Old Games you remember playing but can't remember the name of.


New member
Nov 2, 2012
Does someone remember name of a racing game, where you play with small cars, it has upper view and you could collect things which make you faster, smaller, huge etc.. If you are huge you can run over other cars, if small they can run over you.. I remember it had some desert map, grand canyon map etc.. Im pretty sure it was PS1 game.. You can choose between different cars, one looked like f1 car..

It is bit similar to micro machines but with better graphics
it had cartoonish graphics


New member
Nov 3, 2012
cloroxbb said:
Audro said:
cloroxbb said:
Audro said:

just created this account to get help from you all :)

So this is old 90's game, that I used to play on my ZILITON console with yellow game cardridges:)
In this game, there's small asian guy, who shoots bad guys with some kind of energy rings, that comes from his forehead. Bad guys, when killed, are turned into gold coins. Then player can shoot bouncing coins, and those coins gets bigger. Then you collect coins, and kill some more bad guys. After some time, you can spend those coins.

That's all I remember from that game, besides having lots of fun.

Anyone remember this one?

Thank you,
Sounds like Milon's Secret Castle... kind of
Nope, not this one.

My game (at lest first scene) was more like "street and city" game. And maybe the guy is bald... At the beginning of the game, as I recall, the main character is on top of a moving truck or near the truck, and action is rolling.
Naaaah, not Karnov. This guy is shooting fireballs, and my guy was shooting yellow ring-like-things.


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Mar 28, 2008
Erick Olivares said:
Hello guys, looking at most of these posts makes me feel very old, since my question goes back waaaaay back to 1985/86 maybe 1987? who knows...

I remember growing up around greater Los Angeles area, there was a Liquor store by my house that had a coin-up arcade game which I played 24/7, if I can recall, it was next to another one of my favorites coin-up games from back in the days "Double Dragon". I wish to know the name of the game, Any suggestions will be highly appreciated.

The Theme: The game starts with a boy inside a class room, perhaps the setting takes place in a high school or junior high.
If I can remember correctly, the 1st stage goal is to get closer to the front door so that the boy could exit the class room and scape. He would move desk to desk knocking out all of his classmates one by one, one at a time. After exiting the room, I believe the second stage takes place in the hall way of the school, but that's all I can remember. It was a very difficult game, I was 8 years old back then.

Any suggestions will be highly appreciated, Thanks!
Sounds like Mikie


Pasha Kagan

New member
Aug 11, 2010
Hey guys!
I am looking for a game I played around 1998-1999. It was a puzzle-based sidescroller (meaning, you had to accomplish things, pull switches and so on) in which I played a robot. The robot was cylindrical and had the ability to shoot two horizontal strings (thus, making it travel from left to right) and to lengthen or shrink itself vertically: you could lengthen yourself to a good grappling point, shoot the string, keep it connected, shrink yourself and slide through tight holes.

Also, the robot was able to morph into a ball and shoot strings (making it able to swing across things just like in SpiderMan and Fury of the Furries.

Sounds familiar to anyone? :)


New member
Nov 4, 2012
I remember playing this one game at my grandmas house but cant for the life of me remember the name.

Ill try to explain it; you were moving as a bouncy ball with a smiley face on and you collected foods from various levels, there was for example walls that you could stick yourself onto, water tiles that you slided off of when in contact and stuff like that. The level selection screen had like 20~ levels where pretty much choose in what order you wanted to do em. When selected a level you pressed (space?) and you fell down the hole into the level.

I hope someone remembers this game, ive been googling a lot aswell but no dice.

Ill come back and explain more if needed.

I think the year was around 1998~ or something, the game is prolly a bit older.

Pasha Kagan

New member
Aug 11, 2010
himmii said:
I remember playing this one game at my grandmas house but cant for the life of me remember the name.

Ill try to explain it; you were moving as a bouncy ball with a smiley face on and you collected foods from various levels, there was for example walls that you could stick yourself onto, water tiles that you slided off of when in contact and stuff like that. The level selection screen had like 20~ levels where pretty much choose in what order you wanted to do em. When selected a level you pressed (space?) and you fell down the hole into the level.

I hope someone remembers this game, ive been googling a lot aswell but no dice.

Ill come back and explain more if needed.

I think the year was around 1998~ or something, the game is prolly a bit older.



New member
Nov 4, 2012
I think the game I am looking for was SNES but I could be wrong.

All I remember is that you played as a boy and there was a scene where you were in a mine cart that seemed to last forever. I want to say it was an rpg/strategy and was fantasy themed.


New member
Nov 4, 2012
Pasha Kagan said:
himmii said:
I remember playing this one game at my grandmas house but cant for the life of me remember the name.

Ill try to explain it; you were moving as a bouncy ball with a smiley face on and you collected foods from various levels, there was for example walls that you could stick yourself onto, water tiles that you slided off of when in contact and stuff like that. The level selection screen had like 20~ levels where pretty much choose in what order you wanted to do em. When selected a level you pressed (space?) and you fell down the hole into the level.

I hope someone remembers this game, ive been googling a lot aswell but no dice.

Ill come back and explain more if needed.

I think the year was around 1998~ or something, the game is prolly a bit older.

Holy shit, yeah, thats it.. Cheers man!


New member
Oct 30, 2012
Batou667 said:
s300 said:
Hello everyone.
Looking for a game which I played in the 90ies, at the times of Pentium 1 and Riva TNT graphics.
In concept, it was a Wipeout\Slipstream 5000 kind of game:
- racing with combat elements
- spacecraft\antigrav vehicles
- various weapons and upgrades
- partially closed (tunnel), partially open-space racetrack
- predominantly "dark" scenery, if I remember correctly, some tracks featured lava
That's all I can remember...
Looks similar, but unfortunately not it. There was a official-kind-of-looking race, and not inside a spaceship, but on various tracks, and not kinda space motorcycles, but more like small spaceships... Thanks for trying to help me, though, very much appreciated!

Patric Devereaux

New member
Nov 5, 2012
There's a game I remember from when my family had a windows computer(somewhere between Windows 95-2000). I don't remember much but it was a car racing game. It had this futuristic type look to it(for the time anyway). Definitely not Tron, the cars looked to realistic for that. I can't seem to find it anywhere. I know it isn't much to go on but I'm looking at somewhere between 1996 and 2002


New member
Oct 22, 2012
I'll re-post because I've been waiting and it never got an answer, and I'm really crazy to find that game's name... Sorry. ;/


Well, I'm looking for a game I played around 2000-2005.

The game is RTS, strategy game... Base building, graphics are a bit better than Red Alert 1 but not as good as Red Alert 2.

The game I got was a demo... I got it from a CD one of my cousins lent me, installed in my Pc and played. LOVED the game but it was demo.

What I remember from it is... Every time a mission started, the screen was black and white, showing my base and everything but black and white... Then it slowly recovered the colour. We could build tanks and such things. And whenever a building got damaged, we couldn't just "click and repair it", we needed a fire truck to repair it.

In the second mission of that game(demo, so in original game could be a different mission), I remember it started as usual, black and white, slowly gaining colour, and ALL of my buildings were on fire/damaged, and I had to send the fire trucks to repair the buildings before the next enemy attack. The mission starts with all of my buildinds already damaged.

I think I played 3 missions of that game before it asked me to buy. :p

Well, all I can remember. RTS, base building, tanks, fire trucks...

I hope somebody knows what game I'm talking about.

Thank you very much! ^^


New member
Nov 5, 2012
i have 3 games i've played before but can not remember the names,i know a little about what happened in them. heres game 1.-a detective goes to a school of some kind to find out who killed someone turns out its one of the students,oh she registers as a student. game 2.-this game is about a monster that is heard but no one has seen it so the person who gose to investigate it does her snooping and the little girls mom in it never comes out of her room she has a white curtain around her bed so no one can see her and she wont let any one in her room.thats it for this one. ok game 3.-ok this is kind of old,and i dont have much info. on this one sorry.you go in this old house and you have to go back and forth through mirrors i think to find someone is the purpose of it. i hope someone knows all 3 of these games,oh by the way they are pc games you download.thank you!


New member
Nov 5, 2012
miniruss said:
I have 2 games. Both are quite vague as its been a really long time since I've played them.

The first: You were a doctor(I think at least) and you crash landed on a planet. You're ship was broken so you went out to find parts for it. It was an adventure based game with puzzle elements in it. You would walk around, solve puzzles, if you failed you would get hurt and you couldn't die. Platform was Windows, probably mid 90's.

The second:You were a little wizard and you did quests and stuff and you could upgrade your wand. This one is really vague I know. Again it was Windows, mid 90's probably.

Both ran on a Windows 98 OS. Thank you.
Did you ever find out the name of the space ship adventure game? That sounds really familiar to the exact one I've been trying to look for, for years now.

Did it ever have a part in the game, where you have to walk through a multi-colored flower patch, and if you stepped on the wrong color you'd be tossed back to the start by a giant alien flower? There's also another part where you had these little green, bug/gremlin looking things, come at you in this deserted village area, I don't quite remember if they hurt you, or if they just annoyed you. That's all I remember from the game though...


New member
Nov 5, 2012
I need some help y'all. This game was from the early 90's, I remember playing in 93. It was a space combat sim and it was Arcade only and I played it at Pier 39 in San Francisco. All I remember was that up to 6 people could play co-op on one GIANT screen and the players were all in a dark room with curtains blocking the entry/exits. It reminded me of a bunch if x-wings attacking a star destroyer. Any help would be awesome. Thanks

Bobby Whitman

New member
Nov 6, 2012
Help me out here, guys. I'm looking for 2 different games. One from the late 80's and one from the mid 90's.

The game from the 90's is one I'd really like to play again. It was the first multi-player online FPS's I ever played. I played it on AOL and it was pay-to-play. If I remember correctly every one in the game was a caster with different magic abilities (lightning, fire, ice). I can't remember the name of it, but I really want to say it had something to do with MAGE. I loved this game and wish I could find it again.

The 80's game was played on an old Apple computer. I think it was called Mr. Fix-it. The basic idea was to take pipes of all different shapes, springs, walls, and other parts, put them in place so that when you dropped the ball, it reached it's goal.

Any ideas???

Martin German Lopez

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Nov 6, 2012
Krivoh Da said:
Hi! I'm looking for a game I play a few years ago (let's say 10 years ago aprox). It was a third-person about a kind of kinght arriving to an island. Has some adventure things, plataform, and action. I remember that under the ship you reach the island, was a Ron Bottle. I Also remember you count with a hand-crossbow and it turned to first-person view when you shot with it. Sorry for my english, I'm from Argentina.

Thanks in advance!
Anyone? I'm looking for this game too...


New member
Nov 6, 2012
I'm looking for a game I used to play in the early-mid 90s on the PC, I don't remember the name obviously but it was a kind of fantasy FPS exploring a haunted house or something with zombies, mummies and witches, that kind of thing.
Used to give me nightmares apparently cause it was fairly scary, but I don't remember the name, can anyone help?


New member
Nov 6, 2012
Hi! I recently remembered a game I played about 10-12 years ago. It was a text-based adventure game :) the main character was a girl, waking up on a seashore and not remembering anything about her past. She sets off on a path through a forest and finally reaches a hut or something similar. She has to start a fire, and do all kinds of things in and around the hut to finally discover who she is. There is a kind of optional storyline involving a sick animal she finds under a bush. The animal is sick because it ate some poisonous plants, and the main character is able to cure it with some concoction she prepares. I remember I enjoyed the story very much, even if at first I was very skeptical about text-based games. I hope someone recognizes the game, because it would be fun to revisit it! Thanks!