Old Games you remember playing but can't remember the name of.

DJ Kaye

New member
Sep 18, 2012
samanthafav said:
I've been looking for this game for like 4 years obsessively. I came across this post, so I figured, it's worth a shot.

It was on Floppy Disk, probably around the Windows 95-98 time. I believe it was a 3-4 disk set. Very pixilated and like 2-3D action. Low quality. Creepy narration.
There are multiple sections I have memory of:

1. You were a boy who woke up on the beach with almost no memory with subtitle type narrations on the bottom on the screen.
2. The boy had to pick from a selection of like 6 weird dolls from a shelf in (what I remember to be) a carnival.
3. Then I remember something involving potions.
4. And wizards shooting lasers in some form of black & white grid. (like a chess grid where the lasers are coming out of the walls and you have to dodge the lasers to do something involving a wizard.)
5. I also remember him having to drink something.
6. And in the beginning of the game he finds a bottle with a letter in it. (Or maybe a map or something)

I can't think of anything else right now. But seriously, anyone who thinks of the answer to this is going to make my life complete.
I also remember that I played it when I played where in the world is Carmen Sandeago.
I think this is The Secret Island of Dr Quandary. I don't remember lasers but the rest seems familiar

Allan Smith

New member
Sep 18, 2012
I have a couple games that I think about almost too often! Though through some clever searching, I've solved one of them, which is great, because there are 2 other games I'd rather ask about (for those that care, the first game was Vandal Hearts. I have a place in my heart for that game, because it's the first time I'd ever seen the word ARGH)

Ok, so the first game I want to find is a crash bandicoot esque game. It's a platformer that was on the pc, using a floppy of course, and you basically lead this guy across the world. It may or may not have been shifty perspective, I can't remember too well (you know, where the camera follows you and when you turn a corner, the world seems 3d but it's still 2d? It probably wasn't.)

I can't remember much else than that about it really, I remember one of the levels, it was probably the first level, took place in a town, with a fence. (it's weird the things you remember) anyway, I can't help much more than that ¬¬

The second game was about a big blue dude, with a ball and chain as a weapon. He though it out and it wiped out the enemies. I remember nothing of levels, other than the obligatory sidescroller bridge (it was a side scroller.) ~

I hope someone can help, and hopefully I can be of help to you as well :p


New member
Sep 16, 2012

Got a game which I played around 1997 although I'm sure the game itself is older.

- Game is viewed top down if I remember correctly.
- It's a square, blue board representing the ocean.
- You are a ship and must uncover squares one step at a time to find treasures etc.
- special events and things occur when you go on certain tiles

That's pretty much all I remember. I have found 1 thread mentioning it used to be on a shareware disc or floppy, yet the name is unknown.

The game pops up in my head every 2 years or so and I find myself looking for it on the internet and didn't get any wiser, so I thought I'd post here.

Thanks again.

Nicholas Dillon

New member
Sep 19, 2012
When I was little my dad had an atari and there was one game I played all the time but I can't remember its name at all all I remember were The Characters were, A guy in blue battle gear with a sword and girl in pink battle gear with a sword then a smaller guy with and axe as his weapon. I now have an atari with many games but this one I have a daughter and will let her play the Atari but know that I loved this game and I will guess she will too, That is if I can ever find it which is impossible without the name of the game, can anyone help?
Oct 27, 2010
xRavingBanana said:
I played this game long ago, i can't remember what console it was on or the name, but i think it may have been a kids game, what i remember from it, is that you are an animal, and you can transfer your soul or take over another animal and you would run around as that animal, i also remember in one of the levels you are a brown dog and your in a grassy field of sorts, maybe a farm im not to sure, but if someone can pm me if they know the name i would be very grateful :)
The way you described that reminds me sort of a game for the snes called Claymates. I mean, there's no soul-transferring or anything like that, but you start as a blob and can take on the form of different animals with different abilities. That's probably not the game you were talking about but it's still totally worth checking out.


New member
Sep 19, 2012
Thanks for any help you can give me in advanced,

This game came out before 2005 and the game consisted of fighting with your pets and leveling them up. It wasn't a pokemon game it was in 3d and you lived on a farm. It was kind of anime looking. You raised the pets but that's all I can remember thanks for anything that can help.

Akos Gyorgy

New member
Sep 15, 2012
Nicholas Dillon said:
When I was little my dad had an atari and there was one game I played all the time but I can't remember its name at all all I remember were The Characters were, A guy in blue battle gear with a sword and girl in pink battle gear with a sword then a smaller guy with and axe as his weapon. I now have an atari with many games but this one I have a daughter and will let her play the Atari but know that I loved this game and I will guess she will too, That is if I can ever find it which is impossible without the name of the game, can anyone help?
It may be a long shot, but what you described pretty much sounds like "Golden Axe". It has 3 different versions (Golden Axe 1, 2, and 3), try searching for each of them.

Nicholas Dillon

New member
Sep 19, 2012
Akos Gyorgy said:
Nicholas Dillon said:
When I was little my dad had an atari and there was one game I played all the time but I can't remember its name at all all I remember were The Characters were, A guy in blue battle gear with a sword and girl in pink battle gear with a sword then a smaller guy with and axe as his weapon. I now have an atari with many games but this one I have a daughter and will let her play the Atari but know that I loved this game and I will guess she will too, That is if I can ever find it which is impossible without the name of the game, can anyone help?
It may be a long shot, but what you described pretty much sounds like "Golden Axe". It has 3 different versions (Golden Axe 1, 2, and 3), try searching for each of them.
That's the game!! but now another question remains as I search for it, Is there a version for the atari 2600?

Isaac Bianchi

New member
Apr 4, 2010
This one isnt gonna be easy but if you guys can work it out i will be eternally in your debt i dont have much information and the information i do have is sketchy at best.. ANYWAY it must have been release in the 90s it was a top down hack and slash sort of i remember at the end of the game it shows the tower you were in being destroyed and coming back to life and you start the game over again but harder... i also remember there is a boss that is just a massive octopus like maybe 6x5 squares or something like that and you literally have to kill a path to his face to kill him.. i also remember you can get keys to unlock doors and axes.. the axes when used anywhere in the game will destroy all adjacent walls so if you use it strategically you can skip large areas.


New member
Oct 5, 2011
Stephen Cripps said:
So me and a friend are trying to find and old game we used to play on dreamcast, but cant remember what it was called or that much about it but heres what we can remember.

It was on dreamcast
You start off on a bridge/pier and the first puzzle is moving a box to get a keycard.
You have to shoot a bunch of mutant things.
The second levels in a mall/supermarket.
We had a strategy guide for it, it was quite a serious game.

So, any ideas...?
Blue Stinger, maybe? Or one of the Resident Evil games?


New member
Oct 5, 2011
Nicholas Dillon said:
That's the game!! but now another question remains as I search for it, Is there a version for the atari 2600?
Afraid not, versions of Golden Axe came out on the Sega Megadrive/Genesis, Master System and Game Gear. The Golden Axe games also frequently feature in Sega anniversary and retro packs, like the Megadrive Collection on Xbox 360 and XBLA.

Nicholas Dillon

New member
Sep 19, 2012
Batou667 said:
Nicholas Dillon said:
That's the game!! but now another question remains as I search for it, Is there a version for the atari 2600?
Afraid not, versions of Golden Axe came out on the Sega Megadrive/Genesis, Master System and Game Gear. The Golden Axe games also frequently feature in Sega anniversary and retro packs, like the Megadrive Collection on Xbox 360 and XBLA.
Thanks and thank god i have an xbox, All three are in the marketplace, thanks everyone for the help now my daughter and can enjoy the game that my father and I enjoyed.


New member
Sep 17, 2012
Mel Theofficegamergirl said:
xRavingBanana said:
I played this game long ago, i can't remember what console it was on or the name, but i think it may have been a kids game, what i remember from it, is that you are an animal, and you can transfer your soul or take over another animal and you would run around as that animal, i also remember in one of the levels you are a brown dog and your in a grassy field of sorts, maybe a farm im not to sure, but if someone can pm me if they know the name i would be very grateful :)
The way you described that reminds me sort of a game for the snes called Claymates. I mean, there's no soul-transferring or anything like that, but you start as a blob and can take on the form of different animals with different abilities. That's probably not the game you were talking about but it's still totally worth checking out.
Na that wasn't the game i'm thinking of lol the game im thinking of was surprisingly good graphics for a very old game, and it was also 3D


New member
Nov 18, 2011
a pirate game. you never saw the player, you were just a boat and you had to attack forts and pirates you met. you killed forts by sailing into them and shooting your cannon at the cannons that popped up from behind fences. the ship attacking worked the same. it was played from a birdseye view and in the final bit you first had to pass lots of forts in a narrow pass and the fight lots of ships in a lagoon before you came to the end of the level. at the main menu there was a parrot and to start you had to click a box where a green checkmark appeard.

anybody know what i'm talking about?

Jason Rayes

New member
Sep 5, 2012
rfh1317 said:
An old PC game that was around about 10 years ago with the title something like (if not) "Buddies". You had a group of these men which you could choose their style (builders, fighters, etc.) which was depicted by their color clothing and attack other castles with weaponry that was also specialized
Hmmm. Baldies maybe: http://www.giantbomb.com/baldies/61-2710/

Jason Rayes

New member
Sep 5, 2012
Black Feline said:
Ok, there is a game i played, part rpg part deck builder. You were starting as elven creature, riding bug mounts , gather crystals plants and other resources and battle npc tammers. The game had also a a multiplayer duel mode, races are avian, orc, mech, elf. They were also some neutral creatures, some with the fading ability, in battle, i remember some looking like minotaurs. An map, your hero was riding this bug and the view was 3rd person from above. Youcould use resources to unlock cards, and the duels were according to resource limit. The battle fields were 3d, you could zoom close to creatures. The heros were behind creature lines, they were using spells and enhancements in battle.

Sounds to me like you mean Etherlords. There was also a sequel which is even better:


Jason Rayes

New member
Sep 5, 2012
JohnAracle said:
Could somebody please give me the name of the following game? It's been bothering me for weeks:

I remember at one point getting a CD from my friend that included a whole bunch of classic games, but the only games I really remember were Ascendancy, Heroes of Might and Magic and this third game I can't name. I do remember something about the word "morph" in the title or somewhere else, and there was a definite "insect" vibe to the menu; when you started you could choose your difficulty as being "larvae" or something like that all the way up to some or other creature.

One started the game as a human in an empty village. There were signs that the village had been attacked, but nobody was around. You could go into the huts and there'd often be these stone pots you could break, but I don't remember much more about it. I do remember that a little while after exploring the village your questions as to who attacked it would be answered, since your player would be attacked by a swarm of these big insects. I never really played much more than that before I lost the CD, but if anybody can name the game it'd be much appreciated.

PS: The game, as I remember it, was from an isometric viewpoint, not birds-eye.
Im pretty sure you are talking about Entomorph

