Old Games you remember playing but can't remember the name of.

Jack Shoebridge

New member
Jul 20, 2012
Sorry back again this time a ds game
It has got architects and you build towers to stop clockwork robots attacking
that is all i remember


New member
Oct 30, 2012
Ricardo Mendes said:
s300 said:
Batou667 said:
s300 said:
Hello everyone.
Looking for a game which I played in the 90ies, at the times of Pentium 1 and Riva TNT graphics.
In concept, it was a Wipeout\Slipstream 5000 kind of game:
- racing with combat elements
- spacecraft or antigrav vehicles (hard to tell for obvious reasons)
- various weapons and upgrades
- partially closed (tunnel), partially open-space racetrack
- predominantly "dark" scenery, if I remember correctly, some tracks featured lava
That's all I can remember...
Looks similar, but unfortunately not it. There was a official-kind-of-looking race, and not inside a spaceship, but on various tracks, and not kinda space motorcycles, but more like small spaceships... Thanks for trying to help me, though, very much appreciated!
Maybe F-Zero?
Thank you, but it's not it. However, it looks closer to what I remember than Forsaken...

Midnight Liar

New member
Nov 15, 2012
I'll be psyched if someone can name this one.

It was an old PC game, where you could play as a bunch of different animals (the bear was god-moded, because you had no natural enemies) and you had to collect berries and make your way though the screens to the end where your little animal family was waiting for you. I was probably playing this around the mid-90s.


New member
Nov 15, 2012
dtaPacman said:
rubidiumelemen said:
zerohour1974 said:
rubidiumelemen said:
I remembered playing a racing car game and these car have weapon. For example, one has magnet to pull the car in front back to it, and another one use chemical poison (to shrink other cars temporarily if i remember it right). The game has many racing mode, like normal, reserved, normal + night, reversed + night.
If you guys know this game. pls tell me :D
Micro Machines 3 or 4
Sry zero, that's not the game I'm talking about. My game has big car, not micro :)
What console? Could it have been vigilante 8 on ps1?
It's PC game. And on multiplayer mode, the screen is divided into upper and lower part.

Ricardo Mendes

New member
Nov 4, 2012
Sebastrd said:
I've been trying desperately to find a game that I only ever played a trial version of that I got from downloads.com around 2004.

Basically, your avatar rides around the map on a mount that changes depending on the color you choose. The gameplay is very reminiscent of Magic: the Gathering in that it uses the same colors, green=nature/swarms, white=angels/defense, red is destruction/direct damage, etc. As you roam around the map you find treasure guarded by monsters, and when you approach a monster it triggers a battle. Different monsters have different allotments of "spells", and you duel each monster to win new spells, exp., and treasure.

I specifically remember the green hero utilizing some kind of woodling creatures that got bigger and gained regeneration as you cast the more expensive ones. I'm pretty sure there were wasps/bees as a flying option for green, as well.

The game is probably pretty obscure, but this is the internet, so nothing is ever too obscure I hope.
That sounds awfully like Heroes of migth and magic, maybe III or IV


New member
Nov 15, 2012
I remeber this game, but can not remeber the name. I'm going insane!
- it's an old action rpg (not turn based), with 2d graphic, a snes or gba game maybe
- you collect small animals, you can equip 2 of them simultaneously, they give your weapon (a boomerang) magical powers
- sometimes you have to use your boomerang with the right magic to go forward in the game, like toss it at water to turn it in ice using the ice-boomerang
- a level is in heaven or at least on clouds
Help me please, thank you!


New member
Nov 14, 2012
ye old gamer said:
Th3Sickne5s said:
This has been driving me crazy for the past couple years and I was hoping somebody here might be able to help me out. There was a game for the NES and the only thing I remember was that the character was a knight in armor and he was trying to save a princess from a red dragon. I've looked everywhere but can't find it. It had a sort of Castlevania feel to it. I know it isn't much to go on, but if anybody could help I'd really appreciate it!
Here are my guesses:

3d world runner
heroes of the lance
pool of radiance
burai fighter
castle of dragon
castle quest
challenge of the dragon
clash at demon head
dragon fighter
dragon spirit
dragon warrior
dragon's lair

if it's not one of these check out the vid where I got these from and go through the whole thing if you have the patience :) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qg_oehQUQPY
It was definitely Astyanax! Thank you SOOO much!


New member
Nov 15, 2012
A PC game from the mid-to-late 1990s. It was 2-D and Egyptian-themed, and each level was only one screen. You climbed ladders, avoided enemies, and pushed blocks in such a way that allowed you to get to the exit. The setting was a pyramid, or a tomb, or something.

The gameplay was a lot like Professor Fizzwizzle, now that I think about it.

Thanks in advance!


New member
Oct 5, 2011
ye old gamer said:
Hi All I'm looking for the title of a PC game from the early 90's I'm pretty sure it was run in MS-DOS. It was like a space fighter flying through an internal building or base where the

environment was only 3d wireframes with green, blue, red colour structures with a black background. You could fly through anywhere you wanted changing pitch roll yaw etc.. I remember

as a kid playing it and my auntie watching me and asking how I didn't get dizzy playing this game. p.s it's not Decent, that has texture maps, this game only had wireframes. Currently 5 years into this search PLEASE Help!


New member
Oct 5, 2011
Th3Sickne5s said:
This has been driving me crazy for the past couple years and I was hoping somebody here might be able to help me out. There was a game for the NES and the only thing I remember was that the character was a knight in armor and he was trying to save a princess from a red dragon. I've looked everywhere but can't find it. It had a sort of Castlevania feel to it. I know it isn't much to go on, but if anybody could help I'd really appreciate it!
Dragon's Lair?


New member
Oct 5, 2011
Zagnut said:
Sarah Desharnais said:
Please help me find this game. I don't know a lot about it but it looks like #67 from this http://acidcow.com/pics/17659-games-102-pics.html You were trying to start a village of some sort and there were characters who could ride horses, or walk, and you could buy windmills and other buildings and upgrade them. Everywhere was dark but if you moved your character around, wherever he was going there was light around him. You could find herds of sheep and kill them for food and stuff. If you got close to other civilizations they would come after you and you'd have to fight them. There were definite battle noises.

Does anyone know the name of that game that is #67? 'Cause that MIGHT be it... I was so young I only remember bits and pieces of gameplay. I really want to play it though.
Game #67 is definitely "Heroes of Might and Magic 3"!
Close! I'm pretty sure it's Heroes of Might and Magic 1. I was a huge fan of 2, number 3 not so much, and everything that came after was just heresy.


New member
Oct 5, 2011
chucho13 said:
hi guys, i remember used to play this game on an emulator (not sure if nes or snes), (sorry for my english :/). It was an rpg, like final fantasy, and you started with a horse, and you could get a boat after if you wanted to.

And i remeber that you could command a lot of different createures, like archers, trolls and even ghosts. I remeber that the ghosts every time you attack they duplicated his number or something, but if you had too many ghosts they would attack you and that's all i remember. It's a long shot but it's worth the try.


Sounds a lot like Heroes of Might and Magic, but I don't think that ever appeared on a home console...?


New member
Oct 5, 2011
Pangeus said:
I remeber this game, but can not remeber the name. I'm going insane!
- it's an old action rpg (not turn based), with 2d graphic, a snes or gba game maybe
- you collect small animals, you can equip 2 of them simultaneously, they give your weapon (a boomerang) magical powers
- sometimes you have to use your boomerang with the right magic to go forward in the game, like toss it at water to turn it in ice using the ice-boomerang
- a level is in heaven or at least on clouds
Help me please, thank you!
Sounds a lot like Soleil/Crusader of Centy/Ragnacenty on Megadrive/Genesis.


New member
Nov 16, 2012
Hey guys, there was a game I played years and years ago on PC.

It may have been on one of those old 1000 games collections but I'm not certain on that.

The game had a weird name, possibly starting with a Z or a strange letter like that... Again I can't guarantee that, my memory is hazy.

The game might have been about gladiators, fighting monsters in an arena... There was a huge variety of monsters that you could fight against, all looking very... Unique... The game was 2D and could go multiplayer I believe. I also believe you may have been able to do things between battles, buy stuff etc. But again, I'm not certain on anything.

Is there any old PC game this sounds like?


New member
Nov 12, 2009
Big challenge. PC game, not sure about release date, 2001-2004 branch mostly sure.

Isometric, Diablo like gameplay but you did use some kind of "explorer" Indiana Jones style with a rifle and a shotgun and some maps were Egypt-like ambient, with sand and pyramids and such. Did find it pretty enjoyable would love to rescue it hehe, ty in advance!


Cosplaying Nuclear Physicist
Nov 19, 2009
Man I got a few I think would give people a run for their money, but I got a few clues.

One game was on the old Macintosh computers back when I was 7 to 12 years old in elementary school. It would have been between 1997 to 2002. It was this marine fish game where there were four stages, and each stage you had to collect enough food to survive up to the next stage without getting eaten by the predators. And each stage made you higher on the food chain. There were tons of fish to choose from and try out. At the end, if you won, you would see this little cutscene of a shark going up to a ship in the distance and sinking it. It was a side-scroller game.

The other one is a shareware game that was like a breakout game. It was a trilogy that had many stages to it and each of them varied in quality. The other thing I remember was that the title started with the letter "B". I searched and Googled everywhere, and I can't find anything that rings a bell. It had really smooth music, with the third one being more of a puzzle game than a breakout game, with keys to gather with your ball and paddle. This game would have been around 1997 to 2002 as well. And on a Macintosh. Or maybe it started with an "R" and involved a "B" in the title.


New member
Nov 15, 2012
rubidiumelemen said:
I remembered playing a racing car game and these car have weapon. For example, one has magnet to pull the car in front back to it, and another one use chemical poison (to shrink other cars temporarily if i remember it right). The game has many racing mode, like normal, reserved, normal + night, reversed + night.
If you guys know this game. pls tell me :D
More info: It's a PC game, with big car, and the screen is divided into upper and lower part in multiplayer mode. Anyone knows this, pls?


New member
Nov 16, 2012
I remember this one online game about 7-8 years ago(PC, might have been flash) where essentially everyone is an alien. It was displayed in a top-down perspective. There were enemies which would chase you(I think they had cones in front so you could see their vision). I don't recall what would happen upon being caught but I do recall being able to swap body parts with enemies to improve your character. I don't recall the improvements, but I think one of them was speed. I also believe the title starts with a "G", but again I'm not entirely sure.

Lastly, I recall this minigame in it(still top-down perspective) where you were limited to a square of space. You took control of a spaceship and faced others. You could destroy them by causing them to run into walls which were created by the trail of your spaceship.

That's all I can really remember. Thanks in advance!

EDIT: It's Galidor Quest


New member
Nov 16, 2012
Hey all. I remember the game but i don`t remember name :( i played this game around 2000 - 2005s on windows 2000. game was turn based ,battle , there was a 5 or 3 marines in bay whose trying to find their group. I think game ir 2D , there was gigant insects , aliens , and other monsters which i kill in battle mode 1 turn by me 1 by enemy . i remember that, i needed find a keys to get in building.. i`ve be searching this game long time but all failure. :( Sorry for my bad english.