Old Games you remember playing but can't remember the name of.

TmEight CxarNine

New member
Oct 15, 2012
Okay I have to wish anyone good luck with this one..my quest is a game i played in the late 98-200 no later than 2001. It was a futuristic online ONLY first person shooter perspective game,player vs player team co-op strategy and tactical real time combat. I'll tell you right now its not Activision's Battlezone by Pandemic studios or any of its mods..although gameplay could be considered extremely similar. It was free to play and possibly in a late beta stage of development. It featured various futuristic hovercraft type tank,combat cycles, turrets and supply drops what set it apart from games like Battlezone is its CTF KOH type game playwith "sattelites" interacting with players to call in airstrikes, supply drops and take over control various pre located bases,gun emplacements and vehicle launch pads for repair re-arming and replacements. This is very much a team coop driven game and I think you gained rank from fighting and surviving to gain access to better equipments. This game was precurive to games like Planetfall which i would compare it most to but probably not older than the quake Tribes series..in the game you could look up and see the battleships players had to call in for strikes and supplies or base take overs, fighting it out or taking down satellites in low orbit but no players piloted them. This game had its flaws lag isues etc but overall an awesome game and i would log in to join maybe a hundred players might be playing at a time across dozens of alien planets(servers) with colorful spacey skies..i have one screen shot of a purplish sky background with a greenish tan planet surface somewhere maybe on some disk somewhere in my basement, as i was going to create a battlezone map version of that planet. One day after weeks of playing occasionally I logged in to find the developers suddenly announced via server message, that the game had been a test and was ended as they had acquired all of the feedback they needed about the game, I should have followed up and investigated at that point but i didn't and now I have no idea what it was even called.


New member
Oct 14, 2012
Sorry for my bad English
Please help me.A cup of years trying to find the two games. I playd them on sega mega drive 2.
At first it is a car, shoot it, you have a lot of opponents, who have cars, trucks.Game has a lot of levels. Observers of the game from the air. Collect the weapons, when you kill enemies, I think.
second game was similar to the Olympics, there are an athlete, boxing, hockey, may be practicing ... The characters are small, with large heads, reminding the children.
Please if you know of a game that reminds you of this, to write, because I'm looking for this for a long time already, those are my two favorite games from childhood.
:) Thanks


New member
Dec 5, 2007
This is gonna be pretty vague but I gotta give it a shot. Not knowing what game this is has been bugging me for years.

I'm looking for an old 2D fantasy game and it's probably either an RPG or a point and click adventure game. I never played it myself, I watched my brother and his friends play it. I'm quite sure it was on a PC and it must've been around 96 or 97 maybe.

The thing I remember the most is a scene in which the player enters a swamp or a bog of some kind and when you approach it a huge bog monster comes out and kills you (I think it eats you). I think there were lots of similar scenes with other fantasy monsters that could occur that ended up with the player dying a lot.
The game was viewed from the side when you faced the monsters but I'm pretty sure there was a map screen in between those areas. I'm quite sure the player character used a sword and shield too, not that a fantasy hero with sword and board narrows the list down very much.

I remember thinking the graphics looked very detailed and impressive compared to most other games I had played on my SNES and if I recall correctly I think it might have been a bit gory (or at least bloody) in the scenes where you get killed.

I know this isn't much to go on but I really hope someone can help me find this, it's been driving me nuts for years.


New member
Oct 12, 2012
hello guys there is a game i used to play long time ago its goes like this you can play with 4 characters one of them is a cyborg i think and a male characters with blue clothes an white hair and the other two is girl and a boy i dont remember them but at the first stage you fight a giant spider boss and maybe the second stage you play in yard full of giant worms and in the middle there is a huge tower and thats all what I remember so please anyone can help me? anyone plz?


New member
Jun 15, 2011
bsmh said:
I remember playing this game on the mac in the mid 90s. It was a first person shooter. You start the game by getting off a boat onto an island. On the island is this big mansion with many hedge gardens around it. You have to explore the gardens, kill beast and zombies to get the keys to the mansion. I just remember it being spooky and the game having multi headed dogs. I've been trying to remember the name of this game for a long time.

At a complete guess - but I don't think it is.

Nightmare creatures? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KTDbScc-kYs. I don't remember a boat though. I only ever played the demo, but that involved lots of creatures, zombies and rescuing someone from a mansion - I think


New member
Oct 15, 2012
Hopefully some one can figure this one out, been checking all shooters, alien, platform games from 90 and up. (I think it should be 94-99)

Played this game at my cousins house, a 2D platform like shooter, and what i remember is...
You started out in a town, and there was police officers or humans. (Which turned into aliens a short time upon death, "reavling what they were")
The graphics was quite good on backrounds etc.

And you could see the bullet travel when firing your gun.

I remember never geting any further then to somekind of lab room.
I think there was some flying small aliens to.
But the game was not cartoonish in anyway more like a realisic game for the time.

To bad i cant remember much more.
And it seems like no one in the world has played this damn game :(

Hope some one has any ideas on what it could be, any suggestions are appreciated.


New member
Oct 20, 2010
I don't know if anyone can help me, but this was one of the first games I played. I was very, very little, so my memory isn't great, but it would be awesome to know what the game was called.

I believe it was a DOS game, and basically it was a black screen, with white lines indicated a maze (seen from above, totally 2D). You were a marker on the map, I believe it was a triangle and you had to go around the maze and find these groups of red (or other coloured dots) that were basically like 'viruses' or 'insects' and zap them all. The idea of the game was to basically go round the level, finding all the outbursts, and destroying them all. Unfortunately I can't remember if there was a time limit.

It was actually one of my favourite games, but being that I was about 6 at the time and now 27, its very difficult to remember! Any help would be appreciated :)


New member
Mar 20, 2009
BelfastSpartan said:
A game I've been trying to find for a while:

It's early to mid 2000-2010.
Was a PC RTS sort of.

You basically had several people on a team, one was nominated to be commander who played the game like a RTS, top down style.
Everyone on the team was given several characters they could be and the better you played/more things you destroyed it got you more points to unlock bigger better characters.

I think it was 3rd person in this mode. The commander could give you objectives like go to a place or attack something and you followed it if you wanted or you could run arounddoing your own thing.
That sounds like Savage: the battle for newerth



New member
Oct 15, 2012
Hi there, i have made an account on this website with the hopes that you can help me find the game i have been looking for for months on end now. Here it goes.

Would have been around in the mid 90's as i was in primary (elementary) school at the time, there was this one rich kid who brought in this game every time it was end of term day (when we could just play all day)

The game had an underwater theme, you were a man (it wasn't james pond) who was diving, you had to collect things and avoid the different fish and things that could kill you, you had different pieces of equipment etc. It was also a platformer, i should add.

It definitely had a keyboard as the input so i would imagine it was a DOS game or earlier, could have been an Atari or Commodore.

Any help would be greatly appreciated :)


New member
Oct 12, 2012
cloroxbb said:
Trahned said:
I've been searching and searching for years a game I for the life of me cannot remember. I remember that it was very fast paced, back in the mid to late 90s for I want to say PSX but every search I attempt pulls up nothing of what i discribe or remember playing. It was a space mech flying game. The view would change from time to time if I remember correctly. I want to say it also had an ability called overdrive or hyperdrive or something. When I did a recent search again for it I came across a game in development that reminds me of it, Strike Suit Zero, just more advance. If anyone knows what I'm talkig about help please, or at the very least sugestions please. I already know it is NOT R-type, Any Gundam, Any Armored Core, Any Mech Assult.
I don't want to say it was a Full Side Scroll, but had some element to it the resembled side scroll, like I said the view changed every now and again. That is if I remember correctly.

The reason I feel it was on PSX is because I also played G-Police the time I played the game I'm trying to remember.
Zone of the Enders? I think it was PS2 tho. Could it be a Macross game?
I Just looked both up. Macross is a no. Zone of the Enders looks very similar, infact I do remember playing it, however the one I'm trying to remember took place mainly in space if memory serves me correctly. I'm going to continue my search if I do find it I'll be happy to share my findings.

I just found no sooner than I posted this. Omega Boost. Never showed up in any of my searches before.


New member
Oct 3, 2012
YicklePigeon said:
Plyphon said:
YicklePigeon said:
Nah not MF - that was also a great game. Put many hours into it!
I thought up another: Battlezone. I can't seem to think of any others that might fit...good luck Plyphon :)

Battlezone was awesome from what I remember - but that not it either :(

I will find it, even if it means digging through archives of PC Gamer!


New member
Oct 3, 2012
Plyphon said:
YicklePigeon said:
Plyphon said:
YicklePigeon said:
Nah not MF - that was also a great game. Put many hours into it!
I thought up another: Battlezone. I can't seem to think of any others that might fit...good luck Plyphon :)

Battlezone was awesome from what I remember - but that not it either :(

I will find it, even if it means digging through archives of PC Gamer!

Found it. God bless Wiki and its "Chronological list of RTS games"

Game was called "Tanktics"

Told ya it had something to do with sheep!



New member
Sep 12, 2012
Lin Lin said:
Not Available said:
Lin Lin said:
I know a game that is long time ago, it was probably made in 2003, in the game you are a girl and you can transform into an eagle, in the game when you attack you transform into something else but it's only one second. It's background is in the medieval ages, that's all I remember. I played in 2003 but maybe that game was not made in that time, by the way it is an adventure game. I've been surching this game for along time, so if any one can help me, that will be awesome.
It sounds like Lost Kingdoms 1 or 2, but it was all card based on the Gamecube, you had 4 cards assigned to each own button, A, B, X and Y. The picture on the card is what you would transform into. The girl had a so-called "runestone" on her back that left a glowing red trail behind it as you ran around the map. You could also throw out some cards on the ground that would act independently and fight as your minions. The girl herself couldn't attack at all without using a card.

So, I highly doubt anyone remembers the name of this game and I don't remember much myself at all but it was a sort of fighting type game in a birds-view perspective. On the demo you could fight as a blonde guy with fire-magic-powers or whatever, and a girl with ice powers. It was on the PS1. One of the stages was a green rocky hill... And that's all I can remember...
that is the same game i am looking for

Is it only on GameCube or ps1? Is it on psp or pc?

Andrey Totsky

New member
Oct 15, 2012
Hi, i'm trying to find a fun arcade I used to play 4-8 years ago.

You are spawned at the castle and have to pick up different kinds of weapons to kill different kinds of monsters. Picked up weapon can be used only 1 time. Spawners can be killed only if the monster spawned from there is dead. First monster to see is plant. I remmember gremlins, verewolf, witch, ghost, mummy. Different kind of weapons act differently on different kinds of monsters, they wither slow them down or buff them up. I'm not sure but it might have been asian or something like this. U use arrows and space bar to play.

Richard Hollis

New member
Oct 15, 2012

I'm thinking WAY back for my game - probably 1988-1991. My Commodore 64 days. My friend (who didn't have a C64, but can't remember what machine it was) had a game I adored but only got to play once in a while. It was a space game, but it wasn't a shooter and you did not have a third-person perspective of your ship. You just had a first-person perspective of the ship's captain talking to various crewman via a video-intercom screen. You got to select several (6, I think) crew people and you spent your time talking to them. I remember spending a lot of most of my games talking to the repairman (or robot, as one of the possible repair people was) and telling him what to prioritise repairing. I think another was some kind of gunnery person (as your ship could be attacked). All you had to do was make it to your destination in one piece.

I also remember my friend saying the picture of a spaceship on the box's cover looked exactly like the Starship Enterprise.

I know this isn't a lot to go on (no wonder I've never had any luck googling for it), but here's hoping someone knows what I'm babbling about...

Richard Hollis

New member
Oct 15, 2012
Hey, I'm trying to find this old PC game that was very much like a Myst game. It was a first person adventure game that took place I believe on another planet or the moon, and you find an alien base or some advanced ancient race's base and you are either searching for a missing scientist/researcher from your team, or you get trapped inside. I believe you played as a woman researcher or you were traveling with one.
If you hadn't said 'first person' I would have suggested Lucasart's The Dig...

Adrian Bacegalupo

New member
Oct 15, 2012
Rwvdh said:
Rwvdh said:
AC10 said:
Rwvdh said:
Usually i solve my own old game riddles with google but this time i turn to you guys.

I think it either was a demo of a game or a too powerfull game for our computer back then that i only know the first few parts of it and its setup.

Its a racing game in which you can knock out the competition with mines (positive), oil and guns (less positive).
I remember the game has a bridge in the beginning you have to jump over using a giant spring attached to the base of your car. (Failing to do so is game over)
It has a cartoonish setting.
Each car is different, with a distinct character per type of car. (Character i always chose was in a futuristic looking race tenue with blue helmet i believe)
I played it around '95 on the old 486 or pentium 1, (DOS/Win95)

Anyone have a clue?
Still looking, any ideas? (Not Hi-Octane)

sounds like rock and roll racing used to play it on snes great game if i remember right there are different racers from each planet start off with oil etc but can upgrade later

Andrey Totsky

New member
Oct 15, 2012
Hi, i'm trying to find a fun arcade I used to play 4-8 years ago.

You are spawned at the castle and have to pick up different kinds of weapons to kill different kinds of monsters. Picked up weapon can be used only 1 time. Spawners can be killed only if the monster spawned from there is dead. First monster to see is plant. I remmember gremlins, verewolf, witch, ghost, mummy. Different kind of weapons act differently on different kinds of monsters, they wither slow them down or buff them up. I'm not sure but it might have been asian or something like this. U use arrows and space bar to play.


New member
Oct 15, 2012
Hi to everybody.

I really need help to know the name of a SNES game.

I've played it 17 years ago and I was 4-5 years old. I remember almost nothing, but I remember the intro that had a pool and the character was trying to escape from an octopus that was in the pool (i guess). Then the game start, the character walks and find some worms and you have to jump or kick then, and if you dont do it, the worm stick on your knee and you die.

This is all i remember. I guess there's something about a black lion, but i'm not sure.

I hope you guys help me please.

Thanks =)


New member
Oct 15, 2012
Here's what I can remember of an old PS2 game I used to play;
-It was a first person action rpg
-It was set on an island infested with giant dragons and lizard creatures, as well sea monsters
-When you killed an enemy it would usually drop a gem that I think could be used to progress or cast spells
-The opening cutscene depicts your character being dropped off at the foggy island by boat while the NPC babbles on about how he never usually comes this far into the sea and warns you to be careful, after your character enters the cave the cutscene shows the NPC who drops you off being confronted by a massive sea creature

The furthest I had gotten was into a small village where you could potentially trade stuff with the inhabitants, I can remember the village having some sort of water wheel and a supply shed.

Thanks in advance.