Old Games you remember playing but can't remember the name of.

Jason Rayes

New member
Sep 5, 2012
T-Mac1119 said:
What's up Guys made an account just for this.
Alright so I believe it was for the original Xbox. It was a 3rd person rpg game centering around 4 characters.
2 male and 2 female. One male was a swordsman the other had I think long black hair with glasses and used a very fantasy looking pistol. They each had a female love interest (the two females)one of which I'm pretty sure was a spell caster. If you have any idea please let me know it would be much appreciated this has been bugging me for a while now. Thank you.
This sounds a lot like Sudeki:



Jason Rayes

New member
Sep 5, 2012
Monner said:
I used to play a game on pc around 2000. It was a top down view and the map had hundreds of octagons or hexagons. You controlled a team of customizable robots of varying size and speed and level of guns, and you fight another team of the same. It was turn-based I dont know exactly how old it was but Its seems it had the word "war" in the title, but it may not I just cant remember.
Given it was around 2000,Cyberstorm?


Wendy Dozier

New member
Sep 19, 2012
Looking for a game i played as a kid it has a witch in it and u do spells and puzzles. cant think of the name for nothing need help
Oct 27, 2010
Olda said:
Thanks for any help you can give me in advanced,

This game came out before 2005 and the game consisted of fighting with your pets and leveling them up. It wasn't a pokemon game it was in 3d and you lived on a farm. It was kind of anime looking. You raised the pets but that's all I can remember thanks for anything that can help.
Monster Rancher?


New member
Sep 19, 2012
Hey all, I'm looking for a game, not really sure of the date. Might've played it 10+ years ago. Someone posted about it before, I couldn't find a reply to that post. Anyway,

It's a cooking game where you follow recipes and make milkshakes and stuff, and there are talking appliances, and then when you're done making the food you feed it to the dog. The dog is a small white dog with a red collar, possibly black ears. These details could be totally off, also. All of the appliances had faces and every once in a while they would sing(?). The entire game takes place in a possibly blue kitchen, no other scenes that I can remember.

It would be a huge help if anyone knew what this game was called, it's been bugging me for about a year. It's a CD-ROM game, if that helps, too.

Also, if anyone has a DL link for the old Math Blasters game that would be awesome too. The one with the ice level and the big green blob.


New member
Sep 17, 2012
dracina said:
Mirror_Gamer said:
There was a game I played on the Super Nintendo in the 90's. Been searching for years!!

Not sure of the character but I do remember you are in the dark cave or a mine searching for jewels or different colored gems. You can push around carts and dig (I think).

If you walk outside there is an edge with water and different monsters attack you.

Any ideas? Help much appreciated. Thanks!
Would it be Spelunker?
Thanks for your reply but this wasn't the game it was on super nintendo not on nes :/ I never passed the first level so I only remember that part lol.


New member
Sep 20, 2012
I've played this game a few years ago, you were a guy on an island and you had to kill these huge monsters and you had to climb up them and you could only kill them by hitting them in their weak spot


New member
Sep 20, 2012
somatoform said:
Oh may lord!!! My love for the Internet and all of its possibilities, wealth of randomness and topics like this one has increased enormously!

There is an old game that has been in my mind for some time now. I think it was from the late 80's early 90's. I played it as a kid but could not pass the first screen lol. I thought it was an Incredible Hulk game for the longest time but I could not find any info online about it.
It was text based like Hugo's House of Horrors but the animations were like still cells that changed (i assume they change but I wouldn't know for sure since I couldn't get past the first screen) as you progress through the game.

Anyway, the game begins with the hero (who, for some reason, I thought was Bruce Banner)sitting in a chair, blindfolded and hands and feet tied up. He is in what looks like a dark jail cell with a small window in the background letting just enough light in to see the character. The only way to move through the game is by typing text commands such as:

"Call for help"
(screen answers)--> You did, nothing happened.

"Break the ropes"
(screen answers)--> You tried, but are tied too tightly. (or something to that effect)

This goes on and on as I tried many commands. "chew through ropes", "get angry", "knock over chair", "untie ropes"...etc..

Does this ring any bells with anyone here?
I can only hope at least one other person shares in my madness so I can sleep well believing that this is not just a figment of my own mind...:D
Hi there!

Not sure if your still active on this forum, but the game you were looking
for is called "THE HULK" from Questprobe Adventure International.
You can even play it online in your browser (Java required):


New member
Nov 18, 2011
cloroxbb said:
talker said:
a pirate game. you never saw the player, you were just a boat and you had to attack forts and pirates you met. you killed forts by sailing into them and shooting your cannon at the cannons that popped up from behind fences. the ship attacking worked the same. it was played from a birdseye view and in the final bit you first had to pass lots of forts in a narrow pass and the fight lots of ships in a lagoon before you came to the end of the level. at the main menu there was a parrot and to start you had to click a box where a green checkmark appeard.

anybody know what i'm talking about?
why would it be warcraft? it's pirates, not orcs and gnomes
it was released quite early in the century, before 2005 at least


New member
Sep 20, 2012
I'm trying to figure out the name of an old game i played as a kid, i don't remember much other then you could play through the game with two people, one used a yo-yo? as a weapon, (no it is not earthbound) the other used like one of those party blower things that unroll when you blow into them, i thing the weapons can upgrade also.
i remember one level kinda like a graveyard? idk something really dark and spooky, again it was a side scroller.
for some parts it was a side scroller style game,then i think i remember little cut scenes where depending on how much money you spent you'd have to sail somewhere, if you had little money you were basically floating on a piece of wood, if you had alot you'd be on a nice ship. idk ive been trying to find this game for ages and nothing works.

im hoping that im remembering this game correctly (i was born 1992 so that gives a bit of a time frame, i was still a little kid at the time. thanks all.


New member
Sep 17, 2012
I remember playing a fighter on the Sega Genesis. There was a guy with a trench coat and another guy with a trident.
I also remember an SNES platformer with a blue blob that stuck to walls and gained power ups by swallowing different items.

Dale Gray

New member
Sep 20, 2012
I am looking for a game I would of play mid-1990s, I think it's about rescuing people from rising water using floats and ropes. It had conveyor belts as well. worth a try!


New member
Sep 20, 2012
Hi guys i was wondering if you could help, see i used to play these two games on my pc when i was real little, like im thinking maybe when i was 8 so that would be in 2001 and we always had windows operating on our computer, the first game is of a small boy wizard going through the sewers you were a typical wizard! Blue hat and robe with yellow stars on and a wand, sadly thats all i remember of that game and the second one im asking about my memory is no better and i apologise for this, the second one you were a peanut and fell down a well (how the game started i believe) you either became a peanut when you fell in the well or was already a peanut, you then had an adventure (im assuming) to get out of the well but dont quote this last bit it may not be correct :(
Well thankyou to anyone who can help and i do apologise for the crappy memory but ive been searching for these games for a while now and due to the lack of details i have found NOTHING! :( im sure if i could see the names i would know instantly :) thanks again


New member
Sep 20, 2012
Okay! I have a game that I created this account to ask about. I've been googling for a bit and can't find anything.

I played it on a PC at about the same time as SimCity 2000. The premise is that you are collecting parts to build either a car, plane, (and maybe helicopter?) and the parts are in boxes. You move around areas to find boxes. Once you have built your car/plane or whatever (depending on what you choose. and you can customise with fire paint and stuff) you race it against the "bad guy" (but you can't control this race - you just see it happen). If you win, you advance a level or something and it gets harder.

Also I vaguely remember something about monkeys? I think they patrol the areas and try to steal the parts?

Any ideas?


New member
Dec 28, 2011
Okay, it was a fps sport/vehicle game, it was you against another drone like thing (one on one), and you'd have to get a ball and shoot goals, like football (soccer), when you scored, the game resets you in front of you goal and a big GOAL! flashed up on the screen... I think (maybe it was me and my friend shouting that), after finishing a level you'd go to the level transition point where you could buy things to upgrade your craft.

Anyway, I don't expect anyone to know it, but if you do... please tell me, it'll be most appreciated.


New member
Sep 21, 2012
Alright. There's an old game I played sometime in the mid 90's that it took place in some sort of mine, and you were this miner type guy going around and there were traps and stuff, and you had to get gems or something.


New member
Sep 21, 2012
Jarsh82 said:
I remember playing a fighter on the Sega Genesis. There was a guy with a trench coat and another guy with a trident.
I also remember an SNES platformer with a blue blob that stuck to walls and gained power ups by swallowing different items.
That fighter game for the Genesis might be Eternal Champions. The characters being Larcen Tyler (The trenchcoat guy), and Trident (with, well, the trident)
This has the pictures


New member
Sep 21, 2012
shimmy said:

Got a game which I played around 1997 although I'm sure the game itself is older.

- Game is viewed top down if I remember correctly.
- It's a square, blue board representing the ocean.
- You are a ship and must uncover squares one step at a time to find treasures etc.
- special events and things occur when you go on certain tiles

That's pretty much all I remember. I have found 1 thread mentioning it used to be on a shareware disc or floppy, yet the name is unknown.

The game pops up in my head every 2 years or so and I find myself looking for it on the internet and didn't get any wiser, so I thought I'd post here.

Thanks again.
I remember this game from so long ago, and always remembered the name. It's Pirate's Plunder!