Old Games you remember playing but can't remember the name of.


New member
Apr 24, 2010
I'll honestly be super surprised if anyone gets this.
I remember playing this game on the computer when I was really young--think mid to late '90s.
I think it involved top-down, isometric controls and involved some kind of shooting, but I'm not sure. I think the main character was like an action figure or something like that, because I remember one of the level was like a toy store.
That's pretty much all I remember.


New member
Oct 5, 2011
Jacob Tender said:
Ok. Two games. I thought perhaps they were on one disc, but It's been 12 years, so i'm not sure.

Both ran on DOS.

The first was a Star Wars game. Each level you did something different. The ones I recall are Han behind a beam, shooting at storm troopers as they ducked out from behind their hiding spots to pop a shot and a second one right after that involved flying the Millenium Falcon out of a cave.

The second game was either fantasy or science fiction. The character (i think) crash landed on another planet (perhaps mars?). All i can recall is finding items around the game to progress, but I always got stuck, not knowing what to do.

I've Googled extensively for each title and have come up short. This has been killing me for years! Can anyone help?

Thank you. Time to see If i can't help out some more folks.
First one is probably Rebel Assault.

The second one... not sure. Flashback or Another World, maybe?


New member
Oct 13, 2012
I'm looking for an old Win 95 game I used to play...

It was a space colony game, top down sector view, with a square map, loop-able map. You could upgrade your ship, buy weapons, pods, etc. The goal was to expand your empire by colonizing or converting planets. You made money by sucking resources from planets. You could make peace, but generally the aliens were fairly aggressive. The weapons were very devastating once you had the money -plague bombs, nukes, you name it. The lasers had very distinctive sound, kind of like a low airy whistle; and when enemies attacked it made a loud, high-pitched clicking sound.

That's all I can think of off the top of my head, but I've been searching for it for years. I know you could choose your race, but I can't remember the alien race names. The ships were kind of bland, although you could choose the avatar you wanted.

Any help would be appreciated!


New member
Oct 13, 2012
I vaguely remember this game but I'll try to describe it as best I can...

A game on Genesis, side view, simple adventure taking place in a jungle, played in the mid 90s. Character is a hunched down man, a bit like Tarzan I think. But this guy has blonde hair. Or a hat. Poor graphics so could be either... And I think he has a leaf/grass-skirt. I think turtles are involved in some part of the game. Maybe to jump on to get over a river. This is killing me, please help! It's not Wonderboy nor Adventure Island. I got a feeling this game was not particularly good, I played it at a very young age, and my older brother showed no interest in it.


New member
Oct 13, 2012
I made an account just for these to games
The first one is a ps1 game. I had it sometime 10-7 years ago (the memory is really foggy). It was a 2 disk set rpg game. I remember early in the story you are on a vacation island and you walk out of a huge building( might have been a hospital) and onto the beach. The water is really blue and white sand beach. I'm pretty sure its a turn based game. It has swords and maybe magic. You could also get comrades to help you fight. The graphics are colorful and so are the monsters.

The second game is a ps2 game. I am super foggy on this one. It's an adventure game. All I remember is a build that is really high maybe floating. There is some fighting and it is very bright. I think it came with my ps2 when I got it.

Not Available

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Oct 13, 2012
Lin Lin said:
I know a game that is long time ago, it was probably made in 2003, in the game you are a girl and you can transform into an eagle, in the game when you attack you transform into something else but it's only one second. It's background is in the medieval ages, that's all I remember. I played in 2003 but maybe that game was not made in that time, by the way it is an adventure game. I've been surching this game for along time, so if any one can help me, that will be awesome.
It sounds like Lost Kingdoms 1 or 2, but it was all card based on the Gamecube, you had 4 cards assigned to each own button, A, B, X and Y. The picture on the card is what you would transform into. The girl had a so-called "runestone" on her back that left a glowing red trail behind it as you ran around the map. You could also throw out some cards on the ground that would act independently and fight as your minions. The girl herself couldn't attack at all without using a card.

So, I highly doubt anyone remembers the name of this game and I don't remember much myself at all but it was a sort of fighting type game in a birds-view perspective. On the demo you could fight as a blonde guy with fire-magic-powers or whatever, and a girl with ice powers. It was on the PS1. One of the stages was a green rocky hill... And that's all I can remember...


New member
Oct 13, 2012
I have 2...
The 1st was a game for either the SNES or the Amiga (TBH It may have been a port, but I digress)
It was a Mode 7 Racing game. I think I can remember a haunted house exterior level & the race result screen was the same as mario kart
I.E. A Small Cube with a "head-shot" of the character as they completed the race. In Regards to Characters, I remember a Hillbilly Esque valley girl, A mad scientist & Frankenstien's monster

The Second is a Megadrive/Genesis title
in which you play this Grotesque humanoid in a hat & trench coat (Similar to Caleb's From Blood.)
I think there was 4 worlds but I can't remember... I know there is a Wikipedia page for it butI can't remember the name of it.


New member
Oct 13, 2012
There are 2 games I remember playing, but can't for the life of me remember the names...
1. I think it was a PS game -- Asian type ninja game. You snuck around and killed people with your sword and collected colored orbs I think. Then at some point you fight this lady that turns into some big scary Asian monster or something. That's all I can remember... Super fun game though.

2. Old PC game -- you start out by picking whether you are disguised as a knight or a maid in a castle. Then you have to infiltrate the castle and find pieces of a map. If you get caught, you get thrown into the dungeon.

Sorry for the vague descriptions... If anyone knows the games I'm referring to, I'd appreciate it :)


New member
Oct 13, 2012
ok thers a old ps1 /ps2 game thats been bugging me for a cupple of yrs naw i think you start off in a forist getting of a train or sumthing and when u kill monsters thay drop pods that have stuff in to do your villige up and your wepons digrade i think really good game cant remember name anyone help plz !!


New member
Oct 5, 2011
Becca said:
I vaguely remember this game but I'll try to describe it as best I can...

A game on Genesis, side view, simple adventure taking place in a jungle, played in the mid 90s. Character is a hunched down man, a bit like Tarzan I think. But this guy has blonde hair. Or a hat. Poor graphics so could be either... And I think he has a leaf/grass-skirt. I think turtles are involved in some part of the game. Maybe to jump on to get over a river. This is killing me, please help! It's not Wonderboy nor Adventure Island. I got a feeling this game was not particularly good, I played it at a very young age, and my older brother showed no interest in it.


New member
Oct 5, 2011
Bonewood said:
I have 2...
The 1st was a game for either the SNES or the Amiga (TBH It may have been a port, but I digress)
It was a Mode 7 Racing game. I think I can remember a haunted house exterior level & the race result screen was the same as mario kart
I.E. A Small Cube with a "head-shot" of the character as they completed the race. In Regards to Characters, I remember a Hillbilly Esque valley girl, A mad scientist & Frankenstien's monster

The Second is a Megadrive/Genesis title
in which you play this Grotesque humanoid in a hat & trench coat (Similar to Caleb's From Blood.)
I think there was 4 worlds but I can't remember... I know there is a Wikipedia page for it butI can't remember the name of it.
Game 1: Street Racer?

Game 2: Chakan?


New member
Oct 13, 2012
howdy peeps.
the game im looking for i never owned, it was on a demo disc but from which magazine i done know, but it was in the 90s when i played it, past 95.
the game itself you flew around various landscapes an arena style places in steampunk/fantasy airships. there were power up floating around various places, one of the main levels i remember was a big floating island with a castle on in the sky and i was in a blimp.
If you need any more info ill do what i can to remember.

edit: its definatly not guns of icarus
SOLVED : its flying heroes


New member
Oct 13, 2012
Hey, I'm trying to find this old PC game that was very much like a Myst game. It was a first person adventure game that took place I believe on another planet or the moon, and you find an alien base or some advanced ancient race's base and you are either searching for a missing scientist/researcher from your team, or you get trapped inside. I believe you played as a woman researcher or you were traveling with one.


New member
Oct 14, 2012
Anyone remember the name of this game? (because I can't). I think I'm describing it right. It was a game on the playstation 1 where you play as a green dragon and you start the game in a bed at the top of a castle, in the dragon's bedroom. it has very cartoony graphics. Any help in remembering this game will be greatly appreciated.


New member
Oct 14, 2012
Batou667 said:
Jacob Tender said:
Ok. Two games. I thought perhaps they were on one disc, but It's been 12 years, so i'm not sure.

Both ran on DOS.

The first was a Star Wars game. Each level you did something different. The ones I recall are Han behind a beam, shooting at storm troopers as they ducked out from behind their hiding spots to pop a shot and a second one right after that involved flying the Millenium Falcon out of a cave.

The second game was either fantasy or science fiction. The character (i think) crash landed on another planet (perhaps mars?). All i can recall is finding items around the game to progress, but I always got stuck, not knowing what to do.

I've Googled extensively for each title and have come up short. This has been killing me for years! Can anyone help?

Thank you. Time to see If i can't help out some more folks.
First one is probably Rebel Assault.

The second one... not sure. Flashback or Another World, maybe?
First one I had as well, it's Star Wars: Rebel Assault II: The Hidden Empire.


New member
Oct 14, 2012
hey i am trying to find a game on ps1 its 2 player you work together to win there is a character which is strong and fat and can pick up stuff like glass wall and throw it but a skinny guy has to brake it to get through.
its like you look from the side and can move up and down side to side.
on 2 player you will use the same screen so it is not split up.
1 level you arrive be a helicopter and move up like a house by using a elevator to the next lvl this game is short like 10 levels
yeah this is all i can remeber so if you are thinking of a game just say it some things i just said now may not be true..... long time since i played



New member
Apr 22, 2012
lapan said:
xxygizx said:
lapan said:
I remember playing a old NES game. It had a phantasy setting, there where some kind of shops where you could buy new equipment and one of the enemies was a giant dragon, you needed some kind of key to get to him, i think.
If it wasn't top view, it was first person? That would have been useful to know.
I'm going to guess [a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JhQg-b4j5ZM"]SWORDS AND SERPENTS[/a].
Though it has about as much of a chance of being the right answer as [a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8U9cFiC8uak"]BARD'S TALE[/a], [a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9q8OtEq0eoM"]MIGHT & MAGIC[/a], [a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ne9RZOmOjdk"]WIZARDRY: PROVING GROUNDS OF THE MAD OVERLORD[/a], or [a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5polWFM7Vgg&feature=related"]WIZARDRY II: THE KNIGHT OF DIAMONDS[/a] have.
nope, it was sideview, like in platformers or castlevania
Phantasy star?


New member
Oct 12, 2012
hello guys there is a game i used to play long time ago its goes like this you can play with 4 characters one of them is a cyborg i think and a male characters with blue clothes an white hair and the other two is girl and a boy i dont remember them but at the first stage you fight a giant spider boss and maybe the second stage you play in yard full of giant worms and in the middle there is a huge tower and thats all what I remember so please anyone can help me?


New member
Oct 14, 2012
There are two games that have haunted me.

1. I probably played this in 1996. It was a black and white computer game. I remember it being a little like a fairytale (there were things like ogres) and I THINK that the way it worked was that it would show you a screenshot, and then you would click in whatever direction you wanted to go to. Once the computer thought about it and pulled up a new screen it would usually tell you that you found something or that an ogre had attacked you or whatever ask gave you options.

2. I probably also played this around 1996. It was a color computer game. You were a character on an island. I don't think it was a first person game. You didn't know why you were on the island and you went around collecting information and useful items. After you found an item it would usually ask you what you wanted to do with it. There may have been puzzles to complete?


New member
Oct 14, 2012
I don't know how to word this and I don't really want to look back through 100 pages to see if it's been found :) but it was a racing game. I think it was for the PS1 and in some races you use your car and in some it changes to a boat to race on water. It definitely wasn't spy hunter. Please help?