I'm working on an animated comic, and it seems to spark a memory of an old 'animated comic' type thing I played in the 90s on my Dad's PC. He had Windows 95, so it must have been released somewhere around there... 95-2000.
As for details, the 'game' was like a comic, that progressed with audio that accompanied the visuals. Actors read the lines, there were sound effects.... the name 'flux' seems to spark into my memory... I also remember a few lines: "Talk... is cheap!" and I believe one where the main character is looking through a hole in his hand and saying "Holy hell!"
It was a very cheesy comic-game type thing, but for nostalgia's sake, it's be great if anyone knew of this product. Thanks so much for your time!!

For anyone who was curious, or had the same memory, the title is 'Reflux' Holy hell! XD