Old Games you remember playing but can't remember the name of.


New member
Dec 9, 2009
Bariso101 said:
I made an account just for these to games
The first one is a ps1 game. I had it sometime 10-7 years ago (the memory is really foggy). It was a 2 disk set rpg game. I remember early in the story you are on a vacation island and you walk out of a huge building( might have been a hospital) and onto the beach. The water is really blue and white sand beach. I'm pretty sure its a turn based game. It has swords and maybe magic. You could also get comrades to help you fight. The graphics are colorful and so are the monsters.

The second game is a ps2 game. I am super foggy on this one. It's an adventure game. All I remember is a build that is really high maybe floating. There is some fighting and it is very bright. I think it came with my ps2 when I got it.
the only PS1 2 disc RPG I know of with a beach like that is Chrono Cross....


New member
Oct 5, 2010
A game I've been trying to find for a while:

It's early to mid 2000-2010.
Was a PC RTS sort of.

You basically had several people on a team, one was nominated to be commander who played the game like a RTS, top down style.
Everyone on the team was given several characters they could be and the better you played/more things you destroyed it got you more points to unlock bigger better characters.

I think it was 3rd person in this mode. The commander could give you objectives like go to a place or attack something and you followed it if you wanted or you could run arounddoing your own thing.


New member
Oct 14, 2012

My game is a C64 game. I played it only once and could not have found it since then. It was 2D, view from the top. You were in control of some kind of mechanical spider. I think that your enemy were flies (less possibly - ants). I played it quite a short time - but long enough to get into a fly queen (less possibly - ant queen?) that was taking big part of the screen. The queen was not moving as far as I remember. It was more like in a hibernated state - of even attached to the ground with chains / ropes. As said, I don't remember well, it's all blurred. The keywords are: C64, top 2D view, spider, flies (ants?)

Thanks in advance:)

Lin Lin

Oct 13, 2012
Not Available said:
Lin Lin said:
I know a game that is long time ago, it was probably made in 2003, in the game you are a girl and you can transform into an eagle, in the game when you attack you transform into something else but it's only one second. It's background is in the medieval ages, that's all I remember. I played in 2003 but maybe that game was not made in that time, by the way it is an adventure game. I've been surching this game for along time, so if any one can help me, that will be awesome.
It sounds like Lost Kingdoms 1 or 2, but it was all card based on the Gamecube, you had 4 cards assigned to each own button, A, B, X and Y. The picture on the card is what you would transform into. The girl had a so-called "runestone" on her back that left a glowing red trail behind it as you ran around the map. You could also throw out some cards on the ground that would act independently and fight as your minions. The girl herself couldn't attack at all without using a card.

So, I highly doubt anyone remembers the name of this game and I don't remember much myself at all but it was a sort of fighting type game in a birds-view perspective. On the demo you could fight as a blonde guy with fire-magic-powers or whatever, and a girl with ice powers. It was on the PS1. One of the stages was a green rocky hill... And that's all I can remember...
Is it only on GameCube or ps1? Is it on psp or pc?

Sir Pootis

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Aug 4, 2012
I'm thinking of an open world game for the PS1 where you play as a car. It was somewhat cartoonish. I also remember a soccer minigame.


New member
Oct 14, 2012
hreidar95 said:
hey i am trying to find a game on ps1 its 2 player you work together to win there is a character which is strong and fat and can pick up stuff like glass wall and throw it but a skinny guy has to brake it to get through.
its like you look from the side and can move up and down side to side.
on 2 player you will use the same screen so it is not split up.
1 level you arrive be a helicopter and move up like a house by using a elevator to the next lvl this game is short like 10 levels
yeah this is all i can remeber so if you are thinking of a game just say it some things i just said now may not be true..... long time since i played

Fighting Force perhaps.

Ashley Sweet

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Oct 2, 2012
I played a set of games a few years ago on either PS2 or XBOX. It was a multiplayer games with several characters, you were fighting against undead or infected people, I don't remember many details but I remember being in a factory at one point fighting agents. I also remember being in a club at some point and at another point you are in a grave yard. I'll post more if I can remember any more.

Drake Jake

New member
Oct 14, 2012
hey guys theres this game i played on one website it was like the guy was in jail he was a prisoner and then there was a monster tht was released in the jail!and he kept killing people and slowly we kept progressing and we had to make our way into the game


New member
Oct 14, 2012
Sorry for my bad English
Please help me.A cup of years trying to find the two games. I playd them on sega mega drive 2.
At first it is a car, shoot it, you have a lot of opponents, who have cars, trucks.Game has a lot of levels. Observers of the game from the air. Collect the weapons, when you kill enemies, I think.
second game was similar to the Olympics, there are an athlete, boxing, hockey, may be practicing ... The characters are small, with large heads, reminding the children.
Please if you know of a game that reminds you of this, to write, because I'm looking for this for a long time already, those are my two favorite games from childhood.
:) Thanks


New member
Oct 13, 2012
Batou667 said:
Becca said:
I vaguely remember this game but I'll try to describe it as best I can...

A game on Genesis, side view, simple adventure taking place in a jungle, played in the mid 90s. Character is a hunched down man, a bit like Tarzan I think. But this guy has blonde hair. Or a hat. Poor graphics so could be either... And I think he has a leaf/grass-skirt. I think turtles are involved in some part of the game. Maybe to jump on to get over a river. This is killing me, please help! It's not Wonderboy nor Adventure Island. I got a feeling this game was not particularly good, I played it at a very young age, and my older brother showed no interest in it.
THAT'S IT! Thanks, how you figured it out remains a mystery!


New member
Sep 30, 2012
mataniah said:
mataniah said:
There is a side scroll action game (playing wise is like castlevania sotn for psx) but all i remember is you're a girl (or maybe was it a guy idr) getting off a bus on the first level and then runs through it killing stuff and then i remember at the end of the level getting on the bus again and going to the next level and it was for the SNES and i'm dying to find the game and play it again. If it sounds familiar please let me know! (I think the person weapon was a sword) and pretty sure it was a chick as the main charter.
Sorry for the repost but still trying to see if anyone knows what game i'm talking of that came out on the SNES ^_^
Nobody knows what SNES game i'm talking about? ><

Travis Puryear

New member
Oct 14, 2012
I have been looking for this old space game it was 2d and your main ship was green and you had allies and it was turned based game using long lines with arrows at end to tell where the ship to go next turn and you had to destroy the other ships with the type of missiles(they were normally yellow or purple colors and shape well like shapes as triangles and rectangles and they were on the side below the map that was in the right corner of the screen) you had on the ship, i remember playing it off I think 100 great games vol 2 98 cd. If anyone could help me with this and give a name I would be forever grateful.

Max Lehman

New member
Oct 15, 2012
I've been wondering about an old game. It was on PC, they made you pay for the full version. It was not at all to scale, but you were defending the planet from waves of aliens from all around I believe. You could upgrade your weapons and build factories and things like that, I believe. I realize that's not much to go on. Any clues, or alternatives of a similar style?

Figured I should add this would be about... 6-8 years ago. And yes, I realize how vague this is, especially considering it wasn't a series or platform or even a full version haha


New member
Oct 15, 2012
Ok so I remember this game on ps1 it was a tactile rpg style turn based game where it started out your village had this giant tree and it get's attacked by some alien dudes or baddies and you end up with this thing on your arm and the more you leveld up the biggerthis white blade thing got before you recruited a lady and a monk guy all of whome had these arm things some of the bosses included a giant plant and a minatoar thing anyone able to help me out ??


New member
Oct 15, 2012
I remember playing this game on the mac in the mid 90s. It was a first person shooter. You start the game by getting off a boat onto an island. On the island is this big mansion with many hedge gardens around it. You have to explore the gardens, kill beast and zombies to get the keys to the mansion. I just remember it being spooky and the game having multi headed dogs. I've been trying to remember the name of this game for a long time.


New member
Oct 15, 2012
Hi there! The game I`m trying to find is a fantasy RTS that had 3 races. Humans, elves and I can`t remember the third one.. it was nature or beast or something like that you could control golems and such. It`s not THAT old but its not so new either... You would build buildings unique to each races and train units just like in many rts. From what I can see it`s never been popular because ive been looking for it for quite a while now.