Old Games you remember playing but can't remember the name of.

Marko Grim

New member
Feb 23, 2012

I've been trying to remember a game that was awesome in my childhood please help,
the game was 2D very old arround 1995 but not sure possibly DOS, it was a shooter/action game with a long hair guy with black sunglasses and different weapons...

One thing I can remember most is there were acid pools and lasers and other traps in it, and whenever you set of trap you would get killed awful ways, one that stands out most is when you fell in acid you would get dissolved to skeleton...

The game was something with toxic or bio hazard or something like that please help!


New member
Oct 17, 2012
Ok so I don't know how much this well help with finding the game i am looking for but. im currently 24 the game i am looking for is a computer game that was popular when i was younger. you start off in a room and you have to figure out how to get out of the room. there is no fighting or anything it is just figuring out how to get out of the room. there are a lot of levels. each room is different and there is a different way to get out each time. i guess it is kind of like a riddle room advancement game. i honestly dont remember but i have been searching for this game and i cannot remember the name so if you could help that would be much appreciated.


New member
Oct 16, 2012
GiantRaven said:
larry2204 said:
i had this game back in the 90's,it's a 2D adventure game with pixel,maybe it's DOS game, i don't remember much but the protagonist is a boy with white tank top shirt,he is somewhat in a jungle,he has a small gadget to help him identify objects. The first scene has an airplane,then off to jungle and there is a big tree with so many birds, and after sometime he met with the locals like indians and live in a hut, and there is also a scene where he must escape from the kidnapper.
Can anyone help me remember the title of this game? Thanks so much before.
Sounds like Hugo III, Jungle of Doom! [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hugo_III,_Jungle_of_Doom!] to me.
Thanks for the reply man, but it's not this one, i remember the kid somehow got separated from his father and airplane or ship so he goes deep to the jungle where he met the indians and then he play some music instrument and open a secret passage. it's a point click adventure game. Any ideas?


New member
Oct 17, 2012
Hi. Back in the beginning of the 90's I used to play an arcade game about a boy (he kind of looked like Songoku when he was a kid). This boy shoots fireballs and he is in some kind of sewers I believe. He used to play against monsters. Any clue. Been looking for it fo a couple of years and can't find anything about it. Thanks


New member
Oct 17, 2012
Hi everyone , I just found out this thread , and I hope you can help me finding a game that has been bugging me for so many years ,
I remember it was a demo , the ones you get from CD that you get from magazines , I only had the cd ( PC Jeux magazine , a french one ) , the cd contained a demo of star wars jedi knights : dark force II ,
So for the game , I remember you wake up next to your wife , it was in third person view , camera angles changes depend on where you are ( not in top of the player ) , the game had a possibility to change your mood with caps lock I think between two states , an angry one , and a nomal one, in the angry one , you have a possibility to scream , just like that , and there is one moment , you can wash your face , but in angry mode , you just kick the water .
Other moments is I go downstairs ( i'm somewhere I really don't know , not sure, but maybe some fantasy post apocalyptic one ) , you can like drink some boozze until you faint for a couple of minutes , and there's a place upstairs , a training area , where you can fight with weapons like swords , etc , no firearms ) , and you can turn hostile on your friends .
A moment when you leave an area , a video starts , about the games ( since it's a demo so....)
that is all I can rememeber , I'll try and contact the magazine if they know something , but I really hope someone knows the game ( I think the title have the word " sun" in it )
And thanks you very much ,


New member
Oct 17, 2012
Hello internet!

Found this thread after countless hours of trying on my own to figure out this game, hopefully you guys can help. It's a PC game that came on a CD-rom so it's got to be fairly newer, there was a demo of the Incredible Machine on the disk and what i can remember of the game itself is this: it was a 2D side-on point and click puzzle adventure game that involved a dude and he was in this crazy alternate universe that had a bunch of layers stacked on top of each other and he was trying to get to the bottom for some reason and the last puzzle was solved by using a bow from a bow and arrow and a saw you find back stage to win a talent contest

This has been bugging me off and on for months, and i would finally like to put this one to bed, thanks!

EDIT! Found it, The name of the game is Torin's Passage from Sierra games

Taryn Bristow

New member
Oct 17, 2012
I used to play these two games but I cant remember their names. One of them was where you drive inna car,but the person never got out and you would just drive around, if you did something bad then the cops come after you,then if they catch you, you have to restart the game.
The second one is also an old game that I cant remember, it looks like yoshi, it's a little dragon and you go to these different places and fight off these evil things, but it's an old kids game. HELP ME!!!!!!!


New member
Oct 17, 2012
I've been trying to think of the name of a game that I used to play 5 or so years ago...I think I played it at "Gamehouse" are somewhere similar.
I was just playing "Luxor" and it made me think of the other game...it was similar to that only you had to kill ladybugs or beetles...on one level they'd be in a room, in the next level they'd be in a garden...it was really colorful...sorry that's all I remember.

Thanks for any help anyone can give me.


New member
Oct 13, 2012
ok thers a old ps1 /ps2 game thats been bugging me for a cupple of yrs naw i think you start off in a forist getting of a train or sumthing and when u kill monsters thay drop pods that have stuff in to do your villige up and your wepons digrade i think really good game cant remember name anyone help plz !!

Akos Gyorgy

New member
Sep 15, 2012
Batou667 said:
Akos Gyorgy said:
I'm still looking for this game, please, any help is apprechiated! No one recognizes this game?

It is a game from one of those "Yellow Cassettes", possibly Sega Megadrive, but I am not sure about that.
It featured a kid as the playable character, his name was perhaps Vap, or Wappo or something like that. He wears an american football outfit with a helmet.
His original color was blue, and he shot a small ball (possibly a tennis ball) by kicking it towards the enemy. But when he was hit by an enemy, he turned green, and then shot 2 tennis balls. Then after another hit, he turned yellow and shot a soccerball (being able to hit enemies easier), then after the next hit he turned red and shot 2 soccerballs at the enemies. After these 4 hits you died.
When shooting the balls at enemies, it had a "scratchy" sound when, like lighting a match. (here I have to add that it is NOT Marko's Magic Football or Soccer Kid, but sure as hell similar).
It was a 2D platformer game, involved a lot of jumping and if I recall correctly, it had boss-fights after each level.
It consisted of several levels, the one I can remember is a jungle level with water below you, and waterfalls and greenery in the background. Also there was a level which was a rollercoaster.
I can only remember the story roughly: your girlfriend was abducted by a demon (it looked like the Grim Reaper), whom you had to fight at the very end of the game.

Several people were looking foir this game, but none have managed to find out its name. Please, If anyone has even the slightest idea, or just an additional info about the game, feel free to reply.


I consider myself a bit of a Mega Drive buff, and I'm afraid this isn't ringing any bells whatsoever. What do you mean by "yellow cassettes"? Any idea what year you played this? Is it possible you mean SNES instead?

Some noble soul has informed me, that the game may be a proboloy, a japanese famicom cart. These were very popular in Hungary in the 1990's, and if I recall correctly I've played this game around 1999.
About the console, here is a pic: http://gaygamer.net/images/md2_1.jpg
And about the yellow casettes: http://img10.aprod.hu/images_aprodhu/3933876_1_644x461_retro-sarga-kazettak-nintendohoz-x-kerulet.jpg
For your question, I'm not entirely sure about the console, could have been an SNES, but I'm positive that my console looks like the one on the picture :)
After looking into it a bit, I've found out that there was a Nintendo rip-off console, which had the looks of a sega mega drive console, but in reality it was totally different. So yes, it could be a SNES game.


New member
Oct 17, 2012
Graciecat1 said:
I've been trying to think of the name of a game that I used to play 5 or so years ago...I think I played it at "Gamehouse" are somewhere similar.
I was just playing "Luxor" and it made me think of the other game...it was similar to that only you had to kill ladybugs or beetles...on one level they'd be in a room, in the next level they'd be in a garden...it was really colorful...sorry that's all I remember.

Thanks for any help anyone can give me.
I found it, it was called "Tumble Bugs".


New member
Oct 17, 2012
Hey everyone!
There's 2 games, one of which I've been trying to find for yeaaars.
I played that one in the 90's. I'd type "robo" into dos to get to it and it was a platform game.
It was this little guy who would bob left and right when "standing still" and there would be different levels you'd have to beat. Each level had a different theme, one was like a candyland, there was one that i can only describe as "gambling" land, hahah.. Uh, the most memorable part of this game was that you could press the spacebar to make his stomach stretch, so that you could get candies or coins or something from high up.

The second game was more of a strategy thing, where you'd have access to a certain amount of items to make a ball go from one end to the other, or something.. Like you'd have to build a functioning contraption out of random items like different kinds of balls, a fan, a see-saw, a conveyor belt, a balloon, etc.

Any help is greatly appreciated!


Still Approved by Shock
May 30, 2010
United States
Andaxay said:
Dang, I have one. I can't for the life of me remember what console it was on, either, I think either PS1 or N64, maybe even earlier, though I doubt it. You controlled a girl (I think wearing green? With brown hair?), and the only part I can remember is running through a dark series of caves, and to recover health you had to eat stuff that looked like chicken wings, which were visible on the floor to pick up (I'm pretty sure there was a sound effect of her wolfing the chicken wings down). There was a ridiculous boss somewhere in the caves, too, and he was pretty tough, but other than that...

Nothing. Dammit. I played it very briefly at a friend's when I was six or seven, and have never seen it since.
Well there's a game on the N64 where you have green hair and there's ridiculous bosses but I'm not sure if it's the same.



New member
Oct 18, 2012
Hi, im looking for a game i used to play at school. It was around 2005 or 2006 that i played it and it was around 2 or 3 years old at the time. I played it on either a windows 98 or a 2000 and the graphics were similar to crazy taxis. It involved driving around in a car that you had chosen. You couldn't get out of the car at all. You simply drove around shooting people. You could get missiles, rockets, grenades etc for the car. The map was like a large city. There was an airport and a lot of parking lots that you could drive in and then drive of ramps on the top. There was also a lot of brothels with prostitutes around them. I also remember that there were massive roads in some parts of the map where you could drive so high up you went into space or something like that. There were cops I think as well that chased you around if you shot too much stuff. If anyone has any vague idea i'd really appreciate the help, some titles i have already ruled out are twisted metal, split second, gta, vigilante 8 as well as the interstate 82 and 76 games. Thanks for any help:).


New member
Oct 18, 2012
I remember a game I used to play with my brother as a kid, its pretty vague though. I remember it was a side scrolling shooter sort of like Galaga, but instead of being sci-fi it was fantasy. I also remember there being multiple characters like a guy with wings who would shoot his feathers as projectiles, and I also think there was a magician like character. Any help would be appreciated!


New member
Oct 18, 2012
I remember a game I used to play with my brother as a kid, its pretty vague though. I remember it was a side scrolling shooter sort of like Galaga, but instead of being sci-fi it was fantasy. I also remember there being multiple characters like a guy with wings who would shoot his feathers as projectiles, and I also think there was a magician like character. Any help would be appreciated!

Jewel Fuchs

New member
Oct 18, 2012
I remember playing a PC game 1989 0r 1990 where you played as a monster destroying huts in a jungle to retrieve your stolen egg. Anyone remember this game?


New member
Oct 5, 2011
ScreXmo Post Hcx said:
I had a sega genesis and I used to play a game that consisted in 4 characters, a robot and 3 humans, one of them was a girl. The game is similar to metal slug it has several weapons and I remember one of the stages was a dumping lot. I also remember one of the bosses was a huge witch head or something like that... If any one can help me with this one would be great... :)
Contra Hard Corps?