Old Games you remember playing but can't remember the name of.


New member
Oct 5, 2011
yuzvka said:
does anyone know the name of ether these two games
1) it was a motocross racing one and you could hit people of with chains or bats not to sure witch platform it was on ether Sega or ps1

2) a sega game and i remember climbing up and having to help the other person by catapulting them and sending vines down
1) Sounds a lot like one of the Road Rash series.

2) Would love to help you out with this one - initially it sounds a bit like Sonic Crackers or Chaotix, can you give any more details about the console, approximate year, anything else you can remember?


New member
Oct 10, 2012
Mhm pretty sure it was not pocahontas... it was named something like nikita...I just remember that you could turn into a wolf,not anything else :(

Akos Gyorgy

New member
Sep 15, 2012
I'm still looking for this game, please, any help is apprechiated! No one recognizes this game?

It is a game from one of those "Yellow Cassettes", possibly Sega Megadrive, but I am not sure about that.
It featured a kid as the playable character, his name was perhaps Vap, or Wappo or something like that. He wears an american football outfit with a helmet.
His original color was blue, and he shot a small ball (possibly a tennis ball) by kicking it towards the enemy. But when he was hit by an enemy, he turned green, and then shot 2 tennis balls. Then after another hit, he turned yellow and shot a soccerball (being able to hit enemies easier), then after the next hit he turned red and shot 2 soccerballs at the enemies. After these 4 hits you died.
When shooting the balls at enemies, it had a "scratchy" sound when, like lighting a match. (here I have to add that it is NOT Marko's Magic Football or Soccer Kid, but sure as hell similar).
It was a 2D platformer game, involved a lot of jumping and if I recall correctly, it had boss-fights after each level.
It consisted of several levels, the one I can remember is a jungle level with water below you, and waterfalls and greenery in the background. Also there was a level which was a rollercoaster.
I can only remember the story roughly: your girlfriend was abducted by a demon (it looked like the Grim Reaper), whom you had to fight at the very end of the game.

Several people were looking foir this game, but none have managed to find out its name. Please, If anyone has even the slightest idea, or just an additional info about the game, feel free to reply.



New member
Oct 10, 2012
Batou667 said:
amebas said:
There we go...

Playstation 1 game....

The game was a Racing / Shooting game.

I remember that the first car did only set a trap, the last car was the one that could use missles, and it kinda "floated", didn't have wheels.

The one before the last car, was a tank, and shot a 1 shot kill bomb from very far away.

The last car i guess it costed like 900k game money, cant remember the name of it...

PLEASE GOD help me....Cant find this game name...
Wipeout? Twisted Metal?

Nope... Lemme add somethings

This is mainly a racing game.

Each car you buy has ONLY ONE weapon. You can upgrade the cars (upgrade the engine, the wheels, the weapon) with the money you earn or save it to get a new one. All cars have wheels exept for the last one, that is kind of a floating red/grey car.

First car: Can lay traps to kill enemies behind.

Strongest and last car: Has a Missle attack > That missle, when you upgrade it, divides itself in alot of little missles before hitting its target.

Before the last car, there's one that looks like a tank, with a Bomb attack, just like a regular tank does.


New member
Oct 5, 2012
I'm also looking for a certain MARIO game, it was a lot like Super Mario Bros but I remember Mario was white (when he was small, without the shroom) and it was on a diskette for PC. I searched in wikipedia for it but I couldn't it in any of them..any ideas? I remember a lot of turtles and a lot of those jumping fish which kill you when they touch you.

Mark Slater

New member
Oct 11, 2012
Hey All. I'm trying to remember an arcade game I played on holiday in the mid 90s. It was a 2D side scrolling, run and gun game. The main thing I remember was the last/one of the last bosses was spiked ball. I believe you had already fought him earlier in the game. He would swing around the screen like a pendulum (he may have been a pendulum) and fire spikes off his body. I think we were fighting on a lift. It looked a lot like Gunstar Heroes. I believe it also had a sequel, except it was an R-Type style shooter. Any ideas?


New member
Mar 28, 2008
Medium Sasha Goddard-Kerrova said:
Hey this games been doing my head in for years now, all I remember was it was in the back of the sands arcade in Weymouth dunno if it was atari or Taito but your on the height seat just purched and you got the wheel and pedels and on the side was a pic of dumb criminal s and the police but I can't remember if your the police or criminal but you ever have to chase or get away, I loved it your looking down on the street when your going along, please help
Chase HQ or Special Criminal Investigations ?


New member
Oct 11, 2012
Im looking for an old PC game that has really randomly popped into my head.
It was a space station game, you controlled a space station that you had to add modules to that could build ships to defend your station or add defensive turrets to it, Im pretty sure you only controlled the space station and you could only build it outwards in a cross/spider like shape. It was a 3D game around the late 90s/early 2000 but other than that I dont remember much more sorry


New member
Oct 8, 2012
RidiKule said:
Late '90s-early 2000's pirate game very similar to the Sid Meyer's Pirates! games. It was for the PC and I'm fairly sure I got it free from a Cheerios box but possibly from something else, but it was definitely a free game I got as a CD from something. I have been looking for these PC pirate games for a long time and haven't found it yet. Gameplay consisted of captaining various ships in first person (you controlled the ship not the captain), you never saw your crew really though. You could go to certain locations and buy and sell goods. You could also have cannon battles in third-person with other ships and board them and have sword fights. HOWEVER, it wasn't any of the version of Pirates! that I can tell from the screenshots of those games. Thanks for your consideration.

P.S. The most defining part of gameplay I can think of to set it apart from the Sid Meyer's games is that when you were traveling your ship, it was almost as if you were standing on the ship staring at the front of the ship in first-person, and the ship would bounce a little on the water. You would get a whistle sound with suggestions on what to do written towards the top as you traveled as well.
Was it "Cutthroats: Terror on the High Seas" ?

Scoobert Doo

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Oct 9, 2012
Jodie Riddex said:
Scoobert Doo said:
There was a game I played in the mid to late 80s, maybe very early 90s. It was a math based game with exploring. It might have been exploring pyramids. I remember spiders dropping up and down from the ceiling.
Super solvers ancient empires!
Thank you so much! That's it exactly! I think my son will enjoy playing it.


New member
Jan 3, 2012
Plyphon said:
I'm looking for a game from early 2000's - its an RTS.

It has a very cartoon style, with alot of wacky, slapstick humor and art direction.

The aim, or the unique point of the game, was you would design "tanks" - you could keep adding layers and layers to the tanks and they would become taller and stronger - but if you made them too tall they would topple over!

There was a hilarious array of weapons from catapults and flamethrowers, and all sorts of engine upgrades for the tanks etc.

The single player campaign was more sort of challenge based rather than just straight eliminate the enemy - I seem to remember there being a lot to do with rescuing sheep.

I also remember that to make the tanks you'd have to find components on the battlefield.

I'm probably remembering through rose-tints but I remember it being hilarious.

I hope someone can remember the name!

Could it be Metal Fatigue you're thinking of? I recall that being about robots with parts scavenged from the battlefield and all kinds of creations being able to put together. If it isn't, then I hope it at least helps you remember. :)


New member
Oct 3, 2012
YicklePigeon said:
Could it be Metal Fatigue you're thinking of? I recall that being about robots with parts scavenged from the battlefield and all kinds of creations being able to put together. If it isn't, then I hope it at least helps you remember. :)

Nah not MF - that was also a great game. Put many hours into it!


New member
Oct 12, 2012
hello guys there is a game i used to play long time ago its goes like this you can play with 4 characters one of them is a cyborg i think and a male characters with blue clothes an white hair and the other two is girl and a boy i dont remember them but at the first stage you fight a giant spider boss and maybe the second stage you play in yard full of giant worms and in the middle there is a huge tower and thats all what I remember so please anyone can help me?


New member
Oct 12, 2012
I've been searching and searching for years a game I for the life of me cannot remember. I remember that it was very fast paced, back in the mid to late 90s for I want to say PSX but every search I attempt pulls up nothing of what i discribe or remember playing. It was a space mech flying game. The view would change from time to time if I remember correctly. I want to say it also had an ability called overdrive or hyperdrive or something. When I did a recent search again for it I came across a game in development that reminds me of it, Strike Suit Zero, just more advance. If anyone knows what I'm talkig about help please, or at the very least sugestions please. I already know it is NOT R-type, Any Gundam, Any Armored Core, Any Mech Assult.
I don't want to say it was a Full Side Scroll, but had some element to it the resembled side scroll, like I said the view changed every now and again. That is if I remember correctly.

The reason I feel it was on PSX is because I also played G-Police the time I played the game I'm trying to remember.


New member
Oct 5, 2011
Akos Gyorgy said:
I'm still looking for this game, please, any help is apprechiated! No one recognizes this game?

It is a game from one of those "Yellow Cassettes", possibly Sega Megadrive, but I am not sure about that.
It featured a kid as the playable character, his name was perhaps Vap, or Wappo or something like that. He wears an american football outfit with a helmet.
His original color was blue, and he shot a small ball (possibly a tennis ball) by kicking it towards the enemy. But when he was hit by an enemy, he turned green, and then shot 2 tennis balls. Then after another hit, he turned yellow and shot a soccerball (being able to hit enemies easier), then after the next hit he turned red and shot 2 soccerballs at the enemies. After these 4 hits you died.
When shooting the balls at enemies, it had a "scratchy" sound when, like lighting a match. (here I have to add that it is NOT Marko's Magic Football or Soccer Kid, but sure as hell similar).
It was a 2D platformer game, involved a lot of jumping and if I recall correctly, it had boss-fights after each level.
It consisted of several levels, the one I can remember is a jungle level with water below you, and waterfalls and greenery in the background. Also there was a level which was a rollercoaster.
I can only remember the story roughly: your girlfriend was abducted by a demon (it looked like the Grim Reaper), whom you had to fight at the very end of the game.

Several people were looking foir this game, but none have managed to find out its name. Please, If anyone has even the slightest idea, or just an additional info about the game, feel free to reply.


I consider myself a bit of a Mega Drive buff, and I'm afraid this isn't ringing any bells whatsoever. What do you mean by "yellow cassettes"? Any idea what year you played this? Is it possible you mean SNES instead?


New member
Oct 13, 2012
Okay, So i made an account just to ask about this game.

I can't really remember much, but it was a PC game, I think it was set in medieval times, it was a kids strategy game, probably around the 90s maybe early 2000s, and at the beginning or well the home screen there was a crow or at least a bird that squawked.

Still on the home screen there was like a castle in the top far right hand corner but it looked far away and you could click on it and create your own levels.

And then the main game was like you were in a dungeon or castle of some kind and you had to give instructions to the things in the cages and it was like 3 steps forward one to the right etc and you picked up a key and then they could free themselves.

Any help would be great. :)

Lin Lin

Oct 13, 2012
I know a game that is long time ago, it was probably made in 2003, in the game you are a girl and you can transform into an eagle, in the game when you attack you transform into something else but it's only one second. It's background is in the medieval ages, that's all I remember. I played in 2003 but maybe that game was not made in that time, by the way it is an adventure game. I've been surching this game for along time, so if any one can help me, that will be awesome.