Old Games you remember playing but can't remember the name of.


New member
Nov 3, 2012
My sister and I have been trying to remember an old computer game that we used to play on Windows in the '90s.

The details that we can remember are that it was some sort of world traveling and educational game. Destinations included China, Australia, some place underwater, and a forest somewhere. In China, it was focused on Chinese New Year and you dropped various animals from the chinese zodiac into different colored paints to create fireworks. I remember something in the underwater area teaching about underwater sponges and parrot fish, etc. My sister said that in the outback you could place different animals around, click on one of them, and it would run to another. For example, put a goat in the scene and a snake, click the goat and the snake slithers off-screen. We can remember three of the main characters... One was a male tiger, one was a female pig, and a third being a frog.

We've thought of a lot of possible titles but none have been correct...

Nena Robinson

New member
Nov 3, 2012
can someone help me find a title of a old game? it was a ps2 racing game i believe and you can be a cop car or a different car and when your driving and you hit a pedestrian They go fying away


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May 22, 2010
Audro said:

just created this account to get help from you all :)

So this is old 90's game, that I used to play on my ZILITON console with yellow game cardridges:)
In this game, there's small asian guy, who shoots bad guys with some kind of energy rings, that comes from his forehead. Bad guys, when killed, are turned into gold coins. Then player can shoot bouncing coins, and those coins gets bigger. Then you collect coins, and kill some more bad guys. After some time, you can spend those coins.

That's all I remember from that game, besides having lots of fun.

Anyone remember this one?

Thank you,
Someone had a question about one of those a while back. Those yellow cartridges were actually Famicom (Japanese NES) cartridges, and the system was a Famicom clone. I can't narrow the game down more than that, but just knowing what system it was really for might help.


New member
Nov 3, 2012
There was this game I remember from high school in 1998. It was like joust except you were rabbits and you had to jump on the other and they would blow up in red bloody chunks. Does anyone else remember this game and it's name. It was a very simple pc game.

Philipp Noderer

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Nov 3, 2012
I remember playing this game on windows vista. It was a game which was currently on vista. There were two castles, which you could grade up. You saw only one side and you were always playing on the left side of the screen. Can anyone remember the game?


New member
Nov 3, 2012
Batou667 said:
GmMstr said:
The second game I remember being very similar to Contra. It was two players, was a side-scroller and their weapons could be upgraded. They could also ride around in tanks for a bit, you could fire the tank and run enemies over with it. The only stage I remember distinctly is an air ship of some kind. After you defeat the boss of that stage, the ship then begins to self destruct and the players have a few minutes to escape (a timer begins a countdown). Everything turns red and flashing.
Metal Slug?
Definitely not Metal Slug. Love that game btw.


New member
Nov 4, 2012
I remeber an old playtion game, where you play a young boy (and way later on his sister),who where cast into a living nightmare by a joker like guy. Anyways the boy awakes to find his house falling apart at places, his sister transformed into a bird, and a garden of evil plants. Also you fight ghosts with a flashlight and if you stand on the parents bed you regain health. Also near the end the boy can change into a strange dino like thing(i think). I also remember that i played it somewhere in the 1990's. Also the first room you enter is the lving room(i think) and it has a gaping hole in the middle and if you step on the wrong part of the floor it breaks and you fall into a swirling blackhole like thing, and it's game over. the second room you can enter is the guest bedroom, and if you push over the mattress something happens. In the garden you can go down a well and avoid monstrous plants by pulling certain switches.
From the very beginning you can collect spiders that are crawling around everywhere throughout the game. At a certain part you come to a space like place, where there square blocks floating and they lead to some sort of metal platform(sort of like a spaceship.) If you step on the wrong one you fall and have to resart over, but i remeber that i figured out that you have to follow the spiders (when you aproch the block all your spiders spill from ya and onto the platforms.) The boy you play is called Max, i think. And before the main menue there's a opening scene in animation. It showed the two kids reading a fairytale book, i think, and a fairy like creature comes to them, and tries to warn them. But suddenly the joker like guy comes and takes her and turns everything into a nightmare. This has really been bothering me cause i remember it was a fun but challenging game, so does anyone know this game.

Joshua Clubb

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Nov 1, 2012
hello everyone ok i need help with a game i cant remember is it was for ps or ps2 but here are the detail of what i remember

its a game with mostly girls its has an old man in it that uses a gourd i believe hes called the drunken master its a fighting style game 2D one girl has pink hair and anther has green they both have markings on there heads and also they use magic im sure the green haired girl or a little kid is the final boss in this game and is a pain to kill because she has like magic rings she throws at u and such i hope this is enough details because i played this along time ago and thats all i can remember help if u can and thank u if u find it or just attempt it ^^


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Oct 13, 2009
slucki said:
My game was a click and point adventure..prolly for a windows 95-98. Everything starts in an island..The adventurer is a boy but he is not actually human..something close to an alien? but blue and cute one!. He live in an island where there is post, school, sorcerer house and even a habour. The people living there are not humans as well they are mostly animals. You can talk with them and so. Well, for some reason I remember that suddenly bad Aliens come into our island and attack it leaving it close to f**k up. I have to leave the island and take the ferry that will bring me to some kind of desert island that has been took it by the same aliens that took my island. There was as well in some part of the game when they bring me to their prison (the alien prison) and I have to scape from there and from their island without getting catch. I cannot really remember a lot more..there is something about his wife/gf too..i think she get kidnap by them but not sure about it. The graphic I would say they are close to the ones of "the curse of monkey island" but its a totally different game. I think this game I played between 1997 to 2001 so..long time ago! since by then I was like 7-10 years old and now im 23! hehe.
Sounds very much like Little Big Adventure 2: Twinsen's Odyssey.


New member
Nov 4, 2012
There are 2 games I'm trying really hard to remember. They were both point and click for the PC around 1995, but I only remember specific moments from them.

The first was a first person point and click game which played similar to Uninvited, with you clicking on points on the map of the room to go to other rooms, but it had no combat elements. It took place in a sort of mansion and its surrounding grounds and I recall that during the game you were collecting some sort of dollar bills.

Specific moments I remember: 1) you walk into a room with 2 vampire girls and if you try to leave, one of them is suddenly staring at you right in front of the screen, having killed you.
2) you talk to a hooded guy in a graveyard and if you say something to piss him off he is seen holding your heart in the next screen.

The second one is a third person point and click. Specific moments I remember:
1) It starts in a submarine (I think) where a monster appears which can turn into liquid and pass below the doors. In some point later in the game you have to set the submarine to explode and get out while the monster is coming for you.
2) You're in a hospital with another monster and you draw a symbol on the floor that prevents it from passing and traps it in the room while you look for a way to kill it.
3) You're being held captive and looking for a way to escape. I recall if you did something wrong there was a cutscene showing your execution by shooting.
4) At the very end of the game the antagonist is trying to kill you with magic (I think it sprouted roots from the ground to choke you). You had to repeatedly raise a magic sword in the air to protect yourself until his magic backfired.


New member
Oct 30, 2007
Buster said:
The second one is a third person point and click. Specific moments I remember:
1) It starts in a submarine (I think) where a monster appears which can turn into liquid and pass below the doors. In some point later in the game you have to set the submarine to explode and get out while the monster is coming for you.
2) You're in a hospital with another monster and you draw a symbol on the floor that prevents it from passing and traps it in the room while you look for a way to kill it.
3) You're being held captive and looking for a way to escape. I recall if you did something wrong there was a cutscene showing your execution by shooting.
4) At the very end of the game the antagonist is trying to kill you with magic (I think it sprouted roots from the ground to choke you). You had to repeatedly raise a magic sword in the air to protect yourself until his magic backfired.
That sounds a lot like Prisoner of Ice - the sequel to Shadow of the Comet.


New member
Nov 3, 2012
cloroxbb said:
Audro said:

just created this account to get help from you all :)

So this is old 90's game, that I used to play on my ZILITON console with yellow game cardridges:)
In this game, there's small asian guy, who shoots bad guys with some kind of energy rings, that comes from his forehead. Bad guys, when killed, are turned into gold coins. Then player can shoot bouncing coins, and those coins gets bigger. Then you collect coins, and kill some more bad guys. After some time, you can spend those coins.

That's all I remember from that game, besides having lots of fun.

Anyone remember this one?

Thank you,
Sounds like Milon's Secret Castle... kind of
Nope, not this one.

My game (at lest first scene) was more like "street and city" game. And maybe the guy is bald... At the beginning of the game, as I recall, the main character is on top of a moving truck or near the truck, and action is rolling.

Ricardo Mendes

New member
Nov 4, 2012
Hey guys! I've been trying to remember an pc oldie, an RPG. I used to play this with my sister, like 12-15 years ago, and it wasn't mine, it was a loan from a friend. Anyway, all i remember was that you could choose your class (warrior, wizard, rouge i think...) and you'd start allways in the same place, then proceed to the next area slashing and zappin' everything in your way. It was isometric, much like neverwinter nigths. 'cept you only had 1 character (at least in the first 2 areas, i never got past that :p). Another thing i remember, you had a miniature of your character in the bottom center of the screen, and it'd reflect what you were wearing. I remember that 'cuz i'd get some laugths off gettin' my characters in their underwear and see them running around. I'd really love to remember the name of the game, i've been trying to remember since 6-7 years ago :s

Joel Chandler

New member
Nov 4, 2012
There was a game where you had tiny colored creatures that you grew and they had different jobs. They looked plant like. Any

Joel Chandler

New member
Nov 4, 2012
There was a game where you had tiny colored creatures that you grew and they had different jobs. They looked plant like. Any

Joel Chandler

New member
Nov 4, 2012
There was a game where you had tiny colored creatures that you grew and they had different jobs. They looked plant like. Any