Old Games you remember playing but can't remember the name of.


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Oct 29, 2012
I'm looking for a game for my wife (ironic, no?). All she remembers is that it was from the 80s or 90s, you controlled a guy in it who collected jewels and coins and such, it was more of a puzzle game but you did kill monsters in it. She also says she thinks it started in a dungeon or cave, but in level 9 there was ice. She doesn't know anything else, and "doom" has been suggested, but it wasn't that dark and graphics were poor, but she thinks doom might have been in the name somehow. Any help? I've never played it and can't find what it is. Last thing, she thinks it came with her computer as a free game, like Chip's Challenge and such.


New member
Oct 29, 2012
Here's all I can remember about an old game I'm trying to find:

It was a point-and-click mystery/adventure from at LEAST 10 years ago (possibly as much as 15) on a computer. It took place in Egypt and at one point you're solving some puzzle that involves poisoned mascara in Cleopatra's room. There was at least one Egyptian god who made an appearance, the guy with the crocodile head.

It wasn't cartoony like the Cluefinders Pyramid game, and I'm pretty sure it wasn't The Dagger of Amon Ra. Please help!!


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Oct 29, 2012

I would like to ask, if anyone of you knows a game, released around 2005-2008 where you have been fighting with old style weapons against numerous orcs and griffins, passing trough a narrow jungle kind valley´s wooden terasses (when you looked up to the sun, it had a very intense light), that leaded you to one giant screaming, but otherwise gently looking white furry Cyclop... I think it was a Demo version of a game, that ended there...



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Oct 30, 2007
Maikos said:
Here's all I can remember about an old game I'm trying to find:

It was a point-and-click mystery/adventure from at LEAST 10 years ago (possibly as much as 15) on a computer. It took place in Egypt and at one point you're solving some puzzle that involves poisoned mascara in Cleopatra's room. There was at least one Egyptian god who made an appearance, the guy with the crocodile head.

It wasn't cartoony like the Cluefinders Pyramid game, and I'm pretty sure it wasn't The Dagger of Amon Ra. Please help!!
Could it be Riddle of the Sphinx, or the sequel, The Omega Stone?


New member
Oct 29, 2012
there is a old game i rember playing you would chouse a race to play as and you had about 15 differnet races to be you could be demon minotour fey dark fey high fey human and so on it was battle game like age of empires stlye but all your units could level up and you could chose 1 or two of the leveled units to become hero's that you could use in futre matches each race followed roughly a simalar story line but some races diddnt like others and so forth and at the top of the map you were ment to find like a dragon who was going to help you stop the super evil demons from entering the world any how let me if you know what this game is. oh and i ormost forgot it was on computer


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Oct 30, 2007
kizeal said:
there is a old game i rember playing you would chouse a race to play as and you had about 15 differnet races to be you could be demon minotour fey dark fey high fey human and so on it was battle game like age of empires stlye but all your units could level up and you could chose 1 or two of the leveled units to become hero's that you could use in futre matches each race followed roughly a simalar story line but some races diddnt like others and so forth and at the top of the map you were ment to find like a dragon who was going to help you stop the super evil demons from entering the world any how let me if you know what this game is. oh and i ormost forgot it was on computer
Definitely Warlords Battlecry 2 or 3.


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Oct 29, 2012
Planeforger said:
Maikos said:
Here's all I can remember about an old game I'm trying to find:

It was a point-and-click mystery/adventure from at LEAST 10 years ago (possibly as much as 15) on a computer. It took place in Egypt and at one point you're solving some puzzle that involves poisoned mascara in Cleopatra's room. There was at least one Egyptian god who made an appearance, the guy with the crocodile head.

It wasn't cartoony like the Cluefinders Pyramid game, and I'm pretty sure it wasn't The Dagger of Amon Ra. Please help!!
Could it be Riddle of the Sphinx, or the sequel, The Omega Stone?
Riddle of the Sphinx looks familiar... I can't find the exact scene I remember, but I was an imaginative kid and it's entirely possible that what I'm thinking of is part-memory, part-dream. Thanks for the help!!

On a related note: I miss actually challenging puzzle games. Anyone know any decent ones that would run on Windows 7?
Oct 29, 2012
Hey guys, I remember playing a game quite some time back (I guess more than 3 years back). Barely remember anything useful, but it was a space oriented game. You had space ships which you had to build and there would be a map where you will start off. There were planets in that map which you would need to harvest to get resources and then build stuff. The whole game is in space only and no land is involved. I remember that you can travel from like one map to another by going through this black hole kind of thing. Like galaxies. Start off in one galaxy with your head quarters and go to other galaxies when resources is all used up. I remember there being ships called Dreadnought, Corvette etc...Not a lot of info I know but would be great if someone call help out with the name. :)


New member
Oct 29, 2012
Okay so there are two games that i just cant seem to remember the names of:

1) It was a kid's learning adventure PC game in the late 90s or early 2000's. It had an asian boy black hair and glasses with a white girl with brown hair and then they had some kind of device that talked like it was a human(maybe a cell phone or map or yellow backpack?) they solved puzzles and got glowing gold. I dont really remember much else... but I WANT TO KNOW THE NAME OF THIS SO BAD!!!

2) I dont remember if it was on the Nintendo 64 (think it is tho) or could be a PC game. You are a yellow and black robot and i think you can change into different kinds of robot things though and u can stomp on cars and you can fly too. Also remember something about a train crashing and u have to try to stop it?

Thank you so much if you can help me :)

Jeff Mayo

New member
Oct 29, 2012
I had an old computer game when I was a kid. it was top down and you played as a guy and had to get through each level and get keys to open doors. It was kinda like a puzzle because each level would be set up different and the floor changed a lot. Ice, water, ground, treadmill trips. stuff like that that would make getting around hard. You could get items like flippers, ice skates, suction cup shoes, stuff like that to make moving around easier. You could also build walkways by pushing blocks of ground into water. I have no idea what the name is but it was fun and hard. Also some stuff would be booby trapped so if you pushed a block of dirt there could a be a bomb under it.


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Oct 30, 2007
Abhishek Bhattacharya said:
Hey guys, I remember playing a game quite some time back (I guess more than 3 years back). Barely remember anything useful, but it was a space oriented game. You had space ships which you had to build and there would be a map where you will start off. There were planets in that map which you would need to harvest to get resources and then build stuff. The whole game is in space only and no land is involved. I remember that you can travel from like one map to another by going through this black hole kind of thing. Like galaxies. Start off in one galaxy with your head quarters and go to other galaxies when resources is all used up. I remember there being ships called Dreadnought, Corvette etc...Not a lot of info I know but would be great if someone call help out with the name. :)
That's sounds like Galactic Civilisations 2, but it could also be Master of Orion or Sins of a Solar Empire or...all sorts of things

lizzieleach said:
2) I dont remember if it was on the Nintendo 64 (think it is tho) or could be a PC game. You are a yellow and black robot and i think you can change into different kinds of robot things though and u can stomp on cars and you can fly too. Also remember something about a train crashing and u have to try to stop it?
Blast Corps?


New member
Oct 30, 2012
I can't remember for the life of me the name of this game. Had to of been in the ps2-xbox games. got it at the video store played it and never thought about it again

its like morrowind and oblivion. I think theirs only swords and bows in it. The main character is a GIRL and you cannot select a male character and she actually talks (unlike morrowind) I cant remember much about it but I dont think you can stray away from the main quest and I think the final level is your fighting this hovering monster (who i think is a girl as well) and your in a 2 story room and theirs 4 levers you have to switch before you can begin to fight the boss. I believe you picked up new weapons off of dead bosses and beasts you fought but i also think you could sell them. I believe the main character also looks like laura croft too. It was 3rd person and your camera is placed behind the character not above. good graphics too. wasn't cartoonish either.


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Oct 13, 2009
Jeff Mayo said:
I had an old computer game when I was a kid. it was top down and you played as a guy and had to get through each level and get keys to open doors. It was kinda like a puzzle because each level would be set up different and the floor changed a lot. Ice, water, ground, treadmill trips. stuff like that that would make getting around hard. You could get items like flippers, ice skates, suction cup shoes, stuff like that to make moving around easier. You could also build walkways by pushing blocks of ground into water. I have no idea what the name is but it was fun and hard. Also some stuff would be booby trapped so if you pushed a block of dirt there could a be a bomb under it.
Gotta be Chip's Challenge.

Chris Rosendahl

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Oct 30, 2012
I remember a PS1 shooting game, where you could play 1-4 players.

I think you could choose between being either one of two guys and one of two women.

Don't know how to describe it more specifically..

But please help me find the title!!! Thanks!



New member
Oct 30, 2012
I remember this one game, probably from the nineties I think. It was a CD-ROM, and you played as an elephant, I think a detective elephant, that went around doing things in Egypt. You had to find some gems so you could put them in the door to a pyramid. I can't find it online anywhere, so if anybody has any leads, please help >_>;

Tiffany Boyd

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Oct 30, 2012
When I was younger I remember playing this pc game. It took place in medieval times, even around the time of the bubonic plague (one of the characters had a wagon full of bodies). In the game there are quite a few wizards, you play alongside one, he has an ENGLISH accent and he has a red robe with shapes on it (its NOT a fighting/rpg game.) There are several quests you need to complete. In one quest you had to get wax from this creepy looking beekeeper and use that wax for another quest (kinda like a trading game.) In one of the town areas there is a food market where you can buy rat (yes rat!) to eat. There is a girl in the game similar to Marilyn Monroe, standning over an air grate. There is also these green booger-ghost type of characters who sneeze alot(I wanna say they're ghosts.) I REALLY WANNA KNOW THE NAME OF THIS GAME!!!! If you could find out the name that would be great :) Thank you!


New member
Oct 30, 2007
Tiffany Boyd said:
When I was younger I remember playing this pc game. It took place in medieval times, even around the time of the bubonic plague (one of the characters had a wagon full of bodies). In the game there are quite a few wizards, you play alongside one, he has an ENGLISH accent and he has a red robe with shapes on it (its NOT a fighting/rpg game.) There are several quests you need to complete. In one quest you had to get wax from this creepy looking beekeeper and use that wax for another quest (kinda like a trading game.) In one of the town areas there is a food market where you can buy rat (yes rat!) to eat. There is a girl in the game similar to Marilyn Monroe, standning over an air grate. There is also these green booger-ghost type of characters who sneeze alot(I wanna say they're ghosts.) I REALLY WANNA KNOW THE NAME OF THIS GAME!!!! If you could find out the name that would be great :) Thank you!
That sounds a lot like Discworld 2.


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Mar 30, 2011
Well. I remember playing this game and I think it might be created at the same date as oddworld. Well I remember it had great graphics in those days. It was fighting game in which players got weapons. The character I remember was - Knight, Cannibal, Zombie or smth, Queen/princess or smth, Miner or smth... Well Knight was all in armor and like I remember from a movie there was some kingdom of those knights and they had a king with golden armor. His weapon was sword. Cannibal, was a big fat monster with a haircut of a punk. Ohh and one eyed. From movie, he was chasing some guy and at the end eated him also it was shown bones of the poor guy. He like cached him and broke his spine with his knee. Zombie or smth, had a stick weapon or a club or a wood... From movie, he was returned to life from the dead bodies lying on each other by aliens or smth. He was blue skinned. He could also vomit as attack.. Queen was wearing sexy red dress some hat and holding weapon smth like sword... Miner was big ugly guy, with beard. He could throw bombs at you.
Please help, I'm so into playing it again...


New member
Oct 30, 2012
Hello everyone.
Looking for a game which I played in the 90ies, at the times of Pentium 1 and Riva TNT graphics.
In concept, it was a Wipeout\Slipstream 5000 kind of game:
- racing with combat elements
- spacecraft\antigrav vehicles
- various weapons and upgrades
- partially closed (tunnel), partially open-space racetrack
- predominantly "dark" scenery, if I remember correctly, some tracks featured lava

That's all I can remember...


New member
Oct 30, 2012

I am looking for a game I played ten years ago. It was some kind of Medieval role playing game.
The gameplay was top-down perspective (like GTA II and Diablo III).

On some point in the game you were in a small village. On the outskirts of the village were some guards. In the village was an armory where you could buy Maces, Swords, Staffs, Crossbows, etc.
Outside the village was wild nature with lots of mobs: Reptiles, bees, cavemen, etc. I still remember that every mob had different levels. For example: There were green, red and blue reptiles, all with different strength and different health. The further you came outside the village, the harder the mobs were.

If you came close enough to those mobs they started to attack you. After you killed the mobs they dropped a small brown bag with gold, bows, armor, and things like that, which you could sell in the armory.

You will be my hero if you know the name of this game!