Old Games you remember playing but can't remember the name of.


New member
Oct 19, 2008
If this is still active, I remember on SNES very little of this game, it was a sidescrolling RPG, playing as a knight of some sort (not KNIGHTS OF THE ROUND, think like MEGA MAN X style, sort of), and at the start of the game in a cutscene, the characters are attacked by like, a big purple panther, and kill it out of surprise.

That's literally ALL I have to remember from it. x.x; Rented it once, and then was never able to get it again.


Elite Member
Apr 5, 2014
United States
Arionis said:
If this is still active, I remember on SNES very little of this game, it was a sidescrolling RPG, playing as a knight of some sort (not KNIGHTS OF THE ROUND, think like MEGA MAN X style, sort of), and at the start of the game in a cutscene, the characters are attacked by like, a big purple panther, and kill it out of surprise.

That's literally ALL I have to remember from it. x.x; Rented it once, and then was never able to get it again.
That would be Ys III: Wanderers from Ys.


New member
Feb 27, 2018

I'm looking for an older game that i played on PC back in 2000-2004(i think)

It is an RPG or JRPG, it had turnbased comba, 2D, top down and looked like a Final Fantasy game

U played as a boy and a girl (not sure about the girl) and i think the boy had blue hair

U started in some sort of village and i remember that one of the first quest was that u had to investigate a storage room or something because something went missing(a ring maybe) and in that room there was a lots of barrels or crates and u had to move one of them to reveal a ladder down. When u got down the ladder u found the thief and u started chasing him

Please help, i'm searching for the game for a long time

Julius Benter

New member
Jun 15, 2019

I was looking for a good RTS game when it crosses in my mind that. Back in 2005 or up.
I was playing a game that it's like Age of Empire but the races you can choose was Human, Beast/minotaurs, and undead. And probably more. But the key feature of this games that's why I want to play it again was, You can build a colossal titan unit which you can control. And each races have their own unique colossal titan. If anyone knows this game. I would really appreciate it.

Catern Inbooter

New member
Jun 8, 2019
it is indeed
RelativityMan said:
Catern Inbooter said:
If anyone can help despite the vague details that'd be dope! <3

i'm trying to remember the name of a flash game i used to play so i can revisit it before flash dies. I'm pretty sure it was on one of those free flash game sites, maybe sometime in 2012-2014 but im not sure. There was something like an office building and you could control 3 or 2 (??) hamster police officers?? imnot very sure what they were. Basically you had to catch some robbers i think and save some tied up office workers but to do that had to get inside the locked office building. One of the hamsters had a police truck thing maybe and another one had a huge drill thing. I believe each hamster acted in a turn based style and it was a multiple choice game where small bubbles would pop up for you to chose what to do.
here's some iconic moments i remember:
one of the hamsters could throw a grenade but if it bounces off a wall and hits you back you die. to avoid this you jumped onto the truck before throwing it. if you managed to throw it you would, i believe, damage the wall.
one of the hamsters could drill slightly into the wall and use the long drill as a way to get higher and enter a window
inside the window was a bathroom and if you locked the window and opened the tap the bathroom would flood.
you could get on top of the office building and knock down a logo sign thing.
it was very hard to win because it was, i think, kind of a slow game and if you made 1 mistake you had to start all over again.

i don't think it was a graphically violent game but i cant remember :''D
here's my best doodle reimagining: http://prntscr.com/nz54k2

any help would be extremelly appreciated!!!
That would be the first Warbears game, of which there are several others.
thank you! that was indeed it <33


Elite Member
Apr 5, 2014
United States
Julius Benter said:

I was looking for a good RTS game when it crosses in my mind that. Back in 2005 or up.
I was playing a game that it's like Age of Empire but the races you can choose was Human, Beast/minotaurs, and undead. And probably more. But the key feature of this games that's why I want to play it again was, You can build a colossal titan unit which you can control. And each races have their own unique colossal titan. If anyone knows this game. I would really appreciate it.
Could that have been one of the games from the Age of Mythology series?

Nathan Jung

New member
Jun 18, 2019
Hi, I just joined the site just to seek help from anyone about this particular game.

My memories might be vague, and even inaccurate, but I'm pretty certain this game was (sorta) popularly played, and if someone knows it, he/she would know it.

Here goes.

The game was probably released in 2000s (At least I played it around 2003-2005)
it was a game in set in the future, and you were able to play as robots, humans, alien species, anything.
You could basically make your avatar, adjusting sizes and all.

The weaponss were guns, rocket launchers, laser blasters, lightsabers.

I think the game was in third person view, and MMORPG like WOW.

To think about it, I feel it shared very many characteristics with WoW in that they were both TPS, could design your avatar freely, was MMoRPG game.

Oh and also that they were both played on PC. The difference is that I bought this game as a CD.

This has been bugging me like crazy, if anyone could be of help, I would dearly appreciate it.

Cosme Felinito

Regular Member
May 22, 2019
I want to add another game. An NES game with a kind of sky view (like Startropics) where you use like a ninja who throws circular blades or shurikens. The firsts stages where green. That's all that I remember. The catridge had ninja in its title but I didn't find it by similar names.


Senior Member
Dec 21, 2014
Moh Amed Lamine said:
thank you so much for the first game it is broken sword 2
to answer your question im not sure if it was ASCII or pixeled but it was not a text adventure like zork, the game gives you clues i think or evidence and you had to find the thein there was an animation of the theif with his aht and mask carrying his bag and walking on tiptoes its hard for you to find but thanks anyway
Mmh, I just remembered, maybe it was one of the "Carmen Sandiego" games. Like "Where in the World/USA/Europe/Time is Carmen Sandiego".
Each time you got closer to the thief/robber by answering/choosing correctly, eventually it would play that aforementioned animation.

Nathan Jung

New member
Jun 18, 2019
Gethsemani said:
Nathan Jung said:
Could it be Anarchy Online [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anarchy_Online]?

Ahh no :(

Posting description again here :)

The game was probably released in 2000s (At least I played it around 2003-2005)
it was a game in set in the future, and you were able to play as robots, humans, alien species, anything.
You could basically make your avatar, adjusting sizes and all.

The weaponss were guns, rocket launchers, laser blasters, lightsabers.

I think the game was in third person view, and MMORPG like WOW.

To think about it, I feel it shared very many characteristics with WoW in that they were both TPS, could design your avatar freely, was MMoRPG game.

Oh and also that they were both played on PC. The difference is that I bought this game as a CD.

This has been bugging me like crazy, if anyone could be of help, I would dearly appreciate it.

Nathan Jung

New member
Jun 18, 2019
Nathan Jung said:
Gethsemani said:
Nathan Jung said:
Could it be Anarchy Online [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anarchy_Online]?

Ahh no :(

Posting description again here :)

The game was probably released in 2000s (At least I played it around 2003-2005)
it was a game in set in the future, and you were able to play as robots, humans, alien species, anything.
You could basically make your avatar, adjusting sizes and all.

The weaponss were guns, rocket launchers, laser blasters, lightsabers.

I think the game was in third person view, and MMORPG like WOW.

To think about it, I feel it shared very many characteristics with WoW in that they were both TPS, could design your avatar freely, was MMoRPG game.

Oh and also that they were both played on PC. The difference is that I bought this game as a CD.

This has been bugging me like crazy, if anyone could be of help, I would dearly appreciate it.


Phantasy Star Online

Ahhhhhhhhhhh feels like I just unloaded a month worth of shit


Elite Member
Apr 5, 2014
United States
Cosme Felinito said:
I want to add another game. An NES game with a kind of sky view (like Startropics) where you use like a ninja who throws circular blades or shurikens. The firsts stages where green. That's all that I remember. The catridge had ninja in its title but I didn't find it by similar names.
Could that have been either Ninja Kid or Little Ninja Brothers?

Cosme Felinito

Regular Member
May 22, 2019
RelativityMan said:
Cosme Felinito said:
I want to add another game. An NES game with a kind of sky view (like Startropics) where you use like a ninja who throws circular blades or shurikens. The firsts stages where green. That's all that I remember. The catridge had ninja in its title but I didn't find it by similar names.
Could that have been either Ninja Kid or Little Ninja Brothers?
No, but it's similar to that "Little Ninja Brothers", in the game I'm finding the characters are bigger, every stage is a square or alike. I think that it had 2 players mode. The game was very arcade-ish, just start and you had to fight.


Elite Member
Apr 5, 2014
United States
Cosme Felinito said:
RelativityMan said:
Cosme Felinito said:
I want to add another game. An NES game with a kind of sky view (like Startropics) where you use like a ninja who throws circular blades or shurikens. The firsts stages where green. That's all that I remember. The catridge had ninja in its title but I didn't find it by similar names.
Could that have been either Ninja Kid or Little Ninja Brothers?
No, but it's similar to that "Little Ninja Brothers", in the game I'm finding the characters are bigger, every stage is a square or alike. I think that it had 2 players mode. The game was very arcade-ish, just start and you had to fight.
In that case maybe the game that came before Little Ninja Brothers, Chinese Hero, which was called Kung-Fu Heroes when it was ported from the arcades to the NES.

Cosme Felinito

Regular Member
May 22, 2019
RelativityMan said:
Cosme Felinito said:
RelativityMan said:
Cosme Felinito said:
I want to add another game. An NES game with a kind of sky view (like Startropics) where you use like a ninja who throws circular blades or shurikens. The firsts stages where green. That's all that I remember. The catridge had ninja in its title but I didn't find it by similar names.
Could that have been either Ninja Kid or Little Ninja Brothers?
No, but it's similar to that "Little Ninja Brothers", in the game I'm finding the characters are bigger, every stage is a square or alike. I think that it had 2 players mode. The game was very arcade-ish, just start and you had to fight.
In that case maybe the game that came before Little Ninja Brothers, Chinese Hero, which was called Kung-Fu Heroes when it was ported from the arcades to the NES.
Yes! that's the game! thank you so much. This game came into my mind after posting another game. I had completely forgot this game. I didn't knew if I was imagining this game or it was a dream, but is so good to find out it actually existed.

Thank you again, you're like a guru or something in this.

Edmond Lam

New member
Oct 26, 2017
This is an old PC Disc game which is very similar to TRINE.

Hi guys, I'm looking for a game that I played when I was young. It was a side-scrolling CD game on PC platform in the year of 2000s may be(or 1995-2000), actually I don't know about the release date of it. Just because of the graphic design doesn't look like the quality made in 21st century.

I've tried my best to remember most of the game details but I cant remember the name of it. Yeah its totally ridiculous that I remember lots of details besides the game name.

The starting animation is talking about a man was locked in a tower in the sky, a mage(maybe?) casted magic to free him.

Although the game is side-scrolling game, it looks like 2.5D. The background is 2D picture but your character and the enemies are 3D image. It is a kind of adventure game, and you have a health bar and mana bar on the top left hand corner.

In the game you can choose 3 types of character, a young man with sword, a young girl with staff and a man using two-handed axe.
I remember some of the default button which are "Z" and "X", "Z" is using a light attack and "X" is a heavy attack.
There are several types of magic you can use, fire , ice, lightning and recovery.
Each type of magic divided into 5 levels, I only remember fire and ice.

Fire L1: Single fire ball drop on a single enemy (Auto targeting to nearby enemy)
Fire L2: Fire burning on the left side of right side (depends on character facing direction)
Fire L3: Lava blast at all enemies position
Fire L4: Large explosion (Area of effect)
Fire L5: Fire from the fire phoenix (Area of effect)
Ice L1: Ice Spikes appear at a single enemy's postion (Auto targeting to nearby enemy)
Ice L2: Ice Spikes appear at all enemies' position
Ice L3: Ice wall created on the left side of right side (depends on character facing direction)
Ice L4: Ice Storm (Area of effect)
Ice L5: Ice Age (Area of effect)

And here are the stage and the boss that I try my best to remember.
Stage 1 - Forest, boss: rock golem
Stage 2 - Floor 1 , I forgot what that thing is.
Stage 3 - Below 1, boss: ice drake
Stage 4 - Below 2, boss: 2 ghost (looks like female) share 1 BOSS health bar
Stage 5 - Below 3, boss: skeleton mage(necromancer)
**And this boss I think it is a main enemy of the game because my character need to talk to him before battle.
Stage 6 - Floor 2, boss: a flying, upper body, large skeleton with both scythe-shaded hand(hand bone)
**Actually it looks like a skeleton reaper, but it is flying and only have upper body
Stage 7 - Floor 3, boss: fire drake
Stage 8 - Below 4 , I reach to the middle only.

One more thing there are 5 different BGM in the game. Each of them is used for Stage1-5 respectively. And Stage 6 use the first BGM and so on.
I just only remember the stage name and the last stage that I reached is 8.
Please help me with this, it is a memory for me and I try my best to remember the details of it.
May 28, 2019
I'm trying to find a PC game. Unfortunately the only things I can remember are riding giant birds into battle that, as you leveled up, would gain armor and that it was a 2 player game. This is driving me insane trying to remember anything else. I vividly remember a giant black bird with swirls of gold armor but that's it :/ I'm hoping you guys can help!

Patrick Postma

New member
Mar 7, 2018
Please help me! I played a point and click PC-game like Freddi Fish and Pyjama Sam but it was in a house with monsters. You play with a small character and you can search for items just like in Freddi Fish. I guess the character you play as is a monster of a boy.
That's all I remember.
Please help!

Anyone?? I've posted this also on 7 march 2018 and now its 29 june 2019


New member
Sep 21, 2012
I'm trying to find a PC FPS game. I recall that the opening cinematic involved you, an army and your commander exploring a new planet when you are all attacked by giant plants/worms(?). Your commander is apparently eaten and so you leave him behind. You later find out that he has survived and he becomes the main villain in the game.