Old Games you remember playing but can't remember the name of.

Pomolo Pomolos

New member
Nov 10, 2012
I can't remember the name of an arcade game i used to play as a kid with my father.
There was a blue man and a red man.
Had a series of "sports" where the purpose was to collect coins(?)or something and you had to move your joystick along a rail to move the player right or left. Because the rail was common for both players you could push your opponent's joystick with yours and change his hero position or defend your position so that you wont lose.


New member
Nov 10, 2012
I need help remembering the name of a Windows 93 game i used to play WAY back in the day. All i really remember is: You play as a man in overalls and you fix things, there are these slime balls that cover and kill you, There were lasers you had to dodge at some point, there was a helicopter, and you move by using the arrow keys. if anyone could help me, I'd be EXTREMELY thankful! =D

Blood Brain Barrier

New member
Nov 21, 2011
There was an old console game I can't remember. I think it was either Genesis or SNES. You played as a kid with a sword, sort of like Zelda but the view was isometric. It was like a platformer and involved lots of jumping from moving platforms. The story I can't remember but involved the typical adventurey stuff with treasures and villians, etc.

I'd love to know what it was because I never got the chance to finish it.
Nov 10, 2012
got very vogue memory of this PC game and it is not in order but here is my description:
single player PC GAME. You are dude fighting through bunch of monsters and you got spirit shaped helpers, swords,guns and defense(not sure about defense but there was a 3ed type of spirits for sure) and basically you can summon them to help you while you fight with a sword they will automatically find nearest enemy and fight and you can switch between those 3, swords are for melee, guns are for range and i THINK def spirits were to protect from certain inc attacks. By killing mobs you fill up a bar that lets you use special moves with spirits, each spirit had it`s unique move ofc, and at the end of a mission you get EXP and statistic look and you spend that EXP to certain spirits [swords,guns,defense(again not sure if it was defense sorry)] and you choose if you want them to be more stronger,faster or get new moves. However if you use during your mission let`s say only sword spirits you get exp only on them to spend, so you cant spend on range if you barely used range. ONE VERY IMPORTANT UPGRADE: costed the most exp but you get extra sword/gun. for example you start with only 1 or 2 swords in first mission and when you get enough exp you can buy best upgrade which is to get another sword. Same applies for guns. It was pretty long game and at the end you fight a dude who can fly and is pretty hard to defeat. As far as mobs goes they are monsters from other dimension like, ground, big (like big orcs with clubs with insane defense and hp),flying(only guns can shoot them, sword ghosts/spirit dont even atk them) etc and you need to keep killing till they stop summoning so you can move on on the road to finish the mission.

If you got any idea of what this game might be please write it so i can check thegameplay on youtube of that game and see if it is that one or not.

additional info: i guess you can put it in action and fantasy game. This might be wrong info but i think it is game FROM 2000 year not before that but if you got any game based on what i described and it is before 2000 please post it :)

p.s. those "spirits" that help you also got hp and def, so you need to be careful for them not to die that is why there is switch command between spirits, also you can spend exp to up their HP/def


New member
Nov 10, 2012
Hello everyone!
Could please help me find an old PC game. I've benn playing it... well, probably more than 10 years ago, I don't remember exactly.

The main protagonist was either a girl or a guy, you could choose. The girl was blonde, had a ponytail, she was dressed is something red and blue trousers and had a slightly strange gait.

You were playing on a map. you press somewhere on a map, and protagonist moved there, but something like energy was needed for that. When you did a certain number of actions, energy has ended and you needed to sleep to restore it. You had to sleep in the hotel. Otherwise, if you failed to get to the hotel in time, you slept on the street and in this case you could have been robbed by a thief - he looked something like a shadow on the map.

Map itself was 2D, but with 3D objects on it - like the hotel, metro, something else. At night the map became blue.

The aim was to earn money through completion of tasks.
Some tasks included puzzles from famous paintings and matching paintings with their names. I remember one painting from the game - Bedroom in Arles by Van Gogh.

Maybe you were playing as a journalist, but I'm not sure.

Thank you!


New member
Nov 10, 2012
Hi there dudes.
I have been struggling with this for 2 years now or so. I played the game as a kid about 10 years ago in a computer cafe or whatever. It was a 3rd person game. The protagonist was a robot or maybe a mech and i remember that he contacted this chick in the sewers. He appears to be a part of a rebel organization. I remember her calling the robot "chen" or "shen" or something. You basically had 3 ammo types if I remember correctly, one of them is like bullets, the other like acid and the 3rd is rockets for the shoulder mounted launcher. You basically switched your previous weapons. I remember that this robot dude was running through a sewer in the intro. The main objective in the first level was to beat the crap out of a beefy evil robot dude and blow the hell up something like a power plant on a bridge. I also remember another boss fight scene (because i struggled a lot with the boss). You just took the self guiding missiles and enter a big room. Then this weird robot appears in a tunnel, sees you and starts flying towards you. The "rebel" chick says "this is impossible" and then shuts the door leading towards you, but the mechanic bastard breaks it and enters the room. Then the fight begins and the room starts filling with acid or something. You basically need to shoot at his ugly face and run up a spiral to avoid drowning. Another boss fight I remember is on a rooftop. There are 4 skyscrapers and a boss who i think splits in 2 insect like robot freaks. In the progress you jump around the buildings and at a certain point he just destroys one of them as a platform leaving you with 3. That goes on until he dies or u run out of buildings. I remember 2 really cool weapons that fired bullets or whatever. One was a gatling gun (reddish?) that fired 6 rounds per mouse click, and the other was a huge bazooka like gun which was really slow and fired 10 ammo per shot I think...
I have searched google thousands of times for it in every different way I could imagine and yet I found nothing... Please help! Thanks for your time!


New member
Nov 10, 2012
Hi there dudes.
I have been struggling with this for 2 years now or so. I played the game as a kid about 10 years ago in a computer cafe or whatever. It was a 3rd person game. The protagonist was a robot or maybe a mech and i remember that he contacted this chick in the sewers. He appears to be a part of a rebel organization. I remember her calling the robot "chen" or "shen" or something. You basically had 3 ammo types if I remember correctly, one of them is like bullets, the other like acid and the 3rd is rockets for the shoulder mounted launcher. You basically switched your previous weapons. I remember that this robot dude was running through a sewer in the intro. The main objective in the first level was to beat the crap out of a beefy evil robot dude and blow the hell up something like a power plant on a bridge. I also remember another boss fight scene (because i struggled a lot with the boss). You just took the self guiding missiles and enter a big room. Then this weird robot appears in a tunnel, sees you and starts flying towards you. The "rebel" chick says "this is impossible" and then shuts the door leading towards you, but the mechanic bastard breaks it and enters the room. Then the fight begins and the room starts filling with acid or something. You basically need to shoot at his ugly face and run up a spiral to avoid drowning. Another boss fight I remember is on a rooftop. There are 4 skyscrapers and a boss who i think splits in 2 insect like robot freaks. In the progress you jump around the buildings and at a certain point he just destroys one of them as a platform leaving you with 3. That goes on until he dies or u run out of buildings. I remember 2 really cool weapons that fired bullets or whatever. One was a gatling gun (reddish?) that fired 6 rounds per mouse click, and the other was a huge bazooka like gun which was really slow and fired 10 ammo per shot I think...
I have searched google thousands of times for it in every different way I could imagine and yet I found nothing... Please help! Thanks for your time!

Oli Jonasson

New member
Nov 10, 2012
Hello fellow gamers, i have a long lost game i played as a kid!
Im quite sure it was a Hugo game but i can't seem to find any trace of it, i remember that you had to get somewhere, and i believe it was a picnick. You ran through the forest dodging tree trunks and bushes from a view behind Hugo, and inbetween runs you did small minigames like domino and stuff like that. This is just a weak image in the back of my head and im really wanting to find this game!

Thx in advance!

Edward Hansen

New member
Sep 25, 2010
Trying to remember a game from the early 2000'
You are a WW2 pilot who gets shot down, but before your plane goes down you pass through a time rift and find yourself in a prehistoric time, with cavemen and dinosaurs.
It plays like "Heart of Darkness" an Action Side-Scroller Adventure, with puzzles. I remember I was playing it on the PC.

Jordan Rohatynski

New member
Nov 11, 2012
I have been looking for this game for a few years now. The only time i played it was in 2001/2002, and it was for either ps2/ps1/original xbox. It is a turn based strategy game with fantasy elements in it. You could buy soldiers (such as knights), but you could also buy undead creatures to join your army (such as ghosts and skeletons). The combat was on a grid and was 3-d, but outside of the battles it was sort of a top-down view with only your main character. I don't know much about the story since I only played a couple of the battles at a friend's house.

Blood Brain Barrier

New member
Nov 21, 2011
cloroxbb said:
Blood Brain Barrier said:
There was an old console game I can't remember. I think it was either Genesis or SNES. You played as a kid with a sword, sort of like Zelda but the view was isometric. It was like a platformer and involved lots of jumping from moving platforms. The story I can't remember but involved the typical adventurey stuff with treasures and villians, etc.

I'd love to know what it was because I never got the chance to finish it.
Maybe "Equinox?"
Landstalker! That's the one. I loved that game. I'll have to see if i can find it again.



New member
Nov 11, 2012
please help!! i ve been searching whitout result for 2 weeks now. is an adventure game for pc 2002-2007 with a girl who goes to a school of magicians (the school is in a castel) who had dissaperad without a trace an she has to find out why. she travels in the castle trough some portals or mirrors i dont remember exactly. the game has good graphics similar to syberia and starts with the girl in a forest speaking to a man, a gipsy i think..


New member
Nov 11, 2012
please help!! i ve been searching whitout result for 2 weeks now. is an adventure game for pc 2002-2007 with a girl who goes to a school of magicians (the school is in a castel) who had dissaperad without a trace an she has to find out why. she travels in the castle trough some portals or mirrors i dont remember exactly. the game has good graphics similar to syberia and starts with the girl in a forest speaking to a man, a gipsy i think..


New member
Nov 11, 2012
Well i don't remeber very well about this game since it was like 10 years ago, but what i remember is the game picture, i guess there were 2 kids (brothers maybe) looking under a bead with a surprising/scaried face and the game started in a graveyard, or at least the demo did, you had to kill some zombies and get something i can't remember really well. It was kinda childish the graphics if i remmember correctly


New member
Aug 31, 2009
I need some help here please: There are a couple of games which I would really love to get my hands back on.

The first is a game on the Sega Genesis. It was a first-person shooter which starts out by choosing one of...a few people. Each character has a special weapon but after that they can pick up and use every other weapon in the game...I think. I made it to some level or other where I was eventually insta-killed by something I couldn't see...maybe snipers.

The second game was (I believe) a PC exclusive. It was a third person game and I remember action but it very well could have been a puzzler. You start out in pre-historic times and each level is another time period. I remember the game progression being largely 'start on Left go to Right' kind of thing. You pick up time-specific weapons and I remember you keeping them as you go to the future.


Q1. Zero Tolerance
Q2. Time Commando

Thank you guy for helping me out! My amazon wish list grows...oh how it grows...I'm actually kind of surprised how cheap those games were...then I saw the one on Continue? and the other on another random Let's Play and it was made painfully, painfully obvious...


New member
Nov 11, 2012
I am trying to find this game, where you are a dog, you can travel from city to city and do missions, find bones and dig holes, also you had like this Smelling vision where you could follow smells. A funny thing is that you could pop and the pick it up.
Anyone has an idea?


New member
Oct 17, 2012
Sanat said:
Alright, I've got a game that was on one of the numerous 101 games for windows 95 CDs.

It's a top-down scrolling space shooter, and you travel through a (the?) galaxy, towards the sun as the final level.

The name may have started with S, had 1 or 2 words, and I vaguely remember DX or XS or X-something as part of it too.

Anyone have any clue?

I really do believe this is Gyruss.

There's a couple different versions of it and it started off as an arcade machine.


New member
Oct 13, 2009
adhy101x said:
please help!! i ve been searching whitout result for 2 weeks now. is an adventure game for pc 2002-2007 with a girl who goes to a school of magicians (the school is in a castel) who had dissaperad without a trace an she has to find out why. she travels in the castle trough some portals or mirrors i dont remember exactly. the game has good graphics similar to syberia and starts with the girl in a forest speaking to a man, a gipsy i think..
Could be Keepsake.


New member
Nov 11, 2012
Hey there here's my game.

I played it on Windows XP
Simple (toy) car game with four players/cars (red,blue,green,yellow) and one of the players was "glowing" and the others
had to catch the glowing by hitting the opponents car. And you won if you would glow for like 30 seconds or so.
The map/race track was totally simple, only little hills that made you bump but no great texture or something.
You could play together with friends on the same keyboard and the screen would split.

Played it around 2004 - 2007 or something like that.
I got it from a CD of a german gaming magazine.

Hope you guys 'll know anything.