Old Games you remember playing but can't remember the name of.


New member
Nov 17, 2012
Okay. I can't remember much about this game. I played it in school in the early 2000's. It was an elementary PC game. I believe it was mostly about math, but I vaguely remember a metronome and a piano somewhere in there. I do remember it being sort of creepy, almost like a Halloween game. I remember clicking on a tower to go inside and there, you had to grow a certain amount of crops to make a potion or something. You had to figure out how many seeds to plant and how much water and sunlight to give to yield the correct number of fruit or whatever. And then I believe if you went through the woods, you found these three witches and you had to measure the correct ingredients for a potion... And there was a labyrinth, but I don't remember what was inside. And I know you had to beat a certain amount of the games to unlock the door to this house on a hill. Although, I don't remember what was inside. But every time to made it in, you ended up back outside and had to complete more games (they were the same games but harder than before) again. And I think as you completed the games, a jewel or something would light up on the door.. And it was always night time and it was pretty much storming the entire time.

And there was another pc game I played in school. It was a mansion, and the person who owned it was a cat. And every time you found all the clues, you would get a picture of that mansion in your hall.. I'm wanting to say it was "reading mansion" or something g like that.


New member
Nov 16, 2012
3ankoosh said:
old game, probably 90's that u choose between helicopter, car or a tank, u choose them in a base like screen ( helicopter on top right, car on the top left and tank in the bottom[something like that])and if u choose the tank at the beginning, if it gets destroyed u don't loose; u choose 1 of ur remaining vehicle until all are destroyed. it had multi-player and I used to play it with my brother on the same pc, as I recall we were against each other, there were towers near his base that kept attacking me and I think that there was some sort of ctf mission I'm supposed to do. it had a really big map and lots of stuff to do. I also remember that when u go deep in the sea a submarine comes out and destroys u.
anyone could help me out?

edit: the map was desert and it was 3rd person view like the camera is in the sky.
can someone please help me? :/

Bast Priestess

New member
Nov 15, 2012
Curlystraw said:
Slenn said:
Man I got a few I think would give people a run for their money, but I got a few clues.

One game was on the old Macintosh computers back when I was 7 to 12 years old in elementary school. It would have been between 1997 to 2002. It was this marine fish game where there were four stages, and each stage you had to collect enough food to survive up to the next stage without getting eaten by the predators. And each stage made you higher on the food chain. There were tons of fish to choose from and try out. At the end, if you won, you would see this little cutscene of a shark going up to a ship in the distance and sinking it. It was a side-scroller game.

The other one is a shareware game that was like a breakout game. It was a trilogy that had many stages to it and each of them varied in quality. The other thing I remember was that the title started with the letter "B". I searched and Googled everywhere, and I can't find anything that rings a bell. It had really smooth music, with the third one being more of a puzzle game than a breakout game, with keys to gather with your ball and paddle. This game would have been around 1997 to 2002 as well. And on a Macintosh. Or maybe it started with an "R" and involved a "B" in the title.
I'm positive I played the first game at some point... can't remember though, sorry! Could sharks eat almost everything? I remember thinking it was funny that sharks ate sponges...

but that second one, It sounds a LOT like Bebop I-III. I loved those games! Sadly, I can't find them anywhere on the internet, and it seems they were lost to the sands of time.
Was the marine fish game Odell Lake? I'm looking for my game and have come across something that looks like it could be it. I've never played it, but there's a screencap on this link that also tells of a sequel.



New member
Oct 30, 2007
dannytnc said:

I played this game on a PS2. It was a medieval co-op game. It was RPGish if I remember correctly. You had to beat levels with bosses, I remember a Scarecrow boss. I also remeber there were these 3 chests that if you opened the incorrect one, Death will appear. I think there were 3 classes to choose from, I only remember the archer one.

Hope you guys know something about it...
That sounds like a game in the Gauntlet series. I think there were a few different ones on the PS2.

Slenn said:
Curlystraw said:
I'm positive I played the first game at some point... can't remember though, sorry! Could sharks eat almost everything? I remember thinking it was funny that sharks ate sponges...
I remembered that the sharks couldn't eat plankton. And I don't remember what exactly the main disadvantage of the shark was. I think it might have been that you needed to eat a lot more food.
I remember a SNES game involving fish that go up the food chain over time - EVO?

Can't think of anything similar on the PC though.


Cosplaying Nuclear Physicist
Nov 19, 2009
Planeforger said:
I remember a SNES game involving fish that go up the food chain over time - EVO?

Can't think of anything similar on the PC though.
Don't think that's it. I Googled some screen shots and it's not like the game I'm thinking of. The game was entirely marine life in modern day.


New member
Nov 17, 2012
helloo guys , i remember playing a game on ps1 , you played as a red duck i recall , and you played through different levels , it was like a 2d game you go left right and up thts it , i hope i gave enough info , because i played this game more than ten years ago :/ !!


New member
Nov 18, 2012
i had this one game for the ps2 i cant rememember the name for the life of me. its four guys (classic japanese dudes with big colorful hair), and your trying to save a girl and you have to run around and fight these like black ninja ghost things, and theres like a typical bad guy you always almost catch but never do till the end. you fight robots in one part, and in one part your fighting trhough diffrent trains and then the train station is about to blow up and you have to escape....im only remebering like bits and peices but if anyone could help it would be greatly appreciated!! thanks


New member
Jan 25, 2012
3ankoosh said:
3ankoosh said:
old game, probably 90's that u choose between helicopter, car or a tank, u choose them in a base like screen ( helicopter on top right, car on the top left and tank in the bottom[something like that])and if u choose the tank at the beginning, if it gets destroyed u don't loose; u choose 1 of ur remaining vehicle until all are destroyed. it had multi-player and I used to play it with my brother on the same pc, as I recall we were against each other, there were towers near his base that kept attacking me and I think that there was some sort of ctf mission I'm supposed to do. it had a really big map and lots of stuff to do. I also remember that when u go deep in the sea a submarine comes out and destroys u.
anyone could help me out?

edit: the map was desert and it was 3rd person view like the camera is in the sky.
can someone please help me? :/
That sounds like Return Fire. I've only played it briefly but looking it up again, it sounds like what you are describing.

Jason Rayes

New member
Sep 5, 2012
3ankoosh said:
old game, probably 90's that u choose between helicopter, car or a tank, u choose them in a base like screen ( helicopter on top right, car on the top left and tank in the bottom[something like that]) it had multiplayer used to play it with my brother on the same pc, as i recall we were against each other, there were towers near his base that kept attacking me and i think that there was some sort of ctf mission im supposed to do. it had a really big map and lots of stuff to do. i also remember that when u go deep in the sea a submarine comes out and destroys u.
anyone could help me out?

edit: the map was desert and it was 3rd person view like the camera is in the sky.
Sounds like one of the Silkworm games, Swiv 3D from the camera description

Nov 18, 2012
i remember this one game that was imaginary. it was for nintendo 64 and the main character was a girl. all i remember was a girl who was dressed in pink and looked like a cat kind of that would walk/jump on two feet. can someone help me identify this game please?


New member
Nov 18, 2012
It was around 2000 and i watched an interesting puzzle game on PC. It had a black background and you had to move some blue-ish kind of "pills" from one point to another. I remember that when you did something right or wrong, or passing through a obstacle it made a kind of electricity effect. The menu of the game looked like a mage with an electricity spell...hope this helps. And thank you very much for your effort guys.


New member
Nov 18, 2012
It was 2d platform game, with option for 2 players for sure, maybe more than 2. The point of each level was to paint all windows on the high-rise's floor, so your character could run, jump and paint (one player=one color). There were few buildings, with bosses on the highest floors. After completing a level you were given statistics how many windows each of you have painted I think. I also remember bonus time rounds. Some guys wanted to kill you... can't recall anything more right now.
It would be great if anyone could help me.


New member
Nov 18, 2012
i remember a racing game when i was little cant remember the name had some crazy cars u had to fight bosses and complete weird levels it was kinda like a puzzle game it had cartoon graphics

Alduin Silas

New member
Aug 3, 2011
This one is not going to be easy, but as it's been many, MANY years ago, I wouldn't be surprised. I found Warlords, Spaceward Ho and Pushie, but one game I used to play eludes me.

It was a side-scroller platformer game, much like Mario. Like Mario it had fairly cutesy sound effects, but somewhat more advanced graphics. I remember three levels.
The first was a sort of Mario-esque level, with spike pits you had to jump over.
The second one is the most memorable. It was a train level, and you had to jump along pipes and uneven carriages on a moving train while avoiding these flying monsters that would swoop across the screen at you.It was the hardest of the three.
The third level was full of sandy yellow, I presumed it was a beach level.

To give you all the sort of timeframe/level of technology, I believe I played it on an Acorn computer that dated back to 1993, but I was about 11 or 12 at the time I played it, around the start of the millenia. A cookie to anyone who can tell me what it was.

Connor Webb

New member
Nov 17, 2012
Found the alien one - It was "Chex Quest". XD

Still need the second one, however...the game where you were the kid in a haunted castle/town/mansion (honestly can't remember which). Enemies were undead - zombies, skeletons, banshees. I remember one part you're in a giant square room, which you fight two of the banshees and it was actually quite hard. At least for a 6 year old kid. But yeah, if someone can help me with this...<3


New member
Nov 12, 2009
Crivil said:
Big challenge. PC game, not sure about release date, 2001-2004 branch mostly sure.

Isometric, Diablo like gameplay but you did use some kind of "explorer" Indiana Jones style with a rifle and a shotgun and some maps were Egypt-like ambient, with sand and pyramids and such. Did find it pretty enjoyable would love to rescue it hehe, ty in advance!
A lil bumb, just in case
Nov 18, 2012
I used to play a game on my Dad's old work PC must have been around 1995, but I beleive the game was MUCH olderthan that. No fancy graphics, just a grid of squares with a couple of walls and a door at either side of the map. You played as six or seven characters of the Aliens films...all symbolised as a square tile with an abbreviation of their name on it.
They went like so...

Ap = Sergant Al Apone
Cr = Private Crowe
Dr = Private Drake
Fr = Private Frost
Hi = Private Hicks
Hu = Private Hudson
Vq = Private Vasquez
Wi = Prvate Wierzbowski

The computer did have windows but the game was loaded up through DOS, It was based on the ALIENS series of films, but I can find no record of it, I'm not sure it was official.

It was top-down and turn based, and at the beginning you had to choose where to place your characters on the right hand side of the screen, and aliens would slowly appear from the door in the left of the screen.

The aim was to move your characters to the left-hand side and get through the door, killing aliens to progress.
I only ever got to the third room once. It was so damn hard.

You could only ever move the characters one or two spaces, or take a shot with your gun at an alien, then the aliens would move and if they got you it would say something like "Hudson is engaged in melee with an alien" and then he would have say one or two more turns before dying, and you could try and shoot the alien with another character.

Some times they would survive, and I think then they would be injured and another character could carry them.

Please please help and message me if you can!


New member
Nov 19, 2012
i can't remember if it was on a playstation or playstation 2 but it was the between the years 2001-2006. you played a girl(long hair tied up) and im sure the title had something to do with portals. there were different places, one was a big room that looked like the inside of a spaceship, im sure you could jump of like ledges and fly down to the bottom. i cant even remember what you had to do in the game because i was about 8! but there was also levels in a forest, it was quite futuristic. does anyone have any idea what im talking about?!