Old Games you remember playing but can't remember the name of.


New member
Oct 16, 2012
I just remembered it an hour ago, and am pretty sure that it'll be very tough to pin down. It's a 90s game - I only played the demo. The thing is it was a kind of an first person perspective adventure game, with some degree of simple fighting (timed probably). It was a cartoon game, more of an interactive story really - the main protagonist looked like a security guard of some sort - the characteristic point of this game is, that it was VERY gory - very graphic for a cartoon game. Overall very weird, but I'd really love to see it again.
Thanks in advance.


New member
Oct 10, 2012
Tech01 said:
RidiKule said:
Late '90s-early 2000's pirate game very similar to the Sid Meyer's Pirates! games. It was for the PC and I'm fairly sure I got it free from a Cheerios box but possibly from something else, but it was definitely a free game I got as a CD from something. I have been looking for these PC pirate games for a long time and haven't found it yet. Gameplay consisted of captaining various ships in first person (you controlled the ship not the captain), you never saw your crew really though. You could go to certain locations and buy and sell goods. You could also have cannon battles in third-person with other ships and board them and have sword fights. HOWEVER, it wasn't any of the version of Pirates! that I can tell from the screenshots of those games. Thanks for your consideration.

P.S. The most defining part of gameplay I can think of to set it apart from the Sid Meyer's games is that when you were traveling your ship, it was almost as if you were standing on the ship staring at the front of the ship in first-person, and the ship would bounce a little on the water. You would get a whistle sound with suggestions on what to do written towards the top as you traveled as well.
Was it "Cutthroats: Terror on the High Seas" ?
Thanks for reply but no that's not it :/


New member
Sep 30, 2012
Travis Puryear said:
I have been looking for this old space game it was 2d and your main ship was green and you had allies and it was turned based game using long lines with arrows at end to tell where the ship to go next turn and you had to destroy the other ships with the type of missiles(they were normally yellow or purple colors and shape well like shapes as triangles and rectangles and they were on the side below the map that was in the right corner of the screen) you had on the ship, i remember playing it off I think 100 great games vol 2 98 cd. If anyone could help me with this and give a name I would be forever grateful.
mataniah said:
mataniah said:
mataniah said:
There is a side scroll action game (playing wise is like castlevania sotn for psx) but all i remember is you're a girl (or maybe was it a guy idr) getting off a bus on the first level and then runs through it killing stuff and then i remember at the end of the level getting on the bus again and going to the next level and it was for the SNES and i'm dying to find the game and play it again. If it sounds familiar please let me know! (I think the person weapon was a sword) and pretty sure it was a chick as the main charter.
Sorry for the repost but still trying to see if anyone knows what game i'm talking of that came out on the SNES ^_^
Nobody knows what SNES game i'm talking about? ><
Answer is Kendo Rage

The Alchemical Man

New member
Oct 16, 2012
I made an account for the express purpose of posting in this thread, anyway...

There was this old, online, 2d game. You were this man who could fly and there were all sorts of strange things to see in the sky, and if you flew high enough the sky turned to sea, there were all kinds of things to see in the sea and if you swam far enough you came to the shore of a very small island and the game ended. As far as I can recall it was black and white.

Any help would be appreciated.


New member
May 10, 2004
I'm looking for a really old game for the macintosh.

You played it multiplayer on the same computer, it was from a top down perspective and as you moved around the screen a tail would follow you. If you or your opponent ran into a tail that would kill them (like tron or snake), or you could shoot each other to win. There was also different icons for different terrain, grass would slow you down, and there was water and rocks too.

I think there may have been powerups as I remember my tail getting longer somehow, but I'm not sure about that.


New member
Oct 16, 2012
I'm looking for two old PC Games, I think it was Windows 95. It was an RPG, possibly with a top-down view where it starts with you in a burnt down house. I think the first item you got was some type of ring.

The other was an isometric RPG around windows 98/Me. It was some type of post-apoc game in a desert with the main character being chased. I think the main character was a girl, though not 100% sure there. I played a demo of it on an old PC Gamer demo disc. And no, it isn't Fallout. :p

Sorry if that isn't much help, they just both sort of popped into my brain recently as something I want to play, but I can't remember enough to figure it out on my own. Please help O Wise Ones.

Beverley Austin

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Oct 16, 2012
I am looking for a PC game that I played about 10-11 years ago and it was several years old then, so it would have come out about 12-15 years. I remember it was a strategy type game, exploring new territory, setting up cities, discovering new technologies, etc, however the one thing that sticks out in my mind the most was that you could "farm" the ocean tiles, not just reap the benefits of the tiles for you cities, but actually create farms on the ocean tiles. It has been bugging me for the last few years and I haven't been able to find any reference to it through any search so I'm hoping that someone here will remember playing this game and will be able to help me with the name.


New member
Oct 12, 2012
hello guys there is a game i used to play ps1 game long time ago its goes like this you can play with 4 characters one of them is a cyborg i think and a male characters with blue clothes an white hair and the other two is girl and a boy i dont remember them but at the first stage you fight a giant spider boss and maybe the second stage you play in yard full of giant worms and in the middle there is a huge tower and thats all what I remember so please anyone can help me? anyone plz?


New member
Oct 16, 2012
My mum and I don't remember much of this game but we used to play it when I was much younger and I'm pretty sure it was a few strategic/word puzzle games all in one PC disc and I remember hangman on a beach being one of the few games. But the main game we remember is where there were a bunch or list of words and there was a few tribal sort of sticks with wooden heads on the sides on the game talking or whatever, and there was this funny music that reminded me of xylophones that got quite annoying at times.

I'm sure it's an educational, strategic word puzzle game. Please if anyone has any idea of what it may be called please reply. It's really bugging us! haha
p.s. we remember the word scavengers or scavenger on it, not sure if it's the title or not.

Chris HeX

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Oct 16, 2012
Ok this was an arcade game back in early 90s. you are on a spaceship and fighting aliens with some sort of phaser. looked like a cheezy star trek rip off. The hero was definately a fake version of Jim Kirk. Aliens would chase you and there were transporters. may have been iso-metric view, but i could be confused with a different arcade game.

ScreXmo Post Hcx

New member
Oct 16, 2012
I had a sega genesis and I used to play a game that consisted in 4 characters, a robot and 3 humans, one of them was a girl. The game is similar to metal slug it has several weapons and I remember one of the stages was a dumping lot. I also remember one of the bosses was a huge witch head or something like that... If any one can help me with this one would be great... :)

Nade King

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Oct 17, 2012
I'm looking for this one game I used to play, I think it was either on PS1 or PS2, it was an RPG game and somewhere in the game you had to do this challenge inside the village where you had to race around track on some ladybugs I think? You were racing some fairies or something, I really don't remember much else.


New member
Oct 17, 2012
Game is from an earlier operating system, DOS, Macintosh or OS's immediately after. Sometime in the 90s. Possibly a floppy disk game. I'm fairly sure it has hitmen and guns. Top down view. It had a slot machine where my dad would stick a key in his keyboard and get some sort of currency while he slept. Not sure if there were battle instances or if it was real time. Pretty sure it was a real time top down shooter.


New member
Oct 17, 2012
Alright, so I'm trying to find the name of a game that was on a Playstation demo disc (I've searched, but can't find it) that had Tomb raider, Gex 2, Tomba and I can't remember any other games. The game itself was very dark, in a cave I think. You played as a guy with a pickaxe, which you would use to break crystals to collect diamond looking things and swing over chasms. I can't remember, but I think the guy said "the names Larry" when you started. Am I completely imagining this, or is it an actual game, cause I can't find it anywhere?


New member
Oct 17, 2012
I would really appreciate it if someone knew what the heck this game is called.

It was on a computer (not sure if it was a PC or Mac), and it was sometime between '97 and '02. I was at my babysitter's house and she had this computer game where you were this character and you were trapped (I think) in some alien space ship. This happened after you time traveled (I think) and then once you beat that part, you were changed over to play another character. He was trapped in some castle or something. Anyways, you had an inventory and you had to find and use items in certain places to do certain things. It was an awesome game, from what I can remember, and I would love to know the name of it. Its weird that this is like the one thing I can't find on a vague google search. I have been reading these posts for 2 hours trying to find the name lol. I'm going to hope someone knows the name and can save me from more endless searching.
Thanks ahead of time!


New member
Oct 16, 2012
i had this game back in the 90's,it's a 2D adventure game with pixel,maybe it's DOS game, i don't remember much but the protagonist is a boy with white tank top shirt,he is somewhat in a jungle,he has a small gadget to help him identify objects. The first scene has an airplane,then off to jungle and there is a big tree with so many birds, and after sometime he met with the locals like indians and live in a hut, and there is also a scene where he must escape from the kidnapper.
Can anyone help me remember the title of this game? Thanks so much before.


New member
Dec 5, 2010
larry2204 said:
i had this game back in the 90's,it's a 2D adventure game with pixel,maybe it's DOS game, i don't remember much but the protagonist is a boy with white tank top shirt,he is somewhat in a jungle,he has a small gadget to help him identify objects. The first scene has an airplane,then off to jungle and there is a big tree with so many birds, and after sometime he met with the locals like indians and live in a hut, and there is also a scene where he must escape from the kidnapper.
Can anyone help me remember the title of this game? Thanks so much before.
Sounds like Hugo III, Jungle of Doom! [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hugo_III,_Jungle_of_Doom!] to me.