Old Games you remember playing but can't remember the name of.


New member
Oct 8, 2012
Ludvig Olsen said:
this was a game from the 90's im pretty sure, it was a 2D shooting game, you would have a jetpack so you could move around to the upper floors as what i remember it to be an office like envirement in the first lvls atleast and you would find these weapon "vending" machines where you could refill ammo or get new weapons, thats about what i remember... the grafics was decent for an 90's game
Was it the first Duke Nukem? Perhaps Tribes.


New member
Oct 5, 2012
Skaraflame said:
This is a game I've been wanting to remember for years. I only remember a few random details.
It was a 90's point and click game on PC. You played as a boy I think with a bagpack.
I remember some scary-ass title screen, and the first quest was going into a witches house. The witch had just white for eyes. You had to steal something before you woke her up.
Another thing I remember is the boy saying "I've got it!" when he picked something up.
Anyone know it?
I hate to re-post this but... Yeah.


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Oct 8, 2012
Kellborn said:
I've a game I can't remember all that much about. I'll keep it short:

First off, the game had a cage icon (just a simple 2D cage with lines). It was a PC strategy game (in around year 1999ish), you picked some sort of mission, and before each mission you had to choose your units (I remember swordsmen as being one of them). You could only pick so many of each unit.
Was it the "Myth" series? When I saw the part about a cage icon and swordsmen I thought maybe it was a portcullis and not a cage.

Ludvig Olsen

New member
Oct 8, 2012
Quote "Was it the first Duke Nukem? Perhaps Tribes."

i just tried google searching the games you mentioned, and i could tell it wasent duke nukem for sure, not sure about the tribes thing, didnt find anything on that or if that was just a sub title for the duke nukem game

but i would say the grafics where better in this game then in the duke nukem game, i also remember him being this "army guy" wearing one of those world war II green helmets, and also one of the guns he could acquire was this gun that would shoot can/shells that would bounce along the ground forward until they exploded

PS:it was for PC btw, dunno if it helps


New member
Oct 8, 2012
Im looking for a Batman pc game from the 90's. You start in the batcave and do different missions and levels. One mission you drive in the batmobile. It's like a maze with dead ends. One has to do with gems and a diamond shop with the joker. That's all I remember from it. Any help will be appreciated.


New member
Oct 8, 2012
i remember playing this game at my friends house on xbox and it was a lot of fun. it was a fighting fantasy and magic game. it was 3d and in the beginning there was a fatguy a wolf thing i think a girl then a floating mummy and they killed themselves to bring back to life a worrior with long black hair and a sword. i remember loving to play as the wolf.i think it was rated teen. so if you know could u plz tell me. thanks.


New member
Oct 8, 2012
This is an old pc game about 1990 from what I remember. My uncle and I use to play it a lot.
I think you were an indian or Africian or some kind of tribal person. You used a spear as your number 1 weapon. I am pretty sure you could do magic and it was pretty free roam. I would go to third person a lot to. I kinda reminds me of Shadow warrior but it is set in a jungle somewhere.
Any ideas?


New member
Oct 8, 2012
I remember playing this game about 10 or 12 years ago or so. The graphics were about like Dark Forces, and 3D. The walls were usually grayish, but had this constant flickering or "flashing". You were in this little ship (first person) that floated/hovered. You can rotate around any way or flip around as if it was zero gravity or space. But you were always in these gray flashing tunnel things. There were other ships that you would come across and you could shoot them. You had to collect red keys and blue keys, etc, to open up red doors and blue doors, etc, to advance through the level. I think some rooms had red lava type stuff, but my memory fails me. About the time I was playing this, I also played Cyberia alot, so it may have come out around the same time.


New member
Oct 9, 2012
Trying to find the name of an old pc or Apple II game. Game was a post apocalyptic type game. It involved road gangs and you try to build your gang with various types of vehicles. It was not an "action" game. More of a sim or RPG game. The game involved Southern California, I believe. One rival gang was the Mothertruckers. Anyone remember this game? Thanks!


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Sep 30, 2012
mataniah said:
There is a side scroll action game (playing wise is like castlevania sotn for psx) but all i remember is you're a girl (or maybe was it a guy idr) getting off a bus on the first level and then runs through it killing stuff and then i remember at the end of the level getting on the bus again and going to the next level and it was for the SNES and i'm dying to find the game and play it again. If it sounds familiar please let me know! (I think the person weapon was a sword) and pretty sure it was a chick as the main charter.
Sorry for the repost but still trying to see if anyone knows what game i'm talking of that came out on the SNES ^_^


Apr 13, 2012
Ludvig Olsen said:
this was a game from the 90's im pretty sure, it was a 2D shooting game, you would have a jetpack so you could move around to the upper floors as what i remember it to be an office like envirement in the first lvls atleast and you would find these weapon "vending" machines where you could refill ammo or get new weapons, thats about what i remember... the grafics was decent for an 90's game
The game you're thinking of (I think) is Halloween Harry. Also known as Alien Carnage.


Apr 13, 2012
sulfurshade said:
I remember playing this game about 10 or 12 years ago or so. The graphics were about like Dark Forces, and 3D. The walls were usually grayish, but had this constant flickering or "flashing". You were in this little ship (first person) that floated/hovered. You can rotate around any way or flip around as if it was zero gravity or space. But you were always in these gray flashing tunnel things. There were other ships that you would come across and you could shoot them. You had to collect red keys and blue keys, etc, to open up red doors and blue doors, etc, to advance through the level. I think some rooms had red lava type stuff, but my memory fails me. About the time I was playing this, I also played Cyberia alot, so it may have come out around the same time.
Descent? http://www.glidos.net/large/descent.jpg I used to play it too. And at the end of each level, you had to rig the reactor to blow up, and escape in time.


New member
Oct 9, 2012
This is the best thread.

So I have one. It'd be '98 or earlier, I think I played it in DOS or Win 3.1. It was definitely on a computer, but it could've been a Mac.

It was a point-and-click adventure (I think? It may have had keyboard movement/objectpoking, but you definitely wandered around & solved puzzles) in which you play a little boy that really loves bugs. Like, he has special shoes so that when he steps on bugs he doesn't kill them (cause that totally makes sense). He's looking for a certain bug (a golden beetle?) and to find it he looks all over the farm that he's visiting I think. Also I think he had a pet of some sort? not sure. Anyway I also recall that you eventually ended up in this huge series of tunnels under the farm, and in those there was a sign that said "the end is nigh", which I think was actually pretty near where you emerge from the tunnels. Or maybe after the 'end is nigh' sign you go to hell, but I think I'm making that up. Also, I think there was a sequel set in the city? I don't remember anything about that one though.

Twinky3825 said:
Ok, I remember I was like in 5th or 6th grade and i've had this game on my mind ever since and i'm trying to find it. All I remember from this game was, this kid had to find a "Award winning bug" at his grandmother's house. I think it was a puzzle game or something but it was a PC game. He also had to present the bug at a fair, I'm pretty sure that's all I remember, please!!!! someone help!!!! ha it's driving me insane just thinking about it... :(
Yeah, this same one! What is it?

Also, a couple I figured out:

thiosk said:
it had a black background, and all objects were colored, 2D polygons. There were a few 45 degree angles. I remember piloting my polygon from room to room, collecting objects and solving simple puzzles. It ran on the apple IIe computer, on 5 1\4 floppy. I don't remember much else.

Maybe it had something to do with mother goose.
Gertrude's Secrets.
It's probably been identified before, being on the front page and all, but I didn't see it.

xRavingBanana said:
I played this game long ago, i can't remember what console it was on or the name, but i think it may have been a kids game, what i remember from it, is that you are an animal, and you can transfer your soul or take over another animal and you would run around as that animal, i also remember in one of the levels you are a brown dog and your in a grassy field of sorts, maybe a farm im not to sure, but if someone can pm me if they know the name i would be very grateful :)
Probably Space Station: Silicon Valley, on the N64. In that you're actually a computer chip that takes over robo-animals, but it works out about the same.


New member
Sep 23, 2012
cloroxbb said:
Jack4848 said:
Jack4848 said:
hi! i'm new here but i have already a problem!
this summer i started again to use my psone. one of my friend asked me to find an old game in which u uses robots (maybe, he wasn't sure) but certainly while u play soccer weapons appear in the football ground and u can use them. like maybe mario stikers charged football
Thank u
Found a game called "Super Shot Soccer," it wasnt robots, but (like Megaman soccer on the SNES) there were "weaponized" super shots that you could do in the game.

Couldnt find ANYTHING about robots, weapons, and soccer... sorry.
ok thanks but im' quite sure it exist and for ps1. i am not sure that u use robots but i'm sure it is a soccer game with weapons!


New member
Oct 8, 2012
Hamish Mabon-Ross said:
sulfurshade said:
I remember playing this game about 10 or 12 years ago or so. The graphics were about like Dark Forces, and 3D. The walls were usually grayish, but had this constant flickering or "flashing". You were in this little ship (first person) that floated/hovered. You can rotate around any way or flip around as if it was zero gravity or space. But you were always in these gray flashing tunnel things. There were other ships that you would come across and you could shoot them. You had to collect red keys and blue keys, etc, to open up red doors and blue doors, etc, to advance through the level. I think some rooms had red lava type stuff, but my memory fails me. About the time I was playing this, I also played Cyberia alot, so it may have come out around the same time.
Descent? http://www.glidos.net/large/descent.jpg I used to play it too. And at the end of each level, you had to rig the reactor to blow up, and escape in time.
oh God, this is it, it has to be. It must!
Haha, after i saw your post, I got super excited and got distracted playing the game for an hour or so... ^_^
Thank you so much, it means alot...

(apparently they've been working on a Descent for WiiWare)


New member
Oct 9, 2012
There was a game I used to play, you played as a lady bird robot. (I think so anyway). It was 3d as I remember you could climb up walls. You had to destroy other robots. If I remember rightly, the enemy robots were blue and the harder ones were yellow. I think you were red. The only level I remember was we're there was I think a metal coloured floor and crates or boxes where you could experiment climbing around and over them. You had to enter a building via a small ramp that was guarded by one yellow and one blue robot. I believe it was in the 90's.


New member
Jan 19, 2012
2nd one sounds much like Shaolin which given its lack of release in the USA might explain why it is hard to track down or relatively unknown on here. Your profile doesn't say but if you don't live in the USA I'm guessing that's the answer. If you do then I'm probably wrong.[/quote]

Wow I think you're right...the name shaolin did come to me initially when I was looking. Thanks!


Ya Old Mate
May 3, 2009

If it's not this one it's the scary thread, but this one is going on two years now.....not that that's a bad thing mind you.

Ahem now OT:

It was this PS1 game where you played as this kid running around in his dreams/nightmares with a zap gun of some description. As far as I can remember he wore these cool green sunglasses and had a backwards hat with a baggy T-Shirt....and, that's all I can remember about the character, I can kinda remember the first level being some sort of castle with a Roman guard at the end as a boss.

I would love to remember what it was called cos I had so much fun playing it at my friends house. We never got past the first level but it was still hella fun.

Ludvig Olsen

New member
Oct 8, 2012
Hamish Mabon-Ross said:
Ludvig Olsen said:
this was a game from the 90's im pretty sure, it was a 2D shooting game, you would have a jetpack so you could move around to the upper floors as what i remember it to be an office like envirement in the first lvls atleast and you would find these weapon "vending" machines where you could refill ammo or get new weapons, thats about what i remember... the grafics was decent for an 90's game
The game you're thinking of (I think) is Halloween Harry. Also known as Alien Carnage.
yes this was the game, thank you very much :D