looked at it but thats not the one what the game is is like an rpg rougelike i wish i had a picture icould show but lion heart isnt the oneVendor-Lazarus said:Lionheart: Legacy of the Crusader maybe?Patrick Stokes said:hey guys im looking for an old game i played in my child hood i think it was late 90s to early 2000s when i played it but the game had open world aspect free roam you started the game in a cell or dungeon and you fought skeletons on the way out and you had to loot while i dont remember the entire game i know you had one life and it was a hard game i dont think it had a save system in it either while only knowing this i know the game got harder and harder and it was unforgiving it also was a male main character and a 3rd person view where you could see you character at all times. i really need help finding it. please help
im sorry if it seemed rude how i said it but i really wish i had a photo