Old Games you remember playing but can't remember the name of.


New member
Oct 14, 2012
Sorry for my bad English
Please help me.A cup of years trying to find the two games. I playd them on sega mega drive 2.
At first it is a car, shoot it, you have a lot of opponents, who have cars, trucks.Game has a lot of levels. Observers of the game from the air. Collect the weapons, when you kill enemies, I think.
second game was similar to the Olympics, there are an athlete, boxing, hockey, may be practicing ... The characters are small, with large heads, reminding the children.
Please if you know of a game that reminds you of this, to write, because I'm looking for this for a long time already, those are my two favorite games from childhood.
:) Thanks

Little Duck

Diving Space Muffin
Oct 22, 2009
Not sure how active this still is but...

I'm looking for a game the 90s. It was a 2D PC platformer. You played as a wizard who wanted to marry a girl, but because he was a terrible wizard who can't pass the year, you are sent on a quest to kill a massive evil wizard. You fire bolts of lightning (?) from your hands and can get white potions in the game to speed up fire rate for a short period of time. There was another kind of potion that let you fire straight through all enemies in a line.

I also the remember the game being split into 4 parts, with an evil boss dude at an end of each part and they all consisted of 10 (I think) levels. Anyone got any ideas?


Some of the levels included

A stage similar to Marble zone (below) in sonic (Minus the lava and grass). This was the first level.

There was also a level which looked like the interior of an egyptian pharos tomb (but better lit), as well as a gothic castle level, a dark foresty level, a lava level and a snow level.

The levels all had secrets in them.

There was a wizard you could talk to but he couldn't be harmed. He also hinted at the first level secret and was in there.

The levels also had several stages to them, with the boss levels having an extra one I think.


I found a screenshot of the game (below), but I couldn't find the name attached to it. The account I took this from deleted the photo and google images seemed to still have it. Anyone got any ideas?



Found it, it was Hocus Pocus.


New member
Oct 31, 2012
Hello everyone :)
I remember the game I use to play back in the 90s (late), maybe beginning of the 2000s. So it was a colorful game, like cartoon... :) You were driving (I think) battery cars (like Truck Mania), but I'm not 100% sure about all that "battery car" scenario. I remember that my favorite car to drive was a yellow school bus. But you could also choose monster truck, normal cal, police car, fire truck etc. It was a race game. And the tracks were challenging. When I say challenging I mean that you had to jump over canons, watch not to get hit by a lightning or get "run over" by pile of rolling stones... I know it's not a lot... But I remember it was a great game so if anyone can guess which game it was from the "guidelines" I gave you, I would appreciate it. Thank You


New member
Oct 31, 2012
Early 00's or possibly late 90's computer game for the mac. 2D ariel view. You control a little yellow tank that has no weapons using the arrow keys. There are three other friendly cpu tanks with different colors that start in the other corners of the screen. You move around square maze-type levels and push blocks into flies and other various enemies to squash them. Flies move around aimlessly and if you touch them you die. The goal of each level is to kill all the flies. I'm in dire need. Please help. SOS.


New member
Oct 31, 2012
So, I have been trying my best and researching all over the internet but cannot find any clue. In the mid 90s, I remember buying this set of cards, that were larger than usual, more like the size of a bigger smartphone (samsung galaxy s2). It had wonderfully drawn art work of mythical creatures, like trolls, dragons, goblins, witches etc. The art work was probably edge to edge, almost looked like water colored. The cards also had stats on them, so we played it like Top Trumps. I lost those cards many many years ago and still wish I could find them. The art work was beautiful in them.
The thing that sets it apart was it was a larger sized card with dark, gorgeous art work and each creature had stats. No, I don't think is Magic the Gathering, since their cards are standard or small.

Any help or point to the right direction would be much appreciated :)

Thank you SOOO much for your time folks!! :)

Josh Olalde

New member
Oct 31, 2012
a game boy color game where you time travel to a different era or place and fight monsters with a bison looking monster while you we a prophet to some kind of prophecy

Hoops 12

New member
Oct 31, 2012
Hi I'm new but will give this a try!

I remember a game we use to play at the corner shop on arcade.(1986-1989)

It was some space game where you chose the planet (red , blue, green, brown) and then played that stage.

I remember you could double jump and get all sorts of guns.

I remember the red stage (red planet) being very difficult with lava all over the place.

Can some one please help with name of this game? It is driving me crazy!!

Kevin Gossett

New member
Oct 31, 2012
I have another game that is haunting me. Back in the 90's there was a PC game I used to play that was turn based military. I remember listening to Alice in Chains while playing it. So I know it had to be in the 90's. I have searched all over to find the name of the game but cant find it nor can I remember what the name was. If I see the game play screens I will know.

Kevin Gossett

New member
Oct 31, 2012
it was a dos game i have deducted. it was on like 7 floppies also. i remember each guy had a different function and there were no aliens.


New member
Mar 16, 2010
Kevin Gossett said:
it was a dos game i have deducted. it was on like 7 floppies also. i remember each guy had a different function and there were no aliens.
Erm one of the Battleisle games is all I could guess at..... What you've given really isn't much to go on.

Kevin Gossett

New member
Oct 31, 2012
sorry i am still trying to remember everything about it. it was a third person with a view from the top down. i vaguely remember. it might be a lost cause. the game was really fun though. i remember being able to click move. the box it cam in was the same size as the diablo chest pack. it was a war game but not like the WWII one more current for the time. it was around 1994 when i started playing it. so it had to be either dos or windows 3.1. windows 98 didn't come out til later.


New member
Oct 31, 2012
ok, im looking for a game i played when i was in elementary school so idk about 15 years ago.
it was around 1994 ish i also played prince of persia 4d along with it. I remember you wakeing up on and island (maybe) but you start on the island and some guys comes to you asking about your future i think and has something to do with crystal ball if i remember right. but at some point when u explore the island u mess with potions i believe and a mini troll pops up. i want to say its a scary island game but i cant remember. it was almost liek a carnival on the island but had something to do with collecting items to give to the man with the crystal so u can go home. ANY help will be greatly appreciated.


New member
Oct 21, 2012
Just reviving an old post I made in the hope that someone can figure them out!

LeBard said:
Hey guys! OK, so let me try give a setting for this:

When I was a kid maybe back in the early 2000's, my cousin lent me one of his games to play. Unfortunately, it was rated "M" and so i had to try and sneak around to play it. I played it for maybe 20 minutes before getting caught and having it taken away from me, but what i do remember is a 2D side scroller about a man in a suit (a spy? maybe) he drove a black car and it was a little goofy the way he'd get out. The background, from what i remember, was predominantly red. Though at first i was certain that it was a game on the n64, i havent been able to find such a game. I also had an snes, so maybe it was an snes game instead of an n64 game. And, before you guys say it was my imagination, my cousin agreed that he did give me a game like that. My mom never gave it back to him (lol) so he never really got a chance to play it either, but remember pretty much the same thing. He is certain that it was for the n64 but i don't want to exclude the snes

I doubt if the game was any good (haha) but i remember it since it was the first Mature game i played, even if for a fleeting moment.

anyone think they could help me out? I'm sorry about the lack of much of a description, but it'd be awesome if anyone could pull a Sherlock and figure it out!
LeBard said:
Also, also, also! Pardon me for my nostalgia trip but there was this online game on the website called Bonus.com
The website is defunct now but they had these awesome games, and if anyone could help me find the name of some of em' I'd be grateful

One I know the name to, it's called P-Man. You'd choose from a few stick figure animations and woud fight against a friend, throwing random objects at each other and using the umbrella to deflect em. with each throuw, however, your super bar would go up and when it was full you'd be able to use your super move, which were fun and hilarious to watch.
I can't find a link for it, though. darn shame.

The other was some sort of magic game. You'd walk around on a grid, using spells from materials you had to set traps and take out enemies.

Another set of games from bonus.com that i really want to find out about were the point and click adventure games. they were AWESOME. The one i remember the most is this one where you wake up on a beach and have to look around to find notes, and at the end of the game i think there are like two brothers or something that use magic and you have to choose the right brother to get the best ending. It was a very mind boggling game and i just wanted to find it.

There were several other point and click games, one where you had to escape a castle you were in. i remember the first few rooms had knights in armor hanging on stands, but thats about it

If anyone else remembers the point and click games at least, id be eternally grateful :)

EDIT: while we're at it, foxbox.com used to be a website that had all these interesting games on it. it was for fox kids, before 4kidstv came up. The games on the site i forget about are

1. This sort of cartoon prank web series that included this red headed kid pranking everyone. the one i remember most was the prank he pulled on his sister by making a dog fart in her room, but it backfired when the dog moved to his hiding spot and farted right into it (LOL)

2. this tiny people racing game, you'd have to mash a button to move and hit another to jump, and you played it with a friend as a race.

Pardon again if my list is overbearing but i remember craploads of games that kept me busy as a kid and it'd be nice to remember them :)
Much help would be appreciated


New member
Nov 1, 2012
Hey guy, I've got a game I've been looking for.
I am not sure if this game have been asked already, since going through 110 pages would be eye killing...
I remember playing it around the 1990s, but then the game might be older than that I am not sure since got the game in a burned disk along with other games, and it was lost long ago.
here are the details of the game.
- it's a top view 2-D space game
- You got to choose which spaceship you with to use, you can also choose to be alien or Human
- Your base starts with full barriers and it looks like a planet surrounded by green circles(Red if its enemy home base)
- You gotta gather resources from other planets, some will have little. With the resources you can trade it to your home base or other planet you've put your people on. (every planet can only take so much resources, or else it will have no value to that planet)
- You have to upgrade you planet in order to purchase better weapons or have more in stock.
- Your upgrade includes barriers, speed, resource gather speed, fuel tank capacity, better lasers, little bombs, the best out of them are nukes.
- You can choose to attack your own planet if you wish, but they will turn red.
- You have to buy addition ships so you can respawn after the ship gets destroied.
- There are also neutral race which you can trade with, but they wont have any ship. (The only ship that flys around are the AIs you decided to play against, and yourself.)
- The whole game sets in space, there are no planet surfaces. The backdrop are just black space filled with stars.
- Radiation can also decrease population on planet, it will occur after nuking it. You can also decrease the radiation by weapons.
- Planet will give you money to transport their citizens to other planets.
If you know the game name please leave me a responds, it would be much appropriated.
Thank you ~~!

Joshua Clubb

New member
Nov 1, 2012
hello everyone ok i need help with a game i cant remember is it was for ps or ps2 but here are the detail of what i remember

its a game with mostly girls its has an old man in it that uses a gourd i believe hes called the drunken master its a fighting style game 2D one girl has pink hair and anther has green they both have markings on there heads and also they use magic im sure the green haired girl or a little kid is the final boss in this game and is a pain to kill because she has like magic rings she throws at u and such i hope this is enough details because i played this along time ago and thats all i can remember help if u can and thank u if u find it or just attempt it ^^


New member
Oct 14, 2012
Sorry for my bad English
Please help me.A cup of years trying to find the two games. I playd them on sega mega drive 2.
At first it is a car, shoot it, you have a lot of opponents, who have cars, trucks.Game has a lot of levels. Observers of the game from the air. Collect the weapons, when you kill enemies, I think.
second game was similar to the Olympics, there are an athlete, boxing, hockey, may be practicing ... The characters are small, with large heads, reminding the children.
Please if you know of a game that reminds you of this, to write, because I'm looking for this for a long time already, those are my two favorite games from childhood.
:) Thanks


New member
Oct 5, 2011
s300 said:
Hello everyone.
Looking for a game which I played in the 90ies, at the times of Pentium 1 and Riva TNT graphics.
In concept, it was a Wipeout\Slipstream 5000 kind of game:
- racing with combat elements
- spacecraft\antigrav vehicles
- various weapons and upgrades
- partially closed (tunnel), partially open-space racetrack
- predominantly "dark" scenery, if I remember correctly, some tracks featured lava

That's all I can remember...


New member
Nov 1, 2012
Hey everyone!!!

I have been looking for this game, but I don't remember the name of it(duh, or else why would I be writing here), and it's killing me!!!
I apologize in advance because I have bad grammar and I don't know a lot about the wordings used in games, therefore; my post is going to be confusing.

I played this game back in 2004. It has 2 series.
I believe it's those point n click/ adventure game, a lot of combing items and tools in the game. This game took me hours to finish one series.

The main character is a blonde girl. In the first one, she's looking for her parents (I believe, I hoping), in the end she built a jet pack after combing a lot of items, and flew all the way to some island/ somewhere to look for her parents.

In the second one, the game starts off with the main girl in a cleaning room, I remember she found a ladder and some paint to help her get out off the room. Then she went downstairs to go out on the street, and on the way she found more stuff... Eventually she reached to the outside of a museum, took me a while to get inside... and that's all I can remember >w<

This is not a typical escape game, instead of staying in mall or rooms; there are a lot of different scenes/ places in the game.

Thank you very much for reading this, I hope I can find out the name of this game eventually ^^


New member
Sep 15, 2012
HI can someone help me please. I'm trying to find this old game i use to play. It was a browser game that partly and had a download for the battles, as they were 3d you would create buildings and control the units. It was a rts and i believe it was set in the viking era or something and was also multiplayer based.
The batlle area was nice green fields i believe.
Thanks Jibbz