Old Games you remember playing but can't remember the name of.


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Nov 3, 2012
This has been driving me crazy. Anyone remember a windows cd-rom game (or series of cds) from the mid to late 90's which had an assortment of games? The games I remember best are:

-you play a boy in a space helmet (i think he had a gun too) and it was a platform type adventure quest and you could pick your path between levels
-another was almost an RPG format. You controlled a pirate ship and had to navigate the seas collecting treasure and plundering.

I think there was a FPS too. Set on a space station?

Bailey Fair

New member
Nov 3, 2012
Ok I remember playing this game on the ps2 the cover of that game had a kung fu guy and in the background was this gold mist(ithink) and he did the regular kung fu pose with the arm arched.next to his head and the other arm laying straight in front of him. Theirs quite a lot of detail I remember. In the beggining you were in hong kong and if I remember correctly you were doing parkour to reach this guy and it gave you an option to play in english or chinese. But you had to either kill or capture this one guy (that's all I remember for that) and one level I remember specifacaly is you were locked in this cell and their was a guard watching you through the window and when he turned his back you jumped up and hung onto this bar causing him to come in the room and see where you were and when he was below you, you would drop down and kill the guy. Then you went out of the cell and took out a couple more guards then if I remember correctly you went into this room and you got ambushed or something and if I remember correctly you could use weopons on the ground ect. To kill them. (That's all I remember for that) and I remember being inside like a mall or something and you had to escape and I remember their being ps1 banners on the wall. Their were 2 floors I believe and if I remember correctly their were police lights coming in through the windows. And you went back to hong kong to kill this boss guy. I don't really remember D: if someone recognizes this game please tell meh!


New member
Nov 3, 2012
Greetings all. I'm new to this forum, stumbled upon it a while back when I renewed my for a few particular set of arcade games I used to play in the late 80's/early 90's (been searching for them for years). I decided my best bet is to ask the pros here on the board. I will attempt to describe as best as possible, please forgive me for asking for several games but I've been driving myself close to madness trying to remember their names for almost 2 decades.

The first game begins with a "Karate guy" dressed in a red gi riding his motorcycle across the desert. As he is riding, he comes across a wall or something that is obstructing the road. He then charges a fireball and destroys the obstruction. After a bit, the jumps off of his motorcycle and then the game begins. It is a side scrolling fighting game with one button to attack and one to jump. I can't remember if there was a third button, but I do remember that holding the attack button charges a fireball that the player can use. If the player doesn't hold the button long enough, he attempts to throw a fireball but nothing comes out. I remember one of the sub-bosses being a shirtless karate guy, and another sub-boss being a fat guy who would jump on top of you if you stood still. I remember the final boss wearing gold armor of some kind.

The second game I remember being very similar to Contra. It was two players, was a side-scroller and their weapons could be upgraded. They could also ride around in tanks for a bit, you could fire the tank and run enemies over with it. The only stage I remember distinctly is an air ship of some kind. After you defeat the boss of that stage, the ship then begins to self destruct and the players have a few minutes to escape (a timer begins a countdown). Everything turns red and flashing.

The last game is a barbarian type game (not Golden Axe). I remember this game being similar to Contra as well in that a person could upgrade their sword, I believe it would get larger and do more damage the more it was upgraded. This is the one I remember the least.

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance to the forum.


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Nov 3, 2012
Andrew_C said:
Batou667 said:
kirbycolours said:
I'm trying to find a game I used to play around 10 years ago on the old family PC running windows XP, and from what I remember it was on a CD-ROM which had one flat colour (I think either green or pink?) and text on it, but no images.
The game itself is a simulation game where you gather resources by giving the people in the game commands such as mining or woodcutting, and using them to build up a village.
I'm also pretty sure that every time you start a new game the terrain is randomly generated.
I'm not 100% certain it was on the kind of disc i described, I just remember having a lot of discs like that for the PC at the time.
Anyone got any ideas on what it could be?
Sounds a bit like the first Age of Empires.
Or Empire Earth. but those are both RTS, not sims


Lords of the Realm


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Oct 5, 2011
Bailey Fair said:
Ok I remember playing this game on the ps2 the cover of that game had a kung fu guy and in the background was this gold mist(ithink) and he did the regular kung fu pose with the arm arched.next to his head and the other arm laying straight in front of him. Theirs quite a lot of detail I remember. In the beggining you were in hong kong and if I remember correctly you were doing parkour to reach this guy and it gave you an option to play in english or chinese. But you had to either kill or capture this one guy (that's all I remember for that) and one level I remember specifacaly is you were locked in this cell and their was a guard watching you through the window and when he turned his back you jumped up and hung onto this bar causing him to come in the room and see where you were and when he was below you, you would drop down and kill the guy. Then you went out of the cell and took out a couple more guards then if I remember correctly you went into this room and you got ambushed or something and if I remember correctly you could use weopons on the ground ect. To kill them. (That's all I remember for that) and I remember being inside like a mall or something and you had to escape and I remember their being ps1 banners on the wall. Their were 2 floors I believe and if I remember correctly their were police lights coming in through the windows. And you went back to hong kong to kill this boss guy. I don't really remember D: if someone recognizes this game please tell meh!
Sounds a lot like Shenmue 2 (the martial arts, being set in Hong Kong, and the parkour/chase sections), although that was a Dreamcast/Xbox game.


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Oct 5, 2011
GmMstr said:
The second game I remember being very similar to Contra. It was two players, was a side-scroller and their weapons could be upgraded. They could also ride around in tanks for a bit, you could fire the tank and run enemies over with it. The only stage I remember distinctly is an air ship of some kind. After you defeat the boss of that stage, the ship then begins to self destruct and the players have a few minutes to escape (a timer begins a countdown). Everything turns red and flashing.
Metal Slug?


New member
Nov 3, 2012
Hi all,I played a game when I was a child a horror game and I played it on PSX I think so if it's not on PS2.I think it was released between 1990 to 2002. You play with a woman i guess her daughter possessed or ghost I remember a seine that there was a hand on the table its cut but it moves and the Blood is green and looks like a vomit on it. also the piano is playing on it's self and You play in a house it surrounded by trees.(P.S I guess it was an Asian horror games more like Japanese horror games) . Anyone have any clue,thanks.


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Nov 3, 2012
I remember a PS1 game where you started with (think it was a woman) who woke up in a hospital or experimentation room. When you pressed the action button (I remember some kind of touching gesture) at the electric socket the woman was kind of electrolyzed(I think it drained some HP- so there was a HP bar). A scientist came in and you could also touch him, I guess his head exploded then.


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Nov 3, 2012
Josette said:
Help me, I've been trying to find this game for quite some time now, but nothing works...
So it is a 3D game where you have to navigate a ball through the levels- basically they are platforms in outer space. it ad 9 levels as far as i can remember and they were different- like the first three were all colorful, the second three were metal, and then there were wooden ones I think. Obviously the levels got harder and harder... there were these yellow arrow which would speed the ball up, and the floors also changed- from wooden to metal and ice- the ice was obviously the harder the navigate the ball on. And there was a lot of jumping with the space button. I think the ball as made of... stone probably oh! and there was a time limit maybe... well that is all I remember- please help me!
Marble Madness?


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Nov 3, 2012
FizzyIzze said:
Shnuggle Bear said:
Ok... this is a long shot but I'd love to try and play this game again.

It was a top down helicopter game that had to have been out around.. '96..ish? I played in daycare on a system that I believe was made for the Tv? Basically you started in between three buildings and had to fly around. If you touched a building you would die and I think other things would shoot you as well.. The graphics were not that great and I have no idea if you had a gun or not.. It's not like Raiden where things fly at you and you shoot them. I think it was more of a "you fly whichever way you please game." Happy hunting <3

*FREE HUGS* To whoever can find this game!!
Was the previous answer correct? I think it sounds more like Thunder Blade.
Or this http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Strike_series maybe? Don't know what the previous answer was.


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Nov 3, 2012
rickganfei said:
Dracowrath said:
I remember a PS1 game I had many many years ago, and I'm not sure what happened to it. All I know is, I started it, got stuck, and never touched it again. I vaguely remember something about being a criminal, and being forced to wear this mask...thing...and being dropped into some sewers and wandering around killing things in the sewers. As I said this was many years ago so those are the only details I recall. It may even have been a ps2 game though I doubt it.

Side note, the capcha I got at first for this post ended with that weird wavey = sign. I don't have that button, guys...
That sound like Splatter house, but I only remember it for Sega genesis/megadrive
Condemned, don't remember what system it was on though.


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Nov 3, 2012
johns said:
I remember a PS1 game where you started with (think it was a woman) who woke up in a hospital or experimentation room. When you pressed the action button (I remember some kind of touching gesture) at the electric socket the woman was kind of electrolyzed(I think it drained some HP- so there was a HP bar). A scientist came in and you could also touch him, I guess his head exploded then.
I think it's Galerians!



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Nov 3, 2012
A flight sim from the mid 90s, can't remember exactly what kind of plane you would use but the graphics were awesome, was based in Norway of Finland or something like that.


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Nov 3, 2012
Planeforger said:
GoddessKali said:
I have a game I can't remember it was for the original playstation. It was multi-player, you fought orcs and stuff. Characters were both male and female, you colled gold from chests took potions and if you died non one could move on. When you died there was a green potion thing with a skull, your team had to bring you back. It was very old graphics from the 1990's. I cannot for the life of me remember the name, but the characters could be wizards or close to it, you could use magic, but there was also vikings with axes and stuff. Can anyone help me??
That one sounds like Gauntlet Legends.
Or the Golden Axe games.


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Nov 3, 2012
Chrisdekw said:

I am looking for a game I played ten years ago. It was some kind of Medieval role playing game.
The gameplay was top-down perspective (like GTA II and Diablo III).

On some point in the game you were in a small village. On the outskirts of the village were some guards. In the village was an armory where you could buy Maces, Swords, Staffs, Crossbows, etc.
Outside the village was wild nature with lots of mobs: Reptiles, bees, cavemen, etc. I still remember that every mob had different levels. For example: There were green, red and blue reptiles, all with different strength and different health. The further you came outside the village, the harder the mobs were.

If you came close enough to those mobs they started to attack you. After you killed the mobs they dropped a small brown bag with gold, bows, armor, and things like that, which you could sell in the armory.

You will be my hero if you know the name of this game!
Is it Nox? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nox_(video_game)


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Nov 3, 2012

just created this account to get help from you all :)

So this is old 90's game, that I used to play on my ZILITON console with yellow game cardridges:)
In this game, there's small asian guy, who shoots bad guys with some kind of energy rings, that comes from his forehead. Bad guys, when killed, are turned into gold coins. Then player can shoot bouncing coins, and those coins gets bigger. Then you collect coins, and kill some more bad guys. After some time, you can spend those coins.

That's all I remember from that game, besides having lots of fun.

Anyone remember this one?

Thank you,

Mario Lameiras

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Nov 2, 2012
Audro said:

just created this account to get help from you all :)

So this is old 90's game, that I used to play on my ZILITON console with yellow game cardridges:)
In this game, there's small asian guy, who shoots bad guys with some kind of energy rings, that comes from his forehead. Bad guys, when killed, are turned into gold coins. Then player can shoot bouncing coins, and those coins gets bigger. Then you collect coins, and kill some more bad guys. After some time, you can spend those coins.

That's all I remember from that game, besides having lots of fun.

Anyone remember this one?

Thank you,
Ahahah. Small asian guy.


New member
Nov 3, 2012
Hey whats up? So here comes my question about old pc games!

My game was a click and point adventure..prolly for a windows 95-98. Everything starts in an island..The adventurer is a boy but he is not actually human..something close to an alien? but blue and cute one!. He live in an island where there is post, school, sorcerer house and even a habour. The people living there are not humans as well they are mostly animals. You can talk with them and so. Well, for some reason I remember that suddenly bad Aliens come into our island and attack it leaving it close to f**k up. I have to leave the island and take the ferry that will bring me to some kind of desert island that has been took it by the same aliens that took my island. There was as well in some part of the game when they bring me to their prison (the alien prison) and I have to scape from there and from their island without getting catch. I cannot really remember a lot more..there is something about his wife/gf too..i think she get kidnap by them but not sure about it. The graphic I would say they are close to the ones of "the curse of monkey island" but its a totally different game. I think this game I played between 1997 to 2001 so..long time ago! since by then I was like 7-10 years old and now im 23! hehe.

Hope anyone can help me out im crazy trying to find the game!. I should say this game was bring out later on PsP as well..hope this info helps!.



New member
Nov 3, 2012
the game that i cant remember the name of is one where you are two characters a boy and a girl. Boh same height boy has floppy brown hair and wears glasses and yellow jumper girl has reddy brown hair and wears red jumper. They go to rescue their uncle or dad or someone in this jungle place but there is a fire breathing monster so they have to help the birds defeat it. turns out that the fire monster was the person they were trying to rescue. One of the minigames is putting parrots in order on a boat when given some clues. I played this game in primary school in year 3,4 and 5. please help


New member
Nov 3, 2012
slucki said:
Hey whats up? So here comes my question about old pc games!

My game was a click and point adventure..prolly for a windows 95-98. Everything starts in an island..The adventurer is a boy but he is not actually human..something close to an alien? but blue and cute one!. He live in an island where there is post, school, sorcerer house and even a habour. The people living there are not humans as well they are mostly animals. You can talk with them and so. Well, for some reason I remember that suddenly bad Aliens come into our island and attack it leaving it close to f**k up. I have to leave the island and take the ferry that will bring me to some kind of desert island that has been took it by the same aliens that took my island. There was as well in some part of the game when they bring me to their prison (the alien prison) and I have to scape from there and from their island without getting catch. I cannot really remember a lot more..there is something about his wife/gf too..i think she get kidnap by them but not sure about it. The graphic I would say they are close to the ones of "the curse of monkey island" but its a totally different game. I think this game I played between 1997 to 2001 so..long time ago! since by then I was like 7-10 years old and now im 23! hehe.

Hope anyone can help me out im crazy trying to find the game!. I should say this game was bring out later on PsP as well..hope this info helps!.

lilo and stitch maybe