Old Games you remember playing but can't remember the name of.

Team Silent

New member
Nov 20, 2012
Im sorry i dont know where to make my own post but mayb someone can read this and help me out. I used to play this game in the 90s for pc and i cant even remember the name and its driving me insane lol. Its about this old wierd man making his way through a tower or castle where he encounters weird enemies. The floors have food and water and he needs these things otherwise he dies. He carries a satchel bag and walks with a cane and uses it for his majick. Help me please lol


New member
Oct 20, 2011
Daniel Demonteverde said:
remember that PS2 Game where you had different weird cars and arenas? Like you were in this arena where there where other weird cars, and the goal was destroying the other ones with your weapons.
I remember my favorite was this toy car, although they all looked like toys. Oh, and one arena was a kids room.
Please help, i really miss my childhood :)
Was it micro maniacs?


New member
Oct 13, 2009
Team Silent said:
Im sorry i dont know where to make my own post but mayb someone can read this and help me out. I used to play this game in the 90s for pc and i cant even remember the name and its driving me insane lol. Its about this old wierd man making his way through a tower or castle where he encounters weird enemies. The floors have food and water and he needs these things otherwise he dies. He carries a satchel bag and walks with a cane and uses it for his majick. Help me please lol
Sounds like Mystic Towers.


New member
Nov 20, 2012
Can you help me remember the name of this game?
Hi, I am trying to remember the title of a game I played a while ago on the PC.
It was a windows 98 game I believe,
It was a top down shooter,
The into began as you were created as a cyborg in an assembly line,
The main character was bald,
The demo ended with you, a cyborg type-robot lying on a chair on the beach, I only played the demo)
There were power ups you could get on the ground,
The action was fairly hectic and you were shooting, if I recall correctly, some kind of aliens.
Any help would be fantastic, as this is really been bugging me as of late!


New member
Nov 20, 2012
I remember playing a PC hunting game of sorts where you moved up a food chain or something in the 90's, the screen had tiles on it with animals spread across a few of them, and it had Rondo Alla Turca by Mozart playing in the background of it, I think it was a puzzle game but I'm not entirely sure

please help! :(


New member
Nov 20, 2012
SandwichProtector said:
Hi all,I played a game when I was a child a horror game and I played it on PSX I think so if it's not on PS2.I think it was released between 1990 to 2002. You play with a woman i guess her daughter possessed or ghost I remember a seine that there was a hand on the table its cut but it moves and the Blood is green and looks like a vomit on it. also the piano is playing on it's self and You play in a house it surrounded by trees.(P.S I guess it was an Asian horror games more like Japanese horror games) . Anyone have any clue,thanks.
I think you're talking about Clock Tower for PS1.


New member
Nov 20, 2012
There's this one game I played on my PC like ten years ago or something. It was a first person game (I think, but most likely) in medieval age. I had a sword and i remember walking through some castle, you know, just chillin', and I could talk to some people. If I attacked them, I'd end up in jail (this little basement that had an entrance from the outside of the castle, but inside the walls). I also remember going into some woods. First I had to cross a stream or a river to get in the woods. I could kill a boar in the woods, but I think it always killed me first, cause I sucked. OH YEAH, I could also end up (can't remember how) in some magical place. I remember I could climb some floating stairs to end up in wizards chambers (I think it was a female wizard whom I could talk to) and it looked a bit like some library and the background was all space-ish. That's all I can remember, please help me!


New member
Jan 21, 2012
A PS1 game where you played as a little kid walking through nightmares with a candle in hand. I vaguely remember a pirate ship level.

Mahjabin Chowdhury

New member
Nov 20, 2012
I am looking for a game i used to play long time back. I don't remember the name of the game and its killing me. The game started with the player's nanny asks the player to feed the pigs. Then gives him some gold coins to explore the island. He goes and eats apricots from the apricot trees and gains energy then kills some insects by smashing them with his legs and collects gold coins. Can anyone help me find the game. I really want to play it once again. Thank you


New member
Nov 20, 2012
Mahjabin Chowdhury said:
I am looking for a game i used to play long time back. I don't remember the name of the game and its killing me. The game started with the player's nanny asks the player to feed the pigs. Then gives him some gold coins to explore the island. He goes and eats apricots from the apricot trees and gains energy then kills some insects by smashing them with his legs and collects gold coins. Can anyone help me find the game. I really want to play it once again. Thank you
Are you thinking of Dink Smallwood?

I have my own request:

Late 1980s / mid 1990s fantasy maze and puzzle game I played as a kid

The primary goal of the game is to navigate a large maze / labyrinth "dungeon" with various obstacles, gatherable objects, and puzzle elements

You have a large 1st person "faux 3D" view and a small 2D top down map that's revealed as you explore

You can pick up tokens in a variety of colors to unlock different areas, as well as other objects such as a rug to cross a dangerous pool of ooze, food to tame pesky animals, etc

At the end of the labyrinth, all of the animals and obstacles in the labyrinth are having a party

Its graphic design is comparable to Legend of Grimrock but without combat elements

It's a kid's game, so there's no explicit / violent material in it

My memory is faint, but I have strong feelings associating this labyrinth to a medieval castle game where you can explore a cut-away castle, see the different names of objects and rooms in the castle, and even joust (I believe there is also a room with a wizard / alchemist in it). However, I'm not sure if these games are one in the same. I may be confusing two games for one. There was a Yahoo Answers post detailing the labyrinth game exactly, but it was no help. I will look for the link. I hope this is sufficient (Driving me crazy). Thank you.

Ricardo Mendes

New member
Nov 4, 2012
danyuhhl said:
There's this one game I played on my PC like ten years ago or something. It was a first person game (I think, but most likely) in medieval age. I had a sword and i remember walking through some castle, you know, just chillin', and I could talk to some people. If I attacked them, I'd end up in jail (this little basement that had an entrance from the outside of the castle, but inside the walls). I also remember going into some woods. First I had to cross a stream or a river to get in the woods. I could kill a boar in the woods, but I think it always killed me first, cause I sucked. OH YEAH, I could also end up (can't remember how) in some magical place. I remember I could climb some floating stairs to end up in wizards chambers (I think it was a female wizard whom I could talk to) and it looked a bit like some library and the background was all space-ish. That's all I can remember, please help me!
Have you looked at the early Elder Scrolls? arena, daggerfall, etc?


New member
Nov 20, 2012
Hi guys.

I am trying to remember the name of a PC game:

You are stuck on a planet and you have to try to escape.
You have 4 zones on the planet which you can only get to by using tunnels. Some of the tunnels are blocked until you are able to get a better spaceship.

There are video sequences as you progress with the storyline, played by various actors and part of the storyline is the authorities seem to be turning people into food....

If you ever got damaged you could repair under lights, which also was a great place to attack others and get cash/parts.

At the end of the game there was a suggestion that there would be a sequel, although I rang the company and they did not have a clue what I was talking about :(

This was a great game, well beyond it's time and I would love to remember the name.


New member
Nov 19, 2012
Ricardo Mendes said:
MADM1K3 said:
Going to copy my post on XKCD if you don't mind :)

So it's basically X-com/Syndicate hybrid with graphics from Crusader. Sorry for such a vague description :(
Maybe Jagged alliance? i haven't played it in a couple of years, and i don't remember clearly, but it kinda fits your description (as far as i remember)
JA is a super mainstream, you can't forget it's name :) My game was in the future with guys in power armor of different colors.

ScarFace AM

New member
Nov 20, 2012
ok guys ther was this game... it online like in armorgames.com etc... it had a ship sppace ship and u are with a team ... who actually starts the game as the ship wrecks into a planet and u wake up talking to th team leader so then you start playing the game searching for parts across the planet searching for items that could help you ... its like riddle solving picture game ... each time u see something you try to get it to work so that u get ur ship to work and fly back home
it not an only one like maybe 2008-12 i used to play it but now cant find it anymore :(
help appreciated :)


New member
Mar 15, 2011
MADM1K3 said:
Genre: It's either TBS or RTS. Can't remember exactly but leaning towards RTS.
I think I know this game. Lemme dig my archives...

Enemy Infestation or Incubation, one of those.


New member
Oct 1, 2012
Over ten years ago there was this game on my T-83 graphing calculator that I remember being fun. You were some kind of criminal who would fight people and drink beer. I think there was a drug economy (unless I'm mixing up two games) where different cities had different prices and you could buy low and sell high to make more money.

You used money to buy better weapons and/maybe? armor to fight tougher opponents. There were like 5 or so cities that you "traveled" to via black and white pixalated menu screens.

The thing I will always remember is once I had a hundred dollars and decided to buy a hundred $1 beers and drink them. After I made that choice I received a screen that said something to the effect of "you have drank 100 beers, your BAC is now 100 percent. You are dead."

I'd love to get nostalgic and play it again years later, if anybody knows what I'm talking about.


New member
Nov 20, 2012
I used to play a PC game when I was a kid. It was a 2d platformer. You had to colect tiny round gold ingots nad sometimes there were diamonds. The player character was dressed in a white lab coat (I think!). The first level was at the surface, and very easy, but then you had to go down on a mine elevator to reach the second level. Then there were some enemies running back and forth, and chasing you, and you could run to the elevator cage and use it as a safe zone. If you touched the enemies you would die.
To go to the next level you had to collect gold or gems and reach the other elvator to go down.

I hope this is enough!

Thanks in advance!


New member
Nov 20, 2012
This one hopefully won't be too hard for someone to remember. It was a two disc ps2 fantasy rpg. I remember the story line vaguely, it starts with you and your female friend (possibly GF) in a combat simulation room. When you leave and return to the room the space station/planet you are on is evacuated after aliens begin to bomb it. You lose contact with your female 'friend' and your family and you spend the night underground in a shelter. When you board a ship which is destined to take you to safety you meet up with the girl again. The ship is then attacked by the same aliens before being blown to smithereens (You being on an escape pod). Then I believe you land on a tribal like planet whom is ruled by a 'god', which turns out to be a nutter with a gun. I think you start out with a sword because guns are illegal on planets that haven't evolved to a certain point. It kind of plays like final fantasy where you run around in a open environment running into random encounters. And I stress that this was a two disc game, though I never got far enough into the story to play the second disc!

Thanks to anyone who can remember this game, i've been looking for god knows how long.