Old Games you remember playing but can't remember the name of.

Ricardo Mendes

New member
Nov 4, 2012
Zulfikar Salman said:
Hi! I really need help finding the name of a game i played a couple of years ago (ps2 game i think)!

Its about a boy who is searching for his mother, the demo-release was a couple of years ago and if you died you had to start over again. I remember that you where in a town at first, but after playing a bit you hoped on a train and it took you to the forest. I think the name has "Heaven" in it or something. pleaase helP!
Dark Cloud 2? I don't remember the protagonist searching for his mother, but after the first city you go to a forrest by a train (and back again, the train was yours to use), and it's on PS2.


New member
Nov 11, 2012
Wyze Krakker said:
Okay guys (and girls, presumably): I remember an old arcade game that had a barbarian for a main character that began with an "R". You could swing from vines or jump up and point your sword down to reach a cave below. One of the monsters you fought was like a chimera that shot fireballs. I think another one was like a woman/witch or something. Any thoughts?
I remember I played a game on PS1 that seems similar to your description and it was some old PRINCE OF PERSIA version.
Maybe I'm right.

Craig Leinoff

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Mar 29, 2011
Kackwurst said:
Wyze Krakker said:
Okay guys (and girls, presumably): I remember an old arcade game that had a barbarian for a main character that began with an "R". You could swing from vines or jump up and point your sword down to reach a cave below. One of the monsters you fought was like a chimera that shot fireballs. I think another one was like a woman/witch or something. Any thoughts?
I remember I played a game on PS1 that seems similar to your description and it was some old PRINCE OF PERSIA version.
Maybe I'm right.

Craig Leinoff

New member
Mar 29, 2011
Shoggoth2588 said:
The second game was (I believe) a PC exclusive. It was a third person game and I remember action but it very well could have been a puzzler. You start out in pre-historic times and each level is another time period. I remember the game progression being largely 'start on Left go to Right' kind of thing. You pick up time-specific weapons and I remember you keeping them as you go to the future.
Time Commando? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Time_Commando

Wyze Krakker

New member
Nov 13, 2012
It's certainly not Prince of Persia, and I really don't think it's Rygar. This game was a bit more of a side-scrolling adventure game. I think some of the other creatures you fought were a four-armed skeleton and blue Indra/Hindu god-looking thing. The first level has you either jumping from rock to rock or swinging in vines to get over a giant waterfall while the aforementioned enemies try and attack you.

Wyze Krakker

New member
Nov 13, 2012
Craig Leinoff said:
Kackwurst said:
Wyze Krakker said:
Okay guys (and girls, presumably): I remember an old arcade game that had a barbarian for a main character that began with an "R". You could swing from vines or jump up and point your sword down to reach a cave below. One of the monsters you fought was like a chimera that shot fireballs. I think another one was like a woman/witch or something. Any thoughts?
I remember I played a game on PS1 that seems similar to your description and it was some old PRINCE OF PERSIA version.
Maybe I'm right.

It's certainly not Prince of Persia, and I really don't think it's Rygar. This game was a bit more of a side-scrolling adventure game. I think some of the other creatures you fought were a four-armed skeleton and blue Indra/Hindu god-looking thing. The first level has you either jumping from rock to rock or swinging in vines to get over a giant waterfall while the aforementioned enemies try and attack you.


New member
Nov 13, 2012
Okay, so there's this game that I very dimly remember reading about in some magazine (Game Informer possibly) a long time ago (around 2004-2006), and all I can remember about the game was a screenshot of the player character fighting an enemy who I think was a chef or something like that, in a kitchen or dining room that was in hell or hades or something. It was either on the PS2 or the original Xbox. I'd really appreciate if anyone has an idea what game this is.

Wyze Krakker

New member
Nov 13, 2012
Oddable said:
Okay, so there's this game that I very dimly remember reading about in some magazine (Game Informer possibly) a long time ago (around 2004-2006), and all I can remember about the game was a screenshot of the player character fighting an enemy who I think was a chef or something like that, in a kitchen or dining room that was in hell or hades or something. It was either on the PS2 or the original Xbox. I'd really appreciate if anyone has an idea what game this is.
Was it PO'ed?

Kasey Williams

New member
Nov 13, 2012
I remember playing this PC game in the late 90's or early 2000's. It's was a children's game, mostly point-and-click. You play as a boy, I don't know if it was human or not. You have a brown backpack where you keep your inventory, and there's always a small scrap of it on the bottom of the screen where you can click on important things you've picked up, like a map.
I think you also have a pet lizard which hangs out in there too.
There is a part where you have to cross this tiny-ass stream in the woods when swinging on a rope, and there's some dialogue from the main character like, "This stream is way too wide to jump across! What should I do?", and I remember thinking that there is no way you really need a rope to swing across a stream that small.
Eventually you get to a carnival, where you can build sundaes and put sprinkles on them. I think you can also ride in a hot air balloon. It did have a main plot, but I don't remember it.
I also remember that the backgrounds were pretty well-done for a kids' computer game- especially the forest where you swing on the rope, I remember thinking of how pretty it was, kind of brownish-purples.

I've been wracking my brain trying to find this for years.


New member
Nov 14, 2012
I've been trying desperately to find a game that I only ever played a trial version of that I got from downloads.com around 2004.

Basically, your avatar rides around the map on a mount that changes depending on the color you choose. The gameplay is very reminiscent of Magic: the Gathering in that it uses the same colors, green=nature/swarms, white=angels/defense, red is destruction/direct damage, etc. As you roam around the map you find treasure guarded by monsters, and when you approach a monster it triggers a battle. Different monsters have different allotments of "spells", and you duel each monster to win new spells, exp., and treasure.

I specifically remember the green hero utilizing some kind of woodling creatures that got bigger and gained regeneration as you cast the more expensive ones. I'm pretty sure there were wasps/bees as a flying option for green, as well.

The game is probably pretty obscure, but this is the internet, so nothing is ever too obscure I hope.


New member
Nov 14, 2012
I was introduced to this game ages ago checked it out and thought "eh maybe later" (had just played a bunch of turn-based games). I suddenly remembered it and now have an insatiable desire to play it! I have litterally looked for a ridiculous number of hours for it online and had no success in finding the game. all i can remember is....
-turn based strategy game
-could be a guy or girl main character (both were kinda cutesy looking)
-there was this white haired demon dude with demon wings who was sarcastic, liked dumplings? (or something like that), and was sharing your body?
-your female childhood friend was one of your party members
-at the end of the game the female main character could romance the demon dude
Now I realize the chances of anyone actually knowing the game from this description is slim but.....IM DESPERATE HERE please help me!
P.S. this game isn't exponentially old but it certainly isn't new


Dec 8, 2009
I have been desperately trying to find out the name of this game that I saw when I was a wee lad. It was probably in the mid-90's (please take everything I say with a grain of salt, my memory about this game is beyond hazy---that's why I'm here!), and I was with my dad at the house of one of his friends'. Me and my dad were watching his friend play a video game for us.

I'm almost positive it was a PC game, and I'm almost positive it was not released any later than 1998. (My gut tells me it was older, like 1993 or 1994.)

The rest of my memory, however, is very vague and it's been driving me CRAZY:

The part that stands out to me was that while we were watching him play, I remember my dad looking at me and caringly, but sternly, saying "Go head out for a moment and I'll call you back in" (I was probably 6 - 8 years old or something at the time). A few years later (my dad treated me with great respectfulness for my age), I asked my dad what the reason was for him asking me to leave the room. He told me that his friend was going to show him a scene in which a character (maybe the main character?) would find a rifle/shotgun of some sort and use it on himself as a means to escape his current (as far as I believe) life-threatening situation---and my dad did not believe me to be ready to see it. I cannot tell you if it was meant to be a tongue-in-cheek dark humor game or an actual event of disturbing horror within the traps/motifs of the game.

I believe this scene took place in a shack (and if you entered the shack, you would be forced to watch this "Game Over"ing scene/dialogue)...and I feel like it was in some forested/tropical region, perhaps even near water or on an island. I know this sounds even more random but I even believe there were zombies or some kind of demon/undead theme (at least in the vicinity, perhaps not the entire game's plot). I am also almost positive it was not 3D rendered/pre-rendered, but rather 2D hand-drawn/animated.

All these years, whenever I would remember this game, I believed it was a some sort of point-and-click adventure-type game, but I just searched through Giantbomb.com's entire list of games in that genre and couldn't find anything cohesive.

It's driving me crazy and it's one of those memories that keeps coming back to me, with no way of ever solving itself. I just stumbled upon this godsend of a forum and I'm hoping there's someone out there who has an idea.


New member
Nov 14, 2012
I'm working on an animated comic, and it seems to spark a memory of an old 'animated comic' type thing I played in the 90s on my Dad's PC. He had Windows 95, so it must have been released somewhere around there... 95-2000.

As for details, the 'game' was like a comic, that progressed with audio that accompanied the visuals. Actors read the lines, there were sound effects.... the name 'flux' seems to spark into my memory... I also remember a few lines: "Talk... is cheap!" and I believe one where the main character is looking through a hole in his hand and saying "Holy hell!"

It was a very cheesy comic-game type thing, but for nostalgia's sake, it's be great if anyone knew of this product. Thanks so much for your time!!

EDIT: I FOUND IT! :D For anyone who was curious, or had the same memory, the title is 'Reflux' Holy hell! XD


Dec 8, 2009
NekoStar said:
I'm working on an animated comic, and it seems to spark a memory of an old 'animated comic' type thing I played in the 90s on my Dad's PC. He had Windows 95, so it must have been released somewhere around there... 95-2000.

As for details, the 'game' was like a comic, that progressed with audio that accompanied the visuals. Actors read the lines, there were sound effects.... the name 'flux' seems to spark into my memory... I also remember a few lines: "Talk... is cheap!" and I believe one where the main character is looking through a hole in his hand and saying "Holy hell!"

It was a very cheesy comic-game type thing, but for nostalgia's sake, it's be great if anyone knew of this product. Thanks so much for your time!!

EDIT: I FOUND IT! :D For anyone who was curious, or had the same memory, the title is 'Reflux' Holy hell! XD
I'm so happy for you, NekoStar...I'm also very envious! Must be such a *nice* feeling; I'm dying to know if anyone can shed some light on the game I described.


New member
Nov 14, 2012
It's been well over a decade since I've last played this game and I am dying to remember what it was called. From what I remember, the arcade game has red and blue guns (just like any other shooter), and you get to choose between the red or blue team, both of which contain bulky Gundam-like looking robots holding guns, I don't think there's a variety of robots to choose from, I think it just might be one same robot design for both teams. I might be wrong but it's first person. When entering the game, they take a picture of you, when it's game over, that same picture shows up on the high score board (more like a line graph showing performance) along with other people's pictures. I think the text is completely in Japanese but it was released in the US, I've seen this in an old K-mart store before it closed and a Chuck-e-Cheese. During my trip to Vietnam and Taiwan many years ago, I saw the same game show up in the arcades. Anyways, about the game, once you finish all the time consuming player setup, (taking picture and shooting letters to type name), the game starts and the first thing you see is a an overview of the terrain that you are fighting on, one that I can remember has a bunch of white walls that somewhat looks like a 3d maze. After that, your mecha/robot character jumps over a door/fence or I think runs through the door and the game proceeds, the scene repeats after every time that you are shot down (if I'm correct they give you 4 lives). You are able to freely control your robot's movement and firing. If this makes it any clearer, I remember the first time playing it was around 2001 or early 2002. Sorry for typing up so much junk.


Dec 8, 2009
livyishness said:
I was introduced to this game ages ago checked it out and thought "eh maybe later" (had just played a bunch of turn-based games). I suddenly remembered it and now have an insatiable desire to play it! I have litterally looked for a ridiculous number of hours for it online and had no success in finding the game. all i can remember is....
-turn based strategy game
-could be a guy or girl main character (both were kinda cutesy looking)
-there was this white haired demon dude with demon wings who was sarcastic, liked dumplings? (or something like that), and was sharing your body?
-your female childhood friend was one of your party members
-at the end of the game the female main character could romance the demon dude
Now I realize the chances of anyone actually knowing the game from this description is slim but.....IM DESPERATE HERE please help me!
P.S. this game isn't exponentially old but it certainly isn't new
Hey, this sounds an AWFUL lot like "Okage: Shadow King" for PS2. Everything you said sounds very similar to the game---except the demon sharing your body was a just a shadow with yellow eyes...until the end of the game (but he didn't look like how you described him). Sorry if I'm way off, but it's just a suggestion!


New member
Oct 20, 2011
I'm looking for a 2d 90s pc game I played at school. Most likely on win95. Was very young so can't remember much. Maybe an alien ship? You had go through rooms and portals connecting them to collect keys to unlock these energy barriers. Top down view. There was also objects, maybe enemy ships, flying fast around room edges that you had to avoid or maybe shoot.

Edit: it had a black background. Little color. Was on a computer had also had a version of sim city 2000 installed as well. May have had coop.


New member
Mar 28, 2008
Wyze Krakker said:
Okay guys (and girls, presumably): I remember an old arcade game that had a barbarian for a main character that began with an "R". You could swing from vines or jump up and point your sword down to reach a cave below. One of the monsters you fought was like a chimera that shot fireballs. I think another one was like a woman/witch or something. Any thoughts?



New member
Oct 5, 2011
Shoggoth2588 said:
I need some help here please: There are a couple of games which I would really love to get my hands back on.

The first is a game on the Sega Genesis. It was a first-person shooter which starts out by choosing one of...a few people. Each character has a special weapon but after that they can pick up and use every other weapon in the game...I think. I made it to some level or other where I was eventually insta-killed by something I couldn't see...maybe snipers.
Wait, Did you say Genesis, and FPS?

Genesis had very few true FPS games - one of them was Bloodshot/Battle Frenzy.

Is it possibly you're thinking of the on-rail part of Alien Storm, or something like that?