Old Games you remember playing but can't remember the name of.


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Sep 20, 2012
Coldie said:
rechoired said:
Okay! I have a game that I created this account to ask about. I've been googling for a bit and can't find anything.

I played it on a PC at about the same time as SimCity 2000. The premise is that you are collecting parts to build either a car, plane, (and maybe helicopter?) and the parts are in boxes. You move around areas to find boxes. Once you have built your car/plane or whatever (depending on what you choose. and you can customise with fire paint and stuff) you race it against the "bad guy" (but you can't control this race - you just see it happen). If you win, you advance a level or something and it gets harder.

Also I vaguely remember something about monkeys? I think they patrol the areas and try to steal the parts?

Any ideas?
Sounds like Super Solvers: Gizmos & Gadgets.
That's it! Thank you so much!


New member
Sep 15, 2012
cloroxbb said:
seanwk91 said:
There was a 3D game that my mom used to play when I was young that I am very interested in playing myself (she cannot seem to remember it), on either Sega or SNES, where a woman is going through either a house or a dungeon, she sees faces talking to her in the ceiling, and a most memorable part was where she got attacked by a suit of armor and if one did not turn around and dodge it in time it would kill one, but if one did dodge it in time the suit of armor would fall down the hole in front of the woman and shatter. I believe it is 1st person and the genre seemed to be mystery/adventure/puzzle. It seemed to be quite and advanced game for its time. Can anyone identify this game, I have been searching for it for about 10 years.
Is it D? It was on Sega Saturn and Playstation 1.

Yes! It is, thank you so much!


New member
Feb 25, 2012
There's a Playstation 1 game where you play as a female (I think), and you can change shapes/forms, possibly those of enemies you killed. I think it had a dark atmosphere, or at least the part I'm thinking about you were in a cave at some point. Any suggestions?


New member
Sep 21, 2012
We used to play a first-person point-and-click PC game in the early/mid 90's. I remember the premise was that an evil man could control your mind and make you murder people. You had to somehow prevent him from making you do this by clicking around the room investigating things. The graphics were sort of realistic (for that era) and the game was all 2-D as far as I can remember. I think the title was something like "mindshock"... but I can't find anything about it on Google.

You started in a laboratory-type room with monitor screens and Tesla-coils. There were also some little shelves with creepy things on them, brains or something like that. You'd click on different things in front of you to solve some sort of puzzle. If you clicked on the wrong thing then the evil guy's head would appear with his eyes glowing with electricity saying "dooo it, DO IT!!". It would then go to a cut-scene of you sneaking up to a bed, then it would fade to black with screaming sounds and a severed appendage (forgot which one) would appear on the screen. I guess this meant that you lost.

I played it when I was pretty young (apparently my dad thought gruesome murder games were fine for us kids, lol), so those are the best details I can remember. It may have been an indie shareware demo. It's been driving my brother and I crazy, so I hope someone knows what it is!


New member
Sep 20, 2012
KaliArchon said:
decks said:
I've played this game a few years ago, you were a guy on an island and you had to kill these huge monsters and you had to climb up them and you could only kill them by hitting them in their weak spot
Sounds like it's Shadow of the Colossus.
Yes it is thanks

Kai Day

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Sep 21, 2012
This is going to be really vague, but here goes.

I don't remember much about the game. We had it on our school computers about 13 years ago, but it had to be much older than that. It was on an old IBM with a black and white screen.

It was some sort of mystery game. You had to solve the game by receiving clues about the crime or caper that had taken place and you received clues to the game from talking to different robots. It may have taken place in a school, but I don't remember entirely.

Again, I realize it's vague, but I figured it was worth a shot to see if I could figure out what it was.


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Mar 17, 2011
Dreyfusxano said:
The second was, I think, an RPG. You controlled a chibi like knight character who goes on an adventure and your life bar are big cartoony hearts and you get power ups, like Metroid. There is a point in the game that you get to a town that is near a desert which kills you if you cross it and you have to buy special boots in order to cross this desert. The setting is medieval like but you end up going into a spaceship to fight a Mother brain like alien, I think.

Any help would be appreciated.
Sounds almost like Crystalis... but I might be off on that.

Jason Rayes

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Sep 5, 2012
bluepotatosack said:
Dreyfusxano said:
The second was, I think, an RPG. You controlled a chibi like knight character who goes on an adventure and your life bar are big cartoony hearts and you get power ups, like Metroid. There is a point in the game that you get to a town that is near a desert which kills you if you cross it and you have to buy special boots in order to cross this desert. The setting is medieval like but you end up going into a spaceship to fight a Mother brain like alien, I think.

Any help would be appreciated.
Sounds almost like Crystalis... but I might be off on that.
Sounds like one of the later Wonderboy games. Wonderboy in Monster World I think. You needed to buy the Oasis Boots in order to cross the desert



New member
Sep 22, 2012
Does anybody remember an arcade lite gun rail shooter game where you could chose different chapters (A Sci-Fi one, a Western one, an egyptian one, and a another I think) and in all of them you play as the same character? I remember it had CO-OP and I'm not sure if there are any home ports.

EDIT: Nevermind, found it.


New member
Sep 22, 2012
Ok, I remember I was like in 5th or 6th grade and i've had this game on my mind ever since and i'm trying to find it. All I remember from this game was, this kid had to find a "Award winning bug" at his grandmother's house. I think it was a puzzle game or something but it was a PC game. He also had to present the bug at a fair, I'm pretty sure that's all I remember, please!!!! someone help!!!! ha it's driving me insane just thinking about it... :(


New member
Sep 22, 2012
Ok, I remember I was like in 5th or 6th grade and i've had this game on my mind ever since and i'm trying to find it. All I remember from this game was, this kid had to find a "Award winning bug" at his grandmother's house. I think it was a puzzle game or something but it was a PC game. He also had to present the bug at a fair, I'm pretty sure that's all I remember, please!!!! someone help!!!! ha it's driving me insane just thinking about it... :(


New member
Sep 22, 2012
I need help with an old Nintendo game. It was an adventure game, set in the outdoors maybe? Jungle type of setting perhaps? Anyway the main character is a boy which you can name yourself. There is also a secondary character, a girl, and you give her a name also. The third character is Jose. (can't choose his name). Jose is a helpful guy. There is text popping up at the bottom of the screen with the picture of each character as you have conversations. Any ideas???


New member
Sep 22, 2012
I need help with an old Nintendo game. It was an adventure game, set in the outdoors maybe? Jungle type of setting perhaps? Anyway the main character is a boy which you can name yourself. There is also a secondary character, a girl, and you give her a name also. The third character is Jose. (can't choose his name). Jose is a helpful guy. There is text popping up at the bottom of the screen with the picture of each character as you have conversations. Any ideas???


New member
Sep 22, 2012
Hey guys.

I've been trying to find this game for years. My cousin used to play it in his pc, and it had a similar vibe to American Mcgee's Alice. If I remember correctly, the main character was an orphan little girl (with curly short dark hair maybe?). I don't remember much, only that there was a level where she was in a library or something and there were flying books and I think she rode them. Also, either the main screen or the game over screen were her sitting in a bed. I believe this was when I was about 7? I'm 20 now. Does anyone remember this?


New member
Sep 20, 2012
T_SURFER said:
Alizaria said:
I'm trying to figure out the name of an old game i played as a kid, i don't remember much other then you could play through the game with two people, one used a yo-yo? as a weapon, (no it is not earthbound) the other used like one of those party blower things that unroll when you blow into them, i thing the weapons can upgrade also.
i remember one level kinda like a graveyard? idk something really dark and spooky, again it was a side scroller.
for some parts it was a side scroller style game,then i think i remember little cut scenes where depending on how much money you spent you'd have to sail somewhere, if you had little money you were basically floating on a piece of wood, if you had alot you'd be on a nice ship. idk ive been trying to find this game for ages and nothing works.

im hoping that im remembering this game correctly (i was born 1992 so that gives a bit of a time frame, i was still a little kid at the time. thanks all.
"The Legend of the Mystical Ninja", perhaps?

If not, you might find it in the Video Games section in:
thats it :D thanks so much, that has been bugging me for months. made this acc just for asking this :) again tanks alot!


New member
Sep 22, 2012
I'm so glad I found this forum! There's an old PC game I used to play when I was really young that I can't remember the name of. I think it rand on Windows 95, but it might have been even earlier than that. I really don't remember much about it, but it was this educational game about animals. It was like an animal encyclopedia or something. You could bring up information about pretty much any animal, and it would show pictures and tell you about the animal, and I think they even had videos and sound clips, so you could hear the sounds they made. I think it was National Geographic, but I'm not sure about that.

I really don't remember anything else; I was really young when I played it. If anyone could help, I'd really appreciate it!


New member
May 22, 2010
lei_aili said:
I'm so glad I found this forum! There's an old PC game I used to play when I was really young that I can't remember the name of. I think it rand on Windows 95, but it might have been even earlier than that. I really don't remember much about it, but it was this educational game about animals. It was like an animal encyclopedia or something. You could bring up information about pretty much any animal, and it would show pictures and tell you about the animal, and I think they even had videos and sound clips, so you could hear the sounds they made. I think it was National Geographic, but I'm not sure about that.

I really don't remember anything else; I was really young when I played it. If anyone could help, I'd really appreciate it!
You sure it was a game and not literally an electronic encyclopedia? Before the internet became ubiquitous (and also before Wikipedia became a thing) encyclopedia companies used to distribute multimedia enhanced copies of their encyclopedias on CD ROMs. I've got a copy of Encarta '97 on my shelf, takes up three or four CDs. Not all of these things were regular encyclopedias, so it's entirely plausible that National Geographic could have published an animal encyclopedia that way.

Edit: Here's one about mammals: http://www.amazon.com/National-Geographic-CD-ROM-Multimedia-Encyclopedia/dp/B004K7OEYW


New member
Sep 22, 2012
I'm searching for a game on pc , played in 2000 i think or around those years , a game like gta 2 open world you choose betwen a man or a woman and at the start of the game you get separated from the other one , you're chased by cops . You can hijack flying cars or can enter robots that are on the street and you can do missions for different factions like mafia or police ( i was little back then so don't think my details are as accurate as others are )