Old Games you remember playing but can't remember the name of.

Kaitlin Johnson

New member
Aug 10, 2018
Kaitlin Johnson said:
Okay guys, this is my first time posting here. I am in serious need of help.

So I'm looking for the name of an educational kids game that I played in the early to mid 2000s. This game was about animals, but there are only a few parts of it that I distinctly remember. I remember there being a section about white tailed deer, and a section about bats using their echolocation. The clearest memory I have is about a game where you had to help beavers build a dam. You did this by cutting down trees with their teeth, patting down mud, and setting the sticks down in the mud to build it. The graphics were like decent but nothing spectacular. Similar to an animated movie I guess? I played it on the computer.

Thanks in advance!

Okay so I'm really mad, because I searched Google for 2+ hours and as soon as I post it here and on Facebook, I find it. It was Jumpstart Animal Adventures.

Anthony J Agnello

New member
Dec 21, 2009
falcon72 said:
Hi guys. I'm trying to find a game that was something like this. I played it on a Windows 98 machine in the early 2000s. It was a 2D side-scrolling battleship game where you were in control of the ship on the top of the screen, you could move it only to the left or right. There were enemies (submarines most of the time) below the sea level to destroy with bombs (very wobbly when dropped) and missiles. These enemies, would eventually go up to your ship and if they hit you, you would lose a life (i think) or there was a health bar somewhere. The game was divided into at least 10 stages (that's the maximum I've reached back in the day) and every 3 or 5 stages, there was a "special" or "bonus" stage where you were be able to call air strike to destroy enemies and get loads of points. I remember if you saw enemies in a straight line and if you hit them they would explode progressively giving you a multiplier in points. And the music?? OMG it was good and catchy. For some reason, I remember "WIN" in the title. I would like to play it again today to see if I can go past the 10th stage. :)
I'm almost positive you're talking about In The Hunt. Is this it? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SXD_21ouJWA


Jan 23, 2017
John Constantine said:
falcon72 said:
Hi guys. I'm trying to find a game that was something like this. I played it on a Windows 98 machine in the early 2000s. It was a 2D side-scrolling battleship game where you were in control of the ship on the top of the screen, you could move it only to the left or right. There were enemies (submarines most of the time) below the sea level to destroy with bombs (very wobbly when dropped) and missiles. These enemies, would eventually go up to your ship and if they hit you, you would lose a life (i think) or there was a health bar somewhere. The game was divided into at least 10 stages (that's the maximum I've reached back in the day) and every 3 or 5 stages, there was a "special" or "bonus" stage where you were be able to call air strike to destroy enemies and get loads of points. I remember if you saw enemies in a straight line and if you hit them they would explode progressively giving you a multiplier in points. And the music?? OMG it was good and catchy. For some reason, I remember "WIN" in the title. I would like to play it again today to see if I can go past the 10th stage. :)
I'm almost positive you're talking about In The Hunt. Is this it? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SXD_21ouJWA
Thank you for the reply but no, it's not that game. The one I'm looking for has a very bright blue sea (maybe I played it in 256 colors mode??) and you couldn't move away from the screen by going to the right. There was a small portion of the sky above the ship you were in control of too. You were standing on the sea level at the top of the screen.


New member
Apr 19, 2018
Ners said:
Ners said:
So, can't remember a game, it was some sort of action/shooter based. No close known timeframes but I used to play it on a WinXP machine around 2009 perhaps? +/- couple of years, likely older.
After a couple of clicks through the main menus (red-black themed, some pictures and an intro/cutscene I think) you show up as an armored person/soldier in some sort of a valley surrounded with another few soldiers, each having a different set of weapons I think. You could individually control each unit. The main theme color of the game overall was red, like red-orange-yellow(?) and any shades around those, it was literally all red-shaded. From the grounds and grass up to the skies as well, except soldier units, those were black and structures(?) those were more grayish.
The surroundings were kind of like steppes, low steppe-like grass, lots of tiny hills and valleys covered in grass and some larger mountains in the horizont, felt like a desert.
Moving some further you'd encounter some enemy units and some flags waving around, or was it some poles? Can't recall, but it definitely was something alike. Eventually you'd end up finding some kind of conctrete/metal structure/bridge(?) up on a huge hill and few trees around which were similar to those of GTA SA, huge&high, they were also scattered around the fields but nothing in large amounts.
This is the further I came and that's all I get to remember, guess there was some mission to be done but as a kid back then and with lack of english knowledge, it wasn't something I went after and likely the reason I can't remember what it was about, it's mostly visual memories.
Anyone got a clue what I'm talking about?

Someday, someone's gonna tell me he knows what I'm talking about, but until then;
BUMPing this post.

Aimilios Velia

New member
Aug 13, 2018
So there is this old PC RPG I had played as a kid, I think back in 2004 or 2005. It was a game in which you started in a gladiatorial pit, and when you kill the enemies there, you get a pair of boots and a sword IIRC. Then you get out of the pit and out into the world where you can hire companions to follow you and help you in your quests. It follows classic RPG elements such as levelling up and acquiring more advanced armor and weapons as you go along. The main's character's name was just Gladiator, and he was a muscular guy with red hair and a braid I think, and you could swap into a female player as well. When you get out of the pit, the camera angle was at a bird's eye perpective and you could zoom in or out. I'm pretty sure it had 3D graphics. I don't remember much more. Hope you guys could find it, it will evoke a lot of positive memories!


New member
Sep 13, 2016
Aimilios Velia said:
So there is this old PC RPG I had played as a kid, I think back in 2004 or 2005. It was a game in which you started in a gladiatorial pit, and when you kill the enemies there, you get a pair of boots and a sword IIRC. Then you get out of the pit and out into the world where you can hire companions to follow you and help you in your quests. It follows classic RPG elements such as levelling up and acquiring more advanced armor and weapons as you go along. The main's character's name was just Gladiator, and he was a muscular guy with red hair and a braid I think, and you could swap into a female player as well. When you get out of the pit, the camera angle was at a bird's eye perpective and you could zoom in or out. I'm pretty sure it had 3D graphics. I don't remember much more. Hope you guys could find it, it will evoke a lot of positive memories!
Long shot, but maybe Dark Sun: Shattered Lands [https://www.giantbomb.com/dark-sun-shattered-lands/3030-146/]?

Aimilios Velia

New member
Aug 13, 2018
Midwoka said:
Aimilios Velia said:
So there is this old PC RPG I had played as a kid, I think back in 2004 or 2005. It was a game in which you started in a gladiatorial pit, and when you kill the enemies there, you get a pair of boots and a sword IIRC. Then you get out of the pit and out into the world where you can hire companions to follow you and help you in your quests. It follows classic RPG elements such as levelling up and acquiring more advanced armor and weapons as you go along. The main's character's name was just Gladiator, and he was a muscular guy with red hair and a braid I think, and you could swap into a female player as well. When you get out of the pit, the camera angle was at a bird's eye perpective and you could zoom in or out. I'm pretty sure it had 3D graphics. I don't remember much more. Hope you guys could find it, it will evoke a lot of positive memories!
Long shot, but maybe Dark Sun: Shattered Lands [https://www.giantbomb.com/dark-sun-shattered-lands/3030-146/]?
No it isn't that... The game was much more modern than this, if I could guess it was probably released in about 2002 or 2003 and it wasn't turn-based RPG. The style was very Blizzard-esque too, it looked like World of Warcraft a bit.


New member
Jul 28, 2012
Hoo boy I've been on an old educational/puzzle game kick for a while now and I remember one I loved but can't seem to find anywhere.

I remember it was one of those games where you can select different puzzles/games to try, to progress towards a goal (I think this was some kind of mystery-ish one? I remember a watchmaker being robbed as like, the first major story bit), and I'm fairly sure it involved aliens or creatures in some way.

I remember two different games. One involved sending people into these like, stadium seats, so that they wouldn't bump into each other. The other I remember involved choosing paths for an airshow (not sure what the goal was though).

I've already gone through all my old cluefinders games and I'm really hoping to find whatever this was again. Pretty sure it was from the late 90s or early 2000s, since it made an effort to have 3D models...to a degree. Any pointers from people who remember it even vaguely would help!!


New member
Feb 28, 2016
Ach, I have one I can't remember again (came to me in the middle of the night, as these things do...)

It's a Li'l Howie game, and I don't think it's Tuneland as I remember having that one too at the same time. You start out in a treehouse and you can go a bunch of different places; the one I sort of remember is what seems to be a laboratory type setting, and Howie teaches the player how to use the knuckles of both hands to remember how many days are in a month (all the months with 31 days land on a knuckle, the other months land on the dips in between the knuckles.) There's also a place with a dance party, and a song whose first line goes something like "your back against your partner, your feet against the wall". That's about all I remember.


(Edit: I'm fairly sure at this point that I had both Li'l Howie's Great Word Adventure and Great Math Adventure - looking up details from both, they ring very familiar. So that's likely it!)


New member
May 12, 2017
Aimilios Velia said:
So there is this old PC RPG I had played as a kid, I think back in 2004 or 2005. It was a game in which you started in a gladiatorial pit, and when you kill the enemies there, you get a pair of boots and a sword IIRC. Then you get out of the pit and out into the world where you can hire companions to follow you and help you in your quests. It follows classic RPG elements such as levelling up and acquiring more advanced armor and weapons as you go along. The main's character's name was just Gladiator, and he was a muscular guy with red hair and a braid I think, and you could swap into a female player as well. When you get out of the pit, the camera angle was at a bird's eye perpective and you could zoom in or out. I'm pretty sure it had 3D graphics. I don't remember much more. Hope you guys could find it, it will evoke a lot of positive memories!

Effy Ng

New member
Aug 19, 2018
There's a old pc game where you build village up with resources etc and defend it. I remember building windmill.. most importantly my guys fight enemies using a like a police baton or something. Enemies will be beaten to death. It's quite funny seeing them fight. I hope someone can remember the name! Thanks!! :D


New member
Sep 6, 2013
Hey guys, anyone has any information about these 2 games I am looking for about 5 years now ???

Elia1995 said:
Hello, I'm looking for an old PC game I used to play a lot as kid, I remember that in its name there was "Odyssey" or something similar.

The game is a 2D platform, you play as a yellow upside down-stretchy "U" thing and in order to get past tight/narrow areas, you had to hold down the down arrow key and that guy "squeezes" and you could get past, also in some other areas you had to stretch.

The overall world was kinda blueish with random things over there and over there, some enemies that could get killed by stomping (not actually sure about that, but there were enemies) and overall cool sound effects and music.

The game was probably a Windows 95/98 one, for OBVIOUS reasons there are some titles I exclude due to Google searches I previously did:

- Oddworld: Abe's Oddyssee
- Odyssey: The Search for Ulysses

Good luck and I hope you guys can really help me out, I've asked anywhere and this is my latest hope !!!
Elia1995 said:
I remember about a NES game I played as kid where you play as a ninja or something red-colored and you kill ninjas, 2D Platformer subdivided in 2 "episodes":

In one (maybe the first one) you climb up a mountain or something while fighting these dark ninjas, in the second one you are inside a building with large floors.

Aimilios Velia

New member
Aug 13, 2018
Zharenn said:
Aimilios Velia said:
So there is this old PC RPG I had played as a kid, I think back in 2004 or 2005. It was a game in which you started in a gladiatorial pit, and when you kill the enemies there, you get a pair of boots and a sword IIRC. Then you get out of the pit and out into the world where you can hire companions to follow you and help you in your quests. It follows classic RPG elements such as levelling up and acquiring more advanced armor and weapons as you go along. The main's character's name was just Gladiator, and he was a muscular guy with red hair and a braid I think, and you could swap into a female player as well. When you get out of the pit, the camera angle was at a bird's eye perpective and you could zoom in or out. I'm pretty sure it had 3D graphics. I don't remember much more. Hope you guys could find it, it will evoke a lot of positive memories!
Yes that's it! Thank you so much!


Jan 23, 2017
Hi guys, does anybody know this game I'm looking for?? Thanks

Hi guys. I'm trying to find a game that was something like this. I played it on a Windows 98 machine in the early 2000s. It was a 2D side-scrolling battleship game where you were in control of the ship on the top of the screen, you could move it only to the left or right. There were enemies (submarines most of the time) below the sea level to destroy with bombs (very wobbly when dropped) and missiles. These enemies, would eventually go up to your ship and if they hit you, you would lose a life (i think) or there was a health bar somewhere. The game was divided into at least 10 stages (that's the maximum I've reached back in the day) and every 3 or 5 stages, there was a "special" or "bonus" stage where you were be able to call air strike to destroy enemies and get loads of points. I remember if you saw enemies in a straight line and if you hit them they would explode progressively giving you a multiplier in points. And the music?? OMG it was good and catchy. For some reason, I remember "WIN" in the title. I would like to play it again today to see if I can go past the 10th stage. :)

Jayden Henderson

New member
Aug 20, 2018
hi, I have been looking for this game for many years, I think it was on the PlayStation 2 or other such consoles at that time, you built space ships like putting hangers or scanners, ammo racks, weapons, all such things, the combat map was real time, the ships moved In a line and the combat took place Above land, when you attacked someone it would go in to a tactical cam, with the ground moving under the ships, and you only had so much of a budget to work with, I cant remember of this was a side mode or the main game.

I will try to think of more things.

can some one help me, I have been trying to find it for years.


New member
Feb 15, 2016
Hello guys :D ! I am hopeless but i'll give a try to describe two game that i played before :

the first game is a PC (surely) game, you have to drive an aircraft, a bit like wipeout, but i remembered that the aircraft could fly. The main mechanic of this game is to get balloon to get faster. I remember a bit that we could use weapon, and there are areas where aircrafts have to shoot themselves and not linear tracks, more like deathmatch.

THe second game is a psx (i guess) game. It's more complicated to describe him. It's a ugly fps game. Where you have a green hud. You don't see your weapon. The map is kinda flat and it was outdoor. I remember enemies looking like aliens. And i remember there was powerups for your weapon to get.

Thank you very mush


New member
Sep 13, 2016
CozyDino said:
THe second game is a psx (i guess) game. It's more complicated to describe him. It's a ugly fps game. Where you have a green hud. You don't see your weapon. The map is kinda flat and it was outdoor. I remember enemies looking like aliens. And i remember there was powerups for your weapon to get.
Maybe either Krazy Ivan [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d9vB7x2e2Zs] or Forsaken [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rf_iEoz-lk0]?


New member
Apr 19, 2018
Ners said:
Ners said:
Ners said:
So, can't remember a game, it was some sort of action/shooter based. No close known timeframes but I used to play it on a WinXP machine around 2009 perhaps? +/- couple of years, likely older.
After a couple of clicks through the main menus (red-black themed, some pictures and an intro/cutscene I think) you show up as an armored person/soldier in some sort of a valley surrounded with another few soldiers, each having a different set of weapons I think. You could individually control each unit. The main theme color of the game overall was red, like red-orange-yellow(?) and any shades around those, it was literally all red-shaded. From the grounds and grass up to the skies as well, except soldier units, those were black and structures(?) those were more grayish.
The surroundings were kind of like steppes, low steppe-like grass, lots of tiny hills and valleys covered in grass and some larger mountains in the horizont, felt like a desert.
Moving some further you'd encounter some enemy units and some flags waving around, or was it some poles? Can't recall, but it definitely was something alike. Eventually you'd end up finding some kind of conctrete/metal structure/bridge(?) up on a huge hill and few trees around which were similar to those of GTA SA, huge&high, they were also scattered around the fields but nothing in large amounts.
This is the further I came and that's all I get to remember, guess there was some mission to be done but as a kid back then and with lack of english knowledge, it wasn't something I went after and likely the reason I can't remember what it was about, it's mostly visual memories.
Anyone got a clue what I'm talking about?

Someday, someone's gonna tell me he knows what I'm talking about, but until then;
BUMPing this post.