I would like to ask if somebody here remembers this game. I used to play it on my PC around 2000, it was probably a Pokemon bootleg or a Pokemon-like game, maybe even a homebrew that my dad got me off the Internet. But it was created for a PC or a similar gaming console, definitely wasnt a handheld console port.
In the game you controlled a character that walked around in a maze-y environment. I remember I had the demo version and there was only one "level", where the character only walked around in a forest. It was 3D-ish, you watched the person from above, but it was quite tilted..I remember the environment being quite dark. I dont remember much of any narrative, I think you just walked around and then a monster attacked you and you battled with it, occasionally you could catch it. After some time you got to another level.
The monsters were like Pokemon-like sprites, but you could only catch like 5 or 6 of them, then you had to let one go in order to catch a new one. I remember that there was a cloudy-like pokemon sprite, that had a lot of Fs in the name...and maybe even a raindrop pokemon-like figure?
I even remember reading a review of the game online when I was like 15 and I remember I was laughing, remembering that I played it and it was pretty awkward. In that review, they said that the game had all of the sprites originally created, that it "cutely resembled Pokemon"...cannot find it anymore, now all the available pokemon games are new ones or ones for emulators, which I like as well, but it is not what I am looking for.
And I have one more game that I would like to find the name for. Again I played it as a kid in, I would say, 1999. I remember it was a psychedelic surreal dreamlike game. It was in 3D. Everything was happening "at night", and the player could choose what they wanted to do next, usually out of one or two options - usually just by walking somewhere off the screen, for example if you walked to the left, you saw a maze, if you kept walkiing straight, you saw a giant cat... I remember there were kids, a boy and a girl, a giant cat that the kids climbed on and watched the stars or something, I remember you had to avoid the giant cats paws, I also remember that at the beginning there was a boy sleeping in a yellow house and there was a dog protecting the house - all the game was probably happening in a dream. I was small, I couldnt speak English back then, so I dont really know what was going on. The game was weirdly disturbing, sad, really weird.
Thank you very much for helping me!