Old Games you remember playing but can't remember the name of.

Lindsey McBride

New member
Nov 8, 2012
Hi. I'm looking for a game, and have been looking for days, that I played in the early 2000's. What I remember from the game is that it was on an old desktop computer, and it involved a little car (maybe blue) and you had to jump over little red (or purple) little bricks or bubbles. I can't remember the name of the game for my life and I really want to find it again. Thanks for your help.

Wade Bolinger

New member
Nov 8, 2012
Saw my friend play this around 97. You're flying in this spaceship when you get kidnapped by a super being that can travel back and forth through time who wants you to build a weapon for him to defeat someone. The problem is, the weapon doesn't exist, and the people who can build it don't exist either. You create three alien races, helping them at key periods of their development inorder to advance them enough to provide components to build them weapon. Any ideas?

Josh Woodzell

New member
Nov 8, 2012
I know if anyone can help me find this game, you guys can. It was for either Windows 3.1, Windows 95 or 98. Bare with me, I don't have a lot of details.

It was a Missile Command variant. In between levels, there was a shop where you could buy upgrades, and when you bought something, it used an unlicensed clip of Ned Flanders saying "Okely-dokely-doo!". There was also an intermittent mini-game where you played as a mushroom and had to grab falling money.

Please, I hope someone remembers this.

Josh Woodzell

New member
Nov 8, 2012
I know if anyone can help me find this game, you guys can. It was for either Windows 3.1, Windows 95 or 98. Bare with me, I don't have a lot of details.

It was a Missile Command variant. In between levels, there was a shop where you could buy upgrades, and when you bought something, it used an unlicensed clip of Ned Flanders saying "Okely-dokely-doo!". There was also an intermittent mini-game where you played as a mushroom and had to grab falling money.

Please, I hope someone remembers this.

Moachim Joe

New member
Nov 8, 2012
I really hope you guys can help, I've been looking all over for this game.
I don't have that much info though, I know it was a first person game most of the time. You could play various games within the game, I remember there being racing, labyrinths and lots of other games I think. I played this game on a Windows 95 if I'm correct, and I had to use one of those old fashioned disks. It was probably from around the 90's. The game also had a dark background and you could of course choose between the games you wanted to play.

EDIT: It was played on a floppy disk!

Josh Woodzell

New member
Nov 8, 2012
Omnya El Bakry said:
there was this pc game where you played as a boy walking on a mountain cliff or something and creepy shadows come after you and hug you and you have to shake them away..you then get a gun to kill them but they are sooo many..at one point you get seeds that you can grow into trees to use to climb and at another part where you walk next to a wall with holes and sometimes ugly worms come out and snatch you...what 's it called????????????
Heart of Darkness?


New member
Nov 8, 2012
Hi! So, I've been looking wondering about and looking for a game for years, it's a game I played with my best friend when we were kids. He doesn't remember it's name either so I thought I'd ask here. Unfortunately I don't have much to tell about it since it happened a long time ago and i was just a little kid enjoying a game anyway:

It was a PS or PS2 game (PS2 I think) probably 5-10 years old now. In it you controlled one of two (might have been three) human, or very humanlike characters, it was somekind of rpg/adventure game, happened in a city, very gray and gloomy. There were some kind of fights in the game, and then you were able to buy new special moves such as different kicks and punches and stuff for your character. I remember one fighting scene being somekind of a bar, or otherwise pretty open room (still gloomy and not very colorful), and another one in the pretty early stages being in or near a tram or something like that.

Dunno if it's possible to find the game with such bad help but I'm hoping for the best!


New member
Nov 9, 2012
I've been trying to remember this game for about 9 years now.
Can't quite say if it was sega or sega genesis. >.>

This is kind of vague but i appreciate all input.

Side scroller
Little blue wizard, like really small, kind of like the old blue mage from FF but with a hood and more sprity. i think you can see some gray/white beard.
pretty much a platformer, jump around collect potions and if memory serves me correctly you would shoot fireballs at monsters from a staff.
I think it was two player. THINK.
Man this is really vague i really appreciate any and all input.
My memory is butt lol.

Thank you!

Jason Rayes

New member
Sep 5, 2012
peepus115 said:
I remember playing a game on DOS back in high school. It was an rpg, but all I can remember is going from town to town. In between going place to place, you rode a horse jumping over fences and hay bales to get to the town. Once you got to the town you also had the option to go underneath into the sewer. Another thing also that might help is you could fight in the town's Gladiator Pit against monster's. The more monster's you defeated, the higher the creature rank. Any help would be appreciated on this.

Anyone know the name of this game?
Sounds like Hillsfar a kind of RPG lite using the D'n'D rules. It was by SSI who did the more hardcore "Goldbox" D'n'D games.

Here are some screenshots:

It's the horse riding bit that gave it away:


New member
Oct 13, 2009
Wade Bolinger said:
Saw my friend play this around 97. You're flying in this spaceship when you get kidnapped by a super being that can travel back and forth through time who wants you to build a weapon for him to defeat someone. The problem is, the weapon doesn't exist, and the people who can build it don't exist either. You create three alien races, helping them at key periods of their development inorder to advance them enough to provide components to build them weapon. Any ideas?
That has to be Millennia: Altered Destinies.


New member
Sep 13, 2011
Alright this one is pretty obscure but trying to remember this game is driving me nuts.

It probably came out mid to early 90's. It was an adventure game in the style of Zork: Grand Inquisitor, with a 3D point and click interface.

The Game's plot, as much as I can remember anyway, centered around ghosts. There was a main mansion and several alternate dreamscapes that represented the ghost you needed to put to rest. There was one involving bees, another with ice slides, one in black and white where you controlled the level with a radio...

I remember my mom played it when I was really little but I can't find anything that might clue me in as to what it was called.

Keke Ann

New member
Nov 9, 2012
Its been driving me crazy. I only ever played it once for a few hourw, but the game left a major impact. So much so that I remember the beginning almost perfectly. Unfortunately Icant even remember what console it was.

You start in a seaside town with your friend who happens to be a prince. He's about to go on a quest/journey and you're going with him. Something is said and the main character winds up going to a fortuneteller before leaving. At the fortuneteller's you give your character his name and a bit of information. He warns you of coming hardships and you leave.

After the ship leaves port, a storm hits and you are forced to stop in a island/ rock thingy. Your ambushed and a small tutorial like battle begins. In the end you win and both you and the prince are talking. One of the enemies are still alive and shots an arrow at the prince. You push him out of the way and fall off the cliff into the stormy sea.

You awaken in a bed with a girl attending you. She believed a mermaid saved you from the storm. Some more talking and a bit of traveling and you meet back up with the prince by chance.


New member
Apr 17, 2009
There was this one game for the Genesis. Looked very dragon ball like, had players riding on a nimbus, kind of a shmup. Collecting coins if I remember and there were beans which restored health if I remember correctly. Maybe it was a sega channel exclusive, I don't know. Can't find it anywhere.

Irmantas Deinys

New member
Nov 9, 2012
I'm trying to remember a game where the main characters are two fishes.The first one was fat and orange,the otherone was small and green.There were five parts I think...

Irmantas Deinys

New member
Nov 9, 2012
There are two games I want to find-

1.The main characters were two fishes one of the was fat and orange,the other one was small and green.There are five parts I think... graphicks are quite good as I remember.

2.The main character was a troll it's an adventure tipe game.The game name was KUZE but when I type this name on google,it pops out an anime game or a movie...


New member
Oct 30, 2007
Raine_sage said:
The Game's plot, as much as I can remember anyway, centered around ghosts. There was a main mansion and several alternate dreamscapes that represented the ghost you needed to put to rest. There was one involving bees, another with ice slides, one in black and white where you controlled the level with a radio...
That might be Amber: Journeys Beyond.


New member
Nov 9, 2012
Lou201090 said:
Just wondering if anyone can help me.. Trying to remember and find a game i can vaigly remember.

All i can remember is it was for the ps1 and it was about early 90's/mid 90's i played it.

It was a game about either a wizard or magician medieval thing and i can only remember one scene from it thatwas of the wizard thing waking up in bed and something to do with potions or something?? Cant really remember much :(
i believe the first game is super smash tv for the snes.
Aeshi said:
Two games I'm trying to remember:

1. A top-down (or isometric) shooter where you play as 1 (or 2) people who've entered this sort of maze/arena thing to kill loads of goons/robots for money.

2. It's a top-down game where you play as a ship in an asteroid field and you have to gather crystals and kill worker ships who are trying to build some sort of Death Star robot.
1. sounds like Super smash tv for the snes


New member
Nov 9, 2012
Hey Guys, I ran across this thread searching for two old games I was looking for. I saw them mentioned but couldn't find the post about them. They were old pc games from the mid 90's that I played in school. I wanted to find them for my son to play. He's right about that age now.

The first one was a math maze game where you had to lead a mouse around the maze and solve math problems to open up the blue/red/invisable blocked path doors. Your cursor was cheese and later on there was a horse and the cursor was a carrot. Each time you finished a level of mazes you added something to the throne room, like a lion on a throne, crown, books, gold piles, etc. I found it a year or so ago but I've forgotten.

The second was, I think, a spelling game, where you were a rabbit. There were different parts to the game like fishing,, something to do with a carrot garden, and mostly I remember mining. The rabbit was in a mine and there was a pickaxe and cart and when you completed part of the game he would hack off one of the crystals and it would fall into your cart. You had to collect and increasing number and the crystals were different colors the further you got along.

I've been looking for a long time for these so if anyone knows the names I would really appreciate it. Thanks.


New member
Nov 9, 2012
I have a game for the playstation one.
It was an adventure game.
It was cool.
It had you walking in a city of clouds.
It will be pretty hard to figure this out, But i dont know what it is.
Please help me.