Old Games you remember playing but can't remember the name of.


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Sep 28, 2012
I have a super-vague description of the game, because I think I was only about 4 at the time. My sister's boyfriend came over and he was playing some game on our computer. It was a 3D game and I seem to remember it having really claymation-esque graphics. It emphasized outlandish fantasy settings. I remember there was a giant mushroom that you could hide under at one point in the game. If anyone knows what I'm referring to, I'd really like to know what game that is.


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Sep 27, 2012
Red Oni said:
I remember it was for N64, you play as this bee/wasp-like creature that flies around. It had looped music that was very repetitive.
Are you thinking of buck bumble? Sounds like that anyways


New member
Sep 28, 2012
Its bothering me so badly that I can't remember this.

- I played the game during the era of The Incredible Machine 3, so it was around 1995-1997.
- Medieval theme. It had a look similar to http://www.thedoctorwhosite.co.uk/pictures/other/mazes-of-time/place-medieval-town-scene.jpg this screenshot, but if I recall correctly, the environments were indoor only.
- Definitely not DOS, I remember the game being played in Windows 95.
- The goal was to navigate through 3d mazes, but there was some gimmick to it that made it unique.
- There was something involving the player actually scripting their own AI ingame for their own custom built puzzles, but I vaguely remember AI being part of the actual game itself, perhaps this was the gimmick.
- Had an almost Lego feel to it if I remember in the shapes of all the characters, sorta Minecraft-ish, but not as extreme.

Does anyone know?

EDIT: NEVERMIND I FOUND IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was Logic Quest 3D.


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Sep 28, 2012
Calvinman said:
I have a super-vague description of the game, because I think I was only about 4 at the time. My sister's boyfriend came over and he was playing some game on our computer. It was a 3D game and I seem to remember it having really claymation-esque graphics. It emphasized outlandish fantasy settings. I remember there was a giant mushroom that you could hide under at one point in the game. If anyone knows what I'm referring to, I'd really like to know what game that is.
Could it be The Neverhood? http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20091011085435/vsrecommendedgames/images/1/1c/Neverhood-cover.jpg


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Sep 27, 2012
Stephen Cripps said:
So me and a friend are trying to find and old game we used to play on dreamcast, but cant remember what it was called or that much about it but heres what we can remember.

It was on dreamcast
You start off on a bridge/pier and the first puzzle is moving a box to get a keycard.
You have to shoot a bunch of mutant things.
The second levels in a mall/supermarket.
We had a strategy guide for it, it was quite a serious game.

So, any ideas...?
Possibly blue stinger? If so I remember playin it, was a great game.


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Sep 28, 2012
Ok, so this game was early 90's, and for the PC. I remember the back of the box art being a marble floor and a red curtain with the main character in a dark green shirt. And at one point in the game you had to sneak your girl out of the house, but you couldn't open the gate to get there, and I know I was stuck on that bit. I don't remember anything else, other than wanting to find the game, and it isn't kings quest, I know that. Please help a nostalgic gamer gal out!


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Sep 28, 2012
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Ok, so this game was early 90's, and for the PC. I remember the back of the box art being a marble floor and a red curtain with the main character in a dark green shirt. And at one point in the game you had to sneak your girl out of the house, but you couldn't open the gate to get there, and I know I was stuck on that bit. I don't remember anything else, other than wanting to find the game, and it isn't kings quest, I know that. Please help a nostalgic gamer gal out!


New member
Sep 28, 2012
ok so im looking for a old space shooter that had a demo on a cd like 100 arcade games or something my cousin had it anyways you were a spaceship and you started on a dock circling a planet you would take off and go to other planets and land on them to claim them and then a freighter would fly to that planet and colonize and make a space dock and would start defending itself you would then fly around keep doing this until you defeated the other AI players by destroying their docks and claiming the planet yourself but i remember you had to land onthe planets surface and destroy other shiops mostly i have been trying to remember this game for years can anyone help me?


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Sep 27, 2012
domino12291 said:
ok so im looking for a old space shooter that had a demo on a cd like 100 arcade games or something my cousin had it anyways you were a spaceship and you started on a dock circling a planet you would take off and go to other planets and land on them to claim them and then a freighter would fly to that planet and colonize and make a space dock and would start defending itself you would then fly around keep doing this until you defeated the other AI players by destroying their docks and claiming the planet yourself but i remember you had to land onthe planets surface and destroy other shiops mostly i have been trying to remember this game for years can anyone help me?
Do you know if it was a console or pc?


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Sep 28, 2012
GBag_20 said:
domino12291 said:
ok so im looking for a old space shooter that had a demo on a cd like 100 arcade games or something my cousin had it anyways you were a spaceship and you started on a dock circling a planet you would take off and go to other planets and land on them to claim them and then a freighter would fly to that planet and colonize and make a space dock and would start defending itself you would then fly around keep doing this until you defeated the other AI players by destroying their docks and claiming the planet yourself but i remember you had to land onthe planets surface and destroy other shiops mostly i have been trying to remember this game for years can anyone help me?
Do you know if it was a console or pc?
it was for pc it was also line drawing graphcs if that helps like very 2d


New member
Sep 27, 2012
domino12291 said:
GBag_20 said:
domino12291 said:
ok so im looking for a old space shooter that had a demo on a cd like 100 arcade games or something my cousin had it anyways you were a spaceship and you started on a dock circling a planet you would take off and go to other planets and land on them to claim them and then a freighter would fly to that planet and colonize and make a space dock and would start defending itself you would then fly around keep doing this until you defeated the other AI players by destroying their docks and claiming the planet yourself but i remember you had to land onthe planets surface and destroy other shiops mostly i have been trying to remember this game for years can anyone help me?
Do you know if it was a console or pc?
it was for pc it was also line drawing graphcs if that helps like very 2d
not quite sure but you could have a look through these to see if its there, just click on screen shot of each game.



New member
Sep 28, 2012
I'm trying to find a game I used to play around 10 years ago on the old family PC running windows XP, and from what I remember it was on a CD-ROM which had one flat colour (I think either green or pink?) and text on it, but no images.
The game itself is a simulation game where you gather resources by giving the people in the game commands such as mining or woodcutting, and using them to build up a village.
I'm also pretty sure that every time you start a new game the terrain is randomly generated.
I'm not 100% certain it was on the kind of disc i described, I just remember having a lot of discs like that for the PC at the time.
Anyone got any ideas on what it could be?


New member
Sep 29, 2012
Hi, I?m looking for a mid-90s DOS game about a murder in an old house. The twins from The Shining were playing patty-cake in one of the rooms and if you tried to escape the girl?s scary face would fill the screen and you would die. I?m pretty sure the body was in the closet , and once you found it you needed a shovel to dig your way out and escape. There also may have been something about picking deadly nightshade plants. It was sort of 3D and you had to type in command prompts at the bottom.

THANK YOU if anyone knows what this is. The game had a really short name I think.


New member
Sep 29, 2012
GBag_20 said:
domino12291 said:
GBag_20 said:
domino12291 said:
ok so im looking for a old space shooter that had a demo on a cd like 100 arcade games or something my cousin had it anyways you were a spaceship and you started on a dock circling a planet you would take off and go to other planets and land on them to claim them and then a freighter would fly to that planet and colonize and make a space dock and would start defending itself you would then fly around keep doing this until you defeated the other AI players by destroying their docks and claiming the planet yourself but i remember you had to land onthe planets surface and destroy other shiops mostly i have been trying to remember this game for years can anyone help me?
Do you know if it was a console or pc?
it was for pc it was also line drawing graphcs if that helps like very 2d
not quite sure but you could have a look through these to see if its there, just click on screen shot of each game.

Star Reach (1994)? Search for google image to check if it fits


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Sep 29, 2012
kirbycolours said:
I'm trying to find a game I used to play around 10 years ago on the old family PC running windows XP, and from what I remember it was on a CD-ROM which had one flat colour (I think either green or pink?) and text on it, but no images.
The game itself is a simulation game where you gather resources by giving the people in the game commands such as mining or woodcutting, and using them to build up a village.
I'm also pretty sure that every time you start a new game the terrain is randomly generated.
I'm not 100% certain it was on the kind of disc i described, I just remember having a lot of discs like that for the PC at the time.
Anyone got any ideas on what it could be?
If the pace of game is rather slow, then could it be Settlers? Not sure which version though


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Sep 28, 2012
McMafia said:
GBag_20 said:
domino12291 said:
GBag_20 said:
domino12291 said:
ok so im looking for a old space shooter that had a demo on a cd like 100 arcade games or something my cousin had it anyways you were a spaceship and you started on a dock circling a planet you would take off and go to other planets and land on them to claim them and then a freighter would fly to that planet and colonize and make a space dock and would start defending itself you would then fly around keep doing this until you defeated the other AI players by destroying their docks and claiming the planet yourself but i remember you had to land onthe planets surface and destroy other shiops mostly i have been trying to remember this game for years can anyone help me?
Do you know if it was a console or pc?
it was for pc it was also line drawing graphcs if that helps like very 2d
not quite sure but you could have a look through these to see if its there, just click on screen shot of each game.

Star Reach (1994)? Search for google image to check if it fits
dang thats not quite it i got excited too oh well i have been searching everything for this game i feel like its been lost :(


New member
Sep 29, 2012
I myself also would like to ask about one old game.

It's somewhere between late 90's and early 20's, 3D action/RPG, though it's not an open world like GTA.

the game's main character is being infested by evil force at the beginning of the game, and he has to fight all the way to beat final boss to be saved. There's a "evil meter" showing on the screen, which indicates how serious the 'disease' is, and it become worse with time. He can choose to deal more damage to enemy temoporary in expense of increase in the "evil meter". If the meter is full, he died, and game over

So anyone know what game is this?


New member
Sep 29, 2012
Found this thread through google and I also have a game that is haunting me.

It was the late 90s probably. Maybe early 2000s. But it was claymation, and you played this derpy looking guy. The only scene I can remember vividly is getting caught in a cave by a dinosaur. Or at least, a monster. Any ideas?


New member
Sep 27, 2012
McMafia said:
I myself also would like to ask about one old game.

It's somewhere between late 90's and early 20's, 3D action/RPG, though it's not an open world like GTA.

the game's main character is being infested by evil force at the beginning of the game, and he has to fight all the way to beat final boss to be saved. There's a "evil meter" showing on the screen, which indicates how serious the 'disease' is, and it become worse with time. He can choose to deal more damage to enemy temoporary in expense of increase in the "evil meter". If the meter is full, he died, and game over

So anyone know what game is this?
Do you remember the platform it was on?