Old Games you remember playing but can't remember the name of.


New member
Nov 6, 2012
2 (dinosaurs I think, cartoonish)
1 was violet and another was green.
They have hammers.

The stages mostly goes up.
You need to follow along.
Fail to do so and your characters die.

To kill enemy you need to smash the floor,
the enemies run into it, get stuck,
and then you smash their heads.

The floors are like lines of boxes from one end to the other.
Then it has ladder leading to the floor (lines of boxes above).

I'm pretty sure it was on Sega Genesis. If not maybe SNES.


Zulfikar Salman

New member
Nov 6, 2012
Hi! I really need help finding the name of a game i played a couple of years ago (ps2 game i think)!

Its about a boy who is searching for his mother, the demo-release was a couple of years ago and if you died you had to start over again. I remember that you where in a town at first, but after playing a bit you hoped on a train and it took you to the forest. I think the name has "Heaven" in it or something. pleaase helP!


New member
Oct 26, 2012
s300 said:
Batou667 said:
s300 said:
Hello everyone.
Looking for a game which I played in the 90ies, at the times of Pentium 1 and Riva TNT graphics.
In concept, it was a Wipeout\Slipstream 5000 kind of game:
- racing with combat elements
- spacecraft\antigrav vehicles
- various weapons and upgrades
- partially closed (tunnel), partially open-space racetrack
- predominantly "dark" scenery, if I remember correctly, some tracks featured lava
That's all I can remember...
Looks similar, but unfortunately not it. There was a official-kind-of-looking race, and not inside a spaceship, but on various tracks, and not kinda space motorcycles, buat more like small spaceships... Thanks for trying to help me, though, very much appreciated!
I remember this game your talking about.. it was one of the early games I remember playing on LAN. I want to say the name was something similair to poison...sorry I can't remember exactly.

Tristan Wellens

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Nov 7, 2012
Ok so theres a pre 2000 pc game im looking for, its a mech style game, not mechwarrior, not mech commander, not earth 2150, not starcraft, but along those lines, ive been looking for ages, i remember one part you genetically enhance pilots, not much help but maybe if someone can name drop a few i can look them up? pretty sure it was only a 1-disc game, around the time of age of empires i think

Jason Rayes

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Sep 5, 2012
Tristan Wellens said:
Ok so theres a pre 2000 pc game im looking for, its a mech style game, not mechwarrior, not mech commander, not earth 2150, not starcraft, but along those lines, ive been looking for ages, i remember one part you genetically enhance pilots, not much help but maybe if someone can name drop a few i can look them up? pretty sure it was only a 1-disc game, around the time of age of empires i think
Ok if it was a turn based strategy game it sounds like Missionforce: Cyberstorm where all your pilots are genetically engineered.

Note the freaky looking pilot in the screenshot:


Fun Fact: This was a spin off of Starsiege, the mech series that eventually spawned the multiplayer FPS Tribes.


New member
Apr 7, 2012
Alright, I've got a game that was on one of the numerous 101 games for windows 95 CDs.

It's a top-down scrolling space shooter, and you travel through a (the?) galaxy, towards the sun as the final level.

The name may have started with S, had 1 or 2 words, and I vaguely remember DX or XS or X-something as part of it too.

Anyone have any clue?


New member
Nov 7, 2012
Please help me with this. I am trying to remember the names of two games. The first one is a priority.

1. I remember playing this game on a PC in or around the year 2000. It was a piloting game with a futuristic setting. You were the pilot of some sort of VTOL craft and the map was medium size. You could shoot at cars and enemies but also do some maneuvering tests. You could change the views from cockpit to outside etc. I remember in the center of the map there was a big round road protected by a wall with plenty of cars on it. The whole theme of the game was pretty dark and it was always night. The floors and the walls were all made of big grey panels. That is all I can remember.

2. I cannot remember much about this one. It was a racing game. You raced little trucks and 4x4s through canyons. I also played it in or around 2000. Honestly this is all I can remember.

Any help is appreciated. Thank you in advance because I've been trying to track these games down for a pretty long time :) .

Dario Grech

New member
Nov 7, 2012
Umm, I remember this game I played (it was on Windows) at my older cousin's house this one time when I was really young, I have no idea when it was although I do know it's definately between 1999-2005 for a fact. The only thing I remember from the game is that it was a first person RPG/Adventure type of game had those old graphics similar to (Maybe slightly better than) Elder Scrolls II Daggerfall, it was open world I believe, if you attacked a friendly villager or guard or whatever, then the whole village would try to kill you, there were swords bows and magic and the last thing I remember is that when you enter this portal or something, then you would end up in an area full of dragons and I died nearly instantly with their fire attacks. I barely played that game for a while and I only have a few glimpses of it, can anyone tell me which game it is? Does anyone recognize it?
I really hope you can help, thanks :)


New member
Nov 7, 2012
There was a game for dreamcast (I believe) about fighters who collected crystals (or jewels) and if memory serves me right you either won the game or powered up. I used to play crazy taxi on this so I think it was dreamcast definitely. I would appreciate if anyone remembers the name of the game. Thank you in advance.


New member
Nov 7, 2012
cloroxbb said:
Tunafishpro said:
There was a game for dreamcast (I believe) about fighters who collected crystals (or jewels) and if memory serves me right you either won the game or powered up. I used to play crazy taxi on this so I think it was dreamcast definitely. I would appreciate if anyone remembers the name of the game. Thank you in advance.

You can get powerstone on PSP now (or Vita).
YES!! Thank you so much!!! I've been trying to remember the name of it for years!

Bobby Whitman

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Nov 6, 2012
Bobby Whitman said:
Help me out here, guys. I'm looking for 2 different games. One from the late 80's and one from the mid 90's.

The game from the 90's is one I'd really like to play again. It was the first multi-player online FPS's I ever played. I played it on AOL and it was pay-to-play. If I remember correctly every one in the game was a caster with different magic abilities (lightning, fire, ice). I can't remember the name of it, but I really want to say it had something to do with MAGE. I loved this game and wish I could find it again.

The 80's game was played on an old Apple computer. I think it was called Mr. Fix-it. The basic idea was to take pipes of all different shapes, springs, walls, and other parts, put them in place so that when you dropped the ball, it reached it's goal.

Any ideas???
I've been putting a lot of thought into the AOL game. It was similar to the game Heretic, but multi-player. Also, I believe you could have 3 different teams per match.


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Dec 9, 2009
FlyAwayAutumn said:
Well I remember all my games mostly because I still have them so I can look on that rack right behind me and see what I forgot.

I can not for the life of me remember this one japanese movie though, it was about these kids who had to kill eachother on an island so that they could survive.
Battle Royale. It's on Netflix, and one of my absolutely favorite movies of all time.


New member
Nov 3, 2012
I remember playing a game on DOS back in high school. It was an rpg, but all I can remember is going from town to town. In between going place to place, you rode a horse jumping over fences and hay bales to get to the town. Once you got to the town you also had the option to go underneath into the sewer. Another thing also that might help is you could fight in the town's Gladiator Pit against monster's. The more monster's you defeated, the higher the creature rank. Any help would be appreciated on this.

Anyone know the name of this game?


New member
Oct 13, 2009
Dario Grech said:
Umm, I remember this game I played (it was on Windows) at my older cousin's house this one time when I was really young, I have no idea when it was although I do know it's definately between 1999-2005 for a fact. The only thing I remember from the game is that it was a first person RPG/Adventure type of game had those old graphics similar to (Maybe slightly better than) Elder Scrolls II Daggerfall, it was open world I believe, if you attacked a friendly villager or guard or whatever, then the whole village would try to kill you, there were swords bows and magic and the last thing I remember is that when you enter this portal or something, then you would end up in an area full of dragons and I died nearly instantly with their fire attacks. I barely played that game for a while and I only have a few glimpses of it, can anyone tell me which game it is? Does anyone recognize it?
I'm gonna guess Might and Magic 6: The Mandate of Heaven.

Justin Be

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Nov 8, 2012
I have been looking for a game i played on the pc in the 2002- 2004 on time frame it was a multiplayer turn based artillery game based in space you could get better and better weapons and you shot planet to planet with gravity affecting your shot


New member
Oct 30, 2012
Justin Be said:
I have been looking for a game i played on the pc in the 2002- 2004 on time frame it was a multiplayer turn based artillery game based in space you could get better and better weapons and you shot planet to planet with gravity affecting your shot
Was it 2d?
I 'm not sure what you mean by "space", but "Scorched Earth" featured some celestial backgrounds, and various terrains that might be described as various planets...


New member
Jul 22, 2012
Still haven't found the game I'm looking for, so I'm trying again: I don't know if it was a download-file or a CD, but it was on Windows 95. You played as a little red creature with big yellow eyes (When I played it, it always reminded me of those momeraths from "Alice in Wonderland": http://www.alice-in-wonderland.net/alicepic/disney-movie/momeraths-2.jpg )... I think that creature wore a light blue hat / cap; similar to a nightcap, I think... That creature had to pass an easy maze-like level and collect some things (for extra points...but I don't even remember what those things were) on the way to the goal. It was 2D and rather comic style-ish. Yeah, that's it.... As I said, not much information at all, but I hope someone here knows what I'm talking about (-;

Beata Herczeg

New member
Nov 8, 2012
Hi! I remember playing a pc game, probably on windows 95, where you had to take care of plants. Water them, look aftter them. All the plants had faces, could sing or say something in English. Time period probably('93-'99)I was around 6 when I firs played it.You had 3 different gardens, and in every area you had some interactive animation, in one place if you clicked the river you saw a canoeing guy being chased by a shark. You had a marketplace where you could sell your grown things. You even had a timer thing which you could set on turtle mode or rabbit mode depending on your time you had for playing the game. I really would like to find out the name of the game, and have some nostalgic moment with it. Thanks for the help in advance

Omnya El Bakry

New member
Nov 8, 2012
there was this pc game where you played as a boy walking on a mountain cliff or something and creepy shadows come after you and hug you and you have to shake them away..you then get a gun to kill them but they are sooo many..at one point you get seeds that you can grow into trees to use to climb and at another part where you walk next to a wall with holes and sometimes ugly worms come out and snatch you...what 's it called????????????