Old Games you remember playing but can't remember the name of.

Black Feline

New member
Sep 15, 2012
Ok, there is a game i played, part rpg part deck builder. You were starting as elven creature, riding bug mounts , gather crystals plants and other resources and battle npc tammers. The game had also a a multiplayer duel mode, races are avian, orc, mech, elf. They were also some neutral creatures, some with the fading ability, in battle, i remember some looking like minotaurs. An map, your hero was riding this bug and the view was 3rd person from above. Youcould use resources to unlock cards, and the duels were according to resource limit. The battle fields were 3d, you could zoom close to creatures. The heros were behind creature lines, they were using spells and enhancements in battle.


New member
Oct 13, 2009
jiblet said:
Can someone please help me im trying to look for an old rpg game for the PC (about 10 years ago i last played it roughly)in it you had powers i believe in which you could summon monsters to fight for you, like bears, scorpions etc. You had to do quest and i think it may have been freeroam. If it helps your mana and health bar were on the right hand side of the screen next to each other. Please help me if you can, i really wanna play it again lol. Thanks
A long shot, but Nox kinda fits the description, if you play a Conjurer.


New member
Sep 15, 2012
I believe that game is called Gathering the Battlegrounds or something along those lines
Black Feline said:
Ok, there is a game i played, part rpg part deck builder. You were starting as elven creature, riding bug mounts , gather crystals plants and other resources and battle npc tammers. The game had also a a multiplayer duel mode, races are avian, orc, mech, elf. They were also some neutral creatures, some with the fading ability, in battle, i remember some looking like minotaurs. An map, your hero was riding this bug and the view was 3rd person from above. Youcould use resources to unlock cards, and the duels were according to resource limit. The battle fields were 3d, you could zoom close to creatures. The heros were behind creature lines, they were using spells and enhancements in battle.


New member
Sep 15, 2012
Hey, I remember this old SNES game that I used to own when I was very young, and I cannot find the title ANYWHERE.

It is a 2D side-scroll game where one plays as a knight, I believe exploring castles. I cannot remember what kind of things he fights. Also, I remember lightning for some reason. I believe he has a sword and shield, but I am not sure. He automatically turns into a skeleton with his armor still on if he dies. It is possible that one or more of the bosses is a big dragon, but I am not sure. Can anyone help me? I have been looking for this game for about five years now.

NOTE: It is not Castlevania, as that seems to be the most results that I get when I search for it online.


New member
Feb 18, 2009
Sean Brannigan said:
Alright i have something that's been driving me crazy for years trying to find well two actually both from when i was in primary school, on the PCs in school there were a few games one about The Egyptians and another about The Crystal Rainforest. The Egyptian one had u go around in first person but it was sort of point and click (sort of like the nancy drew games) but everything was basically learning stuff except for a few select items which u had to get to beat the game and u found these and clicked the symbol in the corner and got a puzzle and once u beat that u got the item on the wall in the menu (which had 2 things to select in it one with the point and click screen and the other was like egyptian paintings) the ones i remember are a mirror which u got if u spun wheels so that they all matched, a hammer and chisel which u got by matching up certain items (we always guessed how to do this one), a paint brush which u got by putting the right time periods in the correct order, a sort of needle with bandages around it which u got from a sliding puzzle, a boomerang i think which u got by properly organising irrigation on a map of the country i believe and thst really all i remember loved that game.
The other one was a game about The Crystal Rainforest it started off with u clicking some animals but then u would get into this adventure were u needed to collect crystals for the professor i remember there was a town u were in were u had to fix a bridge in a sort of sideways tetris, there was a giant spider, a church, a shed, policemen who would beat u up and 2 pyramids that if u entered one a guard would block u then some1 would beat him on the head, there was a snake u needed to give sweets to to pass it and there was a boat part i remember and a bridge repairing thing were u had to get the exact angle to make the rope go. I remember there were these green things that had been helping u and gathering crystals but then they dropped them but the professor did something with a crystal and it had finally finished but i cant remember how it ended. Some help with trying to figure out what these are would make me very happy.
Oh god the nostalgia! I remember playing those two, I breezed through like a boss while everyone else struggled on the early bits.

I'm pretty sure the Crystal Rainforest one was literally called The Crystal Rainforest, can't remember the name of the other one though.


New member
Sep 15, 2012
I am hoping someone can help me....I am trying to remember a game my kid played when he was little. It was about 13 years ago..
It was a fishing game...It may have been called : go fish...or Go fishing, and you caught fish and put them in your live well...if the line got tight, it went red, then sometimes it snapped and the fish gets away...and it played some crazy music while you were reeling in the fish....anyone remember ????? help!
Thanks in advance!


New member
Sep 15, 2012
Um, this is my first so pardon me.I'm looking for a few games that I don't recall the names.
1.This game had these two people(man and woman) who are in these tubes, then there's these mosquitos that cut this wire, which sends them into some game or something.
2.There's this five-man team that includes three men, a robot, and a female, and when you die, you respawn through this wall thing.
3.This other game has this one guy where him and a few others attack these certain people, and when you respawn, it's through these things that has some pinkish liquid, and your skeleton slowly appears.

If you know these games, then thank you.

Black Feline

New member
Sep 15, 2012
jiblet said:
I believe that game is called Gathering the Battlegrounds or something along those lines
Nope, not that one. I also remember all the dead creatures were going to a graveyard , some special actions were bringing them back. Mech race had some metal dragoons that were hitting their hero also with all the enemies. You were able to activate enhancemets that you previously cated on your hero, like healing or armor, or ether...damn stupid me, is called Etherlords !!!!!!!!!!!!


New member
Sep 9, 2012
Batou667 said:
donotread said:
I'm 95% sure the game I can't remember is from the Sega Genesis (the other possibility being SNES), and I doubt the game is newer than 1994.

I remember a 2D first-person view and/or RPG, where you travel through an underground, maze-like tunnel at some point, maybe a sewer. I think the walls were green or brown, maybe brick or stone, but some kind of pattern at least. The main visual I have is a set of monsters that appear, perhaps when you reach an intersection and turn one way or another. Their appearance is shocking. I think there were three of them that normally popped out together and I seem to remember curly hair.

I played it with my cousin when I was 10 or so, and when the monsters came out he would say, "Wicked!" I'd love to rehash that memory.

Thanks in advance!
Yikes, that could be one of many dungeon-crawler games, but a Genesis game that fits the description is Shining In The Darkness.


Nicole Pete

New member
Sep 16, 2012
I'm looking for the name of an old PC game, probably around the 90's or so. It was a relatively short game, probably took only an hour or so to play through.

You were a guy that doesn't remember who he is and wake up in a space-like atmosphere, inside of a small room which is presumably your living quarters. You are in a first person viewpoint and can't see yourself.

The graphics of the people you interact with look like real people that are actors recorded and turned into graphics (ex: sort of like older blackjack/poker dealers on video casino machines). The camera moves in a motion that makes you feel like you are walking and you hear your footsteps.

You can walk up to people and you can interact with them (very limited interaction). Then after a while you are being trained to kill these greenish/blue polygon-like images that look like monsters with wings.

Eventually, you start to question your commands and wonder what you are killing only to later find out that you were killing angels. And then the game ends on a screen with angels on it.

Rateb Mahfouz

New member
Sep 5, 2012
Reminds me of Ragdoll Masters but they didnt use powers, the game just revolved around smacking the other players head with your limbs as you fly around in a box environment. Pretty sure its not it but you can download it at www.ragdollsoft.com
Thnx,but no it is not,that game was a 3d game.


New member
Sep 16, 2012
I don't know how old this thread is but a game just recently came into mind that i played in the 90's as a kid on like windows 98 or 97 or something.

It's in 3D. The first level you have a weapon im pretty sure a pistol. but you go down an elevator and into a room and theres like a maze. Red lights start flashing on and off and you're attacked by a monster. An upright alien looking thing with fangs. If i remember right you ca kill it or run.

Once that happens you come out into this area where there is vegetation and water and blue sky but after that i lose it...

The game was definitely a first person shooter type. My memory might be fudged and the game could have been from the early 2000's as well. I just remember sitting in my basement playing it on PC lol.

I really want to relive the experiece of playing this game as a kid so if anyone could please help me find out what the game is I would greatly appreciate it. :)



New member
Sep 16, 2012
Got a game which I played around 1997 although I'm sure the game itself is older.

- Game is viewed top down if I remember correctly.
- It's a square, blue board representing the ocean.
- You are a ship and must uncover squares one step at a time
- special events and things occur when you go on certain tiles

That's pretty much all I remember.

The game pops up in my head every 2 years or so and I find myself looking for it on the internet and didn't get any wiser, so I thought I'd post here.


Diogo Poupado

New member
Sep 7, 2012
Still need help, guys. I really wanna find this game. I've been looking for it for YEARS!!!

1. Played it at around 1998-2002 on the PC (CD with LOTS and LOTS of games in it).
2. You control a penis (there are several different ones to select), in a pac-man kind of game.
3. You have a maze, and in the middle there's a girl in a bed. You have to get there to win.
4. There's virus and other stuff you have to run from and shoot sperm, I think, to kill them.
5. Not sure if a PC game or if I played some kind of emulated version.

Someone here already suggested X-MAN for the Atari 2600. The idea is exactly the same, except you control a penis, not a man.
And the graphics were much better than that 8-bit game (X-Man).

Definitely a X-MAN ripoff. Any ideas? Please, I'm getting crazy here :p


New member
Sep 16, 2012
Ok....here is a conundrum for you all....

I am trying to recall the name of a text base adventure game, which had graphics for the room you were in.

It was based on a spaceship...or space station. The occupants were killed...and there is an alien on the lose. You have to piece clues together etc etc It was very atmospheric to play as you were always expecting to get killed as you enter the next room....and read the text!

Not sure if it was on the Spectrum or the Amiga....the game must have been from the late 80's early 90's ?

Any help much appreciated !


New member
Jul 24, 2012
Bishnu Sai Karthik said:
Hai Guys , I really want to know the name of this game !! I was around 12 when i played this , now am 19 !!

The main person was a girl !! She wanders around helping animals , and gains their powers , like a deer ( She gets the ability to run fast), a bear ( she can scare people ) and so on . And she is from a tribe i think. She falls in Love with a man , but he leaves her at the end !! I dont remember anything else !!

P.S. I think the game's name starts in " P " ( Not sure )

Thanks in advance !!

That sounds an awful lot like Pocahontas -> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FL9HnjqnkwM& / http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3YecxSRP1rAfeature=related

A great game, indeed!

I hope it helps! :)


New member
Oct 5, 2011
Bishnu Sai Karthik said:
Hai Guys , I really want to know the name of this game !! I was around 12 when i played this , now am 19 !!

The main person was a girl !! She wanders around helping animals , and gains their powers , like a deer ( She gets the ability to run fast), a bear ( she can scare people ) and so on . And she is from a tribe i think. She falls in Love with a man , but he leaves her at the end !! I dont remember anything else !!

P.S. I think the game's name starts in " P " ( Not sure )

Thanks in advance !!
Sounds like Pocahontas on the Sega Genesis.


New member
Oct 5, 2011
seanwk91 said:
Hey, I remember this old SNES game that I used to own when I was very young, and I cannot find the title ANYWHERE.

It is a 2D side-scroll game where one plays as a knight, I believe exploring castles. I cannot remember what kind of things he fights. Also, I remember lightning for some reason. I believe he has a sword and shield, but I am not sure. He automatically turns into a skeleton with his armor still on if he dies. It is possible that one or more of the bosses is a big dragon, but I am not sure. Can anyone help me? I have been looking for this game for about five years now.

NOTE: It is not Castlevania, as that seems to be the most results that I get when I search for it online.
Dragon's Lair?


New member
Oct 29, 2009
Hey I am new here, so I could use some help in learning the names of two games I used to play a long time ago.

The first was a side scrolling sega game, and you controlled either a purple haired or blue haired character and in the top middle of the screen was your power that when you held down a button would charge the bar up and you could use different magic.

The second was, I think, an RPG. You controlled a chibi like knight character who goes on an adventure and your life bar are big cartoony hearts and you get power ups, like Metroid. There is a point in the game that you get to a town that is near a desert which kills you if you cross it and you have to buy special boots in order to cross this desert. The setting is medieval like but you end up going into a spaceship to fight a Mother brain like alien, I think.

Any help would be appreciated.