Old Games you remember playing but can't remember the name of.

Alduin Silas

New member
Aug 3, 2011
Here's an interesting one which goes back a while. For me, at any rate.
It was a PC game that ran on our Windows 95 computer, and it was a turn based strategy game with multiplayer. You all started off with a castle and a hero, and you had to conquer all the other castles. Then you could raze, pillage or occupy those castles, set production of different creatures (wizards, griffons, archers, etc) and fortify them. For the life of me I cannot remember the name of it, but it was kind of fun.


New member
Oct 2, 2012
Ok... this is going to be unbelievably vague because while I can sort of picture a level from the game, I can't describe it. I don't even know what the player looked like, but I'll throw it out there anyway.
It was a 2D platformer from the 90's on PC. I want to say the player was female and I think I remember a level with pipes, another with a cave and the player collected gems... it's at least 15 years old and I used to play it alongside Earthworm Jim on Windows 95 or 98. Sorry, this is all I have.

Ashley Sweet

New member
Oct 2, 2012
Here goes nothing...I played a set of games a few years ago on either PS2 or XBOX. It was a multiplayer games with several characters, you were fighting against undead or infected people, I don't remember many details but I remember being in a factory at one point fighting agents. I'll post more if I can remember any more.


New member
Sep 29, 2012
Taisenko said:
Hey, I'm looking for a rather old game. It would have been from mid to late 90's, and I'm pretty sure it was for windows 95 or 98 though we also had an old macintosh. There were two maps and the goal was to get the item (wand) and get to your castle before your opponent. You were a little blue square and you played against a red square as you searched the map for the wand. There were also fushia and lime green squares if you wanted 2 more opponents. There was a die that was rolled to move you to the next space, and you needed to land on buildings to search them for items. You could find a gold bar, silver bar, robber, or the wand. If you found a robber, there was a cheap little animation of guy shooting a gun a couple times and then smoke, and after you found him all your gold and silver would be gone. There were little islands that you could cross a bridge to get to, but if you searched a building and you found a robber that was usually the end of the game because you needed at least one gold bar to cross the bridge.
Anyone know it? I thought it was called Merlin, but whenever I try googling it, a different game comes up.
Just trying to find out what platform this game was released on and what it's true name is. Has anyone heard of it or is this a lost cause?



New member
Oct 3, 2012
ive been trying to think of this game for years, i think it was in the either the late 90s or early 2000s, i played a pc demo it was in the future it was pretty good 3d graphics for its time, all i can remember is i was in a flying car i think a cop it was free roam and you had to complete missions to open diff parts of the city


New member
Oct 3, 2012
So theres this game that I 'think' I remember playing but everything is vague about it. I can't remember what system it was on. I remember the character is this thing/person that shoots these missiles or pin type things at objects and stuff. The music in the background was a real upbeat classical type of music.


New member
Jan 19, 2012
cloroxbb said:
adamhand7 said:
cloroxbb said:
adamhand7 said:
What a brilliant thread!

The second game was on Playstation, Its either set in Japan (or China) its an adventure game where you traveled around towns and in each town you could learn different fighting style at the dojo. Drunken Style Kung Fu sticks out in my mind as one style you could learn. As you are traveling you fight enemies and crap
- I thought it was Ronin Blade so I bought it but its not haha

Hopefully someone can help
Im guessing Jade Empire, and it was only on Xbox (console wise). It was also on OSX
Thanks for the help but the game I am after is older (I would have played it in like 1997-1998)
Did some more digging. How about Tai'Fu Wrath of the Tiger? It says that you learned new Martial Arts by defeating the clan master... It was on PS1
Sadly its not that either, I loved Tai' Fu though! Thanks for the help

My quest continues


New member
Oct 3, 2012
Hi! I've been looking for this game for a long time but still can't find it... It's a free downloadable game for PC. I don't know how old the game is, but I played it about beetween years 2005-2008. And I can't remember very well, but I think the "main character" was a bubble like creature and you had to clear some kind of stages. There were a jungle and a laboratory levels. And in the jungle level there was a boss which might have looked a little bit like Aku Aku from Crash. :D It's so hard to remember because I was still in the elementary school when I used to play it... I hope someone else has also played this / knows the game! :<


New member
Oct 3, 2012
I Remember playing this side-scroller shooter kind of game on the NES its probably some kind of a hack because it seems i cant find this thing anywhere. so heres what i remember
you got 3 characters to choose from on the start (one of them is a dude with a gun and one was like a samurai/ninja guy third one i dont remember)
you start off the first level on a roof and you dodge all kinds of shit,killing enemies and leaping from one roof to the next untill you reach the last one,then your character jumps inside where you fight more guys till the end of the level.
and also 2nd level starts you in some kind of building and when you exit it you're in the city like enviroment


New member
Mar 16, 2010
adamhand7 said:
What a brilliant thread!

So I have been searching for these two games awhile/

The first game was on PC, its most likely a DOS game, I was playing this maybe back in 1993/1994. It was a 2D game where you played as a human but in certain situations you transformed into animals such as a frog or bat to get through certain areas. any ideas?

The second game was on Playstation, Its either set in Japan (or China) its an adventure game where you traveled around towns and in each town you could learn different fighting style at the dojo. Drunken Style Kung Fu sticks out in my mind as one style you could learn. As you are traveling you fight enemies and crap
- I thought it was Ronin Blade so I bought it but its not haha

Hopefully someone can help
2nd one sounds much like Shaolin which given its lack of release in the USA might explain why it is hard to track down or relatively unknown on here. Your profile doesn't say but if you don't live in the USA I'm guessing that's the answer. If you do then I'm probably wrong.

Luky Angelo

New member
Dec 28, 2011
There was a game i played as a kid (i think it was a NES game, can't be really sure since i used to play it on a russian clone version of the NES, called Terminator).

As far as i remember, your player uses record discs (those old black ones) as the main weapon, you first fire only one, but as you take damage and lose health you throw more of them and can deal more damage so it had some risky ways to play the game. I can't really remember what species is the main character, but i remember it had a round head. Also when you take damage you change color, indicating that not only you have less health but you shoot more record discs (i think you can shoot 3 discs at most when you're really low on health).

It's a sidescrolling game and i think the end boss in levels were clowns.. or something like that. It also had rollercoaster levels where you had to jump gaps and such. Since it had a rollercoaster level i'm assuming it's set in an amusement park?

I think that's about all i remember of the game... any ideas of what it can be?


New member
Oct 4, 2012
Man this one is killing me... It's an rpg for ps2 or 1 from 2000 to 2004. What I can remember is that in this one you had a bar at the bottom of the screen to time your attacks and that the enemies had different parts each one with it's own health and attacks that you could aim to. You could use items or attacks to cancel the enemy's moves or advances along the bar. It wasn't any Final Fantasy... Heeeelllppp please!


New member
Dec 9, 2009
Dingo4782 said:
Man this one is killing me... It's an rpg for ps2 or 1 from 2000 to 2004. What I can remember is that in this one you had a bar at the bottom of the screen to time your attacks and that the enemies had different parts each one with it's own health and attacks that you could aim to. You could use items or attacks to cancel the enemy's moves or advances along the bar. It wasn't any Final Fantasy... Heeeelllppp please!
Grandia II? you could choose to do power attacks to set back enemy turns, which was shown by a bar. There was also GRandia III on PS2.

Alduin Silas said:
Here's an interesting one which goes back a while. For me, at any rate.
It was a PC game that ran on our Windows 95 computer, and it was a turn based strategy game with multiplayer. You all started off with a castle and a hero, and you had to conquer all the other castles. Then you could raze, pillage or occupy those castles, set production of different creatures (wizards, griffons, archers, etc) and fortify them. For the life of me I cannot remember the name of it, but it was kind of fun.
Sounds like Master of Magic


New member
Oct 4, 2012
Somebody please help, I remember a PlayStation 1 game where you where this woman i think and you were in a flying airship. You were walking through air vent, i remember not being able to control it well because the camera angles would change as you walked through this air vent. All of it was black and white or extremely dull colored from what i remember. It had an eerie feel to it and eventually you would fall through an air vent and there would be a man i think with a beard and then you fight him, i cant remember how i never got past that part. i believe the box art was of the cloudy blue sky with the text right in the middle, i really need help remembering what this game was.


New member
Oct 4, 2012
kyosai7 said:
Dingo4782 said:
Man this one is killing me... It's an rpg for ps2 or 1 from 2000 to 2004. What I can remember is that in this one you had a bar at the bottom of the screen to time your attacks and that the enemies had different parts each one with it's own health and attacks that you could aim to. You could use items or attacks to cancel the enemy's moves or advances along the bar. It wasn't any Final Fantasy... Heeeelllppp please!
Grandia II? you could choose to do power attacks to set back enemy turns, which was shown by a bar. There was also GRandia III on ps2.

Exactly!!! Grandia 2!!! You saved my brain from exploting!!!


New member
Oct 4, 2012
Hey guys. I remember playing a game in 2000-2006. I don't know when it came out but i can describe it. So at the start you were with your girlfriend and some aliens came and take her away. But 1 alien was good and left you some shoes with you can jump really high. And then you start the game and I'm pretty sure it's a platform type game and some kind of adventure. You start in a forest and you just jump around. You can kill your enemies just by jumping on them. And i remember that you had lvls and diffrent maps. So forest then desert and the last one was in aliens spaceship. So can anybody please help me?

Hollywood Ghost

New member
Oct 4, 2012
Im trying to remember this one game for the ps2 my friend showed me like 6-7 years ago. All I can remember is it opened up with 2 dudes fighting, and the main character wore white tattered robs and his left arm looked like it was covered in blood, and in the gameplay you could summon a demon out of it and the arm would start to glow. Sorry for crap description but thats all I remember. If you can help me out thanks a lot!


New member
Oct 4, 2012
What in incredible thread. I'm looking for the name of this game:

Old arcade game from the 80s. It was in a shorter console, and it had a pair of joysticks for controls.

It was a top-down tank game, and you'd navigate through a city blasting enemy tanks. You could also tilt the tank up and launch a "nuke" to blast enemies over walls.

Finally, when you completed a level you would enter a portal fall through the hole and warp to the next level.

It was a great game, and I'd love to find it again.

Thanks if you can help!


New member
Dec 9, 2009
Dingo4782 said:
kyosai7 said:
Dingo4782 said:
Man this one is killing me... It's an rpg for ps2 or 1 from 2000 to 2004. What I can remember is that in this one you had a bar at the bottom of the screen to time your attacks and that the enemies had different parts each one with it's own health and attacks that you could aim to. You could use items or attacks to cancel the enemy's moves or advances along the bar. It wasn't any Final Fantasy... Heeeelllppp please!
Grandia II? you could choose to do power attacks to set back enemy turns, which was shown by a bar. There was also GRandia III on ps2.

Exactly!!! Grandia 2!!! You saved my brain from exploting!!!
Enjoy it, man! IT's one of the best RPGs on the PS2!