Old Games you remember playing but can't remember the name of.


New member
Nov 11, 2012
Kackwurst said:
Hey there here's my game.

I played it on Windows XP
Simple (toy) car game with four players/cars (red,blue,green,yellow) and one of the players was "glowing" and the others
had to catch the glowing by hitting the opponents car. And you won if you would glow for like 30 seconds or so.
The map/race track was totally simple, only little hills that made you bump but no great texture or something.
You could play together with friends on the same keyboard and the screen would split.

Played it around 2004 - 2007 or something like that.
I got it from a CD of a german gaming magazine.

Hope you guys 'll know anything.

Found it it's: Napkin Race


New member
Nov 16, 2012

I played this game on a PS2. It was a medieval co-op game. It was RPGish if I remember correctly. You had to beat levels with bosses, I remember a Scarecrow boss. I also remeber there were these 3 chests that if you opened the incorrect one, Death will appear. I think there were 3 classes to choose from, I only remember the archer one.

Hope you guys know something about it...

Roxas AL-zedjali

New member
Nov 16, 2012
please some one help this game has been hunting my dreams for about 2 years

i remember playing when i was at the 90s at school pc i think it was windows
but the game graphics was amazing like watching interactive movie
third grade

its horror click and touch game

the cover was
3 or 2 kids escaping from something

game play
click and go to place
and you can collect i think hidden coins


i can remember only this

bunch of kids running at their hood at night
then i think a portal transported them into a creepy town
you play
and find your two friends trapped at punishment stocks
you cant help em
so you search the creepy town
house by house

i cant remember more

the game play is point and click
the time line of the release i think from
95 to 2002
the graphics were amazing for its time
its like watching a movie

i think it were live action or real good cg

but please people help me remember this game
Dec 16, 2009
i remember a game on the Genesis/Mega Drive, where you had beaten death in a duel and were granted immortality as your prize.

you play the game 1000's of years old,withered and sorry for yourself. the point of the game i think was to find the mcguffin that would bring you peace through death.

would love to know the name of that game

EDIT; found it Chakan


New member
Nov 16, 2012
I have this game played about 6 years ago or so. You controlled a land with a beach or something, where you could build houses (smaller and bigger ones) road, tennis and other stuff i cant quite remember, probably lemonade stand too. And you could change the playing music in the background. Im not sure what was the goal, maybe to earn more money, to buy more fancy stuff.


New member
Nov 16, 2012
old game, probably 90's that u choose between helicopter, car or a tank, u choose them in a base like screen ( helicopter on top right, car on the top left and tank in the bottom[something like that]) it had multiplayer used to play it with my brother on the same pc, as i recall we were against each other, there were towers near his base that kept attacking me and i think that there was some sort of ctf mission im supposed to do. it had a really big map and lots of stuff to do. i also remember that when u go deep in the sea a submarine comes out and destroys u.
anyone could help me out?

edit: the map was desert and it was 3rd person view like the camera is in the sky.


New member
Nov 16, 2012
old game, probably 90's that u choose between helicopter, car or a tank, u choose them in a base like screen ( helicopter on top right, car on the top left and tank in the bottom[something like that])and if u choose the tank at the beginning, if it gets destroyed u don't loose; u choose 1 of ur remaining vehicle until all are destroyed. it had multi-player and I used to play it with my brother on the same pc, as I recall we were against each other, there were towers near his base that kept attacking me and I think that there was some sort of ctf mission I'm supposed to do. it had a really big map and lots of stuff to do. I also remember that when u go deep in the sea a submarine comes out and destroys u.
anyone could help me out?

edit: the map was desert and it was 3rd person view like the camera is in the sky.



New member
Nov 16, 2012
old game, probably 90's that u choose between helicopter, car or a tank, u choose them in a base like screen ( helicopter on top right, car on the top left and tank in the bottom[something like that]) it had multiplayer used to play it with my brother on the same pc, as i recall we were against each other, there were towers near his base that kept attacking me and i think that there was some sort of ctf mission im supposed to do. it had a really big map and lots of stuff to do. i also remember that when u go deep in the sea a submarine comes out and destroys u.
anyone could help me out?

edit: the map was desert and it was 3rd person view like the camera is in the sky.


New member
Nov 17, 2012
Hey guys,

Here goes nothing. I'm looking or some PC abandonware from the period of 1995-1990 (I remember playing this game back in '95). I cannot remember the name of this game and I have been searching around for it for a while. It would be nice to nostalgia hard once again.

Here is what I remember:
*It is reminiscent of a 2D pac-man style puzzle game.
- The player eats greenish blocks as he moves around the map
- you must solve puzzles to complete the map
- there are some green blocks that you must not eat because things will drop and kill you (typical puzzle style).
- I'm pretty sure the theme of the game was computerish parts but I cannot fully recollect

This description is very vague and I am sorry for that but if someone else remembers this game, I think Pac-man style gameplay with green blocks and computer parts should be enough to jog a memory.

Thank you for any help you can give me :)


New member
Oct 26, 2012
Okay i got a Few more!

First game:

1)I played this game back in 2007.
2)It was a 3D 3rd person view.
3)The theme was Fairies.
4)You would go around a forest, And sometimes Villages, Fighting other Fairies.
5)When you fight the fairies, You could fly around some Pyramid formation as if i remember correctly.
6)This game had a 4 Letter name like, Aios or noxi, But it is not Nox if u wonder :].
7)I remember a scene where you were near a Windmill with water falling on it and spinning it.
-That's pretty much all i remember ;'[

Second Game i need:

1)Played in 2006-2007.
2)This game was in the desert somewhere.
3)you had this jeep With a Coaxial Machine gun on top.
4)The enemies were hiding in a bunker covered with leafage and Branches
5)When i think of this game i automatically think of the word Scorpion.
And thats all i know :]

Thank you guys!

Jhon Martin Englis

New member
Nov 17, 2012
I don't remember the name of the game. It is when i build their hut, houses and stuff like that then they come out of their homes and fight the others that look like them, accept that the enemies are darker and their in the dark side. They are tribes, and they look like Indians. Somebody tell me what it is called?


New member
Nov 17, 2012
I'm trying to find a computer game I used to play when I was younger. I don't the goal of the game, I just remember there were a bunch of colored mice and it was one of my favorite games. I think it was like Mouse Trap, but I've searched everywhere and I can't find it. Any suggestions?

Connor Webb

New member
Nov 17, 2012
Two games, both of these were probably played about 10 years ago, and both were on computer, and I unfortunately don't remember much, though if I can find either of them I'd love it.


The HUD was somewhat like Doom. It was something like a haunted mansion or castle that you were in (I think). You fought zombies, skeletons, and banshees and stuff. You're a kid and the more damage you took, the more "zombified" your portrait looked. Don't remember much else.:/


I can't remember much about the HUD but I think it was also like Doom. Sorta futuristic and you fought aliens, which spit snot or something like it at you.

I think both were kind of a first person shooter and strategic thing. I'll love you forever if you can help me


New member
Oct 13, 2009
Katalyst said:
Hey guys,

Here goes nothing. I'm looking or some PC abandonware from the period of 1995-1990 (I remember playing this game back in '95). I cannot remember the name of this game and I have been searching around for it for a while. It would be nice to nostalgia hard once again.

Here is what I remember:
*It is reminiscent of a 2D pac-man style puzzle game.
- The player eats greenish blocks as he moves around the map
- you must solve puzzles to complete the map
- there are some green blocks that you must not eat because things will drop and kill you (typical puzzle style).
- I'm pretty sure the theme of the game was computerish parts but I cannot fully recollect

This description is very vague and I am sorry for that but if someone else remembers this game, I think Pac-man style gameplay with green blocks and computer parts should be enough to jog a memory.

Thank you for any help you can give me :)
Sounds like Supaplex.


New member
Nov 12, 2012
Slenn said:
Man I got a few I think would give people a run for their money, but I got a few clues.

One game was on the old Macintosh computers back when I was 7 to 12 years old in elementary school. It would have been between 1997 to 2002. It was this marine fish game where there were four stages, and each stage you had to collect enough food to survive up to the next stage without getting eaten by the predators. And each stage made you higher on the food chain. There were tons of fish to choose from and try out. At the end, if you won, you would see this little cutscene of a shark going up to a ship in the distance and sinking it. It was a side-scroller game.

The other one is a shareware game that was like a breakout game. It was a trilogy that had many stages to it and each of them varied in quality. The other thing I remember was that the title started with the letter "B". I searched and Googled everywhere, and I can't find anything that rings a bell. It had really smooth music, with the third one being more of a puzzle game than a breakout game, with keys to gather with your ball and paddle. This game would have been around 1997 to 2002 as well. And on a Macintosh. Or maybe it started with an "R" and involved a "B" in the title.
I'm positive I played the first game at some point... can't remember though, sorry! Could sharks eat almost everything? I remember thinking it was funny that sharks ate sponges...

but that second one, It sounds a LOT like Bebop I-III. I loved those games! Sadly, I can't find them anywhere on the internet, and it seems they were lost to the sands of time.


Cosplaying Nuclear Physicist
Nov 19, 2009
Curlystraw said:
I'm positive I played the first game at some point... can't remember though, sorry! Could sharks eat almost everything? I remember thinking it was funny that sharks ate sponges...

but that second one, It sounds a LOT like Bebop I-III. I loved those games! Sadly, I can't find them anywhere on the internet, and it seems they were lost to the sands of time.
I remembered that the sharks couldn't eat plankton. And I don't remember what exactly the main disadvantage of the shark was. I think it might have been that you needed to eat a lot more food.

And regarding Bebop. I'm glad someone has helped me remember it. So thank you very much. It's not even listed on the list of Macintosh games in Wikipedia. And that list has listed some of the games that were discussed here! There were even shareware games like Barrack and Realmz, that were on that list, but not Bebop? Holy cow. No wonder I've never been able to find it.


Cosplaying Nuclear Physicist
Nov 19, 2009

Nevermind! I found it! Gameshots of a game that I haven't seen in over a decade!


New member
Nov 17, 2012
Shot in the dark here. An old first person shooter game from around the 1990's on PC. There aren't many things I remember exactly, but I remember that there were a lot of platforms that raised up and down slowly, and I also remember that when you died, it was extremely dramatic. The first level was also outside. Really vague, I know, but any help is appreciated.

Wyze Krakker

New member
Nov 13, 2012
Batou667 said:
Shoggoth2588 said:
I need some help here please: There are a couple of games which I would really love to get my hands back on.

The first is a game on the Sega Genesis. It was a first-person shooter which starts out by choosing one of...a few people. Each character has a special weapon but after that they can pick up and use every other weapon in the game...I think. I made it to some level or other where I was eventually insta-killed by something I couldn't see...maybe snipers.
Wait, Did you say Genesis, and FPS?

Genesis had very few true FPS games - one of them was Bloodshot/Battle Frenzy.

Is it possibly you're thinking of the on-rail part of Alien Storm, or something like that?
zerohour1974 said:
Wyze Krakker said:
Okay guys (and girls, presumably): I remember an old arcade game that had a barbarian for a main character that began with an "R". You could swing from vines or jump up and point your sword down to reach a cave below. One of the monsters you fought was like a chimera that shot fireballs. I think another one was like a woman/witch or something. Any thoughts?


Yes!! That's it! You're amazing!