Old Games you remember playing but can't remember the name of.


New member
Sep 23, 2012
Hi guys,

I have a game that i can't remember the name of but I do remember some details of it:

1. There was a variety of races but you could only play as humans (i think) som of the others was Church, Synthoids, Oracle
2. There was a planet called Delphi
3. You could ask for excommunication by the Church of BE excommunicated
4. It was Turn Based
5. It was set in space

Any ideas?


New member
Sep 22, 2012
KaliArchon said:
holmoleta said:
Hey guys.

I've been trying to find this game for years. My cousin used to play it in his pc, and it had a similar vibe to American Mcgee's Alice. If I remember correctly, the main character was an orphan little girl (with curly short dark hair maybe?). I don't remember much, only that there was a level where she was in a library or something and there were flying books and I think she rode them. Also, either the main screen or the game over screen were her sitting in a bed. I believe this was when I was about 7? I'm 20 now. Does anyone remember this?
Well... actually... ... this sounds exactly like Alice. There is a library where you have to activate books to get to the next level, and the main screen is her sitting on a bed...
I must be very confused then... But I think I remember the game over screen of that little girl in the bed crying or something like that? I guess I'm mixing the two games... Well, thanks anyway :)

Diogo Poupado

New member
Sep 7, 2012
Still need help, guys. I really wanna find this game. I've been looking for it for YEARS!!!

1. Played it at around 1998-2002 on the PC (CD with LOTS and LOTS of games in it).
2. You control a penis (there are several different ones to select), in a pac-man kind of game.
3. You have a maze, and in the middle there's a girl in a bed. You have to get there to win.
4. There's virus and other stuff you have to run from and shoot sperm, I think, to kill them.
5. Not sure if a PC game or if I played some kind of emulated version.

Someone here already suggested X-MAN for the Atari 2600. The idea is exactly the same, except you control a penis, not a man.
And the graphics were much better than that 8-bit game (X-Man).

Definitely a X-MAN ripoff. Any ideas? Please, I'm getting crazy here :p


New member
Sep 24, 2012
Tiny116 said:
2 games
1 is an old rts with different races that was cool (sorry can't really elaborate on it more)
2 IS a battle driving game. Think Death race meets Wipeout and unreal tournament, winner gets out of death row. Lots of cool arena and weapons, no idea what happened to it though.
1. Submarine Titans? Warcraft/Starcraft/Age of Empires/Red Alert and other command and conquer types...

2. no idea there


New member
Sep 24, 2012
Hi guys! I recently stumbled upon this forums while searching for an old title... I dearly hope you can help me on this one...


It's an old fast paced 80s-90s side-scrolling game. You could choose between 2 robot characters. One was red and bulky and had hard hitting weapons, while the other one was blue and was a lot more agile and I think he was sort of a melee-ninja robot warrior.

Anyways, that's all i can remember. Also, it was pretty tough. And if you selected the red robot, he would shout somethign around the lines of "rory fraygun" in a deep robotic voice, i know it doesnt make sense, i was just 7 or so at the time but thats the sound i remember

Thanks guys!

Shane Ray

New member
Aug 27, 2012
Hey guys, I have a tough one for ya!

Snes or Nes.

Side-scroller/Plat-former, You have a pet dog that bounces around the screen. All I can remember is that the first boss was a gargoyle I believe, and one of the boss is a large face with a crystal or gem in the middle of this forehead that changes color when you attack him. You get cherries as life if i recall. hmmmm certain levels would repeat unless you got the order correct then you could progress. Sorry I cant remember more Thanks for the help!


New member
Sep 16, 2012
Matchu said:
Ok....here is a conundrum for you all....

I am trying to recall the name of a text base adventure game, which had graphics for the room you were in.

It was based on a spaceship...or space station. The occupants were killed...and there is an alien on the lose. You have to piece clues together etc etc It was very atmospheric to play as you were always expecting to get killed as you enter the next room....and read the text!

Not sure if it was on the Spectrum or the Amiga....the game must have been from the late 80's early 90's ?

Any help much appreciated !
Anyone ? Might have been an early PC game :-/

Many thanks for any help !


New member
Jan 25, 2012
Alizaria said:
I'm trying to figure out the name of an old game i played as a kid, i don't remember much other then you could play through the game with two people, one used a yo-yo? as a weapon, (no it is not earthbound) the other used like one of those party blower things that unroll when you blow into them, i thing the weapons can upgrade also.
i remember one level kinda like a graveyard? idk something really dark and spooky, again it was a side scroller.
for some parts it was a side scroller style game,then i think i remember little cut scenes where depending on how much money you spent you'd have to sail somewhere, if you had little money you were basically floating on a piece of wood, if you had alot you'd be on a nice ship. idk ive been trying to find this game for ages and nothing works.

im hoping that im remembering this game correctly (i was born 1992 so that gives a bit of a time frame, i was still a little kid at the time. thanks all.
Sounds like Legend of the Mystical Ninja I had for SNES.


New member
Sep 25, 2012
Hey everyone, I'm looking for a top-down RPG game(a emulator game maybe)I played in 90s, first scence comes with a starry night, the king call you to find something by exploring a maze with princess. and last clue i can remember is items can be found from bush in towns. Not quite a classic game and yet just came out of my mind sometimes.


New member
Sep 25, 2012
Hey guys :)
I remember playing a game 11 years ago where you start as a man in city, so first you must go to a bar where you find dancing women and some cops, I can't remember the rest but I remember going underground where you have to find crystals or something.
It's a Playstation 1 action shooter game.

I'd be really happy if someone finds the name of this game :)



New member
Sep 25, 2012
Okay I am hoping someone can help me...

I remember playing this one game when i was like 12... (2001)

I dont remember much but I think it was about a boy and a girl in a different planet fighting off like these life-size looking ants (?) and like different type of bugs I think?

I think I would play it on a nintendo 64 I dont really remember...
Please help this is killing I really wanna find that game!


New member
Mar 28, 2008
Liz88 said:
Hi I'm looking for the name of a PC game I used to play when I was little it was along similar lines to commander keen ad duke nukem. The player was an Egg with a hard hat and he used to have to collect bread to defeat a rat and collect potions and stuff on his journey through a castle.. Any ideas? Also there was another one where he was a miner and had to collect jewels that was the same sort of year as the other. There were all sorts of levels one was on a space ship and he had to kill off aliens on lifts to get to the jewels. It was awesome.
Fantasy World Dizzy - is the Egg game


New member
Sep 23, 2012
Owyn_Merrilin said:
With a little luck, we can find the second one, too. It sounds like it might be one of the Specter/VR Challenger games (the first word in the title varied depending on the game). They were really early 3D games, and largely fit the description you gave.
Sorry, they were alittle more modern then that. The ground and other vehicles had textures.

Amberly Knox

New member
Sep 25, 2012
1. you start off at in a town and the locals make fun of you and call you pig farmer i believe the name of the main character is stonewood. you can use magic later on...cant remember much more


New member
Sep 23, 2012
Jack4848 said:
hi! i'm new here but i have already a problem!
this summer i started again to use my psone. one of my friend asked me to find an old game in which u uses robots (maybe, he wasn't sure) but certainly while u play soccer weapons appear in the football ground and u can use them. like maybe mario stikers charged football
Thank u


New member
Sep 25, 2012
Hello everyone, I'm trying to remember two old games I played while I was in elementary school. The first one I played in school, can't remember when but I believe it was around 2001. I don't remember too much about other than that there were different color keys involved and that you ended up having to climb up a set of three ladders on a tower to reach the villain. I believe it also had a level or a sequel which had a Christmas theme and I remember something about finding presents to be able to proceed. The second game I played on the computer at a friends house and it had something to do with this girl that sent robots back in time to alter history so she was accurate about her answers on a test and you had to go back and fix everything. One thing I remember is that she changed (I believe) the Golden Gate Bridge to be made out of licorice. If anyone could help I would 'greatly' appreciate it, this has been bugging me for months.


New member
Sep 25, 2012
A game from the late 90's (about 1997-1998) on the pc, where you played a ufo (if i remember correctly)that goes around a map and make small tanks or trebuchet's.


New member
Jan 19, 2012
What a brilliant thread!

So I have been searching for these two games awhile/

The first game was on PC, its most likely a DOS game, I was playing this maybe back in 1993/1994. It was a 2D game where you played as a human but in certain situations you transformed into animals such as a frog or bat to get through certain areas. any ideas?

The second game was on Playstation, Its either set in Japan (or China) its an adventure game where you traveled around towns and in each town you could learn different fighting style at the dojo. Drunken Style Kung Fu sticks out in my mind as one style you could learn. As you are traveling you fight enemies and crap
- I thought it was Ronin Blade so I bought it but its not haha

Hopefully someone can help