Old Games you remember playing but can't remember the name of.


Jan 23, 2017
Hi guys. I'm still trying to find a game that was something like this. I played it on a Windows 98 machine in the early 2000s. It was a 2D side-scrolling battleship game where you were in control of the ship on the top of the screen, you could move it only to the left or right. The one I'm looking for has a very bright blue sea (maybe I played it in 256 colors mode??). There was a small portion of the sky above the ship you were in control of too. You were standing on the sea level at the top of the screen. There were enemies (submarines most of the time) below the sea level to destroy with bombs (very wobbly when dropped) and missiles. These enemies, would eventually go up to your ship and if they hit you, you would lose a life (i think) or there was a health bar somewhere. The game was divided into at least 10 stages (that's the maximum I've reached back in the day) and every 3 or 5 stages, there was a "special" or "bonus" stage where you were be able to call air strike (they would appear on the small portion of sky I mentioned before) to destroy enemies and get loads of points. I remember if you saw enemies in a straight line and if you hit them they would explode progressively giving you a multiplier in points. And the music?? OMG it was good and catchy. For some reason, I remember "WIN" in the title. I would like to play it again today to see if I can go past the 10th stage. :)[/spoiler][/quote]

Nina Zenti

New member
Oct 25, 2018
Hi everyone,

Im trying to find a game that I used to play in primary school, so early 2000's. The game was downloaded on our school computers and it was a role playing game where you would need to send and receive emails in order to solve some sort of mystery. It was set in a town and you could move around to different areas for clues and meet people who would help you. I really cant remember anything else about it but I would love to find it!!


New member
Mar 10, 2018
flap30 said:
flap30 said:
flap30 said:
trying to remember a pc game from 90s maybe early 00s. You were on the set of a crime mystery and you had to create a movie by picking clues that made the most sense. I remember one clue with a handkerchief that had the initials ff embroidered. I almost remember a man at a newsstand that gave you hints. any thoughts???
Ok more clues that I remembered
-there was a redheaded woman who was one of the main characters and she says "i haven't touched a thing" as her clue
-you can get a clue from the guy at the newsstand
-a handkerchief with embroidered initials was a clue
-something about a fat man sleeping in a chair was important
-i believe you were trying to make a movie, but to do so you had to pick clues that made sense in the story and you couldn't progress or make your movie if you picked the wrong clues


New member
Jun 3, 2010
Here?s one I?ve been struggling with: late nineties game, probably on a shareware disk. There were rats running around, male and female. If they met they produced babies, puting more rats on the field. I remember really weird rat mating sounds. It was the player?s job to get rid of the rats. That was iirc the whole game. Really simple but i can?t for the life of me recall its name....


New member
Aug 6, 2014
shewitt said:
I wonder if anyone knows what on earth I am talking about.....
I'm trying to remember a game that would have been played on a desktop PC in the 90's.

I don't remember there being much to it other than it being based around a dolphin like animal. I think a lot of the time you were just watching scenery like a pond or something and there were day and night phases to it. There were other animals that you'd spot as well, I think they were fantasy type creatures, atmospheric sounds etc.....
Gosh that's a bit thin but hope someone has a clue what I'm talking about! It is driving me mad not remembering the name of it.
So I made this post over 4 years ago but today got the answer. It was called Fin Fin on Teo the Magic Planet. I will sleep well tonight.


Elite Member
Apr 5, 2014
United States
Vorlayn said:
Here's one I've been struggling with: late nineties game, probably on a shareware disk. There were rats running around, male and female. If they met they produced babies, puting more rats on the field. I remember really weird rat mating sounds. It was the player's job to get rid of the rats. That was iirc the whole game. Really simple but i can't for the life of me recall its name....
That is probably Rats! which came out in 1994 but was later ported to iPhone in 2009.


New member
Jun 10, 2014
RelativityMan said:
MarchHatchet said:
Hello everyone, I'm interested in an old Diablo-like game where the action occurs on a planet where the main enemies are some of alien species. Your objective, as I remember, was to destroy their big eggs. During the loading screens you can obverse a ship carrying those eggs, 8 to 10 in number.

You began in a human base, the weapons were pistols at first, elementals pistols. Afterwards, you will find rifles. The weapons I have used were based on laser. Just like in Diablo II, the NPCs were traders of specific items, like a smith, a healer, a quest giver etc. The atmosphere felt futuristic, the controls were point and click (I hope I remember correctly) and the graphics, old.

Even if it's a game or a Diablo II mod, I hope you can help me.
Was it one of these:

Alien Shooter
Alien Shooter 2 Conscription
Greed: Black Border
Space Siege
Unfortunately, no. First of all, the game I've played was more like a point and click, just like Diablo II, mentioned above. Second, the game itself is old. I remember playing it around 2006-2007, so the game is older then that.


New member
May 24, 2013
mousecake said:
Alright everyone, I have 1 other game I'd like help in (thanks again for being awesome!):

Key points:
-90s/early 2000s pc game
-possible rts
- not specifically a shooter as each character had their strengths and weaknesses

This one is tricky because I only played a small part of the demo, but I remember it being a top-down sort or rts where you have a group of around 5ish survivors in what I think is an alien invasion. Each survor has it's own unique name and character design (I remember one having a lab coat?) You click on where you want them to go and who will be the first to explore a room or if you will lock a door. I remember a lab where you fight a few creatures, but it has some capsules to the left wall of the room where you can be safe in or maybe heal. One of the big standouts is that I could scroll away to see the whole map and what looked like an alien queen was on the far right corner of the map and it would spawn more and more creatures that would overtake the world very quickly. It always made me too scared to make progress...I'd hide in that lab forever and give up!

Closest game I found is Alien Shooters 2(similar atmosphere), but it doesn't look like the game play is the same.

I want redemption!!! XD
I was around 6 when I played this and it was the scariest game I had ever dared to play at the time, so my apologies for the terrible description(I also didn't speak English at the time which didn't help...)
Is this an Enemy Infestation?


New member
Mar 29, 2018
hanslord53 said:
Well Let me try this again.

I remember playing a game and you can only move left to right. It revolves around a girl that tries to beat the light. But first you need be master in dark arts. It has weird vibe in it.

Help me identify this game so i can sleep peacefully again LOL

Peter Mckain

New member
Mar 29, 2013
im looking for this game i remember i dont remember what the gameplay was like but i remember it had a big box with a black hole swallowing asteroids and meteorites.


New member
Apr 1, 2009
So I've looked around trying to find this game with no success.
It was a shareware game, I believe I bought it off one of those little stands with the 3.5in floppies of shareware. It would have been around 95 or 96. The game was first person and essentially a roguelike. You started the game and it randomly generated your class, starting items, and the world. The entire world was rendered with what I remember as colored polygons. No textures at all. The gameplay was either completely turn based or psuedo turn based with a timer, I can't remember which.

You would wander around in this "3d" world and kill monsters for loot and just keep going until you died. I never played the full non shareware version of the game. The controls where completely keyboard, no mouse input.

I remember the game having a weird almost comical name something like barry's world or daves adventure or something like that.

Edit: One other thing I just remembered is that one of my favorite things to do in the game was to charm monsters and make them fight each other.

Thanks in advance!


New member
Mar 13, 2016
This one is a long shot...

This is a game that was on the school computer in the mid 1990s (I went to school in the UK). I only played it briefly, but I'm curious about seeing it again.

The game featured still images in colour; you could not see your character. It was one of those games in which a text box tells you something that's happened, and then it would give you a few options.

I believe the first part of the game involved moving through a castle, and finding a rope to escape. In another part of the game, you came across a pond where there were fairies. The game asked me if I wanted to take part in their fairy dance and I said "no." The game said that the fairies were offended that I didn't want to dance with them, and I was punished for it.

I remember some girls in my class were playing it one day, and they had a choice between three items to take on their journey. One of the items offered was gold.

A classmate told me that the secret word for completing the game was "book", but I never got to the end of the game so it didn't really make sense to me.

I would be really impressed if someone knows what game this is.


New member
Apr 19, 2018
Ners said:
Ners said:
So, can't remember a game, it was some sort of action/shooter based. No close known timeframes but I used to play it on a WinXP machine around 2009 perhaps? +/- couple of years, likely older.
After a couple of clicks through the main menus (red-black themed, some pictures and an intro/cutscene I think) you show up as an armored person/soldier in some sort of a valley surrounded with another few soldiers, each having a different set of weapons I think. You could individually control each unit. The main theme color of the game overall was red, like red-orange-yellow(?) and any shades around those, it was literally all red-shaded. From the grounds and grass up to the skies as well, except soldier units, those were black and structures(?) those were more grayish.
The surroundings were kind of like steppes, low steppe-like grass, lots of tiny hills and valleys covered in grass and some larger mountains in the horizont, felt like a desert.
Moving some further you'd encounter some enemy units and some flags waving around, or was it some poles? Can't recall, but it definitely was something alike. Eventually you'd end up finding some kind of conctrete/metal structure/bridge(?) up on a huge hill and few trees around which were similar to those of GTA SA, huge&high, they were also scattered around the fields but nothing in large amounts.
This is the further I came and that's all I get to remember, guess there was some mission to be done but as a kid back then and with lack of english knowledge, it wasn't something I went after and likely the reason I can't remember what it was about, it's mostly visual memories.
Anyone got a clue what I'm talking about?



Senior Member
Dec 21, 2014
Ners said:
Ners said:
Ners said:
So, can't remember a game, it was some sort of action/shooter based. No close known timeframes but I used to play it on a WinXP machine around 2009 perhaps? +/- couple of years, likely older.
After a couple of clicks through the main menus (red-black themed, some pictures and an intro/cutscene I think) you show up as an armored person/soldier in some sort of a valley surrounded with another few soldiers, each having a different set of weapons I think. You could individually control each unit. The main theme color of the game overall was red, like red-orange-yellow(?) and any shades around those, it was literally all red-shaded. From the grounds and grass up to the skies as well, except soldier units, those were black and structures(?) those were more grayish.
The surroundings were kind of like steppes, low steppe-like grass, lots of tiny hills and valleys covered in grass and some larger mountains in the horizont, felt like a desert.
Moving some further you'd encounter some enemy units and some flags waving around, or was it some poles? Can't recall, but it definitely was something alike. Eventually you'd end up finding some kind of conctrete/metal structure/bridge(?) up on a huge hill and few trees around which were similar to those of GTA SA, huge&high, they were also scattered around the fields but nothing in large amounts.
This is the further I came and that's all I get to remember, guess there was some mission to be done but as a kid back then and with lack of english knowledge, it wasn't something I went after and likely the reason I can't remember what it was about, it's mostly visual memories.
Anyone got a clue what I'm talking about?

How old did the game look?
Like really old as eg. "Terra Nova: Strike Force Centauri"(1996) or more modern like "Chrome: SpecForce" (2005)?
And could you really directly control each unit, or just give orders?


New member
Feb 13, 2018
Pixelhunter said:
Ners said:
Ners said:
Ners said:
So, can't remember a game, it was some sort of action/shooter based. No close known timeframes but I used to play it on a WinXP machine around 2009 perhaps? +/- couple of years, likely older.
After a couple of clicks through the main menus (red-black themed, some pictures and an intro/cutscene I think) you show up as an armored person/soldier in some sort of a valley surrounded with another few soldiers, each having a different set of weapons I think. You could individually control each unit. The main theme color of the game overall was red, like red-orange-yellow(?) and any shades around those, it was literally all red-shaded. From the grounds and grass up to the skies as well, except soldier units, those were black and structures(?) those were more grayish.
The surroundings were kind of like steppes, low steppe-like grass, lots of tiny hills and valleys covered in grass and some larger mountains in the horizont, felt like a desert.
Moving some further you'd encounter some enemy units and some flags waving around, or was it some poles? Can't recall, but it definitely was something alike. Eventually you'd end up finding some kind of conctrete/metal structure/bridge(?) up on a huge hill and few trees around which were similar to those of GTA SA, huge&high, they were also scattered around the fields but nothing in large amounts.
This is the further I came and that's all I get to remember, guess there was some mission to be done but as a kid back then and with lack of english knowledge, it wasn't something I went after and likely the reason I can't remember what it was about, it's mostly visual memories.
Anyone got a clue what I'm talking about?


Is it by any chance one of the games in the Commandos or Men of War series? Are you positive it's a shooter? If not there are so many names that come in mind even Command and Conquer and Company of Heroes and such.


New member
Apr 19, 2018
cristyro said:
Pixelhunter said:
Ners said:
Ners said:
Ners said:
So, can't remember a game, it was some sort of action/shooter based. No close known timeframes but I used to play it on a WinXP machine around 2009 perhaps? +/- couple of years, likely older.
After a couple of clicks through the main menus (red-black themed, some pictures and an intro/cutscene I think) you show up as an armored person/soldier in some sort of a valley surrounded with another few soldiers, each having a different set of weapons I think. You could individually control each unit. The main theme color of the game overall was red, like red-orange-yellow(?) and any shades around those, it was literally all red-shaded. From the grounds and grass up to the skies as well, except soldier units, those were black and structures(?) those were more grayish.
The surroundings were kind of like steppes, low steppe-like grass, lots of tiny hills and valleys covered in grass and some larger mountains in the horizont, felt like a desert.
Moving some further you'd encounter some enemy units and some flags waving around, or was it some poles? Can't recall, but it definitely was something alike. Eventually you'd end up finding some kind of conctrete/metal structure/bridge(?) up on a huge hill and few trees around which were similar to those of GTA SA, huge&high, they were also scattered around the fields but nothing in large amounts.
This is the further I came and that's all I get to remember, guess there was some mission to be done but as a kid back then and with lack of english knowledge, it wasn't something I went after and likely the reason I can't remember what it was about, it's mostly visual memories.
Anyone got a clue what I'm talking about?


Is it by any chance one of the games in the Commandos or Men of War series? Are you positive it's a shooter? If not there are so many names that come in mind even Command and Conquer and Company of Heroes and such.
Yeah, I suppose there was some sort of a mission/path needed to walk over, enemy units were located here and there which you had to take out, it never felt like a flashy fast-paced shooting game though, one thing I should've noted in the original post, it wasn't a WW2 themed game, it felt a bit more recent, though how much I can't recall.


New member
Apr 19, 2018
Pixelhunter said:
Ners said:
Ners said:
Ners said:
So, can't remember a game, it was some sort of action/shooter based. No close known timeframes but I used to play it on a WinXP machine around 2009 perhaps? +/- couple of years, likely older.
After a couple of clicks through the main menus (red-black themed, some pictures and an intro/cutscene I think) you show up as an armored person/soldier in some sort of a valley surrounded with another few soldiers, each having a different set of weapons I think. You could individually control each unit. The main theme color of the game overall was red, like red-orange-yellow(?) and any shades around those, it was literally all red-shaded. From the grounds and grass up to the skies as well, except soldier units, those were black and structures(?) those were more grayish.
The surroundings were kind of like steppes, low steppe-like grass, lots of tiny hills and valleys covered in grass and some larger mountains in the horizont, felt like a desert.
Moving some further you'd encounter some enemy units and some flags waving around, or was it some poles? Can't recall, but it definitely was something alike. Eventually you'd end up finding some kind of conctrete/metal structure/bridge(?) up on a huge hill and few trees around which were similar to those of GTA SA, huge&high, they were also scattered around the fields but nothing in large amounts.
This is the further I came and that's all I get to remember, guess there was some mission to be done but as a kid back then and with lack of english knowledge, it wasn't something I went after and likely the reason I can't remember what it was about, it's mostly visual memories.
Anyone got a clue what I'm talking about?

How old did the game look?
Like really old as eg. "Terra Nova: Strike Force Centauri"(1996) or more modern like "Chrome: SpecForce" (2005)?
And could you really directly control each unit, or just give orders?
From a smaller picture search, Chrome: SpecForce is closer to the looks out of the two, actually it's quite close, those dull colors, just more red-orange based. One information I forgot in the original post is that it's not a WW2 based game or older, the weapons/soldiers felt way more recent, perhaps slightly futuristic aswell, though I'm not really sure about that. As for the units, yeah, I remember swapping between them, being able to move them too, think they also had a slightly different weapon set (hmm, pistols, knifes, some rifle types?, grenades and think there was even a sniper rifle, guessing at this point), perhaps they had different utilities/suitable for different tasks, not sure anymore.


New member
Apr 3, 2017

Im looking for a PC game that probbably came out around 2000-2010,I played it using an app that allowed you to play it only for 2 hours for free,then you had to pay to play more.
The game is sorta Strategy/RPG where you play as a woman leading a band of soldiers in a desert. When on map you can travel to find bandits or enter any towns you find.
In towns you recruit new soldiers,upgrade and heal your wounded men.


New member
Oct 20, 2017
So it was a PS1 game I remember playing with my brother. As much as my memory can recall, it was very similar to a PC game called Need For Madness. It shared similar game mechanics, vehicle models, graphics and much more. I remember on a CD back cover, the center box preview had a vehicle passing by the bridge that was dark brown or something. The shot was taken on top view. Gameplay was slightly different from PC game, NFM. I remember there was a deserted canyon where you can race with others. You randomly shrunk in size and went back to normal. A formula (the same from NFM) was able to go under monster truck because it was small and "portable". It was able to finish first. I also remember the entire game looking rusty, as in desert yellow color. In that canyon, you also had a chance to push other vehicles off and get the lead. The bridge from the back cover was a nightmare. It was a place where it was so easy to be knocked off as it was a bit thin. If you need, I can 10/10 (which sarcastically means bad) draw some examples for you. Monster truck was also the best vehicle in the game as it was easy to knock others off with it and take the lead when smaller in size (as fast formulas couldn't get past you that easily). I also know a person who ALSO knows this game but can't remember its name.

Our discords are:
(i am) a hentai expert#0500 (me)
ClassyTuxedo#5375 (person that ALSO knows this game)

Ace Striker

New member
Jun 2, 2017
Trying to remember the name of this flash game I played... It's a side scroller, by the way. You start off as this epic immortal god in cool armor with an awesome sword, and you're killing off any and all enemies without a scratch coming on you. Absolutely invincible. But something makes you lose your power, and you become a mortal with hardly any defenses. Now these same enemies that you were killing with ease, you must kill to regain your strength. You fight through... 3 areas I believe? Maybe 4. After the completion of each one, you unlock an outfit that increases a specific stat to help you in your quest. After completing the final area, you have the same armor and weapon from the beginning, but you're not quite immortal. Just hard to kill. A few friends tried to say that this was a lot of games, but certainly they can't be more wrong, right? Hopefully this description is clear enough to find out what the flash game is.