Old Games you remember playing but can't remember the name of.


Elite Member
Apr 5, 2014
United States
ManLee said:
I remember playing a Pinball-ish labyrinth maze wooden board pinball or a metal/steel ball, a PC game, you had to control the ball with the keyboard avoiding the holes and reaching the finish zone. Thanks!
That might have been The Labyrinth Plus! Edition, which was bundled with Microsoft Plus! for Windows XP, otherwise you could check this list of rolling ball games. It's five pages long, but at least it's a start.


Regular Member
Oct 18, 2016
RelativityMan said:
ManLee said:
I remember playing a Pinball-ish labyrinth maze wooden board pinball or a metal/steel ball, a PC game, you had to control the ball with the keyboard avoiding the holes and reaching the finish zone. Thanks!
That might have been The Labyrinth Plus! Edition, which was bundled with Microsoft Plus! for Windows XP, otherwise you could check this list of rolling ball games. It's five pages long, but at least it's a start.
I couldn't find it, and it's not the one you mentioned either... although it is REALLY similar to both Labyrinth for Android and Wooden Labyrinth 3D for iPhone. Thank you!


New member
Sep 25, 2013
Vitor Vilhena said:
Hello guysm there is a game that i want a lot to know the name, since it was so fun.
its a pc game that i used to play at least ten years ago, were the 1 to 4 players (in the same pc) would be one marine, inside a army, fighting against tick aliens. the game graphics were kinda cute, and the camera was from above, so all the players could see in the same screen. the game had levels that we had to beat, like an open space invasion to defending a closed space against the incoming waves. Anyone could help?
An Alien Breed remake like the 2009 Alien Breed Evolution: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alien_Breed

Vitor Vilhena

New member
May 6, 2019
Roman78 said:
Vitor Vilhena said:
Hello guysm there is a game that i want a lot to know the name, since it was so fun.
its a pc game that i used to play at least ten years ago, were the 1 to 4 players (in the same pc) would be one marine, inside a army, fighting against tick aliens. the game graphics were kinda cute, and the camera was from above, so all the players could see in the same screen. the game had levels that we had to beat, like an open space invasion to defending a closed space against the incoming waves. Anyone could help?
An Alien Breed remake like the 2009 Alien Breed Evolution: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alien_Breed
Thanks but no, they were way cuter, more childish


New member
May 25, 2016
Hello there.
I am looking for a game that i played in the year maybe 2010 or less, its an old game i remember the graphics were for low spec computer as well ,in the game i remember ur like a orc i guess that has a funny stance which is also a wizard maybe i think he has some kind of powers of sorcery,the game might have other char's to play with i played it on my pc, in the game i remember details like if u kill somebody his soul would apear flying to the sky,and i remember a scene which u came in some city and there was a man with a mask on his head which beheaded somebody there with a sword/axe/knife i guess,and u had to kill that person,another mission i remember is u gave some kind of potion to somebody that didnt feel good, this game looks pretty dark and its an old fantasy game 3rd person.

Christopher Conlan

New member
May 3, 2019
RelativityMan said:
Christopher Conlan said:
Looking for a game which I only had the demo of, but I played several times because I really enjoyed it, either on the original Xbox or the Xbox 360 (sorry, I can't quite remember which).

- It was basically a flying game, sort of futuristic, I'm pretty sure they were like spaceships but not in space. The environment was like a sunny area.

- It felt somewhat open, like I was told go here and do this, then here and do that. The pilot was talking to someone over the radio, and there was obviously some sort of narrative going on.

- I can remember the pilot exiting the ship while it was on a platform but I can't remember if this was in-game or a cut-scene.

- The pilot had the ability to go into slow motion. Towards the end of the demo you're flying through a canyon/tunnel and there's lots of falling rocks which you use the slow-mo to evade.

Please help! Every couple of years I'm reminded of this game and I go looking for it to no avail. For some reason screenshots Starlink: Battle for Atlas Game me think of it again just now.
That is more than likely Sine Mora, or possibly Zeit[sup]2[/sup]. I also looked at Yager for the original Xbox, but didn't see any slow motion stuff.
Holy crap, it was Yager! Amazing, thank you so much! Now I'm off to play it :)

Will Reynolds

New member
May 18, 2019
Hello, I used to play a game on a OLD PC (Around 1996-2004) Was playing as a older, kinda chubby viking with a hammer. Had to run around and defeat enemies. IIRC it was set in a norse mythology/viking setting. Any clues?

Jeff La Fouille

New member
May 18, 2019
Hello everyone,
I am looking for a game of train on PC output in my opinion between 1997 and 2003.
It's a strategy / war / fantasy train game (it's not a train simulation game).

I played this game on windows XP being smaller, on the jacket it seems to me we could see a locomotive and explosions or flames.
In this game we have to succeed levels / map of different types, snow style, marsh, desert, fog ... (a bit like the different worlds in mario bros).

in each world / map the rails are already placed and at each end of the map there is a base (ours and that of the enemy: the computer).
from our base we can build different types of locomotives / wagons (flamethrowers, machine gunners, loco-kamikazes, launcher "drones" ...) which must be used to destroy the locomotives / wagons enemy and its base.

it is a game in 3D view from above (in angle), it seems to me that we could zoom in a little, de-zoom but no more.

If you have an idea of ​​the name of this game, an image of the game, some info, a seller of this game I take! im desperate; i search this game for so long ...

edit: sorry for my bad english, i m french


Making lemons combustible again
Escapist +
Feb 9, 2008
A Barrel In the Marketplace
Alexander Anthony said:
I had an RPG on gameboy (though it may have been remastered from another console) where you start in a village, go north into some sort of shrine and fight the mandatory start-of-game boss, then when you return to the village no-one there remembers who you are.. I think when you return to the village it's gone from colour to b&w as well. If anyone has any ideas I'd be hugely appreciative!!
Sounds like Breath of Fire 2. It was a SNES title but probably got a gameboy release as well.

Moh Amed Lamine

New member
May 18, 2019
hi guys, first of all sorry for my english, ive been looking for a game for years, acctually it's two games.
the first is a point & click game i remembre in the first stage you wake up tied in a chair and there's a spider coming at you and you have to figure it out how to kill it, i remembre it was by pushing a closet or something like that.

2-this one is very hard to describ, it was a detective game you had to find the killer or the robber ? it was just a window with some text and i remembre a picture of black face with coat and sunglasses or like zoro mask ?

Thanks guys i hope i was clear

Jamal Merheb

New member
May 18, 2019
Hey guys, I remember playing this game, I don't remember If it was on playstation 2 or its own console, but in the game I'm being recorded for this fizzy drink soda commercial and when I drink the soda I turn into this ape / monster and I Destroy everything around me

Any ideas?

Jamal Merheb

New member
May 18, 2019
Hey guys, I remember playing this game, I don't remember If it was on playstation 2 or its own console, but in the game I'm being recorded for this fizzy drink soda commercial and when I drink the soda I turn into this ape / monster and I Destroy everything around me

Any ideas?


New member
Sep 25, 2013
Will Reynolds said:
Hello, I used to play a game on a OLD PC (Around 1996-2004) Was playing as a older, kinda chubby viking with a hammer. Had to run around and defeat enemies. IIRC it was set in a norse mythology/viking setting. Any clues?
Maybe: Lost Vikings https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Lost_Vikings


New member
Sep 25, 2013
Moh Amed Lamine said:
hi guys, first of all sorry for my english, ive been looking for a game for years, acctually it's two games.
the first is a point & click game i remembre in the first stage you wake up tied in a chair and there's a spider coming at you and you have to figure it out how to kill it, i remembre it was by pushing a closet or something like that.

2-this one is very hard to describ, it was a detective game you had to find the killer or the robber ? it was just a window with some text and i remembre a picture of black face with coat and sunglasses or like zoro mask ?

Thanks guys i hope i was clear
First one sounds like Broken Sword 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nCvN9lSFrW8

Second one: Is that an real old classical Text Adventure like Zork, or some new made to look old game? The graphics were they Pixel-based or ASCII-based? Does it have colour?

Cosme Felinito

Regular Member
May 22, 2019
Hello! I just want to try this. I've been searching this game for years. I played it when I was like 7yo. I think it was a demo from a CD with a lot of games, like Galaxy of Games. I played this in windows 95 but around 1998-2000.

You start in like a desert zone, with a hole (like a little crater) and you are a thin guy with black clothes (like leather). You have to fight a dinosaur or lizzard (I'm not sure about this really) which walks on two feet. You can throw punches and kicks and I think that the enemy too. It was 3D but very poligon-ish, this game might be from 1993-1996, can't really tell but the graphics were worse than Heretic 2, better than Alone in the dark (1992) and look a bit alike MDK.

Thanks for your time, and english isn't my native tongue, sorry for any mistake, regards!
May 22, 2019
Hello everyone i've been looking for this game for a long time and can't find it if anyone can help it would be much appreciated. Here it goes.

Late 80, ealy 90 space SIDE shooter, it had 2 player mode and i remember you could FLIP directions left or right to shoot enemies that came from behind, the screen move sideways but also it moved down or up, i remember the first stage you went around a massive mothership that enemies came from within, cant remember much else but it was pretty unique.


50.Air Buster 49.E.D.F. - Earth Defense Force 48.Mega Blast 47.Hyper Duel 46.Alpha Mission 2 45.Metal Black 44.Cosmic Cop 43.Mystic Riders 42.Airwolf 41.Bio-Ship Paladin 40.Twinkle Star Sprites 39.Rezon 38.Zero Wing 37.Spacefortress Macross II 36.Ghost Pilots 35.Atomic Robo Kid 34.Carrier Airwing 33.Raystorm 32.Viewpoint 31.Terra Force 30.Blazstar 29.Prehistoric Isle 28.Side Arms - Hyper Dyne 27.Eco Fighters 26.Hacha Mecha Fighter 25.Blazing Lazers 24.Black Heart 23.Zed Blade 22.Fantasy Zone 21.4-D Warriors 20.Last Resort 19.U.N. Squadron 18.Sol Divide 17.Bosconian 16.Baraduke 15.Captain Tomaday 14.G-Darius 13.Xevious 3/DG 12.R-Type 2 11.Pulstar 10.Battle Chopper 09.Gradius 3 08.Breakthru 07.Moon Patrol 06.Salamander 05.R-Type Leo 04.Gigawing 03.Darius-G 02.Asteroids Deluxe 01.Defender

Marius Gerulis

New member
May 23, 2019
Hello. I'm the first time here and I hope this thread is still active. I just remembered a game I used to play when I was younger but I don't remember the name of it. It was a co-op / singleplayer game where there were 4 classes I think and there was a story that a clown of a theme park or the boss of the theme park became evil or something and he kind of traps all the players in the theme park and you have to fight through monster waves and in the end there's a boss and if all of you defeated the boss you get rewards and I think buy stuff. Don't remember much. It was free to play game on Steam but I can't find it anymore.


New member
Jun 28, 2016
Ariel Romano said:
There was an old arcade game where you had to ride a stationary bike as the controls, and the game itself featured a kid riding his bicycle/glider through a course. I feel like the name was something like "Solitar" or "Zolitar", but for the life of me I can't remember.
Prop Cycle: Saving Solitar

Will Reynolds

New member
May 18, 2019
Roman78 said:
Moh Amed Lamine said:
hi guys, first of all sorry for my english, ive been looking for a game for years, acctually it's two games.
the first is a point & click game i remembre in the first stage you wake up tied in a chair and there's a spider coming at you and you have to figure it out how to kill it, i remembre it was by pushing a closet or something like that.

2-this one is very hard to describ, it was a detective game you had to find the killer or the robber ? it was just a window with some text and i remembre a picture of black face with coat and sunglasses or like zoro mask ?

Thanks guys i hope i was clear
First one sounds like Broken Sword 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nCvN9lSFrW8

Second one: Is that an real old classical Text Adventure like Zork, or some new made to look old game? The graphics were they Pixel-based or ASCII-based? Does it have colour?
Roman78 said:
Will Reynolds said:
Hello, I used to play a game on a OLD PC (Around 1996-2004) Was playing as a older, kinda chubby viking with a hammer. Had to run around and defeat enemies. IIRC it was set in a norse mythology/viking setting. Any clues?
Maybe: Lost Vikings https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Lost_Vikings

Not It, it played like a exploration game, you get items, and had multiple zones you explored. zones were covered with a fog of war until explored. would have fights as you ran into people. The avatar was a little viking with grey hair and grey beard. he carried a shield and either a hammer or axe, cant remember which. i'd recognize it if i saw it, but i cant remember the name of it for the life of me. I believe i purchased it from walmart in late 90's..