Old Games you remember playing but can't remember the name of.


Elite Member
Apr 5, 2014
United States
Will Reynolds said:
Not It, it played like a exploration game, you get items, and had multiple zones you explored. zones were covered with a fog of war until explored. would have fights as you ran into people. The avatar was a little viking with grey hair and grey beard. he carried a shield and either a hammer or axe, cant remember which. i'd recognize it if i saw it, but i cant remember the name of it for the life of me. I believe i purchased it from walmart in late 90's..
Could that have been Lords of Magic or Lords of Magic: Special Edition?

JG Cabral

New member
May 27, 2019
My friend played this game around 2007-2008

The MC wears green cloth that look like mario (it's not luigi) he is relaxing watching tv them he shrinks, enters his house pipe lines and fight some cockroaches, there was a level in that had a movie and a bubble gum, that was important for some reason, and had this red carpet too i guess.

The MC remembered me the MC from Harley's humongous adventure, but i think it's not the same game


New member
Sep 25, 2013
Will Reynolds said:
Not It, it played like a exploration game, you get items, and had multiple zones you explored. zones were covered with a fog of war until explored. would have fights as you ran into people. The avatar was a little viking with grey hair and grey beard. he carried a shield and either a hammer or axe, cant remember which. i'd recognize it if i saw it, but i cant remember the name of it for the life of me. I believe i purchased it from walmart in late 90's..
Hmmmm maybe just "Vikings" https://www.mobygames.com/game/windows/vikings
Rune also came to my mind. But thats a little later: https://www.mobygames.com/game/windows/rune

Was it a Windows game?
May 28, 2019
I've been trying to find a game I played in the 90s/early 2000s. From what I can remember it was a game about a young looking wizard who wears a purple hat that and (through a method I can't remember) changes color to indicate you are growing stronger. If I can recall it is a pc game, 3D and from a 3rd person perspective. The wizard shot spells at enemies. The goal was to unlock areas of the word and defeat an evil wizard(?) The part I clearly remember is if you died you had to start all over again. I'm afraid I don't remember much anything else and really wanna find this game again!


New member
Sep 25, 2013
Melissa Schrotenboer said:
I've been trying to find a game I played in the 90s/early 2000s. From what I can remember it was a game about a young looking wizard who wears a purple hat that and (through a method I can't remember) changes color to indicate you are growing stronger. If I can recall it is a pc game, 3D and from a 3rd person perspective. The wizard shot spells at enemies. The goal was to unlock areas of the word and defeat an evil wizard(?) The part I clearly remember is if you died you had to start all over again. I'm afraid I don't remember much anything else and really wanna find this game again!
Wizard and Purple... Simon the Sorcerer come to my mind. But that's an Point and Click adventure.

Drew Kossy

New member
Sep 29, 2017
Hello, I need help please

Platform: PS3
Possible Year: 2005-2010

I remember playing this game a few times at my buddies house on PS3, it was a combat game that featured tall amazonian archers or something, and it was split screen and the one map i remember was like a space zero gravity arena indoors, and we jumped around shooting at each other and there were other weapons and power ups placed around the entire map. Obviously that wasn't the only map but thats the one I remember the most. Ive tried looking for the name of this for a while, please help! The platform is on PS3, and I remember playing this game like between 2005 and 2010. The Genre was Fantasy, split screen multiplayer, combat


Feb 6, 2018
abodyalabody said:
Hi guys, I really need your help to find this game:

It's a 3D game I used to play it on Windows 98 or ME, I think It's between 93-96 cause I got it once in a CD with Virtua Cop - Virtua Figther 2 - The House of the Dead - Bubble Bobble 2 and many other cool games.

There are 4 Colored fish to select and many areas like amusement park or ghost town, It starts with a huge square grid, We are standing on one side of a square, Initially, the sides are in black colour, we can highlight it (the color will be specified with the player's color ) by moving around the four sides of a square, we can obtain scores by highlight more and more squares, there are also some tools along the pathway, like making others square disappear, they have to make all over again, and there are some monsters, they move all over the square grid, they are blocking the players way and there are also weapons we can use. This game can be multi-played ... which is very awesome, and the graphics and everything in the game is nice as I can remember.

plz help me get its name, much thanks

Any help please !

Caden Davidson

New member
May 30, 2019
Hey, I've got a game I can't find...

It was an old PC game I played maybe ten years ago. What I can remember is there was a huge 2D map where players fought by spreading their color across the map through various "power-up"-esque things you could buy. EX: you could let loose a chomping wrecking-ball (like those in Mario games) that would charge across a swath of the map, spreading your color behind it. You would win by filling the entire map with your color. I believe you could either play against other players or against bots. There were no characters on the map, just a huge constantly-changing plane of various colors. I believe you were able to buy more power-ups by taking over more territory.

Any help is appreciated, thanks!

EDIT: The view was top-down and you could see the whole map at once. The graphics were smooth (not pixelated) but fairly basic. I'm thinking it was made sometime in the early 2000's. It was not turn-based; it was a free-for-all to conquer territory. I don't think it was tile-based either, the map was pretty dynamic.

Moh Amed Lamine

New member
May 18, 2019
Roman78 said:
Moh Amed Lamine said:
hi guys, first of all sorry for my english, ive been looking for a game for years, acctually it's two games.
the first is a point & click game i remembre in the first stage you wake up tied in a chair and there's a spider coming at you and you have to figure it out how to kill it, i remembre it was by pushing a closet or something like that.

2-this one is very hard to describ, it was a detective game you had to find the killer or the robber ? it was just a window with some text and i remembre a picture of black face with coat and sunglasses or like zoro mask ?

Thanks guys i hope i was clear
First one sounds like Broken Sword 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nCvN9lSFrW8

Second one: Is that an real old classical Text Adventure like Zork, or some new made to look old game? The graphics were they Pixel-based or ASCII-based? Does it have colour?
thank you so much for the first game it is broken sword 2
to answer your question im not sure if it was ASCII or pixeled but it was not a text adventure like zork, the game gives you clues i think or evidence and you had to find the thein there was an animation of the theif with his aht and mask carrying his bag and walking on tiptoes its hard for you to find but thanks anyway


Elite Member
Apr 5, 2014
United States
Drew Kossy said:
Hello, I need help please

Platform: PS3
Possible Year: 2005-2010

I remember playing this game a few times at my buddies house on PS3, it was a combat game that featured tall amazonian archers or something, and it was split screen and the one map i remember was like a space zero gravity arena indoors, and we jumped around shooting at each other and there were other weapons and power ups placed around the entire map. Obviously that wasn't the only map but thats the one I remember the most. Ive tried looking for the name of this for a while, please help! The platform is on PS3, and I remember playing this game like between 2005 and 2010. The Genre was Fantasy, split screen multiplayer, combat
Are you sure it wasn't Portal Runner for PS2, being played on a backwards compatible PS3?
Jun 3, 2019
I've been looking for this game for YEARS...
I remember playing on the PSX (or the Sega Genesis, but I doubt it), around 2000-2003. It was a 2D sidescroller, the most clear detail I have is that it was a Mecha game, really dark. The only enemy I remember (and the most common one) was a flying ball mech that you could jump and grab and throw it as a weapon.
Any other detail I remember I post it

Don Georgio

New member
Jun 4, 2019
hey guys just found the forum how you doing.
i have a game that i cant remember the name but kinda of blurry how the game was. it was a 3rd person shooter game with multiple characters, you could repeat the story again with different character but the bosses had another appearence order depending on the character u were playing. i remember 2 characters(dont remember how many were) the 1st one was a blond guy with a pistol in his hands like leon from Resident Evil and another guy was a big muscular old man with short white hair he was holding a bazooka type of weapon in this arm. i remember that there were blue crystals that were collectibles or buffs(dont remember well) and when you picked them up there was someone like an announcer kind of guy that was saying "astro energy".
I remember 2 bosses from the game, one that you fought during a subway ride, a giant purple creature that you were fighting when the subway was moving and a giant bee on the top of a tower. a bit lame i know but if anyone does know a thing id really appreciate the effort, thank you!

Cosme Felinito

Regular Member
May 22, 2019
Cosme Felinito said:
Hello! I just want to try this. I've been searching this game for years. I played it when I was like 7yo. I think it was a demo from a CD with a lot of games, like Galaxy of Games. I played this in windows 95 but around 1998-2000.

You start in like a desert zone, with a hole (like a little crater) and you are a thin guy with black clothes (like leather). You have to fight a dinosaur or lizzard (I'm not sure about this really) which walks on two feet. You can throw punches and kicks and I think that the enemy too. It was 3D but very poligon-ish, this game might be from 1993-1996, can't really tell but the graphics were worse than Heretic 2, better than Alone in the dark (1992) and look a bit alike MDK.

Thanks for your time, and english isn't my native tongue, sorry for any mistake, regards!


New member
Dec 19, 2013
There was this game i used to play as a young child on the PC back around the early 2000's that involved some sort of monsters/aliens i cannot remember exactly what it was, but you could customize the monster and change the colour of it, i cannot remember the objective of the game but i'm pretty sure it was open world and that your character would perma death and you'd have to create a new one. I dont exactly remember what the game entailed but i would really appreciate it if anyone could help me out here, it's killing me


Elite Member
Apr 5, 2014
United States
PadJockeys said:
There was this game i used to play as a young child on the PC back around the early 2000's that involved some sort of monsters/aliens i cannot remember exactly what it was, but you could customize the monster and change the colour of it, i cannot remember the objective of the game but i'm pretty sure it was open world and that your character would perma death and you'd have to create a new one. I dont exactly remember what the game entailed but i would really appreciate it if anyone could help me out here, it's killing me
Could that have been one of the games from the Creatures series?

Catern Inbooter

New member
Jun 8, 2019
If anyone can help despite the vague details that'd be dope! <3

i'm trying to remember the name of a flash game i used to play so i can revisit it before flash dies. I'm pretty sure it was on one of those free flash game sites, maybe sometime in 2012-2014 but im not sure. There was something like an office building and you could control 3 or 2 (??) hamster police officers?? imnot very sure what they were. Basically you had to catch some robbers i think and save some tied up office workers but to do that had to get inside the locked office building. One of the hamsters had a police truck thing maybe and another one had a huge drill thing. I believe each hamster acted in a turn based style and it was a multiple choice game where small bubbles would pop up for you to chose what to do.
here's some iconic moments i remember:
one of the hamsters could throw a grenade but if it bounces off a wall and hits you back you die. to avoid this you jumped onto the truck before throwing it. if you managed to throw it you would, i believe, damage the wall.
one of the hamsters could drill slightly into the wall and use the long drill as a way to get higher and enter a window
inside the window was a bathroom and if you locked the window and opened the tap the bathroom would flood.
you could get on top of the office building and knock down a logo sign thing.
it was very hard to win because it was, i think, kind of a slow game and if you made 1 mistake you had to start all over again.

i don't think it was a graphically violent game but i cant remember :''D
here's my best doodle reimagining: http://prntscr.com/nz54k2

any help would be extremelly appreciated!!!


Elite Member
Apr 5, 2014
United States
Catern Inbooter said:
If anyone can help despite the vague details that'd be dope! <3

i'm trying to remember the name of a flash game i used to play so i can revisit it before flash dies. I'm pretty sure it was on one of those free flash game sites, maybe sometime in 2012-2014 but im not sure. There was something like an office building and you could control 3 or 2 (??) hamster police officers?? imnot very sure what they were. Basically you had to catch some robbers i think and save some tied up office workers but to do that had to get inside the locked office building. One of the hamsters had a police truck thing maybe and another one had a huge drill thing. I believe each hamster acted in a turn based style and it was a multiple choice game where small bubbles would pop up for you to chose what to do.
here's some iconic moments i remember:
one of the hamsters could throw a grenade but if it bounces off a wall and hits you back you die. to avoid this you jumped onto the truck before throwing it. if you managed to throw it you would, i believe, damage the wall.
one of the hamsters could drill slightly into the wall and use the long drill as a way to get higher and enter a window
inside the window was a bathroom and if you locked the window and opened the tap the bathroom would flood.
you could get on top of the office building and knock down a logo sign thing.
it was very hard to win because it was, i think, kind of a slow game and if you made 1 mistake you had to start all over again.

i don't think it was a graphically violent game but i cant remember :''D
here's my best doodle reimagining: http://prntscr.com/nz54k2

any help would be extremelly appreciated!!!
That would be the first Warbears game, of which there are several others.