Old Games you remember playing but can't remember the name of.


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Sep 28, 2012
McMafia said:
kirbycolours said:
I'm trying to find a game I used to play around 10 years ago on the old family PC running windows XP, and from what I remember it was on a CD-ROM which had one flat colour (I think either green or pink?) and text on it, but no images.
The game itself is a simulation game where you gather resources by giving the people in the game commands such as mining or woodcutting, and using them to build up a village.
I'm also pretty sure that every time you start a new game the terrain is randomly generated.
I'm not 100% certain it was on the kind of disc i described, I just remember having a lot of discs like that for the PC at the time.
Anyone got any ideas on what it could be?
If the pace of game is rather slow, then could it be Settlers? Not sure which version though
It's not settlers, I've started playing settlers 2 until I find it, but there's a few things different in the game I remember, mainly that it was in 3D, and that you didn't have to build mines or quarries, you just assigned a villager to a job and they'd bring the materials to a central storehouse. The only material I can remember that you had to build yourself was fields for grain, everything else was part of the randomly generated terrain.
If I remember anything else that will help to narrow it down I'll post it here.


New member
Sep 29, 2012
Hey, I'm looking for a rather old game. It would have been from mid to late 90's, and I'm pretty sure it was for windows 95 or 98 though we also had an old macintosh. There were two maps and the goal was to get the item (wand) and get to your castle before your opponent. You were a little blue square and you played against a red square as you searched the map for the wand. There were also fushia and lime green squares if you wanted 2 more opponents. There was a die that was rolled to move you to the next space, and you needed to land on buildings to search them for items. You could find a gold bar, silver bar, robber, or the wand. If you found a robber, there was a cheap little animation of guy shooting a gun a couple times and then smoke, and after you found him all your gold and silver would be gone. There were little islands that you could cross a bridge to get to, but if you searched a building and you found a robber that was usually the end of the game because you needed at least one gold bar to cross the bridge.

Anyone know it? I thought it was called Merlin, but whenever I try googling it, a different game comes up.


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Sep 29, 2012
GBag_20 said:
McMafia said:
I myself also would like to ask about one old game.

It's somewhere between late 90's and early 20's, 3D action/RPG, though it's not an open world like GTA.

the game's main character is being infested by evil force at the beginning of the game, and he has to fight all the way to beat final boss to be saved. There's a "evil meter" showing on the screen, which indicates how serious the 'disease' is, and it become worse with time. He can choose to deal more damage to enemy temoporary in expense of increase in the "evil meter". If the meter is full, he died, and game over

So anyone know what game is this?
Do you remember the platform it was on?
It's a PC game, but I'm not sure whether it's available on other platform or not

Edit: got it, Dark Earth


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Sep 30, 2012
There is a side scroll action game (playing wise is like castlevania sotn for psx) but all i remember is you're a girl (or maybe was it a guy idr) getting off a bus on the first level and then runs through it killing stuff and then i remember at the end of the level getting on the bus again and going to the next level and it was for the SNES and i'm dying to find the game and play it again. If it sounds familiar please let me know! (I think the person weapon was a sword) and pretty sure it was a chick as the main charter.


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Sep 30, 2012
So the game I'm looking for was a PC game. It was 3rd person rpg style and the start screen had the main character riding on a dragon and it was early 3D animation. The only other thing I remember is that it was always night in the main town and I'm pretty sure there was something about the main character's wife....


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Sep 30, 2012
MsLox said:
Found this thread through google and I also have a game that is haunting me.

It was the late 90s probably. Maybe early 2000s. But it was claymation, and you played this derpy looking guy. The only scene I can remember vividly is getting caught in a cave by a dinosaur. Or at least, a monster. Any ideas?
The only claymation game I know of is The Neverhood


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Mar 17, 2011
This excited me when I came across it, because I've been going insane not thinking of the name of this game.

It was an alien trader game. You started out by purchasing a ship and setting your crew members, and you went from planet to planet trying to buy and sell goods to gain profit. There were of course random events, including a brown alien (that I want to say was like a sea monkey), who I want to say you bought your ship from among other things. I remember I played it on Windows 95 or Windows 98, about 14 years ago.

Any help is greatly appreciated!


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Sep 30, 2012
rdb222 said:
Hi, I?m looking for a mid-90s DOS game about a murder in an old house. The twins from The Shining were playing patty-cake in one of the rooms and if you tried to escape the girl?s scary face would fill the screen and you would die. I?m pretty sure the body was in the closet , and once you found it you needed a shovel to dig your way out and escape. There also may have been something about picking deadly nightshade plants. It was sort of 3D and you had to type in command prompts at the bottom.

THANK YOU if anyone knows what this is. The game had a really short name I think.
I'm pretty sure it's last half of darkness.

Stasia Polutova

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Sep 30, 2012
this is definitely a very old game. I used to play on Mac way back in early 2000s, and I'm not sure there ever was a PC version. so there was a troll, and he would go from level to level throwing cats and dogs off the boards, and at the end of each level block this troll had to fight a big fat rat. i rememeber there was a mud level where troll would move very quickly, kinda sliding. and there was a sea level where troll would move very slowly.

oh, and you could also choose to play two trolls.

any guesses?


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Oct 5, 2011
kirbycolours said:
I'm trying to find a game I used to play around 10 years ago on the old family PC running windows XP, and from what I remember it was on a CD-ROM which had one flat colour (I think either green or pink?) and text on it, but no images.
The game itself is a simulation game where you gather resources by giving the people in the game commands such as mining or woodcutting, and using them to build up a village.
I'm also pretty sure that every time you start a new game the terrain is randomly generated.
I'm not 100% certain it was on the kind of disc i described, I just remember having a lot of discs like that for the PC at the time.
Anyone got any ideas on what it could be?
Sounds a bit like the first Age of Empires.


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Oct 13, 2009
puppytier said:
So the game I'm looking for was a PC game. It was 3rd person rpg style and the start screen had the main character riding on a dragon and it was early 3D animation. The only other thing I remember is that it was always night in the main town and I'm pretty sure there was something about the main character's wife....
A bit of a stretch, but Little Big Adventure 2 could fit the description.


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Sep 30, 2012
I CAN NOT remember the name of this game! It was probably my favorite game right around 2001 (-/+ 2 years)...pretty sure it was on Xbox...might have been n64!

It was a first person game, and I'm pretty sure you played this funny bunny character. You would explore your world, and you could go down the bunny hole into another world. Pretty much the only thing I remember is the "funny" aspect to it! Everything was bubbly and had a smiley face, even the trees. I also remember there were these like trampolines/portals that you jumped on to get out of the bunny hole and to other parts of the world. This game was AWESOME and I can only remember flashes of it :[

Clement Chen

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Sep 26, 2012
cloroxbb said:
Clement Chen said:
Awesome thread! and there's a title i just cant wrap my head around... it was in japanese though...

90s game for the Sega Genesis / Mega drive. 2d action game where the main character is dressed like an arabian prince (somewhat). He also has like a plunger-esque thing for a hand. I remember certain details like being able to get bonus helping items like a flying white ball that attacks the enemy (not sure if that helps).

Also, during boss stages, he's able to eat different pills that allows his to transform into big sized robots with different abilities. I also vividly remember there being 4 - 5 continents being a stage, where they'll join together following the completion of each map...

that's all i remember, but boy did i play the crap out of that game... any help would be greatly appreciated!
Okay, the only game I remember (besides Aladdin) where the character is dressed like an arabian prince is Beyond Oasis. Problem is there is no plunger, and he cannot turn into a robot... But he does have flying creatures that help him. Are you getting a couple games mixed together?
I managed to figure out what games it was by typing "turban prince sega" on youtube! LOL. Apparently it's called Magical Flying Hat Turbo Adventures - which was remade into Decap Attack in the US...

My bad on the plunger part! Apparently, it was just his hand! Here's the link for reference purposes!

Thanks CloroxBB!


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Sep 30, 2012
Coldie said:
puppytier said:
So the game I'm looking for was a PC game. It was 3rd person rpg style and the start screen had the main character riding on a dragon and it was early 3D animation. The only other thing I remember is that it was always night in the main town and I'm pretty sure there was something about the main character's wife....
A bit of a stretch, but Little Big Adventure 2 could fit the description.
that would be it, but I owned it under Twinsen's Odyssey, thank you so much!


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Sep 27, 2012
jknutila said:
I CAN NOT remember the name of this game! It was probably my favorite game right around 2001 (-/+ 2 years)...pretty sure it was on Xbox...might have been n64!

It was a first person game, and I'm pretty sure you played this funny bunny character. You would explore your world, and you could go down the bunny hole into another world. Pretty much the only thing I remember is the "funny" aspect to it! Everything was bubbly and had a smiley face, even the trees. I also remember there were these like trampolines/portals that you jumped on to get out of the bunny hole and to other parts of the world. This game was AWESOME and I can only remember flashes of it :[
sounds alot like bugs bunny - lost in time?

Exia Rage

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Sep 30, 2012
I remember playing one of the game of jrpg, but somehow can't remember the title of the game, it's on pc, maybe ms-dos. What I do remember is the protagonist is a samurai boy with his companion bakeneko (demon cat) with two tails. The game is in chinese language, although it's in japanese game. The setting is in feudal japan, with lot of yokai(demon) to fight, i remember at start of story, this hero and his cat is in the inn with the bartender, i suppose that bartender is a sharpshooter that will support the hero. The hero cat can also transform into any kind of demons. The intro game that i remember is there a flying wooden ship. Haven't finish it, i stuck at fighting a lot of warship demon that can float on ground. Can you guys help me.


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Sep 30, 2012
GBag_20 said:
jknutila said:
I CAN NOT remember the name of this game! It was probably my favorite game right around 2001 (-/+ 2 years)...pretty sure it was on Xbox...might have been n64!

It was a first person game, and I'm pretty sure you played this funny bunny character. You would explore your world, and you could go down the bunny hole into another world. Pretty much the only thing I remember is the "funny" aspect to it! Everything was bubbly and had a smiley face, even the trees. I also remember there were these like trampolines/portals that you jumped on to get out of the bunny hole and to other parts of the world. This game was AWESOME and I can only remember flashes of it :[
sounds alot like bugs bunny - lost in time?

I honestly don't think that's it :( I only had an N64 and an Xbox (first gen). And I'm 99% positive it was an Xbox because the graphics were really good if I remember correctly. I didn't play on a Playstation until I was a little older.

The game as I remember set place solely outside...there were other "worlds" but they're wasn't like a castle or anything I'm pretty sure...and there were only two worlds that I can remember- the outside world and the world through the bunny hole.

The graphics were REALLY bubbly and cartoony...I would think that the main character was Bugs or someone really similar. I know I'm not giving any really descriptive information...I couldn't have been older than 9 when I played this game....! :( The main thing I remember is the cartoony graphics and I'm pretty sure the main character was a bunny. I know it was first person, and I remember the "trampoline" portals that would boot you from out of the bunny hole. I also remember everything was moving and kind of danced, like the trees would smile and kind of wiggle from side to side.

Thanks for trying! Makes me hopeful haha.


New member
Sep 28, 2012
triplefam said:
Calvinman said:
I have a super-vague description of the game, because I think I was only about 4 at the time. My sister's boyfriend came over and he was playing some game on our computer. It was a 3D game and I seem to remember it having really claymation-esque graphics. It emphasized outlandish fantasy settings. I remember there was a giant mushroom that you could hide under at one point in the game. If anyone knows what I'm referring to, I'd really like to know what game that is.
Could it be The Neverhood? http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20091011085435/vsrecommendedgames/images/1/1c/Neverhood-cover.jpg
No, I actually found that title when I was searching for it, but that's not it. When I say 3D, I mean that it is literally like one of today's games. You can look in every direction. For all I know, I could have dreamt about it and just thought it was real. It was a long time ago, after all.


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Sep 30, 2012