Old Games you remember playing but can't remember the name of.


New member
Nov 25, 2012
Re-post since my post got lost.

I'm also looking for a game I can't remember the name.

It's from the mid to late 90s for Windows PCs and had 3D graphics. You played a spaceship and your goal was to defend the earth from alien spaceships and asteroids. The earth was in the center of the screen and you were only able to rotate your ship around the earth with the left/right arrow key. The scales were very odd, your spaceship was about half the size of the earth.
Asteroids appeared on the screen and you had to shoot them with your laser weapons. There were also power ups which could upgrade your weapons. If the asteroids would hit the earth, huge chunks of the earth would fall apart and after a few asteroid hits the game would be over.
In later levels there were also alien spaceships which couldn't destroy the earth, but they could destroy your ship with their laser weapons. I remember, there were UFO-type spaceships (like this: http://blog.nz-online.de/peltner/files/2012/06/UFO-Meldestelle.jpg) and also types which looked like aircraft carrier IIRC. The more damage a alien spaceship took, the more it went into a spin and could hardly hit you anymore.
The level was over once you've destroyed all asteroids and all aliens. Enemies which you missed and passed earth, would re-appear after some time on the other side of the screen.

I've only played a shareware version of this game back in the late 90s and now I would like to find the full version.
Nov 29, 2012
I am looking for this old pc game that was made around 2000 or so. The premise was you are inside a space ship, that shrinks down to insect level and you fly around inside a house zapping flies,wasps,cockroaches or whatever other 6 legged pest you can think of. Anyone know the title? thanks


New member
Jan 1, 2010
Mario Lameiras said:
Since i got no reply ill repost my request.

"Ok there was a ps1 game i am looking for for a couple of months. Its a 3ps, kind of resident evil but its in space, inside a starship. I remember the rest of the crew has zombie-mutant like and they are trying to kill you. And you can swap between characters. I always though it was dead space but i couldnt find any dead space game for the psx.. So.. Any hints?"
Martian Gothic maybe?



New member
Nov 30, 2012
There was a game long ago on the PC that i got as a kid, it was installed on this very old computer(can;t excatly say) and it was this game with this dude, it probably was a demo version, i dont remember, anyways it had this dude that you control with human weapons, oh the graphics was pixeled, not smooth, and there was the first level where you start on this building that theres a secret weapon if you go to the right when you started before you go off the roof, and before you got off the roof this alien with tentalces comes out and you kill him, oh yeah if you died even when you were going to finish the level(which i never did) you restart all the way u started from, you drop down from the roof onto this park where it quiet(i think) and you go up the stairs where this "enemies" are crawling/coming and you shoot them, then you go into the building which looks like lets just say A Theme of a night club, where there was a horde of aliens which was pain in the fany since there was barly any health packs and you always die and limited ammo too.
The second level was on this ship(from the looks of it) that it looks like you got on from a pod upon when exiting on the ship, i think remebering two aliens at the entrance and you have to go through the tunneling of the ship and there was one key thing i remember about this game was that there was this colored cards(probably upgrades IDK) they were used i think to get to certain access points on the ship, in this level i remeber there being a RED Card, BLUE Card & YELLOW Card and i was getting pissed off as to where to go in the level.
If anyone knows what in the world what game I'm Talking about, I'd Greatly Apperciate it if you found the name to this game and if it's either a downloadable game or something else since that game was the first game in my childhood i have ever playd and was so addicted to it, just dam it was awesome


New member
Nov 29, 2012
BestSpartansForever said:
There was a game long ago on the PC that i got as a kid, it was installed on this very old computer(can;t excatly say) and it was this game with this dude, it probably was a demo version, i dont remember, anyways it had this dude that you control with human weapons, oh the graphics was pixeled, not smooth, and there was the first level where you start on this building that theres a secret weapon if you go to the right when you started before you go off the roof, and before you got off the roof this alien with tentalces comes out and you kill him, oh yeah if you died even when you were going to finish the level(which i never did) you restart all the way u started from, you drop down from the roof onto this park where it quiet(i think) and you go up the stairs where this "enemies" are crawling/coming and you shoot them, then you go into the building which looks like lets just say A Theme of a night club, where there was a horde of aliens which was pain in the fany since there was barly any health packs and you always die and limited ammo too.
The second level was on this ship(from the looks of it) that it looks like you got on from a pod upon when exiting on the ship, i think remebering two aliens at the entrance and you have to go through the tunneling of the ship and there was one key thing i remember about this game was that there was this colored cards(probably upgrades IDK) they were used i think to get to certain access points on the ship, in this level i remeber there being a RED Card, BLUE Card & YELLOW Card and i was getting pissed off as to where to go in the level.
If anyone knows what in the world what game I'm Talking about, I'd Greatly Apperciate it if you found the name to this game and if it's either a downloadable game or something else since that game was the first game in my childhood i have ever playd and was so addicted to it, just dam it was awesome
That sounds an awful lot like Duke Nukem 3D. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2IiYRfWoRfU look familiar?


New member
Nov 30, 2012
I'm trying to remember the name of an old Playstation 1 game. It was a first person shooter, but you had no control over your body. You couldn't even see your gun, just a target symbol wherever you were aiming. The game took you through all of these obstacle course type things. You would shoot at the "bad guys" (guys with guns, shooting at you) and try not to shoot any innocent people. There was an under water course, and there was one where the mission ended with you getting on a helicopter. I also remember someone driving through a window on a motorcycle and he was impossible to kill. If you wanted a different type of ammo you would sometimes see some floating in the air, and you'd have to shoot it before you turned away. It's driving me crazy! Does anybody else remember this game?


New member
Nov 30, 2012
First time here, so I apologize if I'm posting incorrectly.

My dad and I have been trying for YEARS to remember the name of this computer game we played in the early-mid 90's. I remember there was a guy (view was top down, not first person), and you used the keyboard to control him, moving around maze-like levels and throwing daggers at rats. I believe you also collected jewels/coins/keys, and used them to get through the doors/gates to the next level. The music was classic 90's midi plinky stuff, and at the end there was a big rat monster kind of thing that was hard to kill. I remember the background of the first level was blue, but other levels had different colors.

Good god, if anyone can help me figure out what game this was I will die of happiness.


New member
Jan 1, 2010
kaylakay25 said:
I'm trying to remember the name of an old Playstation 1 game. It was a first person shooter, but you had no control over your body. You couldn't even see your gun, just a target symbol wherever you were aiming. The game took you through all of these obstacle course type things. You would shoot at the "bad guys" (guys with guns, shooting at you) and try not to shoot any innocent people. There was an under water course, and there was one where the mission ended with you getting on a helicopter. I also remember someone driving through a window on a motorcycle and he was impossible to kill. If you wanted a different type of ammo you would sometimes see some floating in the air, and you'd have to shoot it before you turned away. It's driving me crazy! Does anybody else remember this game?
Sounds like one of those Lightgun games like Time Crisis.

kimskitchensink said:
First time here, so I apologize if I'm posting incorrectly.

My dad and I have been trying for YEARS to remember the name of this computer game we played in the early-mid 90's. I remember there was a guy (view was top down, not first person), and you used the keyboard to control him, moving around maze-like levels and throwing daggers at rats. I believe you also collected jewels/coins/keys, and used them to get through the doors/gates to the next level. The music was classic 90's midi plinky stuff, and at the end there was a big rat monster kind of thing that was hard to kill. I remember the background of the first level was blue, but other levels had different colors.

Good god, if anyone can help me figure out what game this was I will die of happiness.
Gauntlet maybe?
Early-mid 90's would probably make it Gauntlet IV.


New member
Nov 13, 2012
There was a old Playstation 1 game, you were a cop, and used a cop car in a futuristic setting in a sandbox-ish map, but through the game you could play this motorcycle thing and a flying hover copter thing, been looking for years for the game, and sadly the earlier posts brought no response :(

Robert Oosterbeek

New member
Nov 30, 2012
I'm looking for a game that has some "laser lines" going down the screen, which you can click on with the mouse so it prevents them from hitting the city's on the bottom of the screen. There were city's like Megatropolis or something... I don't remember the color of the lines, the the city's were more some sort of symbols for a city? The screen was, quite typical, black... It was a bit like looking at a DOS-painting: city's below, lines up above...
I already found JumpJet, FGodMom and Crusher back, and that diving-game :p. So I'm really curious to find this one back!


New member
Jan 1, 2010
Robert Oosterbeek said:
I'm looking for a game that has some "laser lines" going down the screen, which you can click on with the mouse so it prevents them from hitting the city's on the bottom of the screen. There were city's like Megatropolis or something... I don't remember the color of the lines, the the city's were more some sort of symbols for a city? The screen was, quite typical, black... It was a bit like looking at a DOS-painting: city's below, lines up above...
I already found JumpJet, FGodMom and Crusher back, and that diving-game :p. So I'm really curious to find this one back!
Missile Command.

Stefan Ene

New member
Nov 30, 2012
In the past i was playing a game whit a fox and his boss send him somewhere then i remember something like when he jumps hig appears a message Fairy... i dont remember more i was playing in 2008 or 2009


New member
Oct 8, 2012
i need a lot of help on this one. i have 2 games need remembering. 1 is a psp game where you level up each round and it is kinda like monster hunter but not that blitz game, you have a sword and you fight people and if you kill enough you go all shiny and stronger and you have people helping you and you can play with your friends. i know classic game room did a review on it.
2. an xbox game [not xbox360] that i played around 2008 and you could be a samuri, a wolf man, a fat hammer guy, a mummy and a lady. at the begging everyone kills them self to bring the samuri guy from the dead and you play levels and level up. it was rated teen.
so if you could tell me it would be great. thx.


New member
Nov 29, 2012
Sanjyola said:
tik said:
Looking for 3 kids games from the early/mid 90s

1. PC game. Something in space- you rode around on this weird thing that looked almost like a snowmobile/motorcycle combo, think it was red, and I don't recall exactly what you did, but it definitely involved trying to get crystals or items or something. might be called galaxy something or something galaxy? I think you got to trade in whatever you collected for various rewards. It was probably an educational game, math related or something. And asteroids were I think an enemy during some part of it, or brown asteroids with faces were somehow involved. I think what you were collecting were purple crystals?
Maybe you're talking about this game? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NVRM_-6N61Y&t=2m44s
Ah, nope. Thanks though. It wasn'ta fighting game, I think it was educationl, and it had much better graphics.


New member
Dec 1, 2012
Playstation 2 game
Strongly believed to be from before 2002
Played it when I was little and have little memory of it
All I can remember is that the main character runs around these castle like ruins and within the halls fights giant slug like creatures and when he gets outside has to fight three giant horse statues


New member
Dec 1, 2012
I'm glad I found an active thread on this topic, because I've got a tough one I'm trying to crack.

Back in the early '90s, my Grandad gave me a bunch of games and demos on a pile of floppy disks when my family got our first computer. One of the games was a shareware demo of a flight simulator, and all I remember about it was that it ran on DOS, you played from a first-person cockpit perspective, and the objective of the demo was to land on some sort of tower or something(the graphics were very primitive). I also remember it had a looping gameplay demo when you started it up, and from that I seem to remember that the plane was blue, with one set of wings; not a biplane, basically.

I can't actually recall ever knowing the name of this thing; If memory serves, the .exe that started the game was called something generic like "flight.exe" or something along those lines, and I'm starting to worry that I'll never find this game again. Anyone have the faintest clue what game I'm on about?


New member
Nov 30, 2012
Hello there, I'm currently trying to find the name of an old 3D RPG made in the 90's.

I'm fairly sure it was a DOS game in which you were a man who could transform into different beings, every being had a specific power that would unlock the next part of the game. I can't remember it very clearly, but i think atleast, one was a beast, who had super strength, there was some dwarf like creature which allowed you to walk under things to progress and big multi eyed monster which allowed you to fly.

To use the transformation powers, you had to defeat a boss, to get a crystal to be able to transform, and all the different bosses were as said these different beings that required certain tactics, the first one was the beast, you had to kick him until he was defeated. But yeah, all that I can remeber.

If anyone has a clue, please help!


New member
Dec 1, 2012
Okay, really glad I stumbled across this forum...
I have two games I need help with.

The first is a children's game...It was from the late 90's or early 2000's and VERY similar to Putt-Putt, but it wasn't Putt-Putt. You played as a little red truck with a blue hat. There was a lake where you could fish, a drag race against a green drag car, a haunted garage, etc. It's been killing me for months and I'd appreciate it if someone could help me.

The other isn't as big of a deal...It's a game...er...disc...I had for the PS1 a long time ago. It was a demo game, much like JamPack, but there were a LOT of game demos on it, including Tomb Raider, and some sort of fighting game. The only other thing I remember is the disc was pretty much a blank silver cover with a dark handprint on it...Anyone?


Joshua Ortmann

New member
Mar 15, 2011
Okay, I have this one game in mind and it has been bothering me for quite some time now. I played it around 2000-2005 on PC.

1). It was a side scrolling shooter set underwater.

2). You controlled a small blue submarine trying to evade and kill all the enemies.

3). The top of the screen had a map that showed the location of all the enemies with a red dot.

4). Once you killed all the enemies, you went onto the next level.

5). The enemies usually consisted of squids or octopuses.

6). Sometimes the enemies dropped powerups.

Thank you. :)


New member
Dec 9, 2009
Mario Lameiras said:
Since i got no reply ill repost my request.

"Ok there was a ps1 game i am looking for for a couple of months. Its a 3ps, kind of resident evil but its in space, inside a starship. I remember the rest of the crew has zombie-mutant like and they are trying to kill you. And you can swap between characters. I always though it was dead space but i couldnt find any dead space game for the psx.. So.. Any hints?"
I don't remember being able to switch characters, but Galerians, maybe?

kaylakay25 said:
I'm trying to remember the name of an old Playstation 1 game. It was a first person shooter, but you had no control over your body. You couldn't even see your gun, just a target symbol wherever you were aiming. The game took you through all of these obstacle course type things. You would shoot at the "bad guys" (guys with guns, shooting at you) and try not to shoot any innocent people. There was an under water course, and there was one where the mission ended with you getting on a helicopter. I also remember someone driving through a window on a motorcycle and he was impossible to kill. If you wanted a different type of ammo you would sometimes see some floating in the air, and you'd have to shoot it before you turned away. It's driving me crazy! Does anybody else remember this game?
Time Crisis? You're definitely describing an on-rails shooter, and that's the most well known PS1 game.