Old Games you remember playing but can't remember the name of.


New member
Jan 27, 2012
I got one.. This is a game that we use to play in my music class when i was in elementary school. The game was obviously music themed and if i recall correctly you were a jester trying to save the princess or something. The game was a point and click adventure type game with a bunch of puzzles that had to deal with music. The one puzzle i remember most was a piece of sheet music with notes missing. There were a bunch of slabs on the bottom of the screen that you could drag, and when you thought you had the right piece you drag it to the top of the screen and feed it to a gargoyle. I really want to remember the name of this game, it was always the highlight of going to music class! Thanks!


New member
Oct 5, 2012
I've been reading so much pages of this thread in hopes of finding it...but I finally registered, and I remember that back in 2000-2001 I was playing with my aunt games like Mario, think it was called Volleyball with some green and red blobs playing volleyball, DX-ball, Commander Keen, Superstar Chefs, Silver, Jazz Jackrabbit and that's all I can remember (it might help someone).

Now the game I seek: I remember liking it the most, 2D side-scroller, you were running from your buddies I think, and you were furry, a bit white-greyish kind of like a bear. Anyways, I remember lots of sliding-down on some levels and there were levels that were snow-themed, sliding was increased on them because of that. My aunt says that she remembers collecting stuff from trees but I don't, so you could take this as a detail or not. I'm sure that probably nobody has played this, but oh well. I have it somewhere on diskettes here, but I have no floppy.


New member
Oct 5, 2012
hey i'm trying to find an old super nintendo game that's kinda like rocky rodent but u play as these different rodent's with long hair and such does anyone know what game this is?


New member
Oct 5, 2012
there was a game for ps2 and it had cartoon-ish style graphics you played as animals, i remember playing with a brown bulldog and they fought using weapons and stuff i think the game also existed for dreamcast and the name ended with (something paws) :vengeance or revenge i think


New member
Oct 5, 2012
Adambomb45 said:
hey i'm trying to find an old super nintendo game that's kinda like rocky rodent but u play as these different rodent's with long hair and such does anyone know what game this is?
maybe it was sparkster/rocket knight ??


New member
Oct 5, 2012
God, I've needed a thread like this. I've got a game I've been dying to find, it's quite old, and my description may be crap, but let's hope someone here knows what I'm talking about.

The game was for PC, old PC, could be windows 98 or older. It was basically a horizontal board, where one (vs. a bot) or two players could fight, by sending various objects across the board to attack their opponent, these objects were all ridiculous, and unfortunately, the only one I can remember is a set of chattering teeth.

The games music I remember being relatively distinctive, and bouncy, which corresponded with the cartoon-y aesthetic - all the units would dance / bounce to the music. The sound effects were comical, and simple.

I honestly don't remember much more than this, I would've been really young when I played it with my brother. If anyone knows what I'm talking about, it'd be greatly appreciated. Message me, or whatever.

Thanks everyone,



New member
Oct 5, 2012
ok so i dont rember much about this game i played it when i was youuung so it had to have been between 1999-2001 so i cant rember how to game starts but i rember it starts with a cutscene and at the end of the cutscene your looking into a wel and your near a town and its all kinda communist and steampunk and i rember the people in the game where played by real people like in the myst games also after that bit of the game i dont rember how but your in this house with a talking plant and then you have to go through this mirror into an alrtenant dimension and your in like this big factory corporation thing and it has like a subway in it and at one point theres a dam and its like a water puzzle and your looking at it from a distance behind the control panel and at another point your in the ocean ontop of a dragon skeleton...i don not rember the name of this game for the life of me but god if someone knows please help lol its a bit of my childhood id like to rember:)


New member
Oct 5, 2012
So here's my forgotten game:
It was for the original playstation I think, something real old anyway. There was a kind of an upright orange rabbit thing, and he had a tall fox friend. You played the fox I think. Anyway the rabbit guy, I think his name was Bo or something, would aimlessly walk into danger, and your job as his friend was to protect him. He was on trains a lot. And country street things. The enemies were these black shape things that just sort of pop up. There really were a LOT of trains, he'd walk around in train carriages a lot, and on top of trains I think.


New member
Oct 5, 2012
Okay so i need help with a game, and I would be so happy if any of you could help me!
My brother and I played it when we where kids, probably about 10 years ago.
It was a game with frogs, you could choose between 3 different ones two boy frogs and a girl frog. I think the girl frog was light pink and the boy frogs where blue and green.
It was a 3d platform game (if that is a thing) and there was a lot of different levels where you had to climb a tower for example by jumping up on platforms, some could be moving, some would fall down. The platforms went up like a spiral on the tower. That was just one of the levels.
I really hope it makes sense, and that someone can help me figure out what the game is called!
Thank you!!
Btw it was a game for Pc


New member
Oct 5, 2012
Hi a have 3 games i can't remember. (all of them PC)
1)First one was a racing game where you could shoot and when you have won you could choose one of three doors and behind them there was a reward. The game had a lot of scenes with a crazy guy and a girls with a pointy metal bras. Sadly everything i could remember. And it was a dos game.

2)Second one is much older game. You are a sodier in a trench and there is enemy in another trench you have a various weapons to kill him and he always calls reinforcements you have to hide in a trench and kill him.

3)Third one is something like an Army men game. It's RTS and you are playing with alive toys against another evil toys. I think you spawn your soldiers around the house and try to kill every evil toy. I think one of the main characters was a sergant with a grey hair and some brown beast.

Unfortunately this is everything i can remember. And sorry for my english. Please help i am desperate.

Thank you.


New member
Oct 5, 2012
whitekaj said:
Adambomb45 said:
hey i'm trying to find an old super nintendo game that's kinda like rocky rodent but u play as these different rodent's with long hair and such does anyone know what game this is?
maybe it was sparkster/rocket knight ??
it's neither of those games but the character has red hair and when u get a power up or whatever ur hair turn's blue like


New member
Oct 5, 2012
Hi everyone,

I've been looking for a point and click adventure game, it's from 1998-2002(?)
It played in the middle ages and you was a rogue/pilgrim or something like that. The game was full of fogs and dark areas (castle with goblins, player eater trees), there were several logical games and you had to collect and use equipments in your journey. If I remember correctly you had to eat or the player starts to starving. It was quiet hard and the gameplay was a bit slow (I mean the character's movement speed)

Thank you in advance if anyone can help me finding the game's name!


New member
Oct 5, 2012
This is a game I've been wanting to remember for years. I only remember a few random details.
It was a 90's point and click game on PC. You played as a boy I think with a bagpack.
I remember some scary-ass title screen, and the first quest was going into a witches house. The witch had just white for eyes. You had to steal something before you woke her up.
Another thing I remember is the boy saying "I've got it!" when he picked something up.
Anyone know it?
Oct 5, 2012
I remember playing a game which was a sort of strategy game. You would build apartments and businesses i think, and you had builders who would go to the site and you'd see scaffolding go up and then down to reveal the building. I think there were other builders your builders would fight with sometimes. rivals maybe? The view was looking down at an angle, not top down or moveable i dont think. I cant really remember much else =(

Ashley Sweet

New member
Oct 2, 2012
I played a set of games a few years ago on either PS2 or XBOX. It was a multiplayer games with several characters, you were fighting against undead or infected people, I don't remember many details but I remember being in a factory at one point fighting agents. I'll post more if I can remember any more.


New member
Oct 6, 2012
I really want to know the name of the game and get a chance play it again!!!

It was a old game for PC. I think me and my younger brother always play this game at around 2000 - 2003. Cant remember the exactly time. I only remember my computer that i am using at that time is window 98. I got a CD-ROM which contain lots of games about running / racing game (around 10 games). And the game now i am searching is one of them.

The game is controlling a Green Glow ball running to the goal by using "up" "left" "right" arrow. (I forgot whether have a "jump" key or not"). There is 6 levels which is increasing the difficulty each level. I remember the most difficult - level 6 the track is quite narrow. If the ball out of the track will game over. This game dont have "save" or "quick save". Also, there is acceleration if the ball pass the glow ground. The ball will be running faster but it will easily lose too. If lose the game, have to restart the game from level 1.

I really wish someone know the name of this game and i can play this game Again.
It brings me a lot of memory.

Many Many thanks!!!

PS. My email: [email protected]


New member
Oct 6, 2012
Hi! I'm looking for a game from late 80's I think. Possibly commodore 64 or atari. There was a man with a cowboy hat I think that had to jump over gaps in the ground. The gaps differed in size and I think the colour of the ground changed from sandy desert to grass to since etc. The man ran automatically and I think you had to press the space bar to make him jump. The further along the level you got the quicker he ran. It was a really basic game.

Hope someone can help me! Thanks :eek:)