Old Games you remember playing but can't remember the name of.


New member
Sep 26, 2012
Hello, I came across this thread hoping to find out about an old computer game that my brother used to play. It's really weird in my memory, it was perhaps Japanese? We used to play it on our old windows computer in the late 90s, early 00s, and all I can remember is that as the player you were a guy, and you had to take a girl on dates and buy her things to make her happy, (there was a score for how happy she was), and ultimately the aim of the game was for her to sleep with you. It sounds odd I know, but it existed! And there was also multiple choice questions it would ask you for extra points and the animations were pretty basic. Some one please help it's driving me crazy!

Carrie Beth

New member
Sep 26, 2012
Hello. I have been looking for a game for many years now. I played it when I was around 10 years old, which is now 12 years ago. It was on an old PC and was with two other games, a math one, and another I do not remember. The one I am searching for was a puzzle-like game with many levels. It reminds me of Pac-Man now because you were traveling through "rooms" or levels and killing ghosts. In order to kill the ghosts you had to trap them with boxes. In each room there were various objects that you had to gather and full of boxes that could be moved by using your person to hit them. I can't remember much about the game, but I am really hoping someone will recognize what I am talking about. Thank you.


New member
Jan 19, 2012
cloroxbb said:
There's a Playstation 1 game where you play as a female (I think), and you can change shapes/forms, possibly those of enemies you killed. I think it had a dark atmosphere, or at least the part I'm thinking about you were in a cave at some point. Any suggestions?
Well I googled "PS1 Shapeshifting game" and Threads of Fate popped up. Rue, one of the characters, can change into some of the "killed monsters."

Hopefully that is the one youre looking for :)
cloroxbb said:
adamhand7 said:
What a brilliant thread!

The second game was on Playstation, Its either set in Japan (or China) its an adventure game where you traveled around towns and in each town you could learn different fighting style at the dojo. Drunken Style Kung Fu sticks out in my mind as one style you could learn. As you are traveling you fight enemies and crap
- I thought it was Ronin Blade so I bought it but its not haha

Hopefully someone can help
Im guessing Jade Empire, and it was only on Xbox (console wise). It was also on OSX
Thanks for the help but the game I am after is older (I would have played it in like 1997-1998)

Spencer Crosby

New member
Sep 26, 2012
Alright, here's one for you.

I played this 90s computer game as a child. I remember it was a house that you could go through and clicking on certain objects would make them do certain things, like sing a song, make a noise or animate. I remember an attic with moths, a staircase next to a closet, a living room with a pin-the-tail-on-the-donkey game, a kitchen with a jar of cookies, a bedroom with a spin-top, and a bathroom next to it with an alligator in a tub that said, "See you later, Alligator" when you clicked it.

There was also a teddy bear that went with you through the rooms.

Sure, it was dumb, but I spent hours playing it. HELP PLEASE!

Spencer Crosby

New member
Sep 26, 2012
Eugenides4 said:
Hello everyone, I'm trying to remember two old games I played while I was in elementary school. The first one I played in school, can't remember when but I believe it was around 2001. I don't remember too much about other than that there were different color keys involved and that you ended up having to climb up a set of three ladders on a tower to reach the villain. I believe it also had a level or a sequel which had a Christmas theme and I remember something about finding presents to be able to proceed. The second game I played on the computer at a friends house and it had something to do with this girl that sent robots back in time to alter history so she was accurate about her answers on a test and you had to go back and fix everything. One thing I remember is that she changed (I believe) the Golden Gate Bridge to be made out of licorice. If anyone could help I would 'greatly' appreciate it, this has been bugging me for months.
The second game sounds a lot like "Jump Start 3rd Grade." I played the crud out of that one. Polly, the antagonist, was changing history so it would match up to her botched history test answers.

Spencer Crosby

New member
Sep 26, 2012
Oh! Another one I can almost remember...

It was a music education game with 3D graphics mixed with 2D. There was a princess in a floating orb who talked to you, and a floating chess room that played the classical song with the loud BUM! note at the end (can't remember that title either, sorry!). I remember the first room you entered was a staircase going down, with two going up (red carpets). To the left was the kitchen, and at the top of the stairs were double doors with I think a large keyhole. Also, something about a dragon?

Really vague? Yes. But there's someone out there who played it, too.

Spencer Crosby

New member
Sep 26, 2012
lei_aili said:
I'm so glad I found this forum! There's an old PC game I used to play when I was really young that I can't remember the name of. I think it rand on Windows 95, but it might have been even earlier than that. I really don't remember much about it, but it was this educational game about animals. It was like an animal encyclopedia or something. You could bring up information about pretty much any animal, and it would show pictures and tell you about the animal, and I think they even had videos and sound clips, so you could hear the sounds they made. I think it was National Geographic, but I'm not sure about that.

I really don't remember anything else; I was really young when I played it. If anyone could help, I'd really appreciate it!
Possibly "The ZOO," were there cartoon animal guides?

Spencer Crosby

New member
Sep 26, 2012
While I'm at it, here's another old educational PC game.

You played as this skipping yellow cartoon girl with pigtails, going through a town with challenges. There was one with tools, another with sandwiches, and a sandbox where you could name some kind of creature.

I wanna say it was *blank* "Learns Math..."

Spencer Crosby

New member
Sep 26, 2012
Panthera Onca said:
Hello everyone,
I've been searching the internet for an educational game I used to play at school around the years 2000-2002

It was a math game on which you are a character (an alien maybe?) that needs to get more fuel for his space ship. He does this by solving math problems in a 3 level adventure that recycles trash into fuel. I barely remember it and I think there's an alien boss at the end. I know if I hear the name I'll remember it right away.....it was something like Astromath or Spacemath....It's driving me crazy.

The first level had trash falling from the sky with math exercises written on it. When you typed the answers you collected the trash. The second level involved tuning it into fuel somehow....And the third level was the boss.

I would be delighted if you guys could help me remember.
I really want to say "Math Blasters," but I'm not sure... I know I've played this one, though.


New member
Sep 22, 2012
T_SURFER said:
[quoI've tried to G"Yellowbelly" post="9.166417.15584119"]I need help with an old Nintendo game. It was an adventure game, set in the outdoors maybe? Jungle type of setting perhaps? Anyway the main character is a boy which you can name yourself. There is also a secondary character, a girl, and you give her a name also. The third character is Jose. (can't choose his name). Jose is a helpful guy. There is text popping up at the bottom of the screen with the picture of each character as you have conversations. Any ideas???
Quick google search turns up "Tombs & Treasure".[/quote]

Omg. That is it. Do you know how many times I have tried to Google this game? I have been searching for years. Clearly I do not think like Google. THANK YOU!


New member
Aug 20, 2008
Ipandaaa said:
Okay I am hoping someone can help me...

I remember playing this one game when i was like 12... (2001)

I dont remember much but I think it was about a boy and a girl in a different planet fighting off like these life-size looking ants (?) and like different type of bugs I think?

I think I would play it on a nintendo 64 I dont really remember...
Please help this is killing I really wanna find that game!
Sounds like Jet Force Gemini (or Star Twins I think it was also called), maybe?

Scamp Bryan

New member
Sep 26, 2012
Ok trying to find a game for the PS1 Would say it was late 90s I don't remember much about it except you played as a young boy and in the first level of the game you reached a room in a tower where an old man (maybe a wizard) was who gave you a quest (I think to do) there was a lot of dialogue and then to continue on the game you left through the window. It was a fantasy type game? Hope someone out there has some idea what im talking about haha

Clement Chen

New member
Sep 26, 2012
Awesome thread! and there's a title i just cant wrap my head around... it was in japanese though...

90s game for the Sega Genesis / Mega drive. 2d action game where the main character is dressed like an arabian prince (somewhat). He also has like a plunger-esque thing for a hand. I remember certain details like being able to get bonus helping items like a flying white ball that attacks the enemy (not sure if that helps).

Also, during boss stages, he's able to eat different pills that allows his to transform into big sized robots with different abilities. I also vividly remember there being 4 - 5 continents being a stage, where they'll join together following the completion of each map...

that's all i remember, but boy did i play the crap out of that game... any help would be greatly appreciated!


New member
Sep 26, 2012
Hope you guys can help me out I know it was a popular game that I played to death but the name escapes me.

Was for an old school system nes,snes,sega. The game was two players in an silver tiled square arena with doors on each side that would open and you would have to kill everyone that came out. you would pick up gun upgrades and different weapons after kills. I remember its story was about an new tv show arena and when you beat bosses a picture of some girls in bikini's would come out.

Thanks for your help!


New member
Jan 19, 2012
recurrve89 said:
Hope you guys can help me out I know it was a popular game that I played to death but the name escapes me.

Was for an old school system nes,snes,sega. The game was two players in an silver tiled square arena with doors on each side that would open and you would have to kill everyone that came out. you would pick up gun upgrades and different weapons after kills. I remember its story was about an new tv show arena and when you beat bosses a picture of some girls in bikini's would come out.

Thanks for your help!
I believe that's Smash TV