Old Games you remember playing but can't remember the name of.

Augustin Tilosanec

New member
Nov 11, 2012
Hello everybody ... :D
I play games with my friend which we played when we were younger (he is 16,i am 13)
I remembered one game : you start of in a bar fighting..then you get out and hop on the motocycle and drive straight foward and bad guys on motocycles are chasing you,i remember you had guns... on one part you come to water and a helichopter comes and guy tosses granades on you
it is a game from somewhere 1999-2007 im sure of that pls i reply fast ... (btw im from Croatia so sorry if i mispelt something) Tnx :DD

Jordan Phillips

New member
Nov 12, 2012
There is a playstation 2 game that i used to play but i really cant remember it. On the fron cover of the game was a little boy running away from a bear, and on the game you have to retrieve spring shoes and stuff like that and you have to trap bear please tell me what it is.

Jordan Phillips

New member
Nov 12, 2012
There is a playstation 2 game that i used to play but i really cant remember it. On the fron cover of the game was a little boy running away from a bear, and on the game you have to retrieve spring shoes and stuff like that and you have to trap bear please tell me what it is.

Sandhya Piratla

New member
Nov 12, 2012
hi. Im trying to find a game that i played about 7-8 years ago. Its a PC game and it was very popular in my school and i want to show it to my little cousins. basiacally, it starts of with someone having to solve clues and brea into a safe to get a key or something. the second level is like an egyptian level where you do heiroglyph patterns and after doing all the rounds you get a cd. you put the cd into a cd player and then match the animal sound to the correct animal. anyways i cant remember the rest till the end where you chase a monster up a wall or something. i think it has smething to do with scooby doo. Thank you whoever replies to this post


New member
Nov 12, 2012
Jordan Rohatynski said:
I have been looking for this game for a few years now. The only time i played it was in 2001/2002, and it was for either ps2/ps1/original xbox. It is a turn based strategy game with fantasy elements in it. You could buy soldiers (such as knights), but you could also buy undead creatures to join your army (such as ghosts and skeletons). The combat was on a grid and was 3-d, but outside of the battles it was sort of a top-down view with only your main character. I don't know much about the story since I only played a couple of the battles at a friend's house.
Heroes of Might & Magic


New member
Nov 12, 2012
Hi i am looking for a game(not sure which console) where its an rpg.I will try my best to describe it. It has to do with robots/mecha. You get to upgrade and build parts. Walk through maps and fight other robots/mecha. The picture that i could remember is where they had a clash in the middle of the desert. They talk in blue boxes that cover half the screen(with their faces by the side).If im not wrong, the battles are turn taking.

Jordan Rohatynski

New member
Nov 11, 2012
Zennoya said:
Jordan Rohatynski said:
I have been looking for this game for a few years now. The only time i played it was in 2001/2002, and it was for either ps2/ps1/original xbox. It is a turn based strategy game with fantasy elements in it. You could buy soldiers (such as knights), but you could also buy undead creatures to join your army (such as ghosts and skeletons). The combat was on a grid and was 3-d, but outside of the battles it was sort of a top-down view with only your main character. I don't know much about the story since I only played a couple of the battles at a friend's house.
Heroes of Might & Magic
This is exactly it. Thank you very much.


New member
Nov 12, 2012
Hi guys! It's a JAPANESE game on PS1 and I can't recall the title so please help me identify this game. These are the some of the things I remember from the game:

-sort of a board game which u throw 2 dice and move the no. of steps u get

-u have a robot with u and u can send it into 'another world' to fight monsters, hunt treasures and stuffs like that and send it back to reap the rewards

-the robot can be upgraded and can fight with other players' robots in the 'another world'

-some items collected can be combined to form an item which will be converted to gold

-u can buy land and collect rents from other players (yes, like monopoly)

-the player with the most gold at the end of the game wins

Thanks in advance! :D


New member
Nov 12, 2012
cloroxbb said:
Lawlsism said:
Hi i am looking for a game(not sure which console) where its an rpg.I will try my best to describe it. It has to do with robots/mecha. You get to upgrade and build parts. Walk through maps and fight other robots/mecha. The picture that i could remember is where they had a clash in the middle of the desert. They talk in blue boxes that cover half the screen(with their faces by the side).If im not wrong, the battles are turn taking.
Im going to guess FRONT MISSION. One of those games.

Sorry, that was not the one i was looking for but i really appreciate your help.

I would like to give more details.

-It is like a Japanese style RPG.
-It is 2D


New member
Oct 14, 2012
Sorry for my bad English
Please help me.A cup of years trying to find the two games. I playd them on sega mega drive 2.
At first it is a car, shoot it, you have a lot of opponents, who have cars, trucks.Game has a lot of levels. Observers of the game from the air. Collect the weapons, when you kill enemies, I think.
second game was similar to the Olympics, there are an athlete, boxing, hockey, may be practicing ... The characters are small, with large heads, reminding the children.
Please if you know of a game that reminds you of this, to write, because I'm looking for this for a long time already, those are my two favorite games from childhood.
:) Thanks


New member
Nov 12, 2012
My friend recently brought up finding old games, and it's begun to bug me more and more.

I remember a ton of things about this game-other than the full title. It was an artillery-type game I used to play on Mac in the early 2000s, where each player had a colored mage and could select from three spells: and icicle, a fireball, and lightning.
- The terrain was procedural, and came in three types: snowy mountains, rainy swamps, or fiery, rocky landscape.
- I remember the projectile spells (icicle and fireball) getting larger the longer they stayed in the air, dealing more damage and having a larger effect.
- It had the fairly standard wind system, where spells would curve, often violently.
- Every time a mage died, the screen would flash the color of the mage.
- The icon for the game was a smoky looking black orb, and the name had something to do with 'shadow,' like shadow of ____ or shadow____...
- the mages could move or 'fly' so far each turn, with a gauge that would fill up as you moved.

I feel like the name of the game is right there, and I just...can't...recall it...

If anyone remembers the title... you have my undying thanks!


New member
Nov 13, 2012
Im desperate to find this old game i used to play in school , its a science game where you use these little bars and angles to bounce these little colored balls around (they had little faces on them) and the goal was to get them to bounce into this black hole to get to the next stage. Ive searched all over google and couldnt find even a picture or mention of it.

Wyze Krakker

New member
Nov 13, 2012
Okay guys (and girls, presumably): I remember an old arcade game that had a barbarian for a main character that began with an "R". You could swing from vines or jump up and point your sword down to reach a cave below. One of the monsters you fought was like a chimera that shot fireballs. I think another one was like a woman/witch or something. Any thoughts?

Ricardo Mendes

New member
Nov 4, 2012
Keke Ann said:
Its been driving me crazy. I only ever played it once for a few hourw, but the game left a major impact. So much so that I remember the beginning almost perfectly. Unfortunately Icant even remember what console it was.

You start in a seaside town with your friend who happens to be a prince. He's about to go on a quest/journey and you're going with him. Something is said and the main character winds up going to a fortuneteller before leaving. At the fortuneteller's you give your character his name and a bit of information. He warns you of coming hardships and you leave.

After the ship leaves port, a storm hits and you are forced to stop in a island/ rock thingy. Your ambushed and a small tutorial like battle begins. In the end you win and both you and the prince are talking. One of the enemies are still alive and shots an arrow at the prince. You push him out of the way and fall off the cliff into the stormy sea.

You awaken in a bed with a girl attending you. She believed a mermaid saved you from the storm. Some more talking and a bit of traveling and you meet back up with the prince by chance.
Tactics Ogre: The Knight of Lodis. One of my favourite games ever :D

PS: Is for GBA.

Ricardo Mendes

New member
Nov 4, 2012
Omnya El Bakry said:
there was this pc game where you played as a boy walking on a mountain cliff or something and creepy shadows come after you and hug you and you have to shake them away..you then get a gun to kill them but they are sooo many..at one point you get seeds that you can grow into trees to use to climb and at another part where you walk next to a wall with holes and sometimes ugly worms come out and snatch you...what 's it called????????????
Heart of Darkness.


Great ps game :D

Ricardo Mendes

New member
Nov 4, 2012
Lawlsism said:
Hi i am looking for a game(not sure which console) where its an rpg.I will try my best to describe it. It has to do with robots/mecha. You get to upgrade and build parts. Walk through maps and fight other robots/mecha. The picture that i could remember is where they had a clash in the middle of the desert. They talk in blue boxes that cover half the screen(with their faces by the side).If im not wrong, the battles are turn taking.
Either Robopon (sun and moon versions)on GBA or Robotek,on SNES.

In Robopon you have a stage (pretty early) in a desert. You figth a lot of Robots that are just a ligthbulb on a wire (pretty easy to kill ahah)

Ricardo Mendes

New member
Nov 4, 2012
s300 said:
Batou667 said:
s300 said:
Hello everyone.
Looking for a game which I played in the 90ies, at the times of Pentium 1 and Riva TNT graphics.
In concept, it was a Wipeout\Slipstream 5000 kind of game:
- racing with combat elements
- spacecraft\antigrav vehicles
- various weapons and upgrades
- partially closed (tunnel), partially open-space racetrack
- predominantly "dark" scenery, if I remember correctly, some tracks featured lava
That's all I can remember...
Looks similar, but unfortunately not it. There was a official-kind-of-looking race, and not inside a spaceship, but on various tracks, and not kinda space motorcycles, but more like small spaceships... Thanks for trying to help me, though, very much appreciated!
Maybe F-Zero?