I have a couple games that I think about almost too often! Though through some clever searching, I've solved one of them, which is great, because there are 2 other games I'd rather ask about (for those that care, the first game was Vandal Hearts. I have a place in my heart for that game, because it's the first time I'd ever seen the word ARGH)
Ok, so the first game I want to find is a crash bandicoot esque game. It's a platformer that was on the pc, using a floppy of course, and you basically lead this guy across the world. It may or may not have been shifty perspective, I can't remember too well (you know, where the camera follows you and when you turn a corner, the world seems 3d but it's still 2d? It probably wasn't.)
I can't remember much else than that about it really, I remember one of the levels, it was probably the first level, took place in a town, with a fence. (it's weird the things you remember) anyway, I can't help much more than that ¬¬
The second game was about a big blue dude, with a ball and chain as a weapon. He though it out and it wiped out the enemies. I remember nothing of levels, other than the obligatory sidescroller bridge (it was a side scroller.) ~
I hope someone can help, and hopefully I can be of help to you as well