a kids game, what i remember from it, is that you are an animal, and you can transfer your soul or take over another animal and you would run around as that animal, i also remember in one of the levels you are a brown dog and your in a grassy field of sorts, maybe a farm im not to sure, but if someone can pm me if they know the name i would be very grateful :)

Edit: Also there is another game i think it was on the ps1, i think it was like devil may cry, you control a human who i think might be part demon or something and he had a mouth on his hand, and he could eat peoples souls with the mouth on his hand, and i think you had a gun or a sword or both lol :p

Stephen Cripps

New member
Jul 27, 2010
So me and a friend are trying to find and old game we used to play on dreamcast, but cant remember what it was called or that much about it but heres what we can remember.

It was on dreamcast
You start off on a bridge/pier and the first puzzle is moving a box to get a keycard.
You have to shoot a bunch of mutant things.
The second levels in a mall/supermarket.
We had a strategy guide for it, it was quite a serious game.

So, any ideas...?


New member
Sep 18, 2012
An old PC game that was around about 10 years ago with the title something like (if not) "Buddies". You had a group of these men which you could choose their style (builders, fighters, etc.) which was depicted by their color clothing and attack other castles with weaponry that was also specialized

Akos Gyorgy

New member
Sep 15, 2012
I'm still looking for this game, but found several additional details about it.

It is a game from one of those "Yellow Cassettes", possibly Sega Megadrive, but I am not sure about that.
It featured a kid as the playable character, his name was perhaps Vap, or Wappo or something like that. He wears an american football outfit with a helmet.
His original color was blue, and he shot a small ball (possibly a tennis ball) by kicking it towards the enemy. But when he was hit by an enemy, he turned green, and then shot 2 tennis balls. Then after another hit, he turned yellow and shot a soccerball (being able to hit enemies easier), then after the next hit he turned red and shot 2 soccerballs at the enemies. After these 4 hits you died.
When shooting the balls at enemies, it had a "scratchy" sound when, like lighting a match. (here I have to add that it is NOT Marko's Magic Football or Soccer Kid, but sure as hell similar).
It was a 2D platformer game, involved a lot of jumping and if I recall correctly, it had boss-fights after each level.
It consisted of several levels, the one I can remember is a jungle level with water below you, and waterfalls and greenery in the background. Also there was a level which was a rollercoaster.
I can only remember the story roughly: your girlfriend was abducted by a demon (it looked like the Grim Reaper), whom you had to fight at the very end of the game.

Several people were looking foir this game, but none have managed to find out its name. Please, If anyone has even the slightest idea, or just an additional info about the game, feel free to reply.
