Old Games you remember playing but can't remember the name of.


New member
Sep 27, 2012
Okay, here's one...my memory is pretty hazy, and I never got past the first level but I've been dying to know for years:

It was a PC game, and I believe it came out between 1990-1995 (guessing!). It was first person and didn't have any weapons to start out, and you started out in a desert which seemed like ancient Egypt-ish. There was an Egyptian-looking courtyard I explored and I remember not really being able to collect items but I got info on stuff around the area. It was kind of like clues if I remember correctly. There were no NPCs in the area. I might be placing images in my memory but I think there might be something or someone talking to you. I kind of remember an Anubis image somewhere.

I remember always trying to figure out how to get on this one decent-sized boat by what seemed to be a nile at a dock, and I was never able to pass the first level. I don't even know if there was another level.

I'm sorry if this is so vague.


New member
Oct 29, 2009
Hey thanks everyone for helping me find that Wonder Boy game. I just need help finding this other sega game.

Its a side scroller where you control a guy with either blue or purple hair and you have a long purple bar at the top of the screen that when charged allows you to cast stronger and stronger magics. I think there was a jungle level but I don't remember much else.


New member
Oct 13, 2009
valium said:
OK, the premise is you vs a computer opponent, and you each have an island and the goal is to destroy all his structures. To do this you build missile launchers and mechs, you send the missiles to destroy his structures and the mechs turn into planes and fly to his island then transform back into a mech to attack the structures. This is also how the opponent destroys your structures. You both defend by building interceptor missiles to obviously stop missiles, and anti-ground turrets to stop the mechs. Once the game has gone on long enough you get a second winning condition of building a special missile silo that is 3x3 grid that takes forever to build and extremely vulnerable to attack by missiles and mechs.

I guess that leads to the fact that the islands are segmented into a square grid where missiles and anti-missiles and mechs and anti-mech turrets each take up 1 grid space.
That's gotta be Metal Marines.


New member
Nov 29, 2011
Eugenides4 said:
Hello everyone, I'm trying to remember two old games I played while I was in elementary school. The first one I played in school, can't remember when but I believe it was around 2001. I don't remember too much about other than that there were different color keys involved and that you ended up having to climb up a set of three ladders on a tower to reach the villain. I believe it also had a level or a sequel which had a Christmas theme and I remember something about finding presents to be able to proceed. The second game I played on the computer at a friends house and it had something to do with this girl that sent robots back in time to alter history so she was accurate about her answers on a test and you had to go back and fix everything. One thing I remember is that she changed (I believe) the Golden Gate Bridge to be made out of licorice. If anyone could help I would 'greatly' appreciate it, this has been bugging me for months.
I think you are talking about Jumpstart 3rd grade. It was an edutainment game, no?


New member
Sep 27, 2012
Yo, there was this old pc game.. It had a collection of games on it. One game involved a whole bunch of red blocks on the left side and a whole bunch of blue blocks on the right side (or vice versa). And another game was a game where it was kinda in outer space and whatever level you was on, you had to drive your ship through whatever level without hitting walls thus destroying your ship. If someone can remember and tell me, i greatly appreciate it. I remember playing this back when i was about 8-9 years old on windows 98

Akos Gyorgy

New member
Sep 15, 2012
I'm still looking for this game, please, any help is apprechiated! No one recognizes this game?

It is a game from one of those "Yellow Cassettes", possibly Sega Megadrive, but I am not sure about that.
It featured a kid as the playable character, his name was perhaps Vap, or Wappo or something like that. He wears an american football outfit with a helmet.
His original color was blue, and he shot a small ball (possibly a tennis ball) by kicking it towards the enemy. But when he was hit by an enemy, he turned green, and then shot 2 tennis balls. Then after another hit, he turned yellow and shot a soccerball (being able to hit enemies easier), then after the next hit he turned red and shot 2 soccerballs at the enemies. After these 4 hits you died.
When shooting the balls at enemies, it had a "scratchy" sound when, like lighting a match. (here I have to add that it is NOT Marko's Magic Football or Soccer Kid, but sure as hell similar).
It was a 2D platformer game, involved a lot of jumping and if I recall correctly, it had boss-fights after each level.
It consisted of several levels, the one I can remember is a jungle level with water below you, and waterfalls and greenery in the background. Also there was a level which was a rollercoaster.
I can only remember the story roughly: your girlfriend was abducted by a demon (it looked like the Grim Reaper), whom you had to fight at the very end of the game.

Several people were looking foir this game, but none have managed to find out its name. Please, If anyone has even the slightest idea, or just an additional info about the game, feel free to reply.


Its Just Alex

New member
Sep 27, 2012
I remember playing this game, probably about 6 years ago (roughly) on the ps2.

What I remember the most is one of the multiplayer levels, it was where 1 character started off on fire, they would run around completely engulfed in flames and have to either pass it onto another character or just set other characters on fire (not quite sure) and you had to try and be the last one who wasn't on fire. I have a feeling that level might have been called virus?

There were other levels where you could have weapons.. but i can't remember if that was multiplayer or not.

The thing that stands out in my mind is the characters you could choose to be, they were quite unusual, think there was a weird snowman thing, someone with a head as a bowl of water with a fish head and a lot more but i don't know how to describe them.

I'd love to know what this game is called, cause I've been trying to work it out for years with no such luck. Any help would be greatly appreciated!


New member
Sep 27, 2012
Hi, this is one game i remember playing as a little child and PPLLZZ help me find the game,

you start out with a red car

There is a large map in every level and you have to destroy your other opponents

I think i can remember cars with one of them with a pointy top, monster truck. realy fast racing car, very slow bulky car

and there are lots of zombies in the game and you can run the over for extra points i thing.

hope you can help me!


New member
Oct 13, 2009
qwaqa said:
you start out with a red car

There is a large map in every level and you have to destroy your other opponents

I think i can remember cars with one of them with a pointy top, monster truck. realy fast racing car, very slow bulky car

and there are lots of zombies in the game and you can run the over for extra points i thing.
Could be Carmageddon.

DJ Kaye

New member
Sep 18, 2012
Carrie Beth said:
Hello. I have been looking for a game for many years now. I played it when I was around 10 years old, which is now 12 years ago. It was on an old PC and was with two other games, a math one, and another I do not remember. The one I am searching for was a puzzle-like game with many levels. It reminds me of Pac-Man now because you were traveling through "rooms" or levels and killing ghosts. In order to kill the ghosts you had to trap them with boxes. In each room there were various objects that you had to gather and full of boxes that could be moved by using your person to hit them. I can't remember much about the game, but I am really hoping someone will recognize what I am talking about. Thank you.
Possibly Tomb Trapper?


New member
Sep 27, 2012
This is a PC or MSDOS game I used to play when I was little. You play a Squirrel or Fox type character which reminded me of Sonic the hedgehog, but I think he wore red. The game is mainly him running, jumping around collecting somethings in his world, very detailed world. I don't remember if there were any other characters, I don't think so. It didn't save at a checkpoint. It was basically just exploring the world but with some difficulty. Many different levels... And floors in the layout. It might have been called <character's name>'s World. I got the game in a CD with 100 or more computer games. Mid-90s to late 90s.
Would greatly appreciate any hints! Thank you!


New member
Sep 27, 2012
Its a Space game , there you can control a spaceship to shot off asteroids and collect resources, i think it was 2d and you had a mothership where you could dock and go to other space systems and could get upgrades for the ship. That is all i can remember...ohh and is kinda old. I hope it helps xD reply soon :)

P.S. Forgot to say that is for PC ;) Cheers

P.S.S. I found it. It is called Starscape if anyone looks for it too :)

Carrie Beth

New member
Sep 26, 2012
DJ Kaye said:
Carrie Beth said:
Hello. I have been looking for a game for many years now. I played it when I was around 10 years old, which is now 12 years ago. It was on an old PC and was with two other games, a math one, and another I do not remember. The one I am searching for was a puzzle-like game with many levels. It reminds me of Pac-Man now because you were traveling through "rooms" or levels and killing ghosts. In order to kill the ghosts you had to trap them with boxes. In each room there were various objects that you had to gather and full of boxes that could be moved by using your person to hit them. I can't remember much about the game, but I am really hoping someone will recognize what I am talking about. Thank you.
Possibly Tomb Trapper?
The game I am looking for seems like it is a version off from Tomb Trapper. Instead there are ghosts and the picture seems to be a little better. Thank you very much. I should be able to find it from knowing this.


New member
Sep 27, 2012
I've been trying to remember the name of this games for the past 11 years! it was for the psx or ps2 it was a fighting game and all i can remember from it is a guy with a black suit with glasses and long dark hair tied back and he used playing cards when fighting and i remember when you do a special move a pentagram comes up?? i think it was a japanese game too, if anyone can help me find it i would be forever in your debt! thank!


New member
Sep 27, 2012
I am trying to remember the game name, but i cant... So i cant find it. It is 2D game, and only thing i remember is that you go through US, you are some guy going through different places (like Grand Canyon, NY, and else...). When in some place you are jumping around and stuff, to get to right side of screen, and when you finish that place you ride a motor/car or smth to another site, and you pick up bonuses and stuff like that...

Red Oni

New member
Jan 19, 2012
I remember it was for N64, you play as this bee/wasp-like creature that flies around. It had looped music that was very repetitive.