Old Games you remember playing but can't remember the name of.


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Oct 5, 2011
Jordan Phillips said:
There is a playstation 2 game that i used to play but i really cant remember it. On the fron cover of the game was a little boy running away from a bear, and on the game you have to retrieve spring shoes and stuff like that and you have to trap bear please tell me what it is.
Herdy Gerdy.


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Oct 5, 2011
flashoverride said:
Okay, got one for the board. This games is probably late 90s, pc game, you fly around in a hover tanks trying to blow up enemy hover tanks and bases. It was set like on a moon maybe or another planet. It was 3d. I can still remember the music but not the game :( Don't think it's Battlezone, but I think it was similar.
Battlezone or Assault Rigs maybe?

[edit] Derp, just noticed you said it wasn't Battlezone.

ye old gamer

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Nov 14, 2012
Hi All I'm looking for the title of a PC game from the early 90's I'm pretty sure it was run in MS-DOS. It was like a space fighter flying through an internal building or base where the

environment was only 3d wireframes with green, blue, red colour structures with a black background. You could fly through anywhere you wanted changing pitch roll yaw etc.. I remember

as a kid playing it and my auntie watching me and asking how I didn't get dizzy playing this game. p.s it's not Decent, that has texture maps, this game only had wireframes. Currently 5 years into this search PLEASE Help!


New member
Nov 11, 2012
I forgot to refer earlier the game i am searching is for ps1, if i recall correctly the pic of the game, back side at least shows 2 bos dunno if brothers looking under a bed with a suprising face. It stars in a graveyard, and then you are looking for a key or something and then some zombie appears and you have to kill them, is adventure type game, and with kinda chilidsh graphics. I guess that graveyard is like a dreaming that they have of a world under their bed or something, and if i remember well at a further level in the game you can acquire some sort of powers, help me pls!!
I guess there was one blonde boy and other that was a dark haired boy with like 6 years old or someth

ye old gamer

New member
Nov 14, 2012
Xemnas13 said:
I forgot to refer earlier the game i am searching is for ps1, if i recall correctly the pic of the game, back side at least shows 2 bos dunno if brothers looking under a bed with a suprising face. It stars in a graveyard, and then you are looking for a key or something and then some zombie appears and you have to kill them, is adventure type game, and with kinda chilidsh graphics. I guess that graveyard is like a dreaming that they have of a world under their bed or something, and if i remember well at a further level in the game you can acquire some sort of powers, help me pls!!
I guess there was one blonde boy and other that was a dark haired boy with like 6 years old or someth
I remember Medievil starting in a graveyard, but that didn't have 2 boys on the back cover I don't think lol

ye old gamer

New member
Nov 14, 2012
Xemnas13 said:
I forgot to refer earlier the game i am searching is for ps1....
This goes for everyone looking for an old ps1 title, this dude on youtube is putting together videos of all ps1 games made with cover pictures in the vid. He's currently just finished the letter O




New member
Nov 14, 2012
This has been driving me crazy for the past couple years and I was hoping somebody here might be able to help me out. There was a game for the NES and the only thing I remember was that the character was a knight in armor and he was trying to save a princess from a red dragon. I've looked everywhere but can't find it. It had a sort of Castlevania feel to it. I know it isn't much to go on, but if anybody could help I'd really appreciate it!

ye old gamer

New member
Nov 14, 2012
Xemnas13 said:
I forgot to refer earlier the game i am searching is for ps1, if i recall correctly the pic of the game, back side at least shows 2 bos dunno if brothers looking under a bed with a suprising face. It stars in a graveyard, and then you are looking for a key or something and then some zombie appears and you have to kill them, is adventure type game, and with kinda chilidsh graphics. I guess that graveyard is like a dreaming that they have of a world under their bed or something, and if i remember well at a further level in the game you can acquire some sort of powers, help me pls!!
I guess there was one blonde boy and other that was a dark haired boy with like 6 years old or someth
I think I found it, 2 boys blonde and brown hair right? and in the game menu they are looking under their bed with a surprised type face.

Check the pic down below


ye old gamer

New member
Nov 14, 2012
Th3Sickne5s said:
This has been driving me crazy for the past couple years and I was hoping somebody here might be able to help me out. There was a game for the NES and the only thing I remember was that the character was a knight in armor and he was trying to save a princess from a red dragon. I've looked everywhere but can't find it. It had a sort of Castlevania feel to it. I know it isn't much to go on, but if anybody could help I'd really appreciate it!
Here are my guesses:

3d world runner
heroes of the lance
pool of radiance
burai fighter
castle of dragon
castle quest
challenge of the dragon
clash at demon head
dragon fighter
dragon spirit
dragon warrior
dragon's lair

if it's not one of these check out the vid where I got these from and go through the whole thing if you have the patience :) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qg_oehQUQPY


New member
Nov 11, 2012
ye old gamer said:
Xemnas13 said:
I forgot to refer earlier the game i am searching is for ps1, if i recall correctly the pic of the game, back side at least shows 2 bos dunno if brothers looking under a bed with a suprising face. It stars in a graveyard, and then you are looking for a key or something and then some zombie appears and you have to kill them, is adventure type game, and with kinda chilidsh graphics. I guess that graveyard is like a dreaming that they have of a world under their bed or something, and if i remember well at a further level in the game you can acquire some sort of powers, help me pls!!
I guess there was one blonde boy and other that was a dark haired boy with like 6 years old or someth
I think I found it, 2 boys blonde and brown hair right? and in the game menu they are looking under their bed with a surprised type face.

Check the pic down below

THANK YOU SO MUCH MAN!! That's really it! You were of great help, Thanks!! :D


New member
Nov 11, 2012
ye old gamer said:
Xemnas13 said:
I forgot to refer earlier the game i am searching is for ps1, if i recall correctly the pic of the game, back side at least shows 2 bos dunno if brothers looking under a bed with a suprising face. It stars in a graveyard, and then you are looking for a key or something and then some zombie appears and you have to kill them, is adventure type game, and with kinda chilidsh graphics. I guess that graveyard is like a dreaming that they have of a world under their bed or something, and if i remember well at a further level in the game you can acquire some sort of powers, help me pls!!
I guess there was one blonde boy and other that was a dark haired boy with like 6 years old or someth
I remember Medievil starting in a graveyard, but that didn't have 2 boys on the back cover I don't think lol
I have already found but thanks for the help anyway ^^

ye old gamer said:
Xemnas13 said:
I forgot to refer earlier the game i am searching is for ps1....
This goes for everyone looking for an old ps1 title, this dude on youtube is putting together videos of all ps1 games made with cover pictures in the vid. He's currently just finished the letter O


I hadn't seen your post, but someone already told me the name, anyway thank you for your time, and also i may check that youtube video to chek other games i don't remember :p

ye old gamer

New member
Nov 14, 2012
Xemnas13 said:
ye old gamer said:
Xemnas13 said:
I forgot to refer earlier the game i am searching is for ps1, if i recall correctly the pic of the game, back side at least shows 2 bos dunno if brothers looking under a bed with a suprising face. It stars in a graveyard, and then you are looking for a key or something and then some zombie appears and you have to kill them, is adventure type game, and with kinda chilidsh graphics. I guess that graveyard is like a dreaming that they have of a world under their bed or something, and if i remember well at a further level in the game you can acquire some sort of powers, help me pls!!
I guess there was one blonde boy and other that was a dark haired boy with like 6 years old or someth
I think I found it, 2 boys blonde and brown hair right? and in the game menu they are looking under their bed with a surprised type face.

Check the pic down below

THANK YOU SO MUCH MAN!! That's really it! You were of great help, Thanks!! :D
Ha no worries :)I was just browsing through ps1 covers and remembered you mentioned blonde and brown hair boys, if you never said this in your post I wouldn't have thought twice about skipping it.

ye old gamer

New member
Nov 14, 2012
ye old gamer said:
Xemnas13 said:
I forgot to refer earlier the game i am searching is for ps1....
This goes for everyone looking for an old ps1 title, this dude on youtube is putting together videos of all ps1 games made with cover pictures in the vid. He's currently just finished the letter O


I hadn't seen your post, but someone already told me the name, anyway thank you for your time, and also i may check that youtube video to chek other games i don't remember :p
yes I was the same one who told you the game, lol


New member
Nov 14, 2012
Zagnut said:
livyishness said:
I was introduced to this game ages ago checked it out and thought "eh maybe later" (had just played a bunch of turn-based games). I suddenly remembered it and now have an insatiable desire to play it! I have litterally looked for a ridiculous number of hours for it online and had no success in finding the game. all i can remember is....
-turn based strategy game
-could be a guy or girl main character (both were kinda cutesy looking)
-there was this white haired demon dude with demon wings who was sarcastic, liked dumplings? (or something like that), and was sharing your body?
-your female childhood friend was one of your party members
-at the end of the game the female main character could romance the demon dude
Now I realize the chances of anyone actually knowing the game from this description is slim but.....IM DESPERATE HERE please help me!
P.S. this game isn't exponentially old but it certainly isn't new
Hey, this sounds an AWFUL lot like "Okage: Shadow King" for PS2. Everything you said sounds very similar to the game---except the demon sharing your body was a just a shadow with yellow eyes...until the end of the game (but he didn't look like how you described him). Sorry if I'm way off, but it's just a suggestion!
nah thats not it.....but the game you mentioned was incredibly interesting :) thanks for trying!!!!


New member
Nov 14, 2012
Im not sure how old this game is but i cannot remember the name for the life of me .. basically you were a man running around and the aim of the game was to collect letters or something and you had these blob looking things that if you ran into them it would kill you so you had to shoot them ? i remember there were a bunch of levels and in one of them you can run on rooftops and in trees and things? Please help me it is annoying me soo much :)


Dec 8, 2009
thebluemonkeytail said:
Im not sure how old this game is but i cannot remember the name for the life of me .. basically you were a man running around and the aim of the game was to collect letters or something and you had these blob looking things that if you ran into them it would kill you so you had to shoot them ? i remember there were a bunch of levels and in one of them you can run on rooftops and in trees and things? Please help me it is annoying me soo much :)
Is that Word Rescue?


"Benny Bookworm needs your help to stop the Gruzzles. He needs you to reunite the stolen words with their meanings. Once you join all the words with their pictures, Benny will put them back into the books."

"Play as either a girl, or a boy! ... Either way, you'll visit amazing locations on your word finding adventure. As you hunt for all the missing words you'll visit dark caves, rocky cliffs, deserts, happy towns, scary haunted houses, funny factories, creepy dungeons, and many others."

Blank Verse

New member
Nov 17, 2008
UnusualStranger said:
I remember a game a long time ago.

It was an RPG and I only remember the beginning, which was epic.

You start out simply entering a palace made of glass it seems. You start out as a party of 4, and are apparently heavily leveled up, well equipped, and everything. You wander through, running into random battles and the like, until you get to a set of bosses. You can soundly beat these bosses, but after the battle, they form this dark light around you.

You and your compatriots make your own lights to battle it, and win, but everyone is injured. You walk about and check on everyone, but the party is separated by a collapsing glass bridge. So, half of your party takes off, and you and your party member escape on foot from the palace/castle.

It then fast forwards, and the main character and hero from the beginning is found trying to escape his girlfriend, no longer the hero they were before.

The game is for SNES, I think(not sure at all here), and it is a great game filled with all sorts of stuff, and I wish I could remember what it was called so I could find it.
Sounds like Lufia I. In Lufia I, you play as the son of the leader of the group you're referencing. In Lufia II, you play as the leader of the group you're referencing.

I recently replayed them on an emulator. I really, really recommend them to you for a great, funny nostalgia trip.


Dec 8, 2009
ye old gamer said:
Zagnut said:

I'm dying to know...!
Teen Agent ?
Thanks for the suggestion! None of the videos of it that I'm looking at show anything that would suggest supernatural things---and it certainly doesn't look like something that would involve suicide/murder of that extent. However, until someone makes another suggestion, I'll just have to find and play the game myself sometime.