Old Games you remember playing but can't remember the name of.


Ya Old Mate
May 3, 2009
GiantRaven said:
Offworlder said:
It was this PS1 game where you played as this kid running around in his dreams/nightmares with a zap gun of some description. As far as I can remember he wore these cool green sunglasses and had a backwards hat with a baggy T-Shirt....and, that's all I can remember about the character, I can kinda remember the first level being some sort of castle with a Roman guard at the end as a boss.

I would love to remember what it was called cos I had so much fun playing it at my friends house. We never got past the first level but it was still hella fun.
Was it Rascal?

HOLY SHIT!! I believe it was. Thank you my friend.

Daniel Ursu

New member
Oct 10, 2012
When i was a kid i played this game where aliens invaded, and there was diffrent levels in which you stood in the back shooting aliens coming from the front, you could choose to play as a black captain of some kind, a women with pistols or a dude with long hair and a shotgun i think. The chick threw grenades screaming: THIS IS FOR YOU! or she groundpounded and screamed: TAKE THIS! If you failed as the girl your boyfriend became gas, any ideas? ps2 game.

Daniel Ursu

New member
Oct 10, 2012
Kaylee Stebbins said:

I'm looking for a Ps3 based game that came out 3 to 4 years ago that started you off as either a male mage, male warrior, or female. You leveled up by killing monsters and protecting your area. You could use your orbs, or whatever, to buy new armor in different colors and such. I found it slightly similar to "Dragon Age: Origins", but I know it's not that game. It was multiplayer or single player, and I do believe you could go on the PlayStation Network to chart scores. Does anyone have the slightest clue?
That might be Kingdoms of amalur: Reckoning.


New member
Sep 17, 2012
Mirror_Gamer said:
There was a game I played on the Super Nintendo in the 90's. Been searching for years!!

Not sure of the character but I do remember you are in the dark cave or a mine searching for jewels or different colored gems. You can push around carts and dig (I think).

If you walk outside there is an edge with water and different monsters attack you.

Any ideas? Help much appreciated. Thanks!
UPDATE: Found the name of the game myself it's called Young Merlin for Snes.


New member
Oct 10, 2012
yakakamoto said:
Ok Here it goes - Game was for Sega Genesis; you had a boat and traveled around recruiting people and seiging castles...when you landed you turned into a person and the battles were kinda turn based rpg i think...I think it had some other rpg elements to it as well...the biggest thing I remember was that there was a time limit of some time...either by spaces or just a time limit...and I could never beat it but want to now! Been searching Google but can't find it...help!!!

Try Kings Bounty


New member
Dec 5, 2010
Scott Daniels said:
Okay, if anyone can figure this out, I will love you forever. It's an old, top-down(think Legend of Zelda style) game. It was for the computer, sometime in the 90's, really, really, old graphics. You could play as a few different(generic) RPG classes. The game started out in a semi-wooded area and your character started inside some type of old house. If you died, you had to start the game over and a screen with a skull on it, accompanied by evil laughing, was shown when you got said game over. There were, of course, generic fantasy enemies as well, such as zombies, skeletons, etc. When you killed a zombie there was a groaning noise and it looked like someone used the old paint tool to animate the blood. It was a heavily pixelated game, but I can't for the life of me remember what it was called....
Could be Dungeon Siege, although I recall very little about that game.


New member
Oct 5, 2011
Shnuggle Bear said:
Ok... this is a long shot but I'd love to try and play this game again.

It was a top down helicopter game that had to have been out around.. '96..ish? I played in daycare on a system that I believe was made for the Tv? Basically you started in between three buildings and had to fly around. If you touched a building you would die and I think other things would shoot you as well.. The graphics were not that great and I have no idea if you had a gun or not.. It's not like Raiden where things fly at you and you shoot them. I think it was more of a "you fly whichever way you please game." Happy hunting <3

*FREE HUGS* To whoever can find this game!!
That's kind of a vague description, but it could be one of the "Strike" series - Desert Strike, Jungle Strike or Urban Strike.


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Oct 5, 2011
ahzidahakah said:
This one is tough. It was either on Windows '98 or XP, but no other system. This game was a demo for my PC, but it was awesome.

It was a space game. You were a pilot and you had a crew with you. It was first person, but you could go into 3rd I believe. You had a HUD that you could change the color and depending on what you clicked, you shot different weapons. If you shot your teammates too much they'd all turn on you and attack you.

Anyhow, this game felt very free-form, you could fly all over the place and it was mostly a dogfighting game, but in space. You could change your weapons and such. I just can't remember, for the LIFE of me, what the game was. I remember one part where you had to blow up a huge space station, I think. It was a long time ago.
You kind of just described an entire genre of games, but is it something like Darklight Conflict?


New member
Oct 5, 2011
yakakamoto said:
Ok Here it goes - Game was for Sega Genesis; you had a boat and traveled around recruiting people and seiging castles...when you landed you turned into a person and the battles were kinda turn based rpg i think...I think it had some other rpg elements to it as well...the biggest thing I remember was that there was a time limit of some time...either by spaces or just a time limit...and I could never beat it but want to now! Been searching Google but can't find it...help!!!
Shining Force?


New member
Oct 3, 2012
I'm looking for a game from early 2000's - its an RTS.

It has a very cartoon style, with alot of wacky, slapstick humor and art direction.

The aim, or the unique point of the game, was you would design "tanks" - you could keep adding layers and layers to the tanks and they would become taller and stronger - but if you made them too tall they would topple over!

There was a hilarious array of weapons from catapults and flamethrowers, and all sorts of engine upgrades for the tanks etc.

The single player campaign was more sort of challenge based rather than just straight eliminate the enemy - I seem to remember there being a lot to do with rescuing sheep.

I also remember that to make the tanks you'd have to find components on the battlefield.

I'm probably remembering through rose-tints but I remember it being hilarious.

I hope someone can remember the name!



New member
Oct 10, 2012
Late '90s-early 2000's pirate game very similar to the Sid Meyer's Pirates! games. It was for the PC and I'm fairly sure I got it free from a Cheerios box but possibly from something else, but it was definitely a free game I got as a CD from something. I have been looking for these PC pirate games for a long time and haven't found it yet. Gameplay consisted of captaining various ships in first person (you controlled the ship not the captain), you never saw your crew really though. You could go to certain locations and buy and sell goods. You could also have cannon battles in third-person with other ships and board them and have sword fights. HOWEVER, it wasn't any of the version of Pirates! that I can tell from the screenshots of those games. Thanks for your consideration.

P.S. The most defining part of gameplay I can think of to set it apart from the Sid Meyer's games is that when you were traveling your ship, it was almost as if you were standing on the ship staring at the front of the ship in first-person, and the ship would bounce a little on the water. You would get a whistle sound with suggestions on what to do written towards the top as you traveled as well.


New member
Oct 5, 2012
Seamen said:
I've been reading so much pages of this thread in hopes of finding it...but I finally registered, and I remember that back in 2000-2001 I was playing with my aunt games like Mario, think it was called Volleyball with some green and red blobs playing volleyball, DX-ball, Commander Keen, Superstar Chefs, Silver, Jazz Jackrabbit and that's all I can remember (it might help someone).

Now the game I seek: I remember liking it the most, 2D side-scroller, you were running from your buddies I think, and you were furry, a bit white-greyish kind of like a bear. Anyways, I remember lots of sliding-down on some levels and there were levels that were snow-themed, sliding was increased on them because of that. My aunt says that she remembers collecting stuff from trees but I don't, so you could take this as a detail or not. I'm sure that probably nobody has played this, but oh well. I have it somewhere on diskettes here, but I have no floppy.

Sorry for repost, but I'm desperate. If you guys know any sidescrolling/platform games before 2002-2003 (or around that time)which you can SLIDE ... like literally slide down stuff and jump and collect bonuses, also the game was about running from some other "bears" like you. So yeah, if you know a game with sliding, lots of sliding that fits this description or not, share it please.


New member
Oct 10, 2012
There we go...

Playstation 1 game....

The game was a Racing Shooting game.

I remember that the first car did only set a trap, the last car was the one that could use missles, and it kinda "floated", didn't have wheels.

The one before the last car, was a tank, and shot a 1 shot kill bomb from very far away.

The last car i guess it costed like 900k game money, cant remember the name of it...

PLEASE GOD help me....Cant find this game name...

Adom Doledas

New member
Oct 10, 2012
Old PC Spaceship game name?

This game looks a lot like "Spacezero" in a sense that it had a black background with "stars", green outline of planets and a 2D feel. You start off with your ship on your planet, which was indicated by a square in the center of the planet with the same colour as your ship. The planet was surrounded by one or two Defense Towers, which also had the same colour as your ship somewhere on it.

The objective of the game was to conquer surrounding unmarked planets (without a coloured square of anykind) by landing on them for a short period of time, then your colour of square would appear in the center of the planet, which then would cause a Defense Tower to leave your home planet and travel to the new planet for protection against others who could try to conquer it.
You could, however, destroy and conquer other already "conquered" planets by destroying all the Defense Towers and landing on said planet, causing the square in the center to change to a new colour, corresponding to the new spaceship that landed on it.
Same thing goes for wandering Defense Towers, if you aimed right at the tip, I believe, you could conquer said Tower...or blow it up completely.

To win the game you had to destroy all other players, which meant for you to destroy all planets and Defense Towers of that colour so there would be no chance for them to re-spawn.

I believe there could be about 4 players in total, possibly manual or computer operated.

Im pretty sure to is not "escape velocity" or "naev", because the game was made just with lines like "asteroids" but they resemble to this game, just is older than them

Any suggestions and/or links would be very appreciated, I've been wondering this for a while now. Thanks in advance!


New member
Oct 10, 2012
hi i need help with a game i used to play when i was really young,like a good 10-12 years ago.It was a 2d slide adventure game,the main character was a girl dressed like an indian in white dresses and she could turn into a wolf anytime. The weapon was a whip for what i remember...hope you can help me,thanks!
Oct 10, 2012
Hey this games been doing my head in for years now, all I remember was it was in the back of the sands arcade in Weymouth dunno if it was atari or Taito but your on the height seat just purched and you got the wheel and pedels and on the side was a pic of dumb criminal s and the police but I can't remember if your the police or criminal but you ever have to chase or get away, I loved it your looking down on the street when your going along, please help


New member
Oct 11, 2012
does anyone know the name of ether these two games
1) it was a motocross racing one and you could hit people of with chains or bats not to sure witch platform it was on ether Sega or ps1

2) a sega game and i remember climbing up and having to help the other person by catapulting them and sending vines down


New member
Oct 11, 2012
hey another game im fairly sure it was for ps1 nd i have an idea it was called soul callaber but it wasn't a 1v1 fighting game but yu were in like a dungeon or something and you could choose different characters to play as and find weapons maybe it was a long time ago


New member
Oct 5, 2011
amebas said:
There we go...

Playstation 1 game....

The game was a Racing Shooting game.

I remember that the first car did only set a trap, the last car was the one that could use missles, and it kinda "floated", didn't have wheels.

The one before the last car, was a tank, and shot a 1 shot kill bomb from very far away.

The last car i guess it costed like 900k game money, cant remember the name of it...

PLEASE GOD help me....Cant find this game name...
Wipeout? Twisted Metal?


New member
Oct 5, 2011
salomehd6970 said:
hi i need help with a game i used to play when i was really young,like a good 10-12 years ago.It was a 2d slide adventure game,the main character was a girl dressed like an indian in white dresses and she could turn into a wolf anytime. The weapon was a whip for what i remember...hope you can help me,thanks!